
    Ep. 856 - Dems Call For Legislation To Stop Tornadoes

    enDecember 13, 2021

    Podcast Summary

    • Focus on relief efforts during natural disasters instead of debating legislationMajor disasters require immediate aid and attention, not political debates. Retailers face crime surges, and the Catholic Diaries' stance on gender change is not newsworthy. Relief Band offers quick relief for nausea, and survivors of recent tornadoes share their experiences.

      Despite the left's claims, we cannot pass laws to prevent natural disasters like tornadoes. While the recent tornadoes devastated parts of the country, the focus should be on helping those affected rather than debating whether legislation could have stopped it. Additionally, major retail chains are facing crime surges and should not expect Congress for help. The Catholic Diaries' stance on gender change is not newsworthy, and the competition for the next race hoaxer continues with a BLM supporting doctor. Relief Band offers a solution for those suffering from nausea, which affects one out of three Americans. The FDA-cleared anti-nausea wristband provides quick and effective relief, making it an ideal gift for the holiday season. Finally, the recent tornadoes in Tennessee and Kentucky resulted in significant damage and loss of life, with one factory in Mayfield, Kentucky, bearing the brunt of the destruction. Survivors share their harrowing experiences, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and seeking shelter during tornado warnings.

    • Natural Disasters: Human Tragedies Requiring Collective ActionNatural disasters are not political issues but human tragedies that need compassion, understanding, and collective action to mitigate their impacts

      Natural disasters, such as tornadoes, can have devastating impacts on communities, leaving people feeling helpless and at the mercy of nature. While the causes of specific storms may not be fully understood, the consensus among experts is that climate change contributes to more intense weather events. Unfortunately, instead of focusing on finding solutions or providing aid, some individuals and politicians use these disasters as opportunities to make ideological statements, fueling the political divide. It's essential to remember that natural disasters are not political issues but human tragedies that require compassion, understanding, and collective action.

    • Belief that legislation can stop tornadoes is a form of superstitionDespite an increase in population, natural disaster deaths have decreased, debunking the claim that climate change is making disasters deadlier. Innovations and advancements have saved lives.

      Some people believe that legislation can stop tornadoes, viewing them as policy failures rather than natural disasters. This belief is a form of superstition, as it disregards scientific understanding. Contrary to popular belief, natural disaster deaths have decreased despite an increase in population, debunking the claim that climate change is making disasters deadlier. In fact, innovations and advancements have saved lives. The deadliest tornado and hurricane in American history occurred before the industrial age, demonstrating that extreme weather events are not a recent phenomenon. The earth's history is vast, and weather events predating reliable record-keeping cannot be compared to modern ones. It's essential to understand the context and limitations when discussing historical weather events.

    • Believing in our control over extreme weather eventsUse technology for convenience, security, and safety to focus on what we can control in our daily lives

      While it's easy to blame current extreme weather events on human actions and believe we can control the uncontrollable through climate change hysteria, the Earth has endured such events for millions of years before we existed. However, there's a comfort in believing we have control, especially during scary and vulnerable moments. A practical solution lies in ensuring security and safety in our daily lives, such as using technology like the MyQ Smart Garage Camera to monitor our garages, the most frequently accessed entry to our homes. This provides convenience, security, and safety, allowing us to face reality and focus on what we can control.

    • External pressures can change our behaviorPeople may alter their actions due to external influences, even if it goes against their personal principles, and the perceived risks should be weighed carefully before making decisions.

      Despite our personal preferences and principles, we may change our behavior when faced with external pressures or instructions. The speaker shares an example of how he usually prefers to keep distance from others in an elevator but now, due to being told to stand closer, he chooses to do the opposite. Similarly, Dr. Fauci's recent messaging about COVID-19 vaccines for children involves fearmongering, but inadvertently reveals the actual risk levels, which are very low. These statistics challenge the need for urgent vaccination for children, as the mortality and hospitalization rates are extremely low. The speaker argues that the risk level for children is so minimal that there's no reason to respond to it at all, and that our functional lives should not be disrupted based on such low risks.

    • Being overly protective due to fear can limit children's experiencesFear can lead to excessive protection, preventing children from experiencing normal life and potentially causing negative consequences. Retailers face organized crime and seek help from Congress, with transparency seen as a solution.

      Parents need to be cautious about letting fear control their decisions, especially when it comes to minor risks. The discussion highlighted the example of COVID-19 and how parents might be overly protective due to fear, but it's essential to remember that the risk is usually much smaller than imagined. Furthermore, constant fear can have negative consequences, such as preventing children from experiencing normal life experiences. Additionally, retailers are facing a surge in organized retail crime, leading them to seek help from Congress. Transparency is seen as a key solution to addressing this issue. However, it's important to remember that fear can be manipulated, and it's crucial to evaluate information objectively before making decisions that could limit our children's lives or prevent us from addressing real threats.

    • Modernizing consumer safety laws and respecting individual rightsRetailers need modern consumer safety laws to protect them from crime and counterfeits, while respecting individual rights is crucial in sensitive debates

      Consumer safety and accountability are crucial issues in the retail industry, and there's a call for modernization of consumer safety laws to protect consumers, retail employees, and businesses from organized retail crime and counterfeit products. However, some retailers' previous actions, such as catering to social movements, have left them vulnerable to crime and financial struggles. If I were in charge, I would only help retailers who have not engaged in such activities. The Catholic diocese in Michigan's new policy against baptism and other sacraments for transgender and non-binary individuals, who have not repented, is a controversial topic, with many questioning the use of the term "sex assigned at birth." It's essential to understand that sex is not assigned at birth but rather observed and noted. The birthing process does not involve assigning sex like it's an office filing cabinet. The ongoing debates and controversies surrounding these topics highlight the importance of clear communication, understanding, and respect for all individuals' rights and identities.

    • The Catholic Church's stance on transgender individuals receiving communionThe Catholic Church believes that rejecting one's biological sex and attempting to change it through surgery or hormones is a sin and an act of blasphemy against God, and therefore denies transgender individuals communion and other sacraments to uphold the sanctity of the sacraments and religious belief in the divine nature of human life and sexuality.

      The Catholic Church's stance on transgender individuals receiving communion and other sacraments is rooted in their belief that rejecting one's biological sex and attempting to change it through surgery or hormones is a sin and an act of blasphemy against God. The Church views this as a rejection of the self that God gave us and an attempt to correct a supposed mistake made by God. This belief is based on both scientific and religious perspectives, with the former arguing that you cannot be in the wrong body as you are your body, and the latter viewing it as a severe insult to God's omnipotence and omniscience. The Church's guidance on this issue has been a subject of media attention and controversy, with some criticizing it as outdated and discriminatory. However, the Church maintains that this policy is in place to uphold the sanctity of the sacraments and the religious belief in the divine nature of human life and sexuality. The recent failure of Steven Spielberg's West Side Story adaptation, despite a massive marketing push and critical acclaim, serves as a reminder that not all high-profile releases are guaranteed success.

    • Marketing focus on wokeness and inclusivity may deter audiencesThe marketing strategy of 'West Side Story' emphasizing its inclusivity and wokeness, coupled with its perceived corniness and oversaturation, has negatively impacted its box office performance.

      The marketing strategy for "West Side Story" focusing on its wokeness and inclusivity may have turned off potential audiences. The film's perceived corniness and the oversaturation of remakes and rehashes in the media also contribute to its lackluster box office performance. Additionally, the police in the UK recording arrests based on an individual's self-identified gender, as mentioned in the article, may be another factor deterring some viewers. Ultimately, the combination of these elements has left many people uninterested in watching the new adaptation of "West Side Story." Despite the movie receiving rave reviews, its marketing and perceived issues have made it a hard sell for audiences.

    • Speaking out against normalization of women rapistsDespite wealth and influence, JK Rowling shows courage and conviction in advocating for respecting individual self-identity doesn't justify heinous acts like rape.

      Respecting the self-identity of individuals, including those who commit heinous acts like rape, can have unintended consequences. JK Rowling, a billionaire author, has faced backlash for speaking out against the normalization of women rapists due to her criticism of this ideology. Despite her wealth and influence, she continues to speak out on this important issue, showing bravery and a commitment to truth. Unfortunately, there seems to be a lack of support from the right for her stance, perhaps due to disagreements on other issues. However, her consistent and eloquent advocacy on this matter is a testament to her courage and conviction. The conversation also touches upon the reticence of the rich and famous to take risks and stand firm on their beliefs once they have achieved success.

    • Cancel culture and virtue signaling overshadowing true achievementsCancel culture can unfairly target individuals, while virtue signaling can lead to recognition for those who don't truly deserve it, overshadowing authentic achievements.

      Cancel culture and virtue signaling can overshadow true achievements and authenticity. In the discussion, the speaker expressed his dislike for cancel culture and how it can lead to unnecessary rallies around individuals who may not deserve the recognition. He also touched on the topic of Simone Biles being named athlete of the year despite other deserving athletes and how it's an example of virtue signaling. Furthermore, the speaker addressed the issue of Johnny the Walrus being accused of being anti-trans and transphobic, and agreed that it was an example of both gay erasure and transphobia. The speaker also promoted the GetUpside app as a simple solution to save money on gas.

    • Debate over LGBT author representation on AmazonAmazon's removal of an LGBT author from the category sparked discussions on human rights, hate crimes, and accurate representation. The author's work remains available, and they continue advocating for their identity. Stay informed on political debates and legal battles regarding individual freedoms.

      There is ongoing debate and controversy surrounding the representation and categorization of authors and their works, particularly those related to the LGBTQIA+ community. In this specific case, an author was removed from the LGBT category on Amazon, sparking discussions about human rights, hate crimes, and the importance of accurate representation. Despite the removal, the author's work remains available on the platform, and the author continues to advocate for their identity and beliefs. Additionally, there are ongoing political debates and legal battles regarding vaccine mandates and individual freedoms. It's essential to stay informed and engaged in these discussions to ensure that individual rights and freedoms are protected. If you're interested in taking action, consider signing petitions and staying informed about current events related to these issues.

    • The Importance of Critical Thinking and Fact-Checking in Children's Books and Social MediaBe cautious of assumptions based on race in social media interactions and always fact-check before sharing or believing controversial claims. Critical thinking is essential when it comes to children's books, as there's a growing concern about their 'wokafying' and potential for indoctrination.

      There's a growing concern about the "wokafying" of children's books, and Johnnythewalrus.com offers an alternative. The discussion also touched upon a controversial Twitter interaction between a self-proclaimed "woke" doctor, Doctor Ty Winters, and someone who allegedly assumed he was a janitor based on his race. However, it was revealed that the entire interaction was fabricated, which raises questions about the authenticity and motives behind such claims. In essence, the conversation highlights the importance of critical thinking and fact-checking in the age of social media, as well as the potential dangers of making assumptions based on race. It's crucial to remember that not all interactions, especially those shared online, are as they seem.

    • Jussie Smollett's Hoax: A Lesson in Attention to DetailThe Smollett case highlights the importance of authenticity and attention to detail in executing a convincing hoax. Hoaxers, often insulated from real struggles, can be exposed for their privilege-driven motivations.

      The Smollett case serves as a reminder of the importance of attention to detail in executing a convincing hoax. Jussie Smollett, a doctor on the hit TV show "Empire," was charged with staging a hate crime against himself in 2019. The hoax was unconvincing due to several red flags, including the fact that Smollett kept his pristine Subway sandwich during the alleged attack in the polar vortex, a time when no one was outside due to the extreme cold. This lack of attention to detail is a common trait among hoaxers, who are often insulated from real-life struggles and bigotry, leading them to fetishize and misrepresent these experiences in their fabrications. The Smollett case is just one example of many hoaxers who have been exposed for their lack of authenticity and privilege-driven motivations.

    • Multiple crises hit the US: tornadoes, inflation, and Ghislaine Maxwell trialStay informed about tornadoes, inflation, and Ghislaine Maxwell trial's impact on daily life and emergency preparedness, response, and purchasing power.

      The country is facing multiple crises at once, with ongoing search and recovery efforts after deadly tornadoes, record-breaking inflation, and the prosecution resting its case against Ghislaine Maxwell. These events underscore the importance of staying informed and getting the facts first. The tornadoes have caused significant damage and loss of life, highlighting the importance of emergency preparedness and response. Meanwhile, inflation reaching new highs is a major concern for many Americans, affecting their daily lives and purchasing power. Lastly, the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell, a former associate of Jeffrey Epstein, reached a pivotal point as the prosecution presented its final arguments. These events serve as a reminder of the complexity and unpredictability of the world around us, making it essential to stay informed through reliable sources like Morning Wire.

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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code WALSH at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


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    Tax Network USA - Seize control of your financial future! Call 1(800)245-6000 or visit http://www.TNUSA.com/WALSH


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    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

    DailyWire+ & Angel Studios Partner on New Film, Sound of Hope

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 15, 2024

    Ep. 1387 - The Nation Rejoices As Another Left-Wing Smear Factory Suffers Mass Layoffs

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    Birch Gold - Text "WALSH" to 989898, or go to https://birchgold.com/WALSH, for your no-cost, no-obligation, FREE information kit.


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