
    Ep. 892 - Groomers Push ‘Queer Inclusivity’ On Preschoolers

    enFebruary 17, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Private schools face similar challenges as public onesPrivate schools also outsource moral formation to strangers and expose kids to sexually explicit content without parents' consent, highlighting the need for parental involvement in education.

      The issues with education extend beyond just public schools being run by the government. Private schools also face similar challenges as they are influenced by the larger culture and often outsource the mental and moral formation of children to strangers. A recent report reveals that private schools are training teachers to expose young children to sexually explicit content without parents' knowledge, as part of a queer inclusive curriculum. This underscores the importance of parents being vigilant and involved in their children's education, regardless of whether they attend public or private schools. Additionally, there are concerns about mask mandates in colleges, a racism scandal in a school in Illinois, and BLM bailing out activists. In other news, Disney is expanding beyond entertainment to building entire towns, raising questions about why anyone would want to live in a Disney-controlled community. Lastly, Good Ranchers offers high-quality American meat delivered to your door, providing a solution for those looking for transparency and quality in their food.

    • A leaked workshop at a NAIS conference discussed teaching young children about gender identity and sexThe workshop instructed educators to discuss gender identity and sex with children as young as four, emphasizing that a person's identity might not align with their body. Critics argue this is confusing, and parents were not mentioned in the presentation.

      At a major NAIS conference in Philadelphia two years ago, a training workshop presentation on talking to kids about sex and gender identity was leaked to Breitbart. The presentation, which was an hour long, instructed educators on how to discuss these topics with children as young as four in pre-K. The approach involved discussing body parts and feelings, with an emphasis on the idea that a person's gender identity might not align with their physical body. Critics argue that this is inappropriate and confusing for young children, who may not fully understand these concepts. In one clip, a presenter shared an anecdote about accidentally showing graphic images to a room full of young children. Another clip revealed that by second grade, children were explicitly taught about gender identity and encouraged to explore their feelings and identify which parts of their identity aligned with their gender. Parents were not mentioned in any of the clips, leading some to express concern about the lack of involvement in their children's education on these sensitive topics.

    • Understanding Sex, Gender Identity, Expression, and OrientationChildren are taught about sex, gender identity, expression, and orientation from a young age. While these concepts are distinct, they can overlap and be confusing. The goal is to fully indoctrinate children into these ideas before they can question them, potentially leading to a lifelong identity crisis.

      The discussion revolves around the distinction and understanding of sex, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation. Starting from 5th grade, children are introduced to these concepts, with sex being biological characteristics, gender identity being personal feelings, gender expression being how one presents themselves to the world, and sexual orientation being emotional and physical attraction to others. The use of the "gender unicorn" chart is intended to illustrate these concepts as distinct and lucid categories, but in reality, they overlap and can be confusing. The repetition of these concepts from a young age is seen as a way to fully indoctinate children into these ideas before they are old enough to question them. The concern raised is that this approach lacks depth and can lead to a lifelong identity crisis. Ultimately, the education system and queer activists believe they are entitled to children's hearts, minds, and souls, and want them to be fully invested in these ideas as early as possible.

    • Authenticity and Engagement in Unexpected CircumstancesHonesty is crucial, even in imperfect situations. Engaging with audiences and authors can lead to unique experiences. Unexpected challenges can bring unexpected opportunities.

      Honesty is the best policy, even when the circumstances are less than ideal. The speaker in the text shared their experience of having to film in a makeshift studio setup and acknowledged that trying to fake it would not fool their dedicated audience. They also highlighted the unique experience of engaging with Ben Shapiro's 3rd Thursday book club, where members can discuss important literary works and interact with the author in real-time. Another interesting point from the text was the unexpected protest by college students at the University of Nevada, Reno, who were advocating for more rules, rather than fewer. Overall, the text showcases the importance of authenticity, engagement, and the unexpected twists and turns in life.

    • UNR Students Protest for Mask Mandate ReinstatementIndividuals hold varying opinions on mask usage, with some advocating for personal responsibility and others prioritizing public health measures

      Despite the end of mask mandates and vaccine debates, some individuals still feel strongly about continuing to wear masks for their safety and the safety of others. UNR students in Nevada recently protested for the reinstatement of the mask mandate due to personal health concerns and the belief that it's not yet safe to abandon masks. While some argue that personal responsibility and freedom should be prioritized, others believe that stricter rules could help protect against COVID-19 and other hazards. The debate highlights the complexities and nuances of individual perspectives on public health measures.

    • People express desire to move past COVID-19 pandemicDespite ongoing risk, many want to focus on jobs and freedoms, expressing frustration with those who have only recently changed their stance on COVID measures.

      Many people are expressing their desire to move past the COVID-19 pandemic and return to normal life, despite the ongoing risk of infection. This sentiment is being expressed by individuals who have been vaccinated and those who have not, as well as by politicians and media figures who previously advocated for strict COVID measures. Some individuals express frustration with those who have only recently come to this conclusion and are now "done with COVID," wishing instead for acknowledgment and apologies from those who previously condemned their views. Overall, there is a growing consensus that it's time to learn to live with the virus and focus on protecting jobs and individual freedoms.

    • Louisville Community Bail Fund Pays $100,000 for Man's Bond, Sparking ControversyThe Louisville Community Bail Fund, a Black Lives Matter affiliate, paid a large bond for a man charged with attempting to murder a mayoral candidate, sparking debates about criminal justice reform, activism, and the role of organizations like Black Lives Matter in the justice system.

      There is ongoing controversy surrounding the release of a man charged with attempting to murder a mayoral candidate in Louisville, Kentucky. The Louisville Community Bail Fund, affiliated with Black Lives Matter, reportedly paid $100,000 for his bond, raising questions about the justice system and the role of the organization. The man, Quintez Brown, is described as a noted activist, and his release has been met with mixed reactions. Some argue that the large bond amount and quick release demonstrate systemic issues and privilege, while others criticize the organization for supporting a violent individual. The controversy highlights ongoing debates about criminal justice reform, activism, and the role of organizations like Black Lives Matter. Despite the controversy, the organization has not issued a statement condemning Brown's actions.

    • A teachable moment about hate and intoleranceQuick responses and conversations about race and hate are important for ensuring student safety and well-being. Avoid making assumptions based on skin color to prevent perpetuating harmful stereotypes.

      The use of insensitive materials, such as white privilege cards, can lead to confusion and hurtful experiences for students, regardless of their race. The incident at Unity Point School in Illinois serves as a teachable moment for students and teachers to discuss the role of hate and intolerance in society. The school's quick response, including conversations about race and hate, is important to ensure the safety and well-being of all students. However, the lack of clarity regarding the students involved and the context of the incident raises questions and concerns. It's crucial to remember that making assumptions based on skin color is not helpful and can perpetuate harmful stereotypes. The conversation should focus on promoting understanding, empathy, and respect for all individuals.

    • Focusing on common courtesies and responsibilities instead of white privilegeIndividuals can make a positive impact by returning shopping carts properly and encouraging others to do the same, promoting a sense of community and respect for shared spaces.

      The conversation around white privilege has become a contentious issue, with some arguing that it's become a way to victimize white people. The speaker expresses a desire to stop discussing white privilege if it means an end to these debates. Instead, the speaker advocates for focusing on common courtesies and responsibilities, using the example of returning shopping carts to their designated areas. The speaker highlights the actions of individuals who film and shame those who leave their carts in parking lots, praising them as heroes. The speaker shares a video of an incident where a man becomes angry and aggressive when asked to return his cart, and the speaker criticizes his behavior. The speaker emphasizes that it's not enough to simply move the cart off the walking path or onto the grass; it should be returned to the designated area. The speaker also notes that the man in the video is by himself and could easily have returned the cart himself. The speaker concludes by encouraging everyone to take responsibility for their actions and return their carts properly.

    • Small actions reflect larger character traitsSimple acts of consideration for others and accountability for responsibilities showcase our character and set an example for those around us.

      Small actions matter and reflect larger character traits. In the first part of the discussion, it was pointed out that leaving a shopping cart in the right place is a simple act of consideration for others. However, some people refuse to do it, revealing a lack of respect for their community and unwillingness to make small sacrifices for the greater good. This attitude is concerning because it suggests a lack of commitment to doing the right thing even when it costs nothing. In the second part of the discussion, a commenter shared their experience of not knowing how to change diapers due to a strong sense of smell. While the speaker joked about his lack of skill, some commenters took offense and criticized him for not taking on his responsibilities as a father. This led to a larger conversation about the importance of protecting children from inappropriate content, such as R-rated shows on airplanes. Both situations highlight the importance of taking small actions that benefit others and being accountable for our responsibilities. Whether it's returning a shopping cart or changing a diaper, these actions may seem insignificant, but they reflect larger character traits and set an example for those around us. As the commenter B Mac pointed out, protecting children from inappropriate content is an important responsibility that we all share, and it's crucial that we take action to ensure their safety and well-being.

    • Normalization of Disregard for Others in Public SpacesPeople prioritize personal entertainment over others' comfort in public spaces, leading to a lack of consideration for those around them. Younger generations, particularly Gen Z, may struggle with healthy boundaries due to constant digital distractions.

      People's focus on personal entertainment, often disregarding the impact on those around them, has become increasingly normalized in today's society, particularly in public spaces like airplanes. This disregard for others' comfort and sensitivity is a result of conditioning that reinforces the belief that individuals have an unquestioned right to their preferred entertainment, regardless of who might be affected. Additionally, the early exposure to technology and the internet for younger generations, such as Gen Z, has been identified as a potential contributor to their increased "screwed-up" state, as they lack the frame of reference for a world without constant digital distractions. The internet's pervasiveness in their lives has led to a lack of separation between online and offline experiences, making it more challenging for them to establish healthy boundaries and maintain a balanced lifestyle.

    • Perception of Technology and Generational DifferencesGen Z views the Internet as part of life, while older generations see it as an addition or threat. Foreign powers, specifically the Chinese Communist Party, are infiltrating American institutions, posing a significant threat to safety and freedom. Stay informed and subscribe to reliable sources for accurate information.

      The way we perceive technology, particularly the Internet, is shaped by our experiences and the generations we belong to. For Gen Z, who grew up with the Internet as an integral part of their lives, it's not seen as something separate but as part of life itself. However, for older generations, it can be perceived as an addition or even a threat. This difference in perception can lead to misunderstandings and misconceptions. Another major takeaway is the concern about the infiltration and manipulation of American institutions by foreign powers, specifically the Chinese Communist Party. This is not just about individuals but an entire elite class throughout politics, corporations, academia, culture, and media. This is a significant threat to American safety and freedom, and it's crucial to be aware of it. Lastly, the importance of staying informed and being a member of platforms like The Daily Wire that provide unbiased and truthful information cannot be overstated. With the increasing amount of misinformation and propaganda, it's essential to have access to reliable sources to make informed decisions. So, consider subscribing to such platforms and staying informed.

    • Disney's New Venture: Living in Disney-Branded CommunitiesDisney is expanding into residential communities, offering a Disney experience in everyday life, but concerns include loss of independence, privacy, and financial implications.

      Disney is expanding its influence beyond its theme parks and resorts, now offering fans the opportunity to live in Disney-branded communities. These communities, designed to be reminiscent of small towns with resort-like amenities, aim to bring the Disney experience into every aspect of residents' lives. However, the speaker expresses concerns about the potential loss of independence and privacy, as well as the financial implications of living in a community owned by a multibillion-dollar corporation. Despite the speaker's reservations, Disney's new venture represents a significant extension of its brand and a potential new source of revenue. Ultimately, the decision to live in a Disney community is a personal one, with potential benefits and drawbacks depending on individual values and priorities.

    • A warning of a potential dystopian futureThe Truman Show highlights the dangers of relying too heavily on childhood brands and entertainment, potentially leading to a society dedicated to corporate entertainment.

      The Truman Show is often misunderstood as a dream come true, but it was actually meant to be a nightmare and a warning of a potential dystopian future. Many people cling to the brands and entertainment franchises of their childhoods as a way to define their past, present, and future. This could lead to a large population eager to live in a community dedicated to corporate entertainment. Unfortunately, it may not be possible to segregate and eject these people, so instead, we should encourage them to move on and develop tastes suitable for adults. The speaker also encourages listeners to subscribe to their podcast and check out other Daily Wire shows. The Matt Walsh Show is produced by a team of professionals and copyrighted by the Daily Wire. Stay informed with daily news on Morning Wire. On today's episode, the Canadian government cuts off funds to the freedom convoy, Democrats are divided over Defund the Police, and the Oscars bring back posts.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Ep. 1390 - Major Polling Firm Changes Its Own Results After Left-Wing Activists Complain

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the term "Orwellian" is overused these days–but, no other word can describe what just happened with a Pew survey finding that a vast majority of black Americans believe in racial conspiracy theories. The findings were so upsetting to activists that Pew went back and changed the report. This is a crazy story that few are talking about. We'll discuss. Also, Donald Trump reportedly floated the idea of abolishing the income tax. That's a great idea that should garner a lot more enthusiasm than it does. And, a democratic congresswoman claims that she miraculously cured cancer. Where are the fact-checkers on this one?




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    Sign The Petition To Keep Matt Walsh on Saint Louis University Campus: https://bit.ly/3Dzeu1f

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    Episode #31 - MINDSGAMING

    Episode #31 - MINDSGAMING
    #Beta Co-Creator & Community Resource Center For Minds.com https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming INTRO 4min - What is #MINDSGAMING ? #Clans #OPEN #communities #CHANNELS 8min - #Minds ( good and the bad ) @AliceW @Ecotort @MariPia @IndianaJames @GamerTube #HASHTAGS, #Mindsgaming, #FUBAR 11min - #Reminding #rewards #MEMES #original #content #points https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/Launchingarea 16min - #Discord https://discordapp.com/ 18min - #Music #Clans, #ScurvyDogInn 21min - #Youtube #CENSORSHIP 23min - #Search #Engine https://www.minds.com/search?q=mindsgaming 25min - #Messenger #bugs 26min - #Github #Opensource #coding 30min - #Stack #exchanges #UBUNTU 31min - #Admin #issues #LOCKED IN #SNAFU #coding #GREMLINS 33min - #Groups #Priorities 36min - New World Noodle Order https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/606222515458551813/NWNO 38min - #Monetization #CREDIT #PAYPAL 44min - Boosts, confusion, tutorials, navigation, familiarity, learning curves 45min - #UPDATES? #Encryption 47min - #4thamendment #PRIVACY #Snowden @Ecotort 49min - #Centralized vs. DE centralized networks, #devices 51min - Google's motto: "Don't be EVIL." 54min - #Naptown #Nerdfest https://duckduckgo.com/?q=naptown+nerd+fest+2016 56min - KIDS LOVE PIRATES TOO! https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=jack+the+neverland+pirates https://duckduckgo.com/?q=jack+the+neverland+pirates 57min - Mindsgaming does us a #SOLID !!!!! GROUPS http://www.mindsonline.club/pirate-paridse-.html 1hr - Age of #Apocaloptimism, #Archeology 1hr4min - #Dudeism 1hr6min - #Hierarchial vs. #Egalitarian models, MONSANTO, Robber Barons, private prisons 4 profit. licensing, MP3 encoding, software 1hr9min - Whack A Mole, #socialmedia #TROLLS https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/465117354020319234/WAM 1hr10min - #CLOSED groups - #Erotica, #PLAYBOY, Pirates as #libertarians 1hr12min - Lakota Sioux Black Snake #PRN Pirate Radio News ( Episode #3 ) "EYE don't know why we traded the Kremlin for Wall Street." @Pirate_Larry #MP3 #FREE #archive https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3PFsx-QI3oxSUtIbXZBUkdZN2M Willie Nelson and Neil Young support native protest ( 2014 ) https://nsweeklydotcom.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/willie-and-the-xl-pipeline/ https://duckduckgo.com/?q=rainbow+warrior+hopi+prophecy Youtube censorship, #Podomatic #MP3s 1hr19min - Dave Cullen https://www.minds.com/DaveCullen MORE of the BLACK SNAKE #fracking #pipeline 1hr22min - #Solar #alternative #energies 1hr26min - #NEWS #Multimedia #alternative #community #building #proPAGANda #disinformation #misinformation #Bread & #Circuses #regional #programming #credibility #CYBER #philosophy #personal #human #relationships #connections #ANONYMITY 1hr32min - TROLLS, #misogyny #reminding #content #TRUST #offtopic #discussion #TAGGING #clickbait #SPAM 1hr35min - #Girl #GAMERS 1hr37min - #COSPLAY 1hr40min - A #NEWBIE? Need #HELP? Contact @Mindsgaming 1hr41min - MINDS Co-founders https://www.minds.com/ottman https://www.minds.com/john 1hr42min - SHOUTOUTS !!!! @AlchemyDoll @Gamertube @Mariapia @Bathtubjenn @Ecotort Ahoy Mateys! #PRPN #Positive #Solutions #FUN #GAMES #CHANGE #Social #media #SMS #Information #Entertainment #Planetary #Cooperative #Profitsharing #Dankmemes #Networking #copy #paste #share #wash #rinse #repeat #CPSWRR Yaaarrrrrrrrrrggghhhhh !!!!! Calling ALL #CREATIVE #web, #merch, #marketing, #engineering, #promo, #blogging, #ART, #podcasters & #virtual #crypto #currency #network #coders #programmers #developers; plus ANY random number of other potentially valuable applicable and instrumental skill sets. Only 3-4 hours per week of #dedicated #volunteer #investment time to become part of PRPN's core crew of #BOOTY #buckos Together, we're making the DREAM come alive ..... http://space-pirate-radio.podomatic.com/ https://www.minds.com/PirateRadioNetwork http://pirate-radio-podcasts.com/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/PRPN1/ https://www.facebook.com/groups/FANN1/ https://twitter.com/PRPNetwork1 https://twitter.com/JaphyRyder32 https://twitter.com/pirate_larry

    “Empathy is Active.” Henry Reese, on Salman Rushdie, City of Asylum, and the “Reader Effect.”

    “Empathy is Active.” Henry Reese, on Salman Rushdie, City of Asylum, and the “Reader Effect.”

    In 1997, Henry Reese and his wife, Diane Samuels, were at a public talk by writer Salman Rushdie, and inspired by his call for communities around the world to offer sanctuary to exiled writers. They "kicked each other under the chair" and thought, why not? Six years later, they founded the City of Asylum, Pittsburgh, a multi-unit residency program that has welcomed exiled writers and artists from China, Syria, Bangladesh and beyond. 

    Twenty-five years later, Reese was invited to interview Rushdie at the Chautauqua Institute Amphitheater. Just as the interview was about to begin, Rushdie was violently attacked. Reese has described the audience’s rushing to the writer’s aid, attributing it to what Reese calls the “reader effect” – a real time demonstration of how reading literature and sharing stories builds empathy and meaningful community.

    178. Free Speech and the Satirical Activist | Andrew Doyle

    178. Free Speech and the Satirical Activist | Andrew Doyle

    On this Season 4 Episode 32 Episode of the Jordan Peterson Podcast, Jordan is joined by British comedian, author, playwright, journalist, political satirist, and voice of Titania McGrath, Andrew Doyle.

    Andrew Doyle and Jordan discuss his new book, “Free Speech and Why It Matters”, the hate crime law in Parliament, the attack on free speech and its importance, Twitter attacks, creativity, Titania McGrath’s story, and much more.

    Find more Andrew Doyle on his website https://andrewdoyle.co.uk, and check out his book, “Free Speech And Why It Matters.” 

    The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast can be found at https://www.jordanbpeterson.com/podcast/