
    Ep. 853 - The Jussie Smollett Saga Reaches Its Conclusion

    enDecember 08, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Jussie Smollett trial and other news stories highlight truth and consequencesThe Jussie Smollett trial underscores the importance of truth and the potential consequences of deceit, while other news stories discuss strict COVID measures, controversial police practices, and online security solutions.

      The Jussie Smollett trial serves as a reminder of the importance of truth and the potential consequences of deceit. The events leading up to the trial were filled with inconsistencies and false claims, which ultimately led to Smollett's arrest and charges. Meanwhile, in other news, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio defended his strict COVID measures, while the trial of Kim Potter, the officer who shot Daunte Wright, began with revelations about Wright's violent past. Elsewhere, the issue of civil asset forfeiture was discussed, highlighting the controversial practice of law enforcement seizing property without a warrant or conviction. In the digital world, the importance of online security was emphasized, with ExpressVPN being presented as a solution to protect personal data from hackers. Overall, these stories underscore the importance of truth, transparency, and security in our society.

    • The Jussie Smollett case: Media's role in shaping perceptions of realityThe Jussie Smollett case illustrates the power of media to shape perceptions and the importance of fact-checking and independent investigation to avoid being misled.

      The Jussie Smollett case raises questions about the role of corporate media and the potential for curated realities. While many people, especially those on the left, believed Smollett's story of being attacked by MAGA supporters, logic and common sense suggest it was a lie. The media and Democrats rallied around Smollett, but knowing better, they played along for political convenience and ratings. However, when Smollett attacked the police for not finding the attackers, a liberal prosecutor stepped in and brought charges. The case highlights the potential for media to shape our perceptions of reality and the dangers of believing far-fetched stories without critical thinking. It also underscores the importance of fact-checking and independent investigation.

    • The Jussie Smollett trial explored the complexities of identity, privilege, and language.The trial underscored the paradox of privilege, revealing how it can be used to justify actions and manipulate power dynamics, particularly in relation to language and race.

      The trial of Jussie Smollett focused not only on the hoax he perpetrated but also on the complexities of identity, privilege, and language. Smollett, a gay black man, used his identity as a victim to justify his actions and even claimed privilege in the use of a racial slur. His accomplices, who admitted to being paid for the attack, presented a challenge to Smollett's theory. Smollett's decision to take the case to trial instead of accepting a plea deal was rooted in his identity as a victim and his belief that he could cash in on his privileges. The trial highlighted the intricacies of privilege and the power dynamics it creates, especially in the context of language and race. The use of the racial slur in the text messages, which Smollett asked not to be read out loud due to respect for "every African American person in the room," showcased the paradox of privilege and the complexities of identity in America today.

    • Jussie Smollett's Prioritization of Privilege and AttentionJussie Smollett's actions led to potential consequences, while Bill de Blasio defends strict COVID-19 policies, causing controversy. Find your perfect mattress with Helix Sleep's quiz for quality sleep.

      Jussie Smollett prioritized his own privilege and desire for attention over reality, leading to potentially serious consequences. Meanwhile, in other news, Bill de Blasio continues to defend strict COVID-19 policies in New York City, including vaccine mandates and segregation for unvaccinated children. De Blasio justifies these measures due to the city's past struggles with the virus, but critics argue they infringe on individual rights and freedoms. In a lighter note, ensure you're getting quality sleep by taking Helix Sleep's 2-minute quiz to find your perfect mattress. Helix was awarded as the best overall mattress of 2019-2020 by GQ and Wired Magazine. Visit helixsleep.com/walsh for up to $200 off and free pillows with your mattress order.

    • Mayor de Blasio's Complacency and Controversial PoliciesRecognize the power in collectively standing up against policies that infringe upon freedoms, or they may become the norm.

      The attitude of complacency and willingness to sacrifice personal freedoms and liberties for the sake of safety, as demonstrated in New York City under Mayor Bill de Blasio, allows politicians like him to wield power and implement controversial policies. This mindset is perpetuated by the belief that submitting to such measures is a virtue signal, making it difficult for opposition to gain traction. However, if a significant portion of the population refused to comply with such mandates, they would lose their effectiveness. It's essential for individuals to recognize their power in collectively standing up against policies that infringe upon their freedoms and the freedoms of their children.

    • Disappointment with strict COVID-19 measures, Criticism of media and calls for questioning authorityThe speaker expresses frustration towards COVID-19 measures and encourages standing up for personal rights. He criticizes the media for withholding information and advocates for questioning authority.

      The speaker expresses disappointment and frustration towards individuals who comply with stringent COVID-19 measures, especially when it comes to their children. He believes that people should stand up for their rights and not give in to fear, as COVID-19 is now a part of the environment and cannot be eliminated. The speaker also mentions the ongoing trial of Kim Potter, a Minnesota police officer, and shares new information about Dante Wright, the individual she shot during a traffic stop. He criticizes the media for withholding certain details about Wright and emphasizes the importance of seeking out diverse sources of information. Overall, the speaker encourages listeners to question authority and not blindly follow rules without considering the potential consequences.

    • Dante Wright's Previous Criminal Actions OverlookedTwo victims of Dante Wright's violent crimes before his death shared their perspectives, expressing that 'karma's a bitch' while media often portrays him as an innocent victim, leaving the victims vulnerable to revictimization

      Dante Wright, the young man whose shooting death has led to widespread protests and a high-profile trial, was himself a perpetrator of violent crime. Two women who were victims of his actions before his death spoke to Fox News Digital, expressing their perspective that "karma's a bitch." Caleb Livingston, who was 16 at the time, was shot in the head by Wright during a robbery at a gas station, leaving him unable to talk or walk. Wright also allegedly tried to rob a woman at gunpoint, choking her twice during the struggle. Another incident involved Wright waving a gun at a Minneapolis intersection and eluding police, resulting in an active warrant. There are also lawsuits against Wright's estate for a carjacking that left a former classmate shot in the leg. Despite these actions, the narrative around Wright often portrays him as an innocent victim. However, the victims' voices have been largely overlooked by the media, leaving them to face potential revictimization if they speak out.

    • Dante Wright's Criminal History and Police EncounterDante Wright's past criminal record influenced his actions during his fatal encounter with police, but his death should not overshadow other victims of violent crime.

      Dante Wright's past criminal record, which includes violent crimes and disregard for consequences, influenced his belief that he could evade arrest and fight with police. The speaker argues that while Wright's actions were despicable, it does not justify his death during the encounter with police. Additionally, the public's reaction to Wright's death, including mourning and treating it as a national tragedy, is questioned, as there are many other victims of violent crime deserving of such reactions. The speaker emphasizes that Wright's criminal history is relevant in understanding his actions leading up to the fatal encounter with police.

    • Exceptions to preserving offensive statuesThe speaker supports preserving offensive statues for historical reasons, but exceptions include particularly ugly or offensive statues, which may be removed and replaced with new public art or relocated to historical sites.

      While the speaker is generally against the removal of offensive statues due to the importance of preserving history, there are exceptions. The speaker finds an exception in the case of a particularly ugly and offensive statue of Nathan Bedford Forrest in Nashville, which he is glad was taken down. He also expresses concern about what might replace it. The speaker also mentions the statue of Robert E. Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia, which was voted to be melted down and turned into new public art. He suggests that such a statue could be relocated to a historical site instead of being destroyed.

    • A war on beauty and artistic heritageThe campaign to remove statues isn't just about history or relocating art, but about destruction and discarding beautiful works of art, some of which have stood for over a century.

      The campaign to remove statues from public spaces is not just about history or relocating art, but about destruction and discarding beautiful works of art, some of which have stood for over a century. Despite claims that these statues are being sent to museums, many are instead being melted down and destroyed. This is seen as a spiritual exorcism of America's past sins, and the destroyed art will be replaced with something new and presumably uglier. It's important to note that this is not a war on history, but a war on beauty and artistic heritage. Additionally, MD Hearing Aid was mentioned as an affordable solution for those in need of hearing aids, with a buy one get one free deal and a free extra charging case for listeners of the Matt Walsh show.

    • Criticisms and Defenses in a DiscussionPublic figures must be sensitive to various communities and clarify intentions to avoid cancellations or backlash.

      During a discussion on various topics, Matt faced criticism and calls for cancellation for perceived insensitivities towards different communities. Confused Walrus accused Matt of fat shaming during Walrus Awareness Week, while PAC cast questioned his stance on NFTs. Allot corrected Matt's mistake in using the wrong Spanish word, and Mary b suggested Matt for modeling shots. Despite the criticisms, Matt clarified his intentions and defended the Walrus community and his lack of understanding on NFTs. The Biden administration's COVID plan, including vaccine mandates for public transportation and domestic flights, was also discussed, leading to a lawsuit being filed against it. The takeaway is that in today's world, public figures must be sensitive to various communities and their sensitivities, and must be prepared to clarify their intentions when misunderstood. Matt's experiences serve as a reminder of the importance of clear communication and understanding in avoiding potential cancellations or backlash.

    • Seizing Money and Property Without a Crime or Due ProcessCivil asset forfeiture allows law enforcement to seize money and property without charging individuals with a crime or providing them due process, resulting in innocent people losing belongings and the government profiting immensely.

      Civil asset forfeiture, a common practice among law enforcement agencies, allows them to seize money and property without charging individuals with a crime or providing them due process. This practice, which is often justified as a tool to combat crime, can result in innocent people losing their belongings and the government profiting immensely. An example of this was a woman flying from Chicago to Dallas with over $100,000 in cash, which was seized by the police despite her being innocent. The case is still ongoing, and the woman faces a long and costly legal battle to get her money back. This practice, which generates billions of dollars for the government, is not limited to large seizures, and the financial loss to individuals often outweighs the potential gain from attempting to recover their property. The lack of a bipartisan effort to repeal these laws at the federal level highlights the pervasiveness and acceptance of this controversial practice.

    • The practice of civil asset forfeiture defies constitutional protectionsThe 5th amendment guarantees the right to due process and protection against uncompensated seizure of property, but civil asset forfeiture allows law enforcement to seize property without it, raising concerns about rule of law and potential abuse.

      The constitutional right to due process and protection against uncompensated seizure of property, as stated in the 5th amendment, is being defied through the practice of civil asset forfeiture. This process allows law enforcement to seize property without due process or compensation, which goes against the explicit text of the amendment. Despite bipartisan support for this system, it raises concerns about the rule of law and the potential for government arbitrariness and abuse. The speaker argues that the constitution is only as powerful as the respect and deference paid to it by those in power, and that the current administration's disregard for the law in this matter contributes to a fundamentally lawless country. Civil asset forfeiture is just one example of this issue, but it underscores the importance of upholding constitutional protections.

    • The Matt Walsh Show Team and Current EventsThe Matt Walsh Show team includes Sean Hampton, Jeremy Boring, Mathis Glover, Austin Stevens, Pavel Fedosky, Ali Hinkle, Mike Coromina, Cherokee Heart, and McKenna Waters. Current events include 82% of Democrats willing to wear masks, Chris Cuomo suing CNN, and AOC advising looted store owners.

      The production team behind The Matt Walsh Show includes Sean Hampton as producer, Jeremy Boring as executive producer, Mathis Glover as supervising producer, Austin Stevens as technical director, Pavel Fedosky as production manager, Ali Hinkle as editor, Mike Coromina as audio mixer, Cherokee Heart for hair and makeup, and McKenna Waters as production coordinator. The show is a Daily Wire production. Meanwhile, in the news, 82% of Democrats are willing to wear masks indoors at all times. Chris Cuomo is preparing to sue CNN, and AOC advised looted store owners not to trust their own eyes. Tune in to The Michael Knowles Show for more on these stories. This diverse team brings The Matt Walsh Show to life, while current events continue to unfold with intrigue and controversy. Stay informed and engaged with the latest news and perspectives from The Michael Knowles Show.

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

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