
    Ep #9 Talking about Judgment and Liens Deals

    enJune 30, 2019

    About this Episode

    In this episode, I share what's currently been happening in our real estate business and what deals we have been closing. Explaining Judgment and Liens deals.

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    Also, Join our mastermind if you are interested to learn these deals more in details.


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    Also, if you want to learn more about these type of deals and structures in depth join our mastermind - https://www.unclekarlsmastermind.com/uncle-karl-s-friends-mastermind-group

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    Also join our mastermind group - https://www.unclekarlsmastermind.com/uncle-karl-s-friends-mastermind-group 

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    If you want to learn more about the niches we are in join my mastermind at - https://www.unclekarlsmastermind.com/uncle-karl-s-friends-mastermind-group