

    enAugust 07, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Discovering new experiences at music festivalsMusic festivals offer an exciting atmosphere with endless entertainment, even for those not into the genre, but attending multiple days can be demanding. Some artists may be exploring spirituality in their music and personal lives.

      Attending a music festival, even if it's not your usual genre, can be an exhilarating experience due to the overall energy and vibe of the event. People may feel compelled to dance and join in the fun, even if they're not avid listeners of EDM. However, the endurance required for multi-day festivals can be challenging, and some prefer to attend for just a day. The atmosphere, lights, music, and entertainment can make having fun effortless. Some artists, like Polo G, are believed to have tapped into spirituality and may be expressing a desire to reconnect with their faith through their music. NLE Choppa, for instance, has been seen engaging in spiritual practices and following spiritual accounts on social media. The belief is that some artists may have made deals or sold their souls for success but are now trying to find their way back to their spiritual paths.

    • The Importance of Authenticity in Public PerceptionMisrepresenting one's image or wealth online can lead to skepticism and mistrust, emphasizing the importance of authenticity and consistency in public perception.

      The public perception of an individual, particularly a celebrity or influencer, can be influenced significantly by the image they project. However, if there's a noticeable discrepancy between their public persona and their private life, it can create confusion and raise questions about authenticity. This was a topic of discussion regarding Elenelichoppa's appearance at Rolling Loud and his contrasting online presence. The debate revolved around whether such duality sells well and if it's believable. Another example brought up was Andrew Tate, who presents a stern and boss-like image but is rarely seen showing his kind side. The issue is that promoting one image makes it difficult to reveal other aspects of one's personality. The conversation then led to the topic of authenticity and belief in what people say online. The discussion also touched upon the idea that when someone with a large public presence is found to have misrepresented their wealth or possessions, it can lead to skepticism and mistrust. This was exemplified by Tai Lopez, who was believed to be wealthy based on his public image but was later found to have rented his house and lived a more modest lifestyle. In essence, the conversation highlighted the importance of authenticity and consistency in public perception and the potential consequences of misrepresentation.

    • Focusing on personal growth and positivity in content creationCreating and sharing content for free doesn't guarantee success, but focusing on personal growth, positivity, and authenticity can lead to a fulfilling experience and potential opportunities.

      Creating and sharing content for free doesn't guarantee financial success, and it's important to focus on personal growth and positivity rather than hate or negativity. The speaker shared an example of a content creator who claimed that people could make money from free content, but then mentioned a person who had taken the course but hadn't made any money yet. They also discussed a content creator who spread negativity towards women and encouraged hatred, which the speaker believed was unnecessary and harmful. The speaker also shared their personal experience with a content creator named Sneako, who claimed to be like Andrew Tate but didn't live up to that image. The speaker emphasized that if someone is going to talk big, they should actually be that person and not just play the part. Overall, the speaker encouraged focusing on personal growth, positivity, and authenticity rather than hate or negativity.

    • Public figures face intense backlash and controversy in the digital agePublic figures need to address controversies to maintain relevance and avoid reputation damage. Rumors and allegations, even unproven, can significantly impact public image. Be mindful of actions and words in the digital world.

      Public figures, including Sneaker from a popular podcast, can face intense backlash and controversy in the digital age. This can lead to heated exchanges, apologies, or even physical confrontations. Some believe that these incidents can be fueled by trends and past traumas. It's essential for public figures to address controversies and move past them to maintain relevance and avoid potential damage to their reputation. Additionally, rumors and allegations, even if unproven, can significantly impact a person's public image. The line between entertainment and reality can blur in the digital world, making it crucial for individuals to be mindful of their actions and words.

    • Lady Gaga's Mysterious Conspiracy TheoriesFans speculate Lady Gaga is a murderer who paid off the media, possesses supernatural powers, and is part of a dark side of the music industry based on her performances and friend's death.

      There are various conspiracy theories surrounding Lady Gaga, suggesting she is a murderer who paid off the media to hide her friend's suicide and possesses supernatural powers. These theories stem from her performances involving self-inflicted blood, her friend's mysterious death, and an apparent shield on stage during a concert. Additionally, some believe Dominic Fike's song "Vampire" hints at the dark side of the music industry. These theories, while unproven, show the intrigue and fascination some fans have with Lady Gaga's persona and music.

    • Actors' struggles with changing image and societal expectationsPeople's worth goes beyond their roles and financial gain, with love being the most valuable force.

      People's careers and self-perception can be limited by the roles they've become known for and societal expectations. Using examples from Michael Cera, Jonah Hill, and Josh Peck, the discussion illustrates how actors can struggle when trying to change their image or step out of stereotypical roles. Money and love were identified as the two most powerful forces, with love being priceless and capable of transcending monetary value. The conversation also touched on the moral dilemma of compromising one's values for financial gain. Ultimately, it's essential to remember that people are more than the roles they play and that love and happiness are worth more than any amount of money.

    • The dilemma of sacrificing one life to save manyPersonal values and beliefs shape our decisions in life-or-death situations, and the potential consequences should be carefully considered.

      The dilemma of sacrificing one life to save many raises complex ethical questions. In this hypothetical scenario, the speaker reveals that they would not sacrifice their family member, even if it meant saving five strangers. This decision is based on their emotional connection to their family member. However, the speaker acknowledges that the situation is not straightforward and that there are different ways to approach it. Some people might try to save the strangers by pulling the lever accidentally, while others might believe in the concept of karma and let things come back around. Ultimately, the decision comes down to personal values and beliefs, and the potential consequences of our actions, whether they are deliberate or not. The discussion also touches upon the idea of being accountable to our ancestors and the potential impact of their watchful gaze. It's a reminder that our actions have consequences, and we should consider the ethical implications of our decisions carefully.

    • The lasting impact of actions and motivationsOur actions and motivations can have profound impacts, even beyond our physical existence, as shown in the story of Teresita Bassa and a personal experience of determination.

      Even after death, unfinished business or strong motivations can lead individuals to make their presence known. Teresita Bassa, a kind-hearted respiratory therapist from the Philippines who was murdered, came back to avenge herself through a doctor's wife in a trance. This event showcases the idea that our actions and motivations can have lasting impacts, even beyond our physical existence. Additionally, the speaker shared a personal experience of feeling a strong urge to fight against being put under anesthesia during a wisdom tooth extraction. This feeling, though fleeting, highlights the power of determination and the importance of maintaining faith in oneself, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. In essence, both the story of Teresita Bassa and the speaker's personal experience demonstrate the profound impact of motivation and unfinished business, whether in life or in the afterlife.

    • Embracing Discomfort for Greater SuccessEmbracing discomfort and pushing beyond your limits can lead to greater success and improvement, as shown by boxing legends Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson, and modern fighters like Ryan Garcia and Gervonta Davis.

      Pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, even when it hurts, can lead to greater success and improvement. Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson, two legendary boxers, provide examples of this mindset. Muhammad Ali only started counting his sit-ups when they became painful, and Mike Tyson's unrelenting power and determination made him a formidable opponent. However, comparing fighters from different eras can be challenging, and both have their unique strengths. Ryan Garcia, a young and undefeated boxer, exemplifies grit and determination, while Gervonta Davis showcases exceptional skills. Being undefeated can be both an advantage and a disadvantage, depending on one's mindset. Pressure can either make you crumble or create diamonds. Ultimately, it's essential to keep pushing forward, even when you've reached the top, as every step is a new challenge.

    • Celebrating progress and finding peaceInstead of solely focusing on external achievements, strive for finding peace within, which can come from simple joys and supportive communities.

      Celebrating milestones and finding peace are important aspects of personal growth. While hitting numbers like a million on social media can be a significant achievement, it's essential to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the progress made. However, true peace may not come from external accomplishments but from within. It could be as simple as finding joy in reading a book in the park or having a supportive community around you. The concept of peace can be subjective, and it's essential to define it for oneself. The speaker suggests that instead of focusing solely on hitting numbers, we should strive for finding peace in our lives. Additionally, the speaker shares a story about a man who found peace in the forest by connecting with nature, which serves as a reminder that finding peace can come from unexpected places.

    • An encounter with a shape-shifting creature and a cryptic warningNative American folklore includes shape-shifting beings called skinwalkers, capable of reproducing and creating offspring. Unexplained messages on social media can be mysterious and unsettling, but may also be harmless pranks.

      The speaker encountered a mysterious creature resembling a wolf, but with human-like teeth and behavior, which he later identified as a skinwalker. Skinwalkers are shape-shifting ancestral beings in Native American folklore, capable of assuming the form of animals. The speaker was surprised to learn that these beings can reproduce and create offspring, leading him to imagine the existence of mini skinwalkers. The conversation then shifted to a cryptic message received on a social media platform, warning of a man in a red coat and a significant event on August 27th. The speaker expressed uncertainty about the meaning of the message and joked about pranking his friend if they encountered a man in a red coat on that date. The conversation also touched upon their encounters with strange individuals in their neighborhoods and the speaker's evolving perspective on them, viewing them as NPCs or non-playable characters in a video game. Despite this, he acknowledged the importance of compassion towards others, whether they are NPCs or not.

    • Is our reality a simulation?The idea that our reality could be a simulation challenges our perception of what is real, and if true, would require us to distinguish between NPCs and real characters.

      Our reality could be a simulation, and we might be NPCs in someone else's game. This idea, which is reminiscent of movies like The Matrix and Among Us, challenges our perception of what is real. If this were true, it would mean that our leaders, and potentially everyone around us, could be "players," and we would need to find a way to distinguish between NPCs and real characters. The concept of solipsism, which suggests that only one's own consciousness exists, adds another layer of complexity to this idea. It's a thought-provoking notion that invites us to question the nature of reality and our place in it. While it's impossible to prove or disprove, it's an intriguing idea worth considering.

    • The power of suggestion and the unknownOur perception of reality can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things, leading us to question our existence or experience fear and panic.

      The power of suggestion and the unknown can have a profound impact on our perception of reality. The discussion revolved around various topics, including a mind-bending plot twist, a haunted image, and dark web games. The plot twist left one person questioning their own existence, and the haunted image, known as Smile Dog, was said to cause epileptic seizures and torment those who saw it. The dark web games mentioned were described as manipulative and impossible to escape. These stories illustrate how our minds can be influenced by seemingly insignificant things, leading us to question our reality and even experience panic or fear. The Smile Dog image, for instance, was so disturbing that those who saw it were compelled to spread the word, unable to say anything in return. Similarly, in the dark web games, individuals were forced to carry out tasks with no way of opting out. These stories serve as a reminder of the power of suggestion and the impact of the unknown on our minds.

    • Cultural Beliefs and CursesSome objects or actions are believed to bring bad luck in various cultures, impacting people's lives with anxiety, nightmares, and negative experiences. Awareness and respect for these beliefs is important.

      Certain objects or actions, such as bringing home a rock from Hawaii or having a turtle design on a surfboard, can be considered cursed or bring bad luck in various cultures. These beliefs may stem from ancient traditions or superstitions. For instance, in Hawaii, taking a rock home is believed to result in a curse, while turtles, despite their symbolic significance in many places, are considered bad luck because they represent something slow. Similarly, fishing with bananas is considered bad luck. These beliefs may seem irrational, but they can have a significant impact on people's lives, causing anxiety, nightmares, and other negative experiences. Additionally, some modern trends, like wearing Crocs, can be influenced by these cultural beliefs or be seen as a way to feel grounded, as in the case of Yeezy phone runners. Overall, it's essential to be aware of these cultural beliefs and respect them, even if we don't personally believe in them.

    • Exploring the natural way of living for better healthSome believe that certain communities who live without modern conveniences have better health, raising questions about the potential downsides of modern technologies and practices

      There seems to be a belief among some people that our modern ways, such as wearing constricting shoes and relying on medication, may not be in harmony with our natural state. This belief is based on the observation that certain communities who live without these modern conveniences appear to have better health and well-being. For example, some indigenous peoples have wide, spread-out feet, which some believe is a more natural way for our feet to be. Additionally, there are theories that pharmaceutical companies may not want us to be healthy because they would lose business if we weren't sick. These ideas may be controversial and difficult to prove, but they highlight the importance of considering the potential downsides of modern technologies and practices. In essence, the natural way of living may hold secrets to better health and well-being, but it's a complex issue that requires further exploration.

    • AR Glasses to Surpass VR in PopularitySpeakers believe AR glasses will offer a more natural user experience and eventually surpass VR in popularity, as they can do everything VR can do while allowing users to see their surroundings. Some suspect companies may delay AR release to maintain profits from current tech.

      The speakers in the discussion express a strong belief that AR glasses, which offer a more natural and comfortable user experience compared to VR headsets, will eventually surpass VR technology in popularity. They argue that AR glasses have the potential to do everything VR can do, but with the added benefit of allowing users to see their surroundings. The speakers also suggest that companies may be intentionally delaying the release of AR technology to maintain profits from current technologies, such as film cameras and VR headsets. They also discuss the idea of using masks or impostors to perform at public events as a way for celebrities to maintain privacy. The conversation also touches on the idea that Kanye West may have used a body double to perform at Rolling Loud festival in Miami, with Michael Blackson being the prime suspect. Overall, the speakers express a fascination with the potential of AR technology and the strategies companies may use to control its release.

    • Digital Legacy and Ethics of Continuing Content Creation After DeathAdvanced technology raises ethical questions about creating endless content under deceased persons' names using deepfake technology, impacting authenticity, ownership, and individuality.

      Potential power and longevity of digital content and personas, even after the creator's passing. The speakers discussed the possibility of a media company or individual continuing to produce content under a deceased person's name, using deepfake technology to create endless content. This raises ethical questions about authenticity, ownership, and the potential consequences of creating a "twin" or "evil twin" persona. While some see the benefits of having a twin for sharing workload or exploring different creative directions, others express concerns about the loss of individuality and potential misuse of the persona. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the importance of considering the ethical implications of advanced technology and its impact on identity and creativity. Remember to tune in to the Jumpers Exclusive Channel for more thought-provoking discussions, and don't forget to follow us on Instagram, listen on Spotify and Apple, and subscribe, like, and comment as always. Jump or jump out!

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    On this episode of the Healthy Wealthy and Smart Podcast, Dr. Mark Merolli joins me to chat about eHeath and physical therapy. Dr. Mark Merolli is a physiotherapist, health informatician and digital health consultant. He works in the digital health research and academia space and practices physio in a sports and musculoskeletal practice.

    In this episode, we discuss:

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    Physical therapists can benefit from leveraging social media for both patient management and education. Mark stresses, “Social media is one trend that we can’t ignore.”


    With innovations such as wearable technology wide scale, fairly accurate accumulation of health data is now possible which can be used to better understand treatment outcomes and change the way insurance companies think about reimbursement. In this age Mark understands that, “Information is power.”


    Many applications are being developed for health and wellness needs and Mark has found that, “There’s a lot happening in the digital health space.” However, many apps underperform due to lack of insights from healthcare practitioners who more readily understand the patient experience. Unfortunately, Mark has found that, “Healthcare is inherently slow to adopt a lot of these trends.” Mark believes healthcare providers should partner with digital innovators and have a role in developing these technologies because, “It’s the practicing health professional’s role to have an intimate knowledge of healthcare.”


    For more information on Mark:

    I’m Mark Merolli, a passionate digital health and informatics professional. I work in academia, research, clinical practice, as a consultant, and on various entrepreneurial projects.


    My clinical background as a Physiotherapist has been rewarding and grounding. After years focussing on clinical practice exclusively, I was drawn in by the paradigm shift I was witnessing both with my own patients and in the wider community – a push enabled by technology. I was an early adopter. During a stint living and practicing abroad in the United Kingdom, I was fortunate enough to gain some experience working at a digital media agency alongside my clinical work, specialising in online, print media and advertising. This parallel experience to health practice was invaluable and provided a foothold to explore “digital” in “health”. Working as part of the online team helped me gain extensive knowledge in the web, social media, website management, search engine optimization (SEO), digital analytics and, digital strategy. By doing this, I was better able to conceptualise the digital landscape and relate it back to my passion – healthcare.


    All of my experiences have led me to focus my career very much in the digital health space. I have a PhD in this area, specialising in social media for health but my interests and expertise covers a range of technologies and areas (especially consumer-centric technologies that influence participation in health – mHealth, apps, sensors, telehealth, virtual reality, games, etc).


    Now, I research, lecture, educate, strategise, speak and provide thought leadership on all things digital health to various health organisations, entities and individuals. I love all of my roles!


    I also have formal qualifications in health informatics, such as Membership in the Australasian College of Health Informatics (MACHI), am a Certified Health Informatician Australasia (CHIA), endorsed by Australian College of Health Informatics (ACHI) and Health Informatics Society of Australia (HISA), and am the Chairman of the International Medical Informatics Association – Participatory Health and Social Media Working Group (IMIA – PHSM).


    My real passion is to connect with likeminded health professionals and other stakeholders who are interested in this big wide world we now call “digital health”. As technologies continue to intertwine with healthcare, it’s important we’re equipped with the knowledge and understanding to operate confidently in this environment. My overall vision is to connect with, educate and up-skill health professionals across a variety of digital health areas and to help solve practical solutions in future models of healthcare.


    My Mission: “To connect professionals with digital health”


    My Credo: “For health professionals..by health professionals”


    Resources discussed on this show:

    Mark Merolli Website

    Mark Merolli Twitter

    Mark Merolli LinkedIn


    TEDMED: Cole Galloway Go Baby Go

    TED Talk: Meet e-Patient Dave


    Society for Participatory Medicine

    Digital Resources about Technology and Physio 

    Social Media for Physios: Mark’s Training and Business Course


    Thanks for listening and subscribing to the podcast! Make sure to connect with me on twitter, instagram and facebook to stay updated on all of the latest! Show your support for the show by leaving a rating and review on iTunes!


    Have a great week and stay Healthy Wealthy and Smart!


    Xo Karen



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    038. Author Gabriel D. Roberts, Michael Phillip

    038. Author Gabriel D. Roberts, Michael Phillip




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     Life can be a bastard.  It has a way of sucker-punching you in the nethers just when you least expect it, leaving you confused and scrambling for answers.  Life gets nasty, period.  Death, disease and trauma don’t wait until you’ve fortified yourself with a daily meditation routine, or had some sort of life-affirming existential breakthrough.  Most of us learn this truth the hard way- in lieu of a personal, transcendent experience that no one can take away, philosophies and religious creeds often amount to squat when life gets dark. 

    Enter Gabriel D. Roberts.  Raised a fundamentalist Christian, Gabriel’s religious identity was well-defined and static for decades.  But, intelligence and dogma have a way of repelling one another, and by his late twenties he rejected spirituality completely.  What followed, was an ugly period for Gabriel.  He devoted himself to more materialistic endeavors, all while self-medicating with harmful substances. Eventually, after finding his own transcendent experience, he was able to right his ship.  He has now devoted his life to spreading his story of awakening to others in hopes that they might make contact with their own, personal spiritual truth. 

    Gabriel’s third book, The Quest for Gnosis will be released wherever digital books are sold on March 20.  For more information, check out his website and give him plenty of digital smooches via his Facebook and Twitter accounts.

    Join the thousands who already support Midwest Real. Follow us on Twitter and Facebook and don’t forget to subscribe and review on Itunes!

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    Connecting With Your Inner Child

    Connecting With Your Inner Child
    One of the common topics on the podcast is developmental psychology: how what happened to us as a child can influence our lives today. Alongside that, there can also be a lot of value in reconnecting with the person we were when we were young, before the world got in the way. This can give us a sense of our true nature, and new ideas for how to become an ever-more-complete version of ourselves out in the world. Follow this link to watch the conversation on YouTube! Support the Podcast: We're now on Patreon! If you'd like to support the podcast, follow this link. Key Topics: 1:10: Uncovering our true nature. 4:20: Our cultural view of children. 7:20: “Feeling down” into younger layers. 13:30: What were you like when you were young? 18:20: A process of contacting your true nature. 25:00: What were your innate desires? 34:00: Compassion for our source. 39:00: Guiding questions, and the layers of self we can access. 43:00: The core needs of most young people. 51:40: Writing a letter to your younger self. 53:00: Recap Sponsors: From Dr. Hanson: The Foundations of Well-Being brings together the lessons of a lifetime of practice into one year-long online program. Podcast listeners can use the code BEINGWELL25 at checkout for an additional 25% off! Please don't hesitate to apply for a scholarship if you're in need.  Join over a million people using BetterHelp, the world’s largest online counseling platform. Visit betterhelp.com/beingwell for 10% off your first month!  Want to sleep better? Try the legendary Calm app! Visit calm.com/beingwell for 40% off a premium subscription. Start a new healthy habit with Seed! Visit seed.com/beingwell and use code BEINGWELL to get 20% off your first month of Seed’s Daily Synbiotic. Connect with the show: Follow Forrest on YouTube Follow us on Instagram Follow Rick on Facebook Follow Forrest on Facebook Subscribe on iTunes Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices