
    Ep. 896 Did You Miss This Stunning Revelation Yesterday?

    enJanuary 17, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • FBI officials' text about 'insurance policy' during 2016 electionPotential FBI bias and conflicts of interest emerged during the 2016 election investigation when officials discussed an 'insurance policy' to potentially remove a candidate, leading to a critical turning point in the election and the beginning of the Russia investigation.

      During the 2016 presidential election, senior FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, who were having an extramarital affair, discussed an "insurance policy" in their text messages to potentially get rid of Donald Trump. This text was discovered on July 27, 2016, and the inspector general notified special counsel Robert Mueller about it the same day. The significance of this text was unclear at the time, but a recent report from The Epic Times sheds new light on its meaning. The officials were involved in investigations related to both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. This revelation highlights the potential biases and conflicts of interest within the FBI during the election. The discovery of the text on July 27, 2016, was a critical turning point in the election, as it led to the appointment of Mueller as special counsel and the beginning of the Russia investigation.

    • Discoveries on July 27, 2017: Mueller's team's biased texts and Papadopoulos' arrestMueller's team's biased texts were uncovered on the same day as Papadopoulos' hasty arrest, indicating potential attempts to silence him and emphasizing the importance of impartiality in high-profile investigations.

      July 27, 2017 was a significant day in the investigation into President Trump and his campaign. Bob Mueller, the special counsel, discovered that his lead investigators in the Trump case were deeply involved in the Hillary Clinton case and had exchanged corrupt texts. On this same day, George Papadopoulos, a Trump campaign advisor, was arrested in a hurry-up arrest at Dulles Airport. The unusual nature of this probable cause arrest suggests that there was a need to silence Papadopoulos. These revelations marked a turning point in the investigation and highlighted the importance of maintaining the integrity of those involved in high-profile cases.

    • Urgent call for a special counsel and FBI lawyer under investigationOn July 27, 2017, the House GOP requested a special counsel and it was reported that a top FBI lawyer was under investigation for leaking classified info, raising questions about attempts to divert attention from ongoing probes.

      July 27, 2017, was a pivotal day in the investigation into potential misdeeds by the FBI during their investigations into both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. On this day, the House GOP issued an urgent call for a special counsel, and on the same day, it was reported that a top FBI lawyer, James Baker, was under investigation for leaking classified information to the media. Baker was a close confidant of former FBI director James Comey and had reportedly been advising him on legal matters following their private meetings. This coincidence raises questions about potential efforts to divert attention from ongoing investigations. The timing of these events marked the beginning of a political civil war within the government.

    • Attempt to plant a spy in Trump administration through George PapadopoulosMueller rushed to arrest Papadopoulos without a warrant in an attempt to cover up corruption and distract public attention with false narratives

      During the Trump presidency, there was an attempt by certain individuals to plant a spy within the administration using George Papadopoulos as the target. The inspector general discovered the corruption of the two lead investigators, prompting someone in the administration to alert Robert Mueller. Fearing exposure, Mueller and his team rushed to arrest Papadopoulos on July 27, 2017, without a warrant in the early hours of the morning. This desperate move came as the administration anticipated Mueller's efforts to cover their tracks and clean up the mess. To distract the public from the unfolding scandal, someone in the administration leaked information to the media about an FBI lawyer under investigation for criminal leaks, creating a narrative to justify their actions and prepare the public for potential impeachment proceedings. Ultimately, the administration's strategy was to embed the false narrative into the public psyche before the truth was revealed.

    • Pivotal Day in Russia Investigation: FBI Arrests Papadopoulos, House GOP Calls for Second Special CounselThe FBI's arrest of George Papadopoulos on July 27, 2017, and the House GOP's call for a second special counsel raised concerns about potential abuses of power and the FBI's efforts to undermine the Trump administration. The events were interconnected, suggesting a coordinated effort to investigate based on false information.

      July 27, 2017 was a pivotal day in the Russia investigation as multiple events unfolded that raised questions about the FBI's actions. Mueller arrested George Papadopoulos at the airport to prevent him from revealing efforts to flip him and recruit him as an informant against the Trump administration. On the same day, the House GOP called for a second special counsel to investigate the FBI's actions. This was likely in response to the exposure of texts showing the FBI's efforts to spy on the Trump team. The FBI had interviewed Papadopoulos on January 27, 2017, and it appears they may have made a cooperation arrangement with him, which they later denied. The FBI's handling of Papadopoulos raises concerns about potential abuses of power and an attempt to undermine the Trump administration. The timing and interconnectedness of these events suggest a coordinated effort to investigate the Trump team based on false information.

    • FBI's investigation of Papadopoulos: Inconsistencies suggest broader spying operationThe FBI's investigation of George Papadopoulos shows inconsistencies in the timeline, suggesting it may not have been related to Russian collusion but part of a broader spying operation against the Trump team.

      The inconsistencies in the timeline of the FBI's investigation of George Papadopoulos, as outlined in the statement of offense against him, suggest that the initial interest in Papadopoulos may not have been related to Russian collusion with the Trump campaign, but rather part of a broader effort by the FBI to spy on the Trump team. This theory is supported by the fact that the FBI seemed to lose interest in Papadopoulos after the summer of 2016, only to reconnect with him in January 2017, after Trump's election. This sudden renewed interest in Papadopoulos came as the FBI's investigation into Trump collusion with Russia was faltering, and they were desperate to find any evidence to support their claims. The inconsistencies in the timeline and the FBI's actions suggest that Papadopoulos was just another piece in the larger spying operation against the Trump team.

    • FBI's Spy Operation on Trump CampaignThe FBI targeted individuals in the Trump campaign, using tactics like wires and false info, to gather evidence of a Clinton email hack conspiracy.

      The FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign during the 2016 election involved targeting individuals like George Papadopoulos and Joseph Mifsud, using various tactics including attempts to get them to wear wires and providing them with false information. The ultimate goal seemed to be to gather incriminating evidence against the Trump team and potentially entrap them into a conspiracy to hack into Hillary Clinton's emails. It's important to note that Papadopoulos was just a small piece in a larger operation to spy on the Trump administration, which included unmasking, targeting foreign calls, misuse of the NSA database, and FISA courts. The FBI's actions suggest a major effort by the sitting president to use all available resources to spy on Trump.

    • Intelligence community's failed attempt to set up Trump team memberIntelligence community tried to feed Russian emails info to George Papadopoulos, hoping he'd leak it, but he didn't cooperate. They opened an investigation against him based on a meeting with a Maltese professor.

      There were attempts by intelligence community members and their five eyes partners to set up a member of the Trump team, George Papadopoulos, in the spring of 2016, by feeding him information about Russian emails allegedly belonging to Hillary Clinton. The goal was to get Papadopoulos to pass this information to the Trump team and have it leaked to the media, potentially damaging the Trump campaign's credibility and making the Hillary email scandal appear as a foreign operation. However, Papadopoulos did not cooperate, and the FBI became desperate when their investigation didn't yield results. They eventually used a meeting between Papadopoulos and a Maltese professor named Joseph Mifsud as evidence to open an investigation against Papadopoulos. Despite this, nothing came of the investigation after a few weeks, and Papadopoulos was not heard from again until after the election when the FBI, in a panic, tried to get him to wear a wire against someone named Ms. Sud. It's important to note that the intelligence community's involvement in these events is still a subject of controversy and debate.

    • Intelligence community tried to use Papadopoulos as source, missed opportunityThe FBI's attempt to use George Papadopoulos as a source during the 2016 campaign backfired when they missed their chance to gather information before he deleted his accounts.

      During the 2016 presidential campaign, members of the intelligence community attempted to use George Papadopoulos as a source within the Trump administration, believing he was involved in suspicious activities due to his interactions with a woman named Ms. Sood, who was an intelligence asset. The FBI was not aware of this, and when they discovered the truth, they panicked and tried to flip Papadopoulos against the Trump team. However, they had missed their opportunity as Papadopoulos had already deleted his social media accounts and phone. The situation became more problematic for the FBI when it was discovered that they had been trying to use a setup person to gather information on the Trump campaign. This revelation came to light in July 2017 when the Inspector General shared text messages with the Mueller team, leading to Papadopoulos's arrest. This incident highlights the complexity and potential pitfalls of intelligence gathering during political campaigns.

    • FBI and DOJ officials were briefed on potential corruption of Steele dossier earlier than claimedNew report reveals FBI's Bruce Orr briefed senior officials, including Andrew Weissman, about potential corruption of Steele dossier in August 2016, contradicting Democrats and media's long-standing claim of ignorance.

      Key figures in the FBI and DOJ were aware of the potential corruption of the primary source of information used in the Russian collusion investigation, the Steele dossier, much earlier than previously stated. This was revealed in a report by John Solomon, who mentioned that Bruce Orr, the FBI's former deputy assistant director, briefed senior officials, including Andrew Weissman, about the dossier's potential corruption in August 2016, nearly two months before the FISA warrant was issued. This contradicts the Democrats' and media's long-standing claim that those involved in the investigation were unaware of Steele's political motivations. The implications of this revelation are significant and could potentially change the narrative surrounding the Russian collusion investigation. On a separate note, during the same broadcast, Dan Bongino also recommended the Robinhood investing app, which allows users to buy and sell stocks, ETFs, options, and cryptos commission-free. The app is user-friendly, with clear designs and easy-to-understand charts and market data, making it an excellent option for new investors. Robinhood is giving away a free stock to Bongino's listeners who sign up using the link Bongino.Robinhood.com.

    • The Russia probe's 'insurance policy' falls apart, leading to the flipping of George PapadopoulosInvestigators considered using Papadopoulos as a source but failed, while he later exposed their scheme. Possibly, a Russian contact introduced by Mif Suad could have been the asset instead.

      During the summer of 2016, investigators involved in the Russia probe realized their case against Trump's team was falling apart. Desperate for information, they considered an "insurance policy" - likely the flipping of people within the Trump campaign, such as George Papadopoulos. However, their attempts to use Papadopoulos as a source failed, and he eventually exposed their scheme in 2017. Another possibility is that a Russian contact, introduced by Mif Suad, may have been the actual intelligence community asset, with Mif Suad being unwittingly involved. Either way, Papadopoulos was being set up by the intelligence community. This complex web of events highlights the devious and intricate nature of the Russia investigation.

    • FBI's investigation of Papadopoulos more complex than initially thoughtThe FBI tried to recruit Papadopoulos as an informant but were unaware of intelligence assets working against them, leading to his arrest and potential cover-up.

      The FBI's investigation of George Papadopoulos was more complex than initially thought. The effort to recruit Papadopoulos as an informant was ongoing, but the FBI may have been unaware that their own intelligence assets were working against them. The July 27th arrest of Papadopoulos was likely an attempt to shut him up and shut down any potential damage to the investigation. The IC may have been involved in setting up a false Russian scandal, and the FBI was trying to use Papadopoulos as a source against him. The timeline of events suggests that the bureau thought they had a valuable asset in Papadopoulos, but he ultimately realized that the FBI was targeting him, not the person he was interacting with, Ms. Sood. This revelation led to the FBI rushing to clean up the situation and prevent the public from finding out about their attempts to recruit a spy inside the Trump team. The new information sheds light on the complexity of the investigation and raises questions about the motivations of the IC and the FBI.

    • Support the show by subscribing on various platformsSubscribing to the Bongino Show on iTunes, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and SoundCloud helps the show grow and become more discoverable to new audiences.

      While listening to the show is free, subscribing to it on various platforms like iTunes, iHeartRadio, Spotify, and SoundCloud is essential for the show's growth and success. The subscriptions help move the show up the charts, making it more discoverable to new audiences. The host encourages listeners to subscribe and provides links to the various platforms on their website, bongino.com. Additionally, reading the show notes, which are also available on the website, is important for gaining a deeper understanding of the topics discussed on the show.

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