
    Ep. 897 When Are the Schemers Going to Prison?

    enJanuary 18, 2019

    Podcast Summary

    • Speaker Pelosi's misguided attempt to block SOTUDespite lack of pay, Secret Service ensured SOTU security. Pelosi's move criticized as political stunt during shutdown. Helix Sleep offers personalized, comfortable mattresses with risk-free trial and discount.

      Speaker Nancy Pelosi's attempt to prevent President Trump from delivering the State of the Union address due to the government shutdown was based on a false premise. The Secret Service's ability to ensure security was not impacted by the lack of pay for its agents. Pelosi's actions were criticized as a misguided attempt to score political points during a time of national uncertainty. Additionally, Helix Sleep was promoted as a solution for individuals seeking a personalized and comfortable mattress experience. Their sleep quiz matches customers with the perfect mattress based on their preferences and body type, offering a risk-free trial period and a generous discount.

    • Political standoff between Pelosi and Trump escalatesDeepening polarization and lack of compromise in American politics led to Pelosi's overseas trip being blocked by Trump, highlighting bitter partisanship and unwillingness to give ground.

      The ongoing political standoff between Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump reached a new level last week when Pelosi led a congressional delegation to overseas trips during a government shutdown, only to be turned back by Trump's order. Pelosi's move was criticized as a cheap political stunt, and Trump responded by asserting his authority as commander-in-chief and denying Pelosi and her team the use of military aircraft. The incident highlighted the deepening polarization between the two parties and the lack of compromise in the current political climate. Pelosi's move was seen as a provocation, and Trump's response was described as a necessary assertion of presidential power. The incident underscored the bitter partisanship that has come to define American politics in recent years, with both sides unwilling to give ground and committed to advancing their respective agendas at all costs.

    • Aggressive tactics needed in today's political climatePrepare for a long fight against radical leftist ideologies threatening the Republic, stand firm against open borders, high tax rates, and the destruction of ICE.

      The current political climate requires a different approach than traditional methods of argument and compromise. The speaker believes that the political landscape has shifted to a point where facts and reason have been disregarded, and a more aggressive, street-fighting mentality is necessary. This is due to the radical leftist ideologies of the Democratic Party, which the speaker believes threaten the Republic and cannot coexist with it. The 2020 presidential race is also seen as a race to the bottom of destructive ideas, with open borders, high tax rates, and the destruction of ICE being some of the issues at stake. The speaker is urging listeners to prepare for a long fight and to be ready to stand firm against these ideologies.

    • Democrats race to propose the most extreme policies during primaryCandidates compete to outdo each other with radical policies, leading to a proliferation of absurd ideas and earning the Democratic Party the 'seven-minute abs party' label.

      During the Democratic primary race, candidates are vying to outdo each other with increasingly radical and extreme policies, much like characters in a movie trying to one-up each other with ridiculous ideas. These policies range from tax rates to minimum wage to immigration and healthcare, with each candidate proposing more radical versions than the last. This "race to the bottom" results in a proliferation of increasingly stupid ideas, earning the Democratic Party the moniker of the "seven-minute abs party," a reference to a scene in a movie where characters keep trying to outdo each other with shorter workout routines. The ultimate goal is to gain support and differentiate themselves, even if it means proposing increasingly absurd policies.

    • Productivity apps, wages, education, and personal recommendations discussedThe conversation addressed the importance of productivity apps, wage concerns, education policies, and personal product recommendations, with a notable mention of the July 27, 2017, date and the Quip electric toothbrush.

      The discussion touched on various topics, including the importance of using effective apps for productivity, the desire for better wages and benefits, education policies, and personal product recommendations. Notably, the conversation mentioned the significance of the July 27, 2017, date, which marked the discovery of damaging text messages between lead investigators involved in the Donald Trump spying scandal. These texts were a turning point in the unfolding scandal. Additionally, the speaker highlighted the Quip electric toothbrush as a favorite product, emphasizing its user-friendly features and dental professional acceptance.

    • Discoveries and Panic in July 2017During July 2017, Mueller's team discovered damaging texts, arrested Papadopoulos, raided Manafort's house, and investigated Baker for leaks, causing panic and a push to silence key figures to keep the Trump investigation ongoing.

      During July 2017, several significant events unfolded that could have potentially exposed the investigation into Donald Trump's campaign. On July 27, Mueller's team discovered text messages between two lead investigators, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page, expressing their disdain for Trump supporters and discussing meetings in London. This revelation caused panic within Mueller's team and led to a push to silence everyone involved. On the same day, Papadopoulos was arrested, and Jim Baker, a lead FBI lawyer, was being investigated for criminal leaks. The day before, on July 26, Manafort's house was raided. These events suggest a coordinated effort to silence key figures and keep the investigation against Trump ongoing. The media did not widely report on these events at the time, but they indicate a potentially troubling turn in the investigation.

    • Obama Administration's Targeting of Trump CampaignThe Obama administration orchestrated investigations into Trump campaign associates, particularly Manafort and Papadopoulos, based on the Steele dossier, with suspicious timing and potential fabrication of evidence.

      The texts and events discussed suggest an orchestrated effort by certain individuals and committees to target and investigate Trump campaign associates, particularly Paul Manafort and George Papadopoulos, based on information from the Steele dossier. The timing of key events, such as Manafort's meeting with the Senate Intelligence Committee and the raid on his home, seem suspicious and indicate an attempt to shut down potential lines of investigation that could challenge the narrative of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The lack of evidence against some individuals, like Carter Page, prevented their arrests. Ultimately, this operation appears to have been driven by the Obama administration's desire to spy on the Trump team and later fabricate evidence to justify it.

    • The investigation into Trump's campaign began with an attempt to entrap Papadopoulos and the dossier, but both failed to provide evidence of collusion.Despite knowing the dossier was likely a Clinton campaign product, investigators used it to justify the Russia probe, which failed to uncover collusion. The FBI's failure to disclose this to Congress raises concerns about the investigation's legitimacy.

      The investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia in 2016 began with an attempt to entrap George Papadopoulos, but when that plan failed, the investigators shifted their focus to the Christopher Steele dossier. Despite knowing that the dossier was likely a Hillary Clinton campaign product, they continued to use it as justification for the investigation. The FBI's failure to disclose this information to Congress, as required by law, raises questions about the legitimacy of the entire investigation. The pursuit of Papadopoulos and the dossier were part of the investigators' "Plan A" and "Plan B," respectively, and neither led to any concrete evidence of collusion. The interview with Jim Comey, FBI director, in March 2017, reveals that he failed to notify Congress about the ongoing investigation as required, further adding to the controversy surrounding the investigation's origins and methods.

    • FBI's initial plan to use Papadopoulos as intermediary falls apartThe FBI delayed notifying Congress of the Russian election interference investigation due to the collapse of their initial plan involving George Papadopoulos and the sensitivity of the matter.

      The decision not to notify Congress about the ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election until recently was due to the fact that the initial plan, which involved using George Papadopoulos as an intermediary in the investigation, had fallen apart. The FBI had attempted to use Papadopoulos as a source against the Trump team, but he had figured out that he was being set up and had panicked, deleting his social media accounts and getting rid of his phone. The investigation, which had begun in July 2016, was sensitive in nature, and the decision not to brief senior congressional leadership until months later was likely due to the sensitivity of the matter. The FBI had already gone to the FISA court for a warrant based on the dossier, which was later found to be fake, and they were already knee-deep in the investigation with signatures around things and Comey had signed off on the FISA warrant. The FBI was begging for time and trying to verify the information in the dossier, but it was falling apart in front of their eyes.

    • FBI's Russia probe focused on Trump, not collusionDespite no solid evidence, FBI prioritized finding incriminating info on Trump over Russian collusion, leading to questionable tactics.

      The FBI's investigation into the Trump campaign's alleged collusion with Russia was driven not by a desire to uncover Russian involvement, but by a determination to find evidence against President Trump himself. Key figures like Peter Strzok, who led the investigation, advised FBI Director Comey not to inform Congress about the investigation due to its sensitivity. This was despite the fact that they were still conducting surveillance on the Trump team and had obtained a flimsy pretext for the investigation in the form of the Steele dossier. When the investigation began to unravel and the extent of their actions was at risk of being exposed, they panicked and took drastic measures, such as raiding the home of Paul Manafort, who was cooperating with the Senate Intelligence Committee. Ultimately, the investigation was aimed at covering up their own actions rather than uncovering Russian collusion.

    • FBI and DOJ accused of misusing power, potential criminal activityAllegations of criminal leaks and misuse of political dossier to spy on Trump team could indicate serious power abuse and potential criminal activity within FBI and DOJ

      There are allegations of criminal leaks of classified information and potential abuses of power within the FBI and Department of Justice during the 2016 election. Manafort's involvement in the dossier and the setup of Papadopoulos are key points of concern. Texts about these matters are about to be leaked, and those involved, including Baker, McCabe, Comey, and Page, should be held accountable. The FBI and DOJ are accused of using a political hit piece, the dossier, to obtain a warrant to spy on the Trump team. This information was allegedly known to be political in nature before the FISA process began. These allegations, if true, suggest a serious misuse of power and potential criminal activity. It's crucial to acknowledge the severity of these accusations and the need for transparency and accountability.

    • Mueller Investigation: A Political HitDespite knowing the Mueller investigation was politically motivated, high-ranking DOJ officials appointed a lead investigator to deflect attention. Criticisms against the gig economy lack evidence, as a debunked study and decreasing participation contradict the narrative.

      During the Mueller investigation, high-ranking officials in the Department of Justice, including Andrew Weisman, knew that the investigation into Donald Trump was a political hit. Despite this knowledge, Mueller appointed Weisman as the lead investigator, potentially to deflect attention from Weisman's own involvement in the scandal. Meanwhile, in a separate issue, liberals have been criticizing the "gig economy" for supposedly leading to a decrease in benefits for workers. However, a study they have been using to support their argument has been debunked, and the number of people involved in gig economy work has actually decreased since its peak during the Obama administration.

    • Decrease in gig economy jobs under TrumpUnion workers might benefit from Trump's economic policies, leading to more full-time opportunities

      Contrary to popular belief, the number of gig economy jobs has decreased under the Trump administration, rather than increased. This might come as a surprise, but it's important to note that this isn't necessarily a negative development for union workers. In fact, Trump's economic policies have been beneficial for them, as they've led to a stronger economy overall. This, in turn, has created more opportunities for full-time employment. So, instead of viewing gig economy jobs as a threat, union workers might want to consider supporting economic policies that foster a thriving economy. This is because, historically, a strong economy has been the best way to create jobs and opportunities for all types of workers.

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