
    Ep. 888 - Biden Hires Gender Fluid Drag Queen Dog Fetishist

    enFebruary 11, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Biden administration's controversial appointment and masking policiesThe Biden administration appointed a gender fluid drag queen to a federal post, while masking policies among Democrats remain inconsistent, leaving parents and students confused.

      The Biden administration continues to prioritize political correctness over competence, as evidenced by the appointment of Sam Britton, a gender fluid drag queen dog fetishist, to a high-ranking federal post at the Department of Energy. This comes as parents are outraged over sexually explicit assignments given to students, and Disney Junior teaches kids about microaggressions. The sudden change in masking policies among Democrats remains unexplained. Meanwhile, the pro-life movement continues to fight for causes, and Charity Mobile, a pro-life phone company, offers an easy way to support charities while getting a new phone and plan. This week, history was made with the Biden administration's unprecedented appointment, further highlighting the concerning direction Western civilization is taking.

    • Discussion on Sam Britton's identity and role in the Biden administrationThe debate around Sam Britton's identity as a drag queen and fetish activities in the Biden administration highlights the complexities of identity, public figures, and workplace boundaries, raising questions about individual privacy and public scrutiny in the context of LGBTQ+ activism and representation.

      Sam Britton, a high-ranking official in the Biden administration at the Department of Energy, has openly discussed his identity as a drag queen and his involvement in fetish activities. While some argue that his personal life is irrelevant to his job, Britton himself has made it public through interviews, lectures, and social media. The discussion around Britton's appointment highlights the complexities of identity, public figures, and the boundaries of what is considered appropriate in the workplace and public discourse. The debate also underscores the ongoing tension between individual privacy and public scrutiny, particularly in the context of LGBTQ+ activism and representation. Ultimately, the conversation raises questions about the role of personal identity in professional contexts and the extent to which individuals can control the narrative around their public persona.

    • Personal choices and professional rolesPersonal choices can impact professional roles, and inconsistent standards exist regarding the relevance of personal lives in public life. Support American agriculture for authentic grass-fed beef.

      People have the right to live their personal lives as they choose, but the implications of those choices can impact their professional roles. In the case discussed, a man's interest in a controversial fetish raises concerns about his suitability for a position of power in the state's Department of Energy. The left's inconsistent stance on the relevance of personal lives in public life was also highlighted. Meanwhile, the food industry was called out for mislabeling imported grass-fed beef as "Product of USA," and the importance of supporting American farms and ranches was emphasized.

    • Two controversial incidents raise questions about boundaries in education and public lifeDemocrats criticized Mike Pence's past, but there's little opposition to Sam Britton's background in the nuclear division of the DOE. A Connecticut school assignment comparing pizza toppings to sexual preferences was criticized as inappropriate, highlighting the need for parental involvement and clear boundaries in education.

      Both the appointment of Sam Britton to the nuclear division of the Department of Energy and the controversial pizza and consent assignment in a Connecticut school raise questions about the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in education and public life. While Democrats were quick to criticize Mike Pence's past, there seems to be little opposition from the Republican party regarding Britton's background. Meanwhile, a Connecticut school assignment asking students to compare their pizza toppings to their sexual preferences has been criticized as inappropriate and a mistake. These incidents highlight the importance of parental involvement in education and the need for clear boundaries and morality in curriculum. Unfortunately, it seems that some educators are pushing the limits, and it's up to parents and concerned citizens to speak out and hold them accountable.

    • Normalization of comprehensive sex education leads to current controversiesDecades-long comprehensive sex education normalization led to current divisive practices, while Democrats shift on mask mandates due to public pressure and potential election impact.

      The normalization of comprehensive sex education in schools led to the current controversial practices, despite concerns raised for decades. As bad as the current situation may seem, it's an extension of the comprehensive sex education that has been in place for decades. Meanwhile, Democrats are making a U-turn on mask mandates ahead of the midterms due to public backlash and concerns about the impact on elections in purple districts. Children, particularly young ones, have reacted positively to the lifting of mask mandates in schools, but the psychological trauma caused by prolonged mask-wearing may not be easily undone.

    • Politics and Social Pressures Driving Changing COVID-19 PoliciesLeaders and individuals advocating for strict COVID-19 measures, especially those affecting children, should be held accountable for potential harm caused, as much of what we knew about the virus and its impact was already known before the pandemic.

      The changing COVID-19 policies should not be seen as a response to new knowledge or improving circumstances, but rather as a result of political and social pressures. The speaker argues that leaders and individuals who have advocated for strict COVID-19 measures, such as mask mandates for children, should not be forgiven for the potential harm caused, especially since much of what we know about the virus and its impact on children was already known before the pandemic. Furthermore, the speaker criticizes the introduction of content, like Disney Junior's "Rise Up, Sing Out," that addresses social issues to young children, arguing that it is unnecessary and may not be age-appropriate. Overall, the speaker emphasizes the importance of holding those responsible accountable for their actions and decisions, especially when they have a significant impact on the well-being of children.

    • Understanding MicroaggressionsMicroaggressions are unintended actions or words that can be perceived as offensive. Respond by asking for clarification and moving on. Be aware of media promoting woke ideologies and make informed choices.

      Microaggressions refer to unintended, subtle actions or words that may seem harmless but can be perceived as offensive or hurtful by the recipient. When encountering a microaggression, the recommended response is to ask the person for clarification and then move on with your life. It's essential to understand that the person may not have intended to offend you, and taking offense is a personal choice. Microaggressions are similar to pet peeves in that they involve reactions to seemingly innocuous actions or words. The mainstream media, including children's shows and films, are increasingly promoting woke ideologies, and it's crucial to be aware of this trend and make informed choices about the media your family consumes. In summary, microaggressions are a part of everyday human interaction, and the best response is to move on and communicate effectively when necessary. Stay informed about media trends and make conscious decisions to protect your family from unwanted ideological indoctrination.

    • Understanding Rogan's Appeal: Resistance to Tribalism and Comedic BackgroundJoe Rogan's podcast's popularity stems from his ability to engage in meaningful conversations with diverse perspectives and his comedian background. His resistance to tribalism and inviting guests from various political and ideological backgrounds leads to deep and interesting conversations that resonate with audiences.

      Despite controversies and perceived offensive content, some entertainers, like Joe Rogan, maintain massive popularity due to their ability to engage in meaningful conversations with diverse perspectives and their background as comedians who make people laugh. CNN, struggling to understand this phenomenon, even went as far as hiring a researcher to explain Rogan's appeal. The researcher identified Rogan's vocal resistance to tribalism and his comedian background as key factors. Rogan's podcast features guests from various political and ideological backgrounds, leading to deep and interesting conversations. Additionally, people enjoy the comedic element and the opportunity to hear different perspectives. This is a reminder that entertainment, even with controversial figures, can resonate with audiences through authentic engagement and open dialogue.

    • Body Image and Advertising: Normalizing or Objectifying?Advertisements featuring female bodies continue to spark debates, with recent sports bra ad causing controversy over normalization vs objectification. Stigma towards female bodies, particularly in relation to sex change surgeries, was also discussed. The convenience of online shopping for auto parts was highlighted.

      The advertising industry continues to spark debates around body image and stigma, particularly when it comes to female bodies. A recent sports bra advertisement featuring naked breasts caused controversy, with some arguing it was a step towards normalizing and celebrating the female form, while others found it dehumanizing and even creepy. The speaker also touched upon the stigmatization of female bodies, particularly in relation to sex change surgeries. Despite the intention to promote body positivity, the advertisement's execution raised concerns about objectification and the lack of similar campaigns for men. The speaker also shared their thoughts on the changing landscape of shopping for auto parts, emphasizing the convenience and accessibility of online platforms like Rokauto.com. Overall, the conversation highlighted the complexities and nuances surrounding issues of body image, representation, and consumer culture.

    • Discussing Car Parts, Parenting, and Societal AcceptanceAccepting reality, like messes in parenting, and societal challenges faced by tall people are important for personal growth and joy. Rockauto.com offers affordable car parts for car and truck owners.

      Rockauto.com offers an extensive selection of parts at affordable prices, making it a go-to destination for car and truck owners. Additionally, during the discussion, a topic about parenting and acceptance arose. It was emphasized that accepting certain realities, such as a young boy's tendency to make messes, is crucial for maintaining sanity and finding joy in parenting. Furthermore, the conversation touched on the challenges faced by tall people, with the argument made that they too experience forms of oppression, including physical inconvenience and societal comments. Lastly, the topic of emojis and their potential meanings led to a humorous exchange about a father's use of black emojis. Overall, the conversation covered a range of topics, from car parts to parenting and societal acceptance.

    • Avoid leading others into sin through actions or appearancesAs Christians, we should avoid dressing or behaving in ways that elicit lustful or covetous thoughts in others, promoting a healthier and more authentic understanding of modesty and purity. Personal responsibility and respect for others are key.

      As Christians, we should not intentionally lead others into sin through our actions or appearances. While it's not our responsibility to control another person's thoughts, we should avoid dressing or behaving in ways that are meant to elicit lustful or covetous thoughts in others. This concept applies beyond just clothing and can be extended to other areas of life, such as material possessions. By acknowledging this responsibility as Christians, we can promote a healthier and more authentic understanding of modesty and purity. Additionally, it's important to recognize that blaming women for men's thoughts is not a productive or fair approach, as men are capable of controlling their thoughts and actions. Overall, this discussion emphasizes the importance of personal responsibility and respect for others in our Christian lives.

    • Racial profiling in upscale retail environmentsUpscale retailers must address racial profiling to ensure equal treatment for all customers, as highlighted by the experiences of Jim Jones and 5 Mikes at the Gucci store in Manhattan.

      Racial profiling continues to be a significant issue, even in upscale retail environments. Jim Jones and 5 Mikes, both rap artists, experienced this firsthand at the Gucci store in Manhattan. Despite spending hours in the VIP section, they were denied basic amenities like water and were subjected to racial discrimination. Jones' account of the incident is harrowing, as he and his colleague were left thirsty and ignored by staff. The incident highlights the need for greater awareness and action against racial profiling in all areas of society. It's important for individuals and businesses to recognize and address these issues to ensure equal treatment for all customers.

    • Feeling Disrespected: Jim Jones' Experience with GucciTreating all individuals with respect and dignity is crucial, regardless of race or financial situation. Understanding unique experiences is important to avoid assumptions and assumptions based on preconceived notions.

      Jim Jones, a black man, felt disrespected and neglected by Gucci customer service while spending a significant amount of money on clothes and shoes. This experience left him feeling frustrated and overlooked, despite his substantial spending. The incident highlights the importance of treating all individuals with respect and dignity, regardless of their race or perceived financial situation. Jones' experience during Black History Month added to his sense of injustice and anger. The incident also underscores the importance of recognizing and understanding the unique experiences and challenges faced by individuals, rather than making assumptions based on preconceived notions. It's crucial to remember that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness, regardless of their race, financial situation, or other factors.

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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    Today's episode was edited by Reena Advani, Emily Kopp, HJ Mai and Ben Adler. It was produced by Claire Murashima, Ben Abrams and Julie Depenbrock. We get engineering support from Stacey Abbott. And our technical director is Zac Coleman.

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    Biden’s big methane gamble
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    The Biden administration is seeking 87,000 more IRS agents to make sure every last tax dollar is collected from the wallets of hard-working Americans.

    But if they’re that desperate, they should be more careful about the way they hand it out. Apparently, the feds have lost at least $276 billion dollars that was designated as covid-19 relief funding, according to the combined estimates provided by inspectors general of the Treasury and Labor Departments, along with the Small Business Administration.

    The Labor Department’s Inspector General estimated that $76 billion dollars set aside for unemployment insurance was lost through fraud. And at least $86 billion dollars was misappropriated via fraud and waste at the SBA, according to its inspector general. Both said those figures were likely to rise.

    Leona Helmsley once famously said that paying taxes was only for the little people. But nowadays, actually being held accountable for taxpayer money is obviously the rarity.

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