
    Ep. 852 The Democrats Are Reading This All Wrong

    enNovember 16, 2018

    Podcast Summary

    • Trump's Chaos Theory and Election ResultsDespite popular belief, Trump's chaos theory did not significantly impact the 2018 and 2020 elections. Confidence, such as having good hair, plays a role in success.

      The Dan Bongino show discussed the concept of Trump's chaos theory and the author's incorrect conclusions regarding its impact on the 2018 and 2020 elections. The show also touched on the importance of confidence, specifically through having good hair, and how Hair Club can help with that. Additionally, there was a mention of Stacey Abrams, a Democratic candidate in Georgia, who is now calling for a re-election instead of a recount in the recent election. This is a shift from the Democratic Party's previous approach of arguing for recounts in close elections.

    • Testing Election BoundariesDemocrats are pushing boundaries in elections, while Trump's unconventional behavior could harm his re-election chances

      The Democrats are strategically pushing the boundaries in various elections to test what they can get away with, as they believe everything they do serves a tactical advantage. The ongoing debates over signature verification and deadlines in Florida are examples of this. Additionally, the author of a Wall Street Journal article argues that President Trump's brash and chaotic demeanor could potentially harm his re-election chances in 2020, as it may create an appearance of instability around his campaign. Despite Trump's ability to say things that no other politician could, the author believes that this perception could lead to political penalties. Overall, it's crucial to pay attention to the strategic maneuvers of both parties as we approach the 2020 elections.

    • Trump's appeal is misunderstood, it's not about invulnerability but going against rulesMany voters connect with Trump's defiance of arbitrary rules and language restrictions, fueling his support.

      The ongoing debate about Donald Trump's perceived invulnerability and his battles against PC culture may be misunderstood. According to the speaker, Trump's appeal lies in his willingness to go against arbitrary rules and speak his mind, resonating with many voters who feel similarly. The speaker argues that these voters have sincere disagreements with Trump on various issues but are upset about the imposition of rules on their language and actions. This issue, rather than Trump's invulnerability, is the real battle and source of his support. The speaker also emphasizes that chaos is not a sustainable or desirable brand for any political figure, including Trump.

    • Working-class voters see Trump's invulnerability as a strengthSome working-class voters connect with Trump's defiance of cultural elites' rules, viewing it as a rebellion against their perceived power.

      Some working-class voters who have historically leaned Democratic see Trump's perceived invulnerability as a strength rather than a flaw. They view it as a rebellion against the rules imposed by the left and the cultural elites. A clear example of this is the term "nationalism," which has been monopolized by the left to mean something it doesn't objectively mean. Trump's use of the term at a rally was met with fear from the media and the left, who have the power to declare certain words off-limits through cultural and media influence. This fear leads people to avoid using certain words or expressing certain opinions, even if they hold benign or objective meanings. Trump's defiance of these rules resonates with some working-class voters who feel marginalized by the cultural elites and the media.

    • Rebellion against new rules and societal normsPeople support Trump for challenging societal norms and rules without their consent, leading to accomplishments like tax cuts, economic growth, and regulatory reform

      The Trump effect is a rebellion against new rules and societal norms that are subjectively set without the consent of the masses. People are tired of being labeled as racist, transphobic, or homophobic for holding common sense opinions. Trump's approval rating may not be fantastic, but it's stable, and he continues to plow through political opposition, making significant accomplishments such as tax cuts, economic growth, and regulatory reform. The media's attempts to label Trump as chaotic or invulnerable do not define his true strength, which lies in his ability to challenge and change the rules. The Trump effect is a perceived rebellion against the rules themselves, not chaos.

    • Despite labels, Trump's approval rating remains stableTrump's defiance of politically correct norms resonates with many, leading to stable approval rating, despite accusations of racism, traitor, fascist, imperialist, and tyrant.

      Despite the numerous labels and accusations against former President Trump, including racist, traitor, fascist, imperialist, and tyrant, his approval rating remains relatively stable. Trump's defiance of politically correct norms and rules, which have resulted in the stigmatization and ruination of lives for many, resonates with a significant portion of the population. Trump is seen as the "second guy at the party" who makes it acceptable for others to join him in challenging these subjective and arbitrary rules. The working class, including Democrats, are tired of these rules and the potential consequences they bring. The conversation around Ron DeSantis in Florida serves as an example of how accusations of racism can be used to ruin lives without substantial evidence.

    • Focusing on genuine instances of racism instead of labeling without evidenceAvoid damaging labels and focus on calling out genuine instances of racism to maintain unity and respect for all

      Using labels like "racist" without solid evidence can be damaging and alienating to a significant portion of the population. This strategy was attempted in Florida and Georgia elections, but it didn't yield the desired results. Instead, it's important to focus on genuine instances of racism and call them out. Additionally, there is a federal judge's ruling that Jim Acosta's White House pass must be returned, allowing him back into the White House for press conferences. Despite his questionable behavior, refusing to answer questions and acting as a liberal activist, some in the White House might want to avoid giving him the floor again. On a lighter note, Man Crates offers unique and engaging gift experiences for men, making holiday shopping easier and more enjoyable. Each gift arrives in a wooden crate that the recipient must open with a crowbar, adding an element of surprise and excitement. Man Crates offers a wide range of kits for various interests, from knife making to whiskey appreciation, ensuring that there's a perfect gift for every type of dad.

    • A shift in electoral politics: College-educated voters leaving the GOPThe Republican Party is now the party of the working class, while Democrats have taken the old GOP coalition of college-educated voters, altering the political landscape and its implications for both parties.

      Man Crates offers excellent holiday gifts for the men in your life, with a wide range of unique and terrific items. Meanwhile, in political news, there's a significant shift happening in electoral politics, with college-educated voters leaving the Republican Party and the Democratic Party becoming the party of elites. This trend was evident in the Arizona Senate race between Martha McSally and Kirsten Sinema. The article "The Revenge of the Rhinos" highlights this issue and its implications, as the Republican Party is now the party of the working class, while the Democrats have taken the old Republican coalition. This shift may have advantages and disadvantages for both parties in certain states. Overall, it's crucial to understand this cultural and political shift and its implications for the future of American politics.

    • Connecting with diverse communitiesThe GOP's success depends on reaching out to Hispanic and Black communities, which Trump has done effectively, but the party must also address middle-class concerns and shift away from defending corporations and elites to regain college voter support.

      The Republican Party's long-term electoral success depends on connecting with Hispanic and Black communities, but this has been a challenging task due to cultural barriers and negative stereotypes. Donald Trump's unconventional approach and outspoken style have managed to crack through these barriers, as evidenced by increasing support from these communities despite the backlash. However, the Democrats' shift towards becoming the party of the elites, defending big tech and corporations, and selling out the middle class, is leading to a loss of college voters. To regain electoral dominance, the Republican Party must continue to break down cultural and racial walls and champion middle-class values. The recent support from figures like Kanye West, who may not share all conservative values, but are standing up against PC rules, is a promising sign of this shift. While a massive cultural shift and electoral success may not happen overnight, it's important for the GOP to keep pushing forward and building connections with these communities.

    • Elites' Hypocritical Calls for Institution AbolitionElites from NY and CA call for Senate abolition when disfavored, but manipulate elections and media to favor their interests, revealing a tyrannical streak against federalism and regional autonomy.

      The cultural and media elites, primarily from New York and California, hypocritically call for the abolition of institutions like the Senate when they don't favor their political outcomes, but have no issue using their money and media influence to sway elections in other states. This double standard exposes a tyrannical streak as they seek to control the money, political power, and media power in their favor. Greenfield's article provides an insightful analogy that highlights this inconsistency. The left's actions demonstrate a lack of respect for the federalist system and regional interests, which are essential components of the Constitution.

    • Media and Politics Favor Certain Candidates and IssuesMedia and politics prioritize candidates and issues based on identity politics and perceived importance, often overlooking merit and impact. John James, a black Republican Senate candidate, and Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic candidate, serve as examples of this bias.

      The media and political attention often focuses disproportionately on certain candidates and issues based on identity politics and perceived importance, rather than merit or impact. Using the examples of John James, a black Republican Senate candidate from Michigan, and Beto O'Rourke, a Democratic candidate from Texas, the speaker highlights how the media and Democrats fawned over Beto, despite his Irish heritage and loss to Ted Cruz, while largely ignoring John James' impressive campaign and West Point background. The speaker also criticizes the hypocrisy of Democrats pouring money into certain states while ignoring others, and the ongoing Mueller probe, which is losing steam but still dominating headlines and Democratic energy. Additionally, the speaker promotes We the People Holsters, highlighting their custom-designed, high-quality holsters and offering a discount to listeners.

    • Democrats react emotionally instead of strategically to TrumpThe Democrats' emotional reactions to Trump hinder their ability to effectively challenge him, leading to less-than-ideal election results.

      Donald Trump's perceived invulnerability and consistent plowing through media and political fog has left the Democrats constantly overreacting, rather than responding strategically. This emotional reactivity, rooted in their unfamiliarity with prolonged political fights, has hindered their ability to effectively challenge Trump and has contributed to their less-than-ideal midterm election results. The Democrats' historic tactical efficiency has been lost, and their obsession with punishment politics, rather than focusing on winning, is backfiring. Trump's hardened supporter base, which has long been subjected to liberal criticism and shunning, remains unfazed by the Democrats' attacks, further solidifying Trump's position.

    • Democrats' Obsession with Mueller Probe as Campaign Issue Losing PotencyDespite Democrats' focus on Mueller probe for political gain, most voters are not concerned about Russian collusion and view it as politically motivated. Lack of policy proposals and emotional reaction could lead to voter backlash in 2020 elections. No evidence of Russian collusion produced yet.

      The Mueller probe, despite being a significant political topic for the past year and a half, has lost its potency as a campaign issue for Democrats. According to exit polls, most voters are not concerned about Russian collusion and view the investigation as politically motivated. However, Democrats continue to focus on the probe, particularly since the appointment of Acting Attorney General Whitaker. This obsession with punishment politics could lead to a major backlash in the 2020 elections, as voters may grow tired of the lack of policy proposals and the emotional reaction to the investigation. Furthermore, despite numerous arrests related to the probe, no evidence of Russian collusion has been produced. The public's turning against the Mueller probe due to the lack of results, and this could have serious consequences for Democrats in the upcoming elections.

    • Democrats face a tough decision after Mueller reportIf no collusion found, Dems may attack investigation instead of admitting wasted resources, damaging credibility and 2020 chances.

      The upcoming conclusion of the Mueller probe leaves the Democrats with a difficult decision. If the report finds no collusion between Trump and Russia, they will have to either admit they wasted two years of time and resources, or attack Mueller and the investigation itself. The Democrats' inconsistencies and lack of principle make it likely they will choose the latter, further damaging their credibility and potentially harming their chances in the 2020 election. Trump, on the other hand, is expected to use the report to his advantage, highlighting the wasted time and resources on an investigation that found no collusion.

    • Trump Supporters Will Not Easily Dismiss Russia Collusion InvestigationDespite initial findings of no collusion, Democrats will push for further investigations, potentially making them appear foolish. Stay informed and engaged in the political process.

      According to Dan Bongino, during his radio show discussion, the ongoing investigation into potential collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia will not be easily dismissed by President Trump or his supporters. Bongino expressed his belief that Democrats will push for further investigations despite the initial findings of no collusion, potentially making them appear foolish. He also encouraged listeners to engage with the show's content by subscribing and sharing it on various platforms. Ultimately, Bongino emphasized the importance of staying informed and engaged in the political process. Despite the uncertainty of the investigation's outcome, he remains confident that the issue will not be resolved quickly and that both parties will continue to make their positions known.

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