
    Ep 862 | Can Christians Be Evolutionists? | Guest: Ken Ham (Part Two)

    enAugust 24, 2023

    Podcast Summary

    • The age of the earth and evolution have moral and theological implicationsBelief in an old earth and evolution can challenge Bible's moral teachings, according to Ken Ham, and the debate is not just scientific but also moral and theological.

      The age of the earth and the concept of evolution are deeply interconnected with various beliefs and values, including religious and moral ones. Many people, including some within the church, hold the belief in the millions-year-old earth and evolution as a way to reconcile science with their faith. However, according to Ken Ham, the CEO and founder of Answers in Genesis, this belief undermines the authority of the Bible and its teachings on key moral issues such as marriage, gender, and the sanctity of human life. The implication is that if the Bible's account of creation is inaccurate, then its moral teachings could also be called into question. Ham argues that Darwin's theory of evolution, while having some elements of truth, such as natural selection, relies on the assumption of millions of years, which is not supported by the evidence. Instead, Ham suggests that the Bible's account of creation is consistent with the scientific evidence and offers a coherent explanation for the origins of life and the diversity of species. Ultimately, the debate over the age of the earth and evolution is not just a scientific one, but also has profound moral and theological implications.

    • From Stardust to Humans: The Debate between Evolution and ReligionThe scientific theory of evolution proposes the origin of life from stardust, while critics argue against the production of new information and the ongoing debate continues. Meanwhile, 7 Weeks Coffee promotes godly values, supports pregnancy centers, and offers excellent organic coffee.

      While there are differing beliefs about the origins of the universe and life, some people believe in the scientific theory of evolution from stardust to humans, while others hold religious beliefs about a creator God. The evolution theory proposes that matter existed first, then formed into stars, which created the elements, and eventually led to the formation of Earth and the emergence of life. However, critics argue that matter cannot produce information or code, which life is based on, and the addition of new information to DNA over millions of years has never been observed. Additionally, the theory of evolution suggests that man evolved from a common ancestor with apes, but continues to evolve today. However, there is ongoing debate and questioning about the validity and implications of these beliefs. On a different note, 7 Weeks Coffee is a company that promotes godly values, provides excellent coffee, and supports pregnancy centers. The name comes from the fact that a baby at 7 weeks gestation is the size of a coffee bean. They donate 10% of every sale to pregnancy centers and have raised over $100,000 in their first year. Their coffee is organically farmed, pesticide-free, and mold-free. If you're looking to spend your money wisely and support values you hold dear, consider giving up Starbucks and trying 7 Weeks Coffee instead. Use code "alie@checkout" for 10% off your order at 7weekscoffee.com.

    • Secularists and their belief in controlling their own destiny despite the inevitability of the universe's heat deathSecularists' rejection of an absolute moral basis can lead to inconsistent arguments and potential societal collapse, while a foundation in faith provides a consistent moral framework.

      According to the discussion, secularists believe in the evolution of humanity and controlling their own destiny, despite accepting the inevitability of the universe's eventual heat death and the meaninglessness of life. This belief system raises questions about their motivations for advocating for issues like climate change, inclusiveness, and morality. Since they reject an absolute basis for right and wrong, they cannot consistently argue for these causes, leading to potential societal collapse. Christians, on the other hand, have a foundation in the Bible for their beliefs about morality and the purpose of life. The inconsistency and subjectivity of secularist moral arguments can lead to a purposeless and meaningless existence, which some may find reason to end. This discussion highlights the importance of having a solid foundation for beliefs and values, particularly when advocating for societal change.

    • The Objective Reality of MoralityThe speaker argues for the existence of objective moral truths, inherent in us from a higher power, and challenges the idea that evolution could have produced morality.

      Objective reality exists in both the material and moral worlds, and everyone, regardless of their beliefs, recognizes this. The speaker argues that there is an objective truth, and some things are closer to that truth than others. He also suggests that moral values are not subjective, but rather, they are inherent in us and come from a higher power. The speaker challenges the idea that evolution could have produced a conscience or morality, as it's not clear how we could trust that it evolved the right way. The speaker concludes that ultimately, the only thing that makes sense is that there is a God who created everything and has given us a history and a moral framework to follow. The speaker also suggests that some people's rejection of this idea is driven by a desire to justify doing whatever they want and be their own god.

    • Spiritual Blindness Prevents Acceptance of TruthsPeople's beliefs and rejection of truths are influenced by spiritual and psychological factors, leading to a spiritual blindness that can prevent acceptance of evidence and challenge to beliefs.

      The promotion of certain beliefs and rejection of others is not solely based on logic or evidence, but also on spiritual and psychological factors. The speaker argues that people often refuse to accept truths, even when presented with overwhelming evidence, due to a spiritual blindness. This blindness can lead individuals and even societal institutions to reject truths that challenge their beliefs or worldviews. The speaker uses historical examples, such as Pharaoh's hardening heart and the religious leaders' rejection of miracles in the New Testament, to illustrate this point. Ultimately, the speaker encourages us to remember that people are not neutral beings, but rather, we all have biases and beliefs that shape our perceptions of truth. The speaker also emphasizes that naturalism, the belief system that denies the existence of a god, is a religion in itself. The discussion also touched on the idea that people, including Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, have a natural inclination to rebel against God and desire power for themselves.

    • Trusting God's Word vs. Interpretations of EvidenceTrusting God's word leads to understanding invisible attributes, while relying on own interpretations can result in ignorance, chaos, and moral decay. CrowdHealth offers an alternative to traditional health insurance, providing tools for members to negotiate and crowdfund medical bills, resulting in peace of mind and affordable coverage.

      People often trust their own interpretations of evidence over God's word, leading to suppression of truth and rejection of divine creation. This behavior, as described in Romans 1 and 2 Peter 3, results in ignorance, chaos, and moral decay. In contrast, trusting and obeying God's word allows us to understand and appreciate the invisible attributes of God, as revealed through His creation. Regarding health insurance, the complications and high costs can be overwhelming, leaving individuals feeling unprotected. However, there is an alternative: CrowdHealth. It's not insurance but rather a platform that provides tools for members to negotiate and crowdfund medical bills. By joining this community, members can opt out of traditional health insurance plans and receive support from a group of like-minded individuals. This affordable solution allows for peace of mind and coverage for unexpected medical events.

    • Understanding Genesis as Literal HistoryEmbracing the literal truth of Genesis as our foundation allows us to effectively address moral issues in society, including abortion, gender issues, and euthanasia, by changing our worldview and trusting in God's word.

      The foundation of our beliefs and values as Christians, particularly in addressing the moral issues prevalent in society today, lies in understanding the literal history outlined in Genesis 1 to 11. This foundational history provides the origin of concepts such as marriage, death, the 7-day week, and man's dominion over creation. It is crucial for Christians to recognize that these issues, including abortion, gender issues, and euthanasia, among others, are symptoms of a deeper problem: a wrong foundation built on man's word rather than God's. By returning to the beginning and embracing the literal truth of Genesis, we can change our worldview and effectively address these moral issues. Unfortunately, many churches have not taught Genesis as literal history, leading to confusion and a lack of understanding of the root cause of these problems. The solution, ultimately, is to trust in the infallible word of God as our foundation and to teach and live accordingly.

    • Starting with a God-centered foundation in Genesis 1-11To bring about societal change, we must first have a reformation rooted in the authority of the word of God, starting with the foundational books of Genesis 1-11, essential for building a correct worldview and way of thinking among God's people.

      In order to bring about revival and change in society, we must first have a reformation rooted in the authority of the word of God, starting from the foundational books of Genesis 1 to 11. This foundation is essential for building the correct worldview and way of thinking among God's people. Legislation alone cannot change a system from the top down, and we must address issues at their root. As the speaker emphasized, when building a house, we start from the foundation, and the same applies to Christianity. The foundation of our faith lies in the belief that God created the heavens and the earth, making Him the ultimate authority. Without this belief, there is no foundation for the rest of our beliefs. The speaker also highlighted that Jesus Himself believed in the literal interpretation of Genesis, as seen in Matthew 19 and John 1. Ultimately, the importance of taking Genesis literally is emphasized by Jesus' own life and teachings.

    • Exploring the Connection Between Jesus and MosesDelve into the scriptures, particularly Genesis, for a deeper understanding of Jesus' teachings. Seek answers through resources like Answers in Genesis and visit attractions like the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter. Prepare for emergencies with a year's supply of medications from Jace Medical.

      According to the discussion, Jesus and Moses are closely connected in the scriptures, and the foundation of understanding Jesus' teachings lies in the writings of Moses, specifically the book of Genesis. The speaker encourages people to explore the resources available on Answers in Genesis' website for answers to their questions, and invites them to visit the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter, two leading Christian themed attractions in the world. Additionally, the importance of preparing for emergencies by having a year's supply of necessary medications was emphasized through the mention of Jace Medical. Overall, the conversation highlighted the significance of going back to the foundational scriptures, the importance of seeking answers and knowledge, and the importance of being prepared for emergencies.

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    Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor
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    Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco

    Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco
    Today, we sit down with Soren Aldaco, a 21-year-old woman and detransitioner who is suing her former doctors for a botched mastectomy and other medical malpractices. Soren began identifying as transgender at just 11 years old, began hormone replacement therapy at 17, and had a double mastectomy at 19. Soren was prescribed all these treatments despite numerous mental health conditions and traumatic life experiences. How did this happen? Soren discusses her entire story and the failures of the medical system that left her "permanently disfigured." Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (02:30) Beginnings of Soren’s story (10:00) Internet indoctrination (29:10) Identifying as a boy (35:20) Support group & starting testosterone (49:24) Double mastectomy complications (01:03:59) Treatment issues & payment (01:07:26) Soren's lawsuit (01:12:35) Soren's faith journey (01:15:59) How to support Soren --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Carly Jean Los Angeles — use promo code ALLIE50 for $50 off your order of $100+ at carlyjeanlosangeles.com. NetSuite — gain visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and inventory so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. Go to NetSuite.com/ALLIE to get your one-of-a-kind flexible financing program. Seven Weeks Coffee — try Seven Weeks Coffee today at SevenWeeksCoffee.com and use the promo code: ALLIE to save 10% off your order. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 186 | Sex Change Regret | Guest: Walt Heyer https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000456890365 Ep 857 | Is ADHD Real? | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-857-is-adhd-real-guest-dr-roger-mcfillin-part-one/id1359249098?i=1000624680025 Ep 858 | The Disturbing Origins of Adderall | Guest: Dr. Roger McFillin (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-858-the-disturbing-origins-of-adderall-guest-dr/id1359249098?i=1000624797989 Ep 896 | From 'Trans Men' to Transformed by Christ | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part One) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632613519 Ep 897 | A Detransitioner on the Lie of 'Trans Joy' | Guest: Laura Perry Smalts (Part Two) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000632747460 Ep 963 | The Dangers of Gentle Parenting, SEL & Empathy | Guest: Abigail Shrier https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-963-the-dangers-of-gentle-parenting-sel-empathy/id1359249098?i=1000648254377 --- Links: Soren's X thread detailing the surgical complications: https://x.com/sorenaldaco/status/1635535612236242947 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1019 | The Christian ‘Ashley Madison’ Couple Speaks Out | Guests: Sam & Nia Rader

    Ep 1019 | The Christian ‘Ashley Madison’ Couple Speaks Out | Guests: Sam & Nia Rader
    Today, we sit down with family vloggers Sam and Nia Rader. Back in 2015, this Christian couple's world was turned upside down during a data breach of the infidelity website "Ashley Madison." Because of this breach, names of people who had signed up for the site, seeking to have an affair, became public. Sam's name was included in the leak. The couple then faced an uphill battle as they struggled to heal their marriage, sought true repentance, and dealt with the publicity of their marital struggles. They recently told their story again to Netflix in the streaming company's documentary on the data leak. We ask them to delve into their story and share what they believe Netflix got wrong. Get Sam and Nia's book here: https://www.amazon.com/Sam-Nia-Live-Truth-Restored/dp/B0D4657827 Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:08) Sam & Nia introduction (03:00) How Sam & Nia went viral (09:35) Signing up for ‘Ashley Madison’ (20:20) Getting convicted (26:10) Finding out about the leak (37:28) What happened after the leak (48:00) Nia's feelings & Sam's repentance (52:07) The Bible & divorce (56:05) Netflix's portrayal (01:00:51) Backlash & healing from infidelity (01:07:29) Where to find their book --- Today's Sponsors: My Patriot Supply — prepare yourself for anything with long-term emergency food storage. Get your new, lower-price three month Emergency Food Kit at PrepareWithAllie.com. EveryLife — the only premium baby brand that is unapologetically pro-life. EveryLife offers high-performing, supremely soft diapers and wipes that protect and celebrate every precious life. Head to EveryLife.com and use promo code ALLIE10 to get 10% of your first order today! American Christian Credit Union — America’s Christian Credit Union is Federally Insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Find America’s Christian Credit Union online at AmericasChristianCU.com/SWITCH Freedom Project Academy — Take back your child’s education at Freedom Project Academy. Right now, save 10% on tuition when you enroll at Freedom For School dot com, that’s Freedom F-O-R School dot com. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 957 | How the Gospel Heals Anger, Addiction & Adultery | Guest: Jeff Allen https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-957-how-the-gospel-heals-anger-addiction-adultery/id1359249098?i=1000647135892 Ep 989 | Nickelodeon Has a Predator Problem https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-989-nickelodeon-has-a-predator-problem/id1359249098?i=1000653246789 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1018 | Former IVF Doctor Blows the Whistle | Guest: Dr. Lauren Rubal

    Ep 1018 | Former IVF Doctor Blows the Whistle | Guest: Dr. Lauren Rubal
    Today, we sit down with Dr. Lauren Rubal, a Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility physician who focuses on fertility, recurrent miscarriage, painful, irregular, or heavy cycles, and menopause through an integrative lens. Instead of taking a bandaid, one-size-fits-all approach, Dr. Rubal views each patient as an entire person - body, mind, and soul - and works to address the root cause of reproductive disorders. But she wasn't always in this field. Dr. Rubal started her career in conventional medicine, and even practiced IVF. What prompted her to leave and start her own practice? How does Integrative Medicine differ from a more typical medical approach? What's so bad about IVF? Is there any such thing as "ethical" IVF? And why is hormonal birth control an ineffective treatment? We address all that and more. Find Dr. Rubal at: https://www.laurenrubalmd.com/ Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:22) About Dr. Rubal & her practice (05:20) The process of IVF (13:11) Ethics of “donating” sperm (15:15) Egg fertilization & the fate of embryos (20:17) Egg grading & testing (34:55) Embryo transfer process (43:55) Risk of miscarriage (45:10) More ethical IVF? (46:15) Selective reductions (51:11) Why Dr. Rubal left the IVF practice (58:47) Why we need education about fertility (01:04:57) Her integrative approach to health (01:07:25) Where to find Dr. Rubal --- Today's Sponsors: Covenant Eyes — protect you and your family from the things you shouldn't be looking at online. Go to coveyes.com/ALLIE to try it FREE for 30 days! Birch Gold — protect your future with gold. Text 'ALLIE' to 989898 for a free, zero obligation info kit on diversifying and protecting your savings with gold. Patriot Mobile — go to PatriotMobile.com/ALLIE or call 972-PATRIOT and use promo code 'ALLIE' for free activation! Balance of Nature — Balance of Nature's proprietary blend of 31 fruits and vegetables come in easy to swallow capsules to give your body the nourishment it needs. Go to BalanceofNature.com and use code ALLIE for 35% off. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 976 | Birth Control: What the Media Won’t Tell You https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-976-birth-control-what-the-media-wont-tell-you/id1359249098?i=1000650764644 Ep 959 | Birth Control Is Making Women Bisexual | Guest: Emily Detrick https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-959-birth-control-is-making-women-bisexual-guest/id1359249098?i=1000647441400 Ep 254 | Birth Control, IVF & Surrogacy https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-254-birth-control-ivf-surrogacy/id1359249098?i=1000475691301 Ep 695 | Why Children's Rights Trump Adults' Feelings | Guest: Katy Faust https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-695-why-childrens-rights-trump-adults-feelings-guest/id1359249098?i=1000583336623 Ep 554 | IVF, Embryo Adoption, & Surrogacy: Answering the Hard Questions | Guest: Jennifer Lahl https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-554-ivf-embryo-adoption-surrogacy-answering-the/id1359249098?i=1000549207733 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Beyond the Trip: How Psychedelics Are Shaping Our Worldview with Alexander Beiner

    In this episode of Voices with Vervaeke, Dr. John Vervaeke and guest Alexander Beiner, a leading voice in the world of psychedelics, discuss psychedelics' role in contemporary society. They tackle complex topics like the dangers and potentials of mixing politics with psychedelics, the mechanics of mystical experiences, and the modern meaning crisis. The duo also delves into the risks and rewards of commodifying psychedelic experiences. They explore the latest scientific studies, personal accounts, and anecdotal evidence, weaving them into an intricate narrative that invites listeners to consider psychedelics beyond recreational use. From trials at Imperial College London to DMT injections and the exploration of meta-cognitive skills, this episode serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone interested in the intricacies of the human mind, altered states, and the possibility of a collective conscious awakening.


    Alexander Beiner (@AlexanderBeiner) is an author, journalist, and facilitator who is dedicated to bringing countercultural perspectives into mainstream conversation. With an approach that blends writing and experiential transformation, he's committed to helping us navigate the complex era we find ourselves. Alexander is the author of 'The Bigger Picture: How Psychedelics Can Help Us Make Sense of the World'' and also pens a popular Substack with the same name. He serves as an executive director for Breaking Convention, Europe's seminal conference on psychedelic medicine and culture. Additionally, he co-created and co-facilitates Regenerative Stewardship, a legal psilocybin retreat. A pioneer in alternative media, he was one of the founders of Rebel Wisdom, a platform that delved into the realms of systems change and cultural sensemaking.



    Alexander Beiner: Website | Substack | X

    John Vervaeke: Website | Facebook | X


    The Vervaeke Foundation


    Rebel Wisdom — YouTube:

    Psychedelic Capitalism and The Sacred


    John Vervaeke — YouTube:

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    00:00:00 - Dr. John Vervaeke introduces his guest, Alexander Beiner, a founding figure of Rebel Wisdom. 

    00:03:22 - Beiner shares how the psychedelic counterculture influenced him and his exploration of the potential role of psychedelics in societal change.

    00:06:50 - The conversation turns to the transformative possibilities offered by psychedelic experiences, highlighting both their enlightening and limiting aspects.

    00:11:38 - Dr. Vervaeke probes the relationship between the duration of a DMT trip and its perceived intensity while contrasting mystical and visionary experiences.

    00:18:00 - Delving into the sensory richness of psychedelic trips, Alexander expounds on the accompanying emotions like relevance, mystery, and familiarity.

    00:23:00 - Skepticism and belief intersect as both speakers explore the advantages of an agnostic viewpoint when interpreting profound experiences.

    00:26:40 - Dr. Vervaeke advocates for mindfulness as preparatory groundwork, cautioning against blindly conferring authority to psychedelic apparitions.

    00:29:19 - Alexander talks about the research done by his wife, Ashleigh Murphy-Beiner, in the psychedelic world. He emphasizes the significance of leaning into what's coming up but also acknowledges the need to zoom out and take a step back.

    00:34:00 - Vervaeke introduces the concept of overfitting and underfitting in machine learning, drawing parallels to our mental processes and how psychedelics can introduce noise to prevent overfitting.

    00:40:43 - Reverence as a virtue is discussed, accompanied by reflections on the cultivation of epistemic virtue.

    00:47:20 - Alexander suggests that even partial acceptance of panpsychism or idealism can enrich our perspectives in a meaningful way.

    00:54:39 - John and Alexander discuss the dark side of AI and the manipulative potential of making things salient and opening people up to misinformation.

    01:01:18 - Dr. John Vervaeke talks about the importance of the dialogical character of experiences and how they differ from traditional enlightenment experiences

    01:09:51 - John describes the stages of Dialogos, including interpersonal intimacy, intimacy with the logos, and intimacy with the ground of being itself.

    01:10:49 - John praises Alexander's book and his efforts to address the meaning crisis and explore the psychedelic renaissance.


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    Host: Michael Dargie, THE REBELREBEL PODCAST

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    Listeners will be captivated by Miki's vibrant energy and her audacious approach to life and business. From her insights on transforming adversity into opportunity to her perspectives on cultural shifts and breaking norms, Miki leaves no stone unturned. This episode is a treasure trove of inspiration, not just for aspiring entrepreneurs but for anyone who's ever dared to think differently and act courageously.

    Join us as Miki Agrawal takes us on a journey through her entrepreneurial endeavours, from the inception of Tushy to her future aspirations. Her story is a compelling narrative of passion, resilience, and unapologetic authenticity. It’s an episode that not only enlightens but also entertains, leaving listeners with a renewed sense of what it means to be a creative rebel in today's world.

    Episode Highlights

    • Miki Agrawal's journey from personal health challenges to entrepreneurial success.
    • The story behind Tushy and its impact on daily hygiene.
    • Miki's multicultural background influences her business approach.
    • The importance of authenticity and resilience in entrepreneurship.
    • Challenging societal norms and taboos through innovative products.
    • Miki's perspective on storytelling as a tool for business success.

    Links From This Episode

    Books Mentioned In This Episode

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    What we need to do is to give people choice and options and not assume that we know what's right for everybody.”



    The Kindness Method by Shahroo Izadi - https://amzn.eu/d/iV6eZ4V

    The Last Diet by Shahroo Izadi - https://amzn.eu/d/9qfwIoP


    Laura was named #16 in 2023’s Drinks Retailing’s latest Top 100 Most Influential People in Drink, one of the 100 most influential women in hospitality by CODE, and is a Trustee for The Drinks Trust. The Club Soda Tasting Room was Drink Retailing’s Independent Retailer of the year 2023.

    https://joinclubsoda.com/tasting-room/at 39 Drury Lane, London, UK’s premier destination for low and no drink discovery.









    Amy is a Life Purpose Coach, Podcast Strategist, Top 1% Global Podcaster, Speaker and Mastermind Host. Amy works with individuals to improve productivity, engagement and fulfilment, to banish overwhelm, underwhelm and frustration and to welcome clarity, achievement and purpose.



    Amy inspires and empowers entrepreneurial clients to discover the life they dream of by assisting them to focus on their WHY with clarity uniting their passion and purpose with a plan to create the life they truly desire. If you would to focus on your WHY or launch a purposeful podcast, then please book a free 20 min call via www.calendly.com/amyrowlinson/enquirycall



    Sign up for the weekly Friday Focus - https://www.amyrowlinson.com/subscribe-to-weekly-newsletter





    HOSTED BY: Amy Rowlinson



    The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence. 

    *As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.