
    Podcast Summary

    • Criticizing Chuck and Nancy's Speech Optics and Fact-Checking the President's StatementsThe Dan Bongino show discussed the negative reactions to Chuck and Nancy's speech, fact-checked the President's statements on immigration, and promoted Policy Genius for simplifying life insurance purchases

      During the Dan Bongino show, they discussed the recent news cycle and the optics of a speech given by Chuck and Nancy, which received negative reactions due to their body language and the setting. The hosts, being conservatives, criticized the speech for its poor optics. Another topic covered was the fact-checking of the President's statements, with the hosts fact-checking some of his claims about immigration and its impact on the black and Hispanic communities. The show also featured a sponsor, Policy Genius, which offers an easy way to compare and buy life insurance. The hosts emphasized the importance of having life insurance and how Policy Genius simplifies the process.

    • President Trump's factually accurate statements on illegal immigrationTrump's statements about disproportionate impact on black men, Schumer's border support, heroin, sexual assault, and criminal records were all factually accurate

      During his recent speech, President Trump made several claims regarding the impact of illegal immigration on American communities, particularly the black and Hispanic populations, and the history of border security measures. Fact-checking these claims, it was found that Trump's statements about the disproportionate impact of illegal immigration on black men and Schumer's past support for a physical barrier at the southern border are true. Trump's claim about 90% of heroin coming across the southern border was also confirmed, although it should be noted that some of it comes through legal ports of entry. Trump's statement about one in three women being sexually assaulted on the journey to Mexico is also sadly true, according to a report from Doctors Without Borders. In the last two years, ICE officers have made over 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of over 100,000 assaults and 30,000 sex crimes. Overall, Trump's statements were factually accurate, despite potential attempts from liberal media and politicians to dispute them.

    • President Trump's statement on increase in illegal immigration arrests and crimes is trueTechnology like drones and cameras at the border have limitations, while a physical barrier like a wall can obstruct illegal crossings

      Despite the liberal media's fact-check coverage, President Trump's statement about the increase in illegal immigration arrests and related crimes being at an all-time high since 2014 is true. The use of technology like drones and cameras at the border has its limitations, as they can only surveil and provide visuals, but cannot physically obstruct or stop individuals from crossing the border illegally. A physical barrier like a wall, on the other hand, can serve as an obstructive mechanism. The debate on the effectiveness of technology versus a physical barrier in securing the border is ongoing, and it is essential to consider the unique capabilities and limitations of each approach.

    • Heated exchange between CNN's Jim Acosta and Kellyanne ConwayDespite media attempts to link the Russian lawyer's lies to Trump's team, Don Jr. remains transparent. Importance of respectful discourse between journalists and political figures.

      During a heated exchange between CNN's Jim Acosta and Kellyanne Conway, Acosta attempted to confront Conway about the truthfulness of President Trump's speeches, but the interaction ended poorly for him. Acosta was criticized for his disrespectful behavior towards Conway and was labeled as a liberal activist rather than a media representative. Additionally, there was recent news regarding the Southern District of New York charging Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya for allegedly lying to the FBI about her involvement in the Trump Tower meeting. Despite the liberal media's attempts to use this meeting as evidence of collusion between the Russians and the Trump team, Don Jr. has been transparent about the meeting and its outcomes. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of respectful discourse and the distinction between journalism and activism.

    • Russian lawyer at Trump Tower meeting had ties to Hillary Clinton's teamThe Russian lawyer who met with Trump Jr. in 2016 had connections to Hillary Clinton's campaign, adding to suspicions of an elaborate scheme to frame the Trump team.

      The Russian lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, who met with Donald Trump Jr. at Trump Tower in 2016 was working for Fusion GPS, a company hired by Hillary Clinton's team to gather dirt on the Trump campaign. This information was conspicuously left out of liberal media coverage of her indictment. The meeting itself is believed by some to have been a setup to create evidence for a Russian collusion narrative, should the Clinton team lose the election. The second Russian attendee, a Russian Intel connected individual named Rinat Akhmetshin, had deep connections to the Clinton camp. His lawyer was married to a high-ranking official in the Bill Clinton administration before she passed Evelyn Lieberman. These connections add to the belief that this meeting was part of an elaborate scheme to frame the Trump team. Despite the claims of a secret meeting, the meeting took place in a public building and was open to email communication. The full story, including these details, is well-documented and easily accessible through various sources.

    • Politically motivated charges against Michael SussmannMichael Sussmann's charges were released during Trump's speech, potentially to smear him, despite known ties to alleged Russian agent Igor Danchenko and Clinton's campaign. Upcoming Pfizer document release may bring transparency.

      The release of charges against Michael Sussmann, a lawyer for Hillary Clinton's campaign, the night of Donald Trump's speech was a politically motivated move intended to smear Trump. The ties between Sussmann and alleged Russian agent Igor Danchenko, who provided information used in the initial FISA warrant, were not hidden. The timing of the charges and the media coverage left out important context, such as Sussmann's work for Hillary Clinton. Rosenstein's upcoming release of Pfizer documents could bring transparency to this issue, as the fourth Pfizer warrant was signed after it was known the information used was false. Additionally, 23andMe offers personalized health insights based on DNA, allowing for customized health resolutions.

    • The US is not a low tax countryDespite popular belief, the US has higher than average top federal and state income tax rates compared to other economically developed countries in the OECD. High tax rates can be difficult to enforce in today's digital age, making lower rates more effective.

      Contrary to popular belief, the United States is not a low tax country. In fact, the average top federal and state income tax rate is higher than the average rate for all economically developed countries in the OECD. This is significant because, as history has shown, high tax rates can be difficult to enforce, especially in today's digital age where money can be easily moved across borders. The Cato Institute's report, referenced in the show, makes this point by highlighting how the average top tax rate among OECD countries has fallen significantly since 1980, with the US rate remaining above the average. The report also emphasizes that the ease of moving money internationally makes high tax rates less effective today than they were in the past. Therefore, rather than increasing taxes, the US could consider lowering them to be more competitive on a global scale.

    • The wealthy pay a disproportionate share of taxesThe top 1% pay almost half of all taxes, and the top 20% pay nearly 90 cents of every dollar, revealing a significant contribution from the wealthy to government funding.

      Contrary to popular belief, the United States is not a low tax country. In fact, the top 1% of households pay nearly 40 cents of every dollar in taxes, while the top 20% pay nearly 90 cents. The wealthiest Americans pay a significantly higher percentage of taxes than the middle class. Furthermore, New York City's recent announcement to provide free healthcare to all residents, regardless of immigration status, could potentially bankrupt the city. It's important to question the notion of a "fair share" when it comes to taxes and recognize the significant contribution of the wealthy in funding government programs.

    • Expanding healthcare for illegal immigrants doesn't save moneyOregon study shows providing primary care to illegal immigrants doesn't decrease ER visits, instead it may increase them

      Providing free primary care to illegal immigrants in New York City, as proposed by Mayor Bill de Blasio, is not a cost-saving measure as liberals claim. Contrary to their argument, an expansion of healthcare coverage, as seen in a study in Oregon, led to an increase in emergency room visits instead of a decrease. This misconception stems from the fact that liberals often rely on emotions and expansive government, while facts and data drive conservative arguments. The Oregon study debunks the idea that giving illegal immigrants primary care will keep them out of the ER, as there is no evidence to support this claim. Instead, it appears that people may continue to use the emergency room as their primary source of healthcare, even with insurance coverage.

    • Politicians' healthcare claims under scrutinyPoliticians' unfounded claims about cost savings and ER reductions in healthcare policies lack evidence, and there's a risk of taxpayer dollars being used by anyone globally. Demand evidence and avoid political rhetoric.

      Some politicians are making unfounded claims about healthcare policies saving money and reducing ER visits, but evidence, such as the Oregon study in the New England Journal of Medicine, suggests the opposite. Furthermore, there's no rate limiting factor, meaning anyone from around the world could potentially access New York City's healthcare system using taxpayer dollars. It's important to hold politicians accountable for their statements and demand evidence to back up their claims. Additionally, recent news shows that the Democrats have been accused of colluding with Russian operatives, similar to the accusations they've made against Republicans in the past. It's crucial to examine the facts and avoid political rhetoric. The best healthcare policies are those based on evidence and sound reasoning.

    • Allegations of social media interference in elections with fake Facebook pagesRussians colluded with both Trump and Clinton teams, and recent allegations involve a group using fake Facebook pages to suppress Republican votes

      There have been allegations of interference in elections using social media and fake Facebook pages, with both Republicans and Democrats being accused. During the presidential election, there were allegations of Russian collusion with the Trump team, but it's now known that the Russians also colluded with the Hillary Clinton team. More recently, there have been allegations that a group run by former Obama administration officials, funded by an executive at LinkedIn, used fake Facebook pages to suppress Republican votes in the midterm elections. These allegations add to the complexity of the issue and highlight the need for transparency and accountability in the use of social media in elections.

    • Former Obama officials suppressed GOP votes using FacebookFormer Obama officials, funded by a wealthy individual, used Facebook to discourage Republican voters, but the media has shown little interest in covering this story.

      There have been documented cases of former Obama administration officials, funded by a wealthy left-wing individual, using social media to suppress Republican votes in the Alabama Senate special election and the midterms. These individuals bought and controlled Facebook pages, publishing messages to discourage Republican voters from turning up at the polls. Despite this evidence, the mainstream media has shown little interest in covering this story. The media's coverage has been biased towards protecting the Democrats and attacking Republicans at every opportunity. The facts of this case have been uncovered, but it's up to journalists to bring them to light. The media's role is not to be activists, but to report the truth. Unfortunately, many in the media are more interested in liberal propaganda and covering up for the Democrats.

    • NBC's downplaying of terrorists apprehended at the borderNBC's dismissive stance on terrorists apprehended at the border is dangerous and irresponsible, with the number of terrorists involved in major US attacks being much smaller than six in a short period. Media's partisan coverage and attempts to make political figures look bad should be questioned, seek out reliable sources for accurate information.

      NBC's tweet downplaying the number of terrorists apprehended at the southern border in the last six months as insignificant is a dangerous and irresponsible stance. Dan Bongino, a conservative commentator, pointed out that the number of terrorists involved in major attacks in the US history is much smaller than six in a short period of time. He questioned NBC's "terrorist quota" and criticized the media for their partisan coverage and attempts to make political figures look bad. Bongino urged listeners to question the accuracy and intent behind such statements and encouraged them to seek out reliable sources of information. The immigration speech by the President was a topic of discussion, with most commentary expected to be inaccurate. Listeners were encouraged to follow Dan Bongino on various platforms for more insightful commentary.

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