
    Podcast Summary

    • Deep State Evidence: FinCEN Leak CaseThe FinCEN leak case serves as a reminder that the deep state is a real phenomenon, not a conspiracy theory.

      The Dan Bongino Show discussed the deep state and recent developments in a FinCEN case, where a woman was arrested for leaking serious information from the financial crime enforcement network. The show highlighted the significance of this event as evidence that the deep state exists and is not a conspiracy theory. Additionally, they promoted Policy Genius as a simple and effective way to compare and buy various types of insurance, including life, disability, home, and auto insurance. The show experienced some technological difficulties during the broadcast.

    • Deep State Conspiracy Against Trump AdministrationHigh-ranking FBI and DOJ officials conspired with Clinton campaign lawyers to sabotage Trump team, latest arrest of FBI employee for leaking sensitive documents is part of larger conspiracy, deep state determined to enforce its own agenda despite public will

      There is evidence of a deep-rooted conspiracy within the U.S. government, often referred to as the deep state, working against the Trump administration. This conspiracy involved high-ranking officials from the FBI and DOJ, who exchanged information with lawyers from the Clinton campaign to sabotage Trump's team. The latest development in this story is the arrest of an FBI employee for leaking sensitive financial documents, which is believed to be part of this larger conspiracy to undermine the Trump agenda. The deep state's actions include inventing a crime against the Trump team before, during, and after the election. This conspiracy is significant because it shows that the government bureaucracy is determined to enforce its own agenda, regardless of the will of the people.

    • Unconventional channels bypassed traditional law enforcement procedures during 2016 campaignDuring the 2016 campaign, opposition researchers manipulated information and bypassed merit-based appointments to influence investigations at the highest levels of government, showcasing the 'deep state' in action.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, information was being funneled into the FBI and DOJ through unconventional channels, bypassing traditional law enforcement procedures. This information, much of which was political in nature and later proven to be false, was generated by opposition researchers working for the Clinton team and was pipelined into the highest levels of the government. The reason for bypassing the field offices was that appointments at these levels were political, not based on merit or exams, and those in power could influence appointments. This allowed the Clinton team to influence the investigation into Trump's team, despite the information being extensive garbage. This is an example of the "deep state" at work, where information is created and manipulated to influence decision-making at the highest levels of government.

    • Deep state bypassed credible agents, went straight to the topThe deep state bypassed non-politically invested agents and created a crime to legally spy on the Trump team, illustrating their willingness to act unethically, immorally, and potentially illegally to undermine the presidency.

      During the investigation into Russian collusion with the Trump team, the deep state bypassed lower-level agents with credible expertise and instead went straight to the top. Agents like Joe Armacost, who were not politically invested and would have quickly identified the collusion narrative as unfounded, were bypassed. Instead, the deep state created the crime and manufactured evidence to present to the FISA court for a warrant to legally spy on the Trump team. This was necessary after their initial attempts to unmask Trump team members and tap into their conversations had been shut down. The deep state's actions were unethical, immoral, and potentially illegal, and they illustrate the lengths to which some officials were willing to go to undermine the Trump presidency.

    • Investigators sought counterintelligence probe instead of criminal oneInvestigators went to secret FISA court to spy on Trump team, manufactured evidence, and hid their actions by transitioning to counterintelligence case for potential promotions

      The individuals involved in the investigation of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election sought a counterintelligence investigation rather than a criminal one due to their lack of evidence. They went to the FISA court, a secret and non-adversarial court, to obtain permission to spy on the Trump team. They manufactured evidence to present to the court, as they were certain Hillary Clinton would win the presidency and they stood to gain from the outcome. The transition from a criminal case to a counterintelligence case was made to hide their actions. Despite manufacturing evidence, they believed they would find something and were motivated by potential promotions within the political bureaucracy.

    • Weaponizing law enforcement tools during the 2016 electionIntelligence agencies and law enforcement tried to find wrongdoing against Trump, failed, and then used their credibility and investigative powers to weaponize tools and find something, even if it meant arresting a FinCEN employee for leaking information.

      During the 2016 election, intelligence agencies and law enforcement attempted to find evidence of wrongdoing against Donald Trump using various means, including unmasking identities, NSA database queries, and foreign intelligence meetings. When they failed to find anything, they turned to weaponizing law enforcement tools and investigations. An example of this is the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) and the arrest of a FinCEN employee, Natalie Sowers, for leaking information to BuzzFeed reporters. This falls under the category of deep state hijinks, specifically the weaponizing of law enforcement tools, as they used their credibility and investigative powers to find something, despite coming up empty-handed in their previous efforts.

    • Federal agencies investigated Trump's business dealings based on bank reportsThe FinCEN leaks exposed extensive investigations into Trump's financial activities by federal agencies through Suspicious Activity Reports and Currency Transaction Reports.

      The FinCEN leaks, which included Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) and Currency Transaction Reports (CTRs), revealed extensive investigations into Donald Trump's business dealings by various federal agencies. These reports, which are simple and easy to read, are filled out by banking institutions when they suspect illegal activity, such as money laundering. While making a large deposit doesn't make one a criminal, the government takes notice and investigates further. Most of these reports turn out to be nothing, but some do uncover criminal activity. The leaks, which included SARs and CTRs, were particularly damaging as they provided access to sensitive information regarding the inner workings of the federal government and Trump's financial dealings.

    • FBI officials discussed leaking suspicious activity reports to fuel Russia probe narrativeDuring the Russia probe, FBI officials allegedly colluded with media to leak suspicious activity reports, creating the impression of suspicious activity involving the Trump team, even when evidence was lacking. FinCEN employee Natalie Sowers and possibly a co-conspirator at FinCEN were involved, with a potential link to DOJ official Bruce Orr.

      During the Russia probe, anti-Trump officials in the FBI discussed a media leak strategy to create the impression of suspicious activity involving the Trump team, even when the evidence was lacking. This strategy involved leaking suspicious activity reports from FinCEN and other sources to the media. A key figure in this alleged scheme is Natalie Sowers, an employee at FinCEN who was arrested with a flash drive containing such reports. Reports also suggest that she may have had a co-conspirator at the upper levels of FinCEN. The DOJ official that one of FinCEN's assistant directors worked for is Bruce Orr. This raises questions about the extent of the collusion between law enforcement officials and the media to fuel the Russia investigation narrative.

    • Possibility of Two-Way Information ExchangeThe discovery of a DOJ employee's alleged involvement in leaking to FinCEN raises questions about a potential two-way information flow between Clinton's team and the DOJ/FBI

      The information flow during the investigation into the Trump team may not have been one-sided as previously assumed. The discovery that an employee of Bruce Orr, who worked at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and whose wife works for Fusion GPS, was also an alleged leaker at FinCEN, raises questions about the possibility of a two-way information exchange. This could mean that information was not only flowing from Hillary Clinton's team to the DOJ and FBI but also in the opposite direction. The implications of this are significant and could change the narrative of the deep state takedown.

    • Identifying the right Michael Cohen in investigationsFalse information and common names complicate investigations, raising questions about credibility and motivations.

      The identification of individuals involved in investigations can be a complex process, especially when common names are involved. The case of Michael Cohen serves as an example, where there are multiple individuals sharing the same name, making it difficult to determine which one is under investigation. Furthermore, there have been suggestions that false information was intentionally leaked to the media and investigative firms to create a narrative and justify deep state investigations. This could explain how incorrect information about Michael Cohen's travels to Prague ended up in the dossier. The implications of this are significant, as it raises questions about the credibility and motivations behind certain investigations.

    • Allegations of government insiders leaking info to Clinton's teamSuspected lawyer's role in obtaining suspicious financial documents, potential deep state conspiracy, implications of intelligence community involvement, and shock at complexity and seriousness of situation

      There are allegations of government insiders providing sensitive information to Hillary Clinton's team, which was then used to obtain a FISA warrant to spy on the Trump team. Michael Avanti, a lawyer, is suspected of obtaining suspicious financial documents related to Michael Cohen through unknown means. The implications of this situation are significant, as it raises questions about the integrity of the intelligence community and the potential misuse of power. The discussion also touches upon the idea that the FBI and intelligence agencies may have been involved in a deep state conspiracy to target the Trump team, cover up their actions, and damage their reputation. The overall sentiment expressed is one of shock and disbelief at the complexity and seriousness of the situation. Blinkist, a sponsor of the show, offers a solution for those who want to expand their knowledge but lack the time to read all the books they'd like to. It condenses non-fiction books into their most essential elements, allowing readers to learn key insights in just 15 minutes.

    • Allegations of collusion and fabricated evidence involving high-level officials and intelligence agenciesUnfounded allegations of collusion, unmasking, misuse of databases, potential wiretapping, and incorrect information from Hillary team. Ongoing concerns about ethical implications and potential misuse of power.

      There have been allegations of collusion and fabricated evidence involving high-level officials and intelligence agencies in what some call the "Deep State." The situation involves the FBI, CIA, DOJ, and British intelligence, with concerns of unmasking, misuse of databases, and potential wiretapping. The Hillary team is also suspected of providing incorrect information, and there have been leaks to the media. A recent arrest of a FinCen employee and an alleged co-conspirator, who may have worked with officials from the DOJ, has added new angles to this complex investigation. Despite the lack of concrete evidence, there are ongoing concerns about the ethical implications and potential misuse of power in these situations. To stay informed about the latest developments and expand your knowledge, consider checking out Blinkist for quick, mobile-friendly summaries of non-fiction books on various topics. (Blinkist.com/Dan for a free trial.)

    • Democrats plan to use debt ceiling to push for tax hikesDemocrats intend to use the debt ceiling debate as a tactic to raise taxes, despite no direct relation to the debt, and shift blame to Republicans.

      Democrats, after the midterms, are expected to push for tax hikes under the guise of addressing the debt ceiling. Despite the tax cuts having no direct relation to the debt, Democrats plan to blame the tax cuts for the debt issue and propose a tax hike as a solution. This is a tactical maneuver to gain control over the economy and your money, as they believe in socialist principles of commanding control. The debt ceiling debate, which has become a joke due to frequent waiving of the limit, will be used as an opportunity to raise taxes and shift blame to the Republicans.

    • Democrats using debt ceiling to reframe tax debateDemocrats try to link tax debate to debt ceiling, but it's a spending issue, not a debt problem. Voters must challenge their narrative and ask for spending cuts.

      The Democrats are using the debt ceiling argument to reframe the tax debate, making it seem like a tax hike is necessary to address the debt, when in reality, it's a spending problem. They're good at reframing arguments to suit their narrative, and this is another example of their devious tactics. The tax cuts and record income tax revenue prove that it's not a debt problem, but the Democrats will try to blame the Republicans for not addressing the debt ceiling and suggesting tax hikes as the solution. It's crucial for voters to be aware of this ploy and challenge the argument by asking how the tax cuts relate to the debt and the proposed solution for the extra debt. The tax debate and debt ceiling argument are separate issues, and the Democrats' hypocrisy in not addressing spending cuts is clear. It's essential to subscribe to the show and stay informed to counter their narrative.

    • Expressing gratitude and acknowledging the value of othersAcknowledging the role of audience and expressing gratitude can build strong relationships and create a positive learning environment. Ongoing learning and growth are essential for providing valuable insights and insights to others.

      The speaker expressed his heartfelt thanks to his audience for their support and interest in his book. He acknowledged their role in helping him maintain his position on the list. This simple act of acknowledgement and gratitude can go a long way in building strong relationships and fostering a positive work environment. Moreover, the speaker's use of a conversational tone and humility demonstrated his authenticity and approachability. He made the audience feel valued and appreciated, which is essential for creating a positive and engaging learning experience. Furthermore, the speaker's commitment to continuing the conversation tomorrow underscores the importance of ongoing learning and growth. It shows that he values the exchange of ideas and is dedicated to providing valuable insights to his audience. In summary, the key takeaway from our discussion today is the importance of appreciation, gratitude, and ongoing learning. By acknowledging the value of others and maintaining a positive attitude, we can build strong relationships and create a positive learning environment. Additionally, by committing to ongoing learning and growth, we can continue to provide valuable insights and insights to those around us.

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