
    Podcast Summary

    • Clinton Foundation Investigation and 23andMe DiscountAn investigation into the Clinton Foundation continues on Capitol Hill, while 23andMe offers a discount for users to discover their ancestry and DNA connections during Thanksgiving.

      There is an ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation led by Mark Meadows on Capitol Hill, which has been downplayed by the media and some conservatives. This is significant news, as the Clinton Foundation has been a topic of controversy for years. Meanwhile, Dan Bongino shared his personal experience with 23andMe, a genetic service that allows users to discover their ancestry and DNA connections. The service is currently offering a discount for Thanksgiving, making it an interesting opportunity for families to explore their genetic connections during the holiday season. The Clinton Foundation investigation may move slowly, but it's important to stay informed about developments in the story. For those interested in learning more about their ancestry and genetic connections, 23andMe offers a personalized and insightful experience.

    • Clinton Camp Tries to Run Interference with Trump Investigation LeaksThe Clinton camp leaks stories to deflect potential scrutiny, while real issues like Obama administration targeting Trump team are ignored

      The Clinton orbit is trying to preemptively deflect potential scrutiny of the Clinton Foundation by leaking stories about alleged attempts by Donald Trump to pressure the Department of Justice to investigate them. Maggie Haberman, a reporter known to be favorable to the Clinton camp, published such a story in the New York Times. However, the substance of the story, which focuses on Trump's alleged request for a special counsel, lacks any real substance and is not illegal. In contrast, it is well-established that the Obama administration targeted the Trump team through spying and a FISA warrant, which is a more significant issue that Democrats seem to be ignoring. The Clinton camp's use of Haberman to write a story about Trump is a clear example of how they try to shape the narrative and run interference when they sense potential trouble.

    • Democrats attempt to discredit Clinton Foundation probesDemocrats plant NYT story to deter investigations into Clinton Foundation's alleged corruption, including Skolkovo Project

      The Democrats are attempting to discredit any potential investigations into the Clinton Foundation by planting a story in the New York Times accusing Donald Trump of political pressure regarding the foundation. This preemptive story is intended to poison the well and deter officials from looking into what the speaker believes is systemic corruption within the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation, during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, was involved in the Skolkovo Project, a Russian Silicon Valley initiative that the Russians desperately wanted off the ground. This is just one example of the alleged shady dealings the Democrats are trying to protect. The speaker encourages listeners to not be intimidated by insider hacks like Maggie Haberman and to push for justice regardless of political affiliations.

    • Clinton's Support for Russian Tech Project Under InvestigationThe Clinton Foundation's involvement with a Russian technology project and a Russian bank's payment to Hillary Clinton are under investigation for potential corruption.

      Hillary Clinton advocated for the Skolkovo project in Russia, which was presented as a technology corridor but was, in reality, an attempt by the Russians to steal sensitive American technology for military use. The head of the Skolkovo Project, Victor Vexelberg, had donated to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton Foundation's dealings with Vexelberg and the Skolkovo Project are now under investigation, and it appears that significant progress has been made in the corruption investigation. This information comes after the United States Attorney, John Huber, testified on Capitol Hill about the investigation. The Clinton Foundation's attempts to keep this information from coming to light are evident in the Washington Examiner's reporting on Hillary Clinton's proposed meetings with Russian executives, including Vexelberg, in 2010. These meetings took place around the same time that Clinton was paid $500,000 by a Russian bank involved in the purchase of Uranium One.

    • Clinton Foundation's ties to Russia and potential conflicts of interestDuring Hillary Clinton's time as Secretary of State, concerns arose about potential quid pro quo arrangements between the Clinton Foundation and Russia, with Bill Clinton's trip to Russia and meetings with Russian businessmen, including one linked to a military information-stealing project, raising serious questions.

      During Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, there were concerns about potential conflicts of interest regarding the Clinton Foundation and its ties to Russia. Mark Meadows, a Republican congressman, was calling for an investigation into these matters. At the same time, a story broke about Bill Clinton's trip to Russia for a speech and possible meetings with Russian businessmen, including Victor Vexelberg, who headed the Skolkovo Foundation, allegedly involved in stealing high-tech military information. The Clinton Foundation received donations from companies involved in the Skolkovo project. Hillary Clinton had advocated for this project, and her husband's request to meet with Vexelberg came while donations were being made. This situation raises serious questions about potential quid pro quo arrangements and the Clinton's dealings with Russia. It's important to note that this is not related to Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, but rather an ongoing controversy regarding the Clinton Foundation and its ties to Russia.

    • Russian actors targeted Hillary Clinton during her time as Secretary of StateDuring Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, Russian actors attempted to influence her and potentially gain access to sensitive information, posing a risk to national security.

      During Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, Russian actors attempted to gain access to her and her inner circle through an influence campaign. This was revealed in FBI records, according to reports by investigative journalist John Solomon. The Russians' goal was to influence the Clintons and potentially gain access to sensitive information. This is not a trivial matter, as it involves foreign interference in American politics and potential theft of military secrets and technology. Meanwhile, I'd like to take a brief moment to share something unrelated but valuable - the We the People Holsters. These holsters are made in America, adjustable for a perfect fit, and come with a lifetime guarantee and free shipping. They're a great gift idea for any firearm owner, and you can get $10 off with the promo code Dan. Now, back to the topic at hand, it's crucial to acknowledge the seriousness of foreign interference in our politics and the potential consequences it can have on our national security.

    • Clinton-Russia connectionsSubstantial evidence suggests inappropriate dealings between the Clinton family and Russians, including covert and illegal activities, and overt, legal activities. Concerns arise from potential quid pro quo arrangements. Media attention has been lacking.

      There is substantial evidence suggesting inappropriate dealings between the Clinton family and Russians during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. This included both covert and illegal activities, such as Russian spies attempting to gain access to the Clinton inner circle, and overt, legal activities, like a Russian energy company hiring a Washington firm that provided free services to the Clinton Global Initiative. These activities occurred simultaneously and have raised concerns about potential quid pro quo arrangements. Despite this, accusations of collusion are often leveled against the Trump team. It's important to note that these allegations are not new and have been extensively reported by investigative journalists. The lack of media attention given to these matters is a significant concern. The Clintons' apparent disregard for potential conflicts of interest and their focus on personal gain have been a consistent theme throughout their public lives.

    • Russian Influence on Clinton's CircleRussian spies, a Russian bank payment, and associates' meetings with Russian tech project head, all raising questions of potential influence and wrongdoing during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State, but with minimal media coverage.

      There are allegations of Russian influence and potential spying targeting the Clinton orbit during Hillary Clinton's tenure as Secretary of State. This includes a deported Russian spy trying to connect with people in Clinton's circle, a $500,000 payment from a Russian bank to the Clinton Foundation, and meetings between Clinton's associates and the head of a Russian technology project. These events are not considered a conspiracy theory if they actually occurred. The influence operation extended beyond just Russian spies, with the Clinton Foundation receiving free legal services while attempting to influence the Obama administration. An FBI source admitted to the Russians' attempts to influence the U.S. government during this time. Additionally, there is a connection between the Clintons and Victor Pinchuk, a wealthy Ukrainian who was invited to a private dinner at Hillary Clinton's residence. The Clinton's subsequent attempts to distance themselves from Pinchuk suggest potential wrongdoing. These allegations have not received significant mainstream media attention.

    • Clinton-Pinchuk Relationship Raises Concerns About Transparency and InfluenceUkrainian businessman Pinchuk's relationship with Clinton, including a home visit and foundation donation, raises questions about potential foreign influence in U.S. politics through think tanks and lack of transparency.

      The Clinton-Pinchuk relationship raises questions about transparency and potential influence in U.S. politics. Pinchuk, a Ukrainian businessman, was invited to Clinton's home despite staffers claiming they didn't know each other. He donated $25 million to the Clinton Foundation and sat on the board of the Atlantic Council, an organization accused of helping foreign governments influence U.S. policy through think tanks without registering as lobbyists. The Atlantic Council's board also includes the CEO of CrowdStrike, the company that investigated the hacked DNC computers, which the Democrats claim was orchestrated by Russia to influence the 2016 election. The lack of transparency surrounding these relationships and financial transactions has fueled concerns about foreign interference in U.S. politics.

    • Russian collusion investigation raises questions about impartiality and legitimacyThe Russian collusion investigation is surrounded by potential conflicts of interest, as the FBI hasn't examined the servers, CrowdStrike has Clinton ties, and Evelyn Farkas shared info with Congress, while the Atlantic Council, where some involved sit, has Democratic connections.

      The allegations of Russian collusion with the Trump campaign during the 2016 election are surrounded by questions and potential conflicts of interest. The FBI has not been allowed to examine the actual servers suspected of being hacked, and the company, CrowdStrike, investigating the matter has ties to individuals connected to the Clinton Foundation. Evelyn Farkas, a former Obama administration defense department official, admitted to sharing information about Trump and Russian collusion with Congress, but the specifics of that information remain unclear. Additionally, the Atlantic Council, where some of these individuals sit on the board, has a brazen connection to the Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign. These connections raise serious questions about the legitimacy and impartiality of the investigation. It is important for the public and officials to demand transparency and answers from the Justice Department regarding these matters.

    • Impact of Dog Food Quality on HealthFeeding dogs real, fresh food can reduce cancer risk by nearly 90%, while processed junk may harm their health. Human news involves allegations of potential conflicts of interest between the Clinton family and Burisma, a gas company.

      The quality of food in a dog's diet can significantly impact their health, potentially reducing the risk of certain cancers by nearly 90%. It's important to feed them real, fresh food instead of processed junk. Meanwhile, in human news, there have been allegations of questionable dealings between the Clinton family and the Atlantic Council, specifically a gas company called Burisma. Joe Biden's son reportedly held a high-paying position on Burisma's board, and other members of the board have been linked to the Spygate scandal. These connections raise serious concerns about potential conflicts of interest and influence peddling. This is not a conspiracy theory, but a verifiable series of events. It's a complex issue with far-reaching implications.

    • Russian influence operation involving Clinton and IranAn FBI source testified about a Russian influence op targeting Clinton, aiding Iran's nuclear program, and selling nuclear fuel, implicating Obama admin and potential financial gains.

      There was reportedly a Russian influence operation targeting Hillary Clinton during the Obama administration, and this operation allegedly involved helping the Iranians rebuild their nuclear program. An FBI source paid by the FBI testified about this influence operation, implicating the Obama administration in potentially knowing about it while advocating for the Iran deal. This source also indicated that the same Russian influence was involved in a case regarding selling nuclear fuel to the Russians, which Hillary Clinton had to approve. The lead prosecutor on that case was Rod Rosenstein, who is now the Deputy Attorney General overseeing the Mueller probe into Donald Trump. The speaker urges the Department of Justice to investigate this Clinton-Russian-Iranian collusion scandal, as it could have significant implications for national security. The speaker also emphasizes the potential financial gains for those within the government and their underlings through related foundations.

    • Listen, research, and stay informedBongino encourages listeners to investigate influence operations and subscribe/follow for updates, plans to record a Thanksgiving show, and the show is free on iHeartRadio

      Bongino urges listeners to read the show notes and do their own research to understand the influence operation in question. He also encourages listeners to subscribe to the show on iTunes or follow him on Twitter for more information. Despite having a lot of newsy items to cover, Bongino plans to record a show for Thanksgiving to keep his audience company. He reminds listeners that the show is free on iHeartRadio and encourages them to follow him there as well. The chart mentioned in the show is important, but the specifics were not discussed in the clip provided.

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