
    Ep. 907 - A Nation Full Of People Who've Never Been Told No

    enMarch 14, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • The Failure of the Criminal Justice System in Rehabilitating a Serial KillerThe case of Marcelin, a serial killer released from prison twice, underscores the importance of keeping dangerous individuals incarcerated and the potential risks of premature release. It also questions the effectiveness of parole decisions and broader cultural attitudes towards criminal leniency and victim's rights.

      The criminal justice system failed in the case of a serial killer named Marcelin, who was released from prison twice and went on to kill again. Marcelin, now 83 years old, was first convicted of murder in 1963 and received a life sentence. She was released on parole in 1984 and was soon after convicted of another murder. Despite repeatedly seeking parole and being denied, she was released again in 2010. In March 2023, Marcelin was charged with murder after a body was found in her apartment. This tragic case highlights the importance of keeping dangerous individuals in prison and the potential consequences of releasing them prematurely. It also raises questions about the effectiveness of the parole system and the factors that influence parole decisions. Beyond this specific case, it's part of a larger cultural trend of leniency towards criminals and a disregard for victim's rights.

    • The Dangers of Respecting Individual Desires in Extreme CasesRespecting individuals' self-identified gender in extreme cases can have dangerous consequences and prioritizing public safety is crucial.

      Our society's inability to say "no" to individuals, even in extreme cases, can have dangerous consequences. The discussion revolves around the case of a serial killer named Marcelin, who was released from prison despite a history of violent crimes and a pattern of targeting women. Marcelin, who identifies as a woman, was allowed to identify as such, potentially leading to housing in a women's prison. This raises concerns about the potential risks and implications of respecting individuals' self-identified gender in such extreme cases. The example highlights the importance of considering the potential consequences of our actions and the need to prioritize public safety over individual desires. It also underscores the importance of being able to say "no" and setting boundaries, even when it may be uncomfortable or unpopular.

    • The importance of truth and saying noOur culture's obsession with affirmation and refusal to say no can lead to harmful consequences, particularly for women. Truth and the ability to say no are essential, and we should not abandon them simply to avoid hurting people's feelings. Consider investing in gold and silver as hedges against inflation.

      Our culture's obsession with affirmation and refusal to say no has led to harmful consequences, particularly for women. This was highlighted in the case of biological male swimmer Leah Thomas competing in the women's championships. The speaker argued that truth and the ability to say no are essential, and we should not abandon them simply to avoid hurting people's feelings. Additionally, the speaker suggested investing in gold and silver as hedges against inflation. Inflation, currently at 7%, causes paper money to lose value, and both gold and silver are considered real money and have the potential to increase in value due to their industrial uses and high demand.

    • Antifa Tries to Disrupt Matt Walsh's Speech at Georgia TechAntifa aims to stop Matt Walsh's talk at Georgia Tech by hoarding tickets, but over 700 people have registered, making it difficult. Walsh plans to attend and speak regardless. Meanwhile, the US dollar is declining, and precious metals are rising, making investment diversification important.

      There are ongoing efforts by the Atlanta chapter of Antifa to disrupt a speaking event featuring Matt Walsh at Georgia Tech. They are attempting to hoard all the tickets and prevent attendees from entering the venue. However, with over 700 people registered for the event and limited seating, it would be a significant challenge for Antifa to secure all the tickets. Regardless, Walsh has vowed to attend and deliver his speech, despite any disruptions or interruptions. On a separate note, the value of the American dollar is declining while precious metals are rising, making it a crucial time to consider diversifying one's investments. Contact Birch Gold for more information on buying gold or silver in a tax-sheltered account.

    • Speaker challenges left to define 'woman' for allegiance to Antifa, military focuses on inclusivityClear priorities are essential for organizations to be effective, and debates over inclusivity vs. military readiness continue in the military

      Priorities matter in any organization, especially during times of conflict. A speaker challenged the left to provide a coherent definition of the word "woman" that aligns with their ideology, and if they could do so, he would renounce his conservative beliefs and pledge allegiance to Antifa. Meanwhile, the military focuses on inclusivity and LGBTQ initiatives, raising concerns about priorities and potential distractions from the core mission of military readiness. The speaker emphasized that organizations need a clear mission statement and focus to be effective, and those in charge must understand what they are prioritizing. The military's emphasis on inclusivity is a matter of debate, and some argue it does not detract from military readiness, but others question whether it is a priority that should come before military preparedness.

    • Military's focus on inclusiveness and Pfizer's fourth dose recommendationThe military prioritizes inclusiveness, but it may impact readiness. Pfizer recommends a fourth COVID-19 dose, but effectiveness is not long-lasting, raising questions about frequent boosters.

      The military's focus on inclusiveness, tolerance, and diversity at its core comes at the expense of its primary mission to defend the homeland and kill the enemy. Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla's recommendation of a fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose highlights the importance of continuous protection against the virus, but his admission that the vaccine's effectiveness against infections is not that good and doesn't last long raises questions about the long-term implications of relying on frequent boosters. The military's top priority should be recruiting and training individuals who are best suited for defending their country, while individuals should be encouraged to take necessary precautions against COVID-19, including getting vaccinated and following public health guidelines.

    • Handling Criticism and ComplexitiesHigh-profile individuals face intense scrutiny and criticism, affecting their mental health and performance. Understanding complexities and acknowledging challenges are essential for effective responses.

      Mental health is a complex issue, even for high-profile individuals like Naomi Osaka. While she has achieved great success in tennis, her emotional response to criticism and heckling shows that even stars struggle with handling negative attention. In the Pfizer discussion, the quick effectiveness of the vaccine was mentioned, but its drawbacks were also acknowledged. The speaker noted that the vaccine may not be effective for long, which could be a concern for those relying on it for protection. Moving on to the tennis match at Indian Wells, a heckler's comment caused a significant disturbance for Osaka. Despite having a large crowd on her side, she was unable to shake off the criticism and it affected her performance. This incident highlights the importance of mental resilience, especially for public figures who face intense scrutiny and criticism regularly. In both cases, the discussions emphasized the importance of understanding the complexities of situations and acknowledging the challenges that come with them, whether it's the short-term effectiveness of a vaccine or the emotional toll of criticism on a high-profile athlete.

    • Naomi Osaka's Emotional Response to Criticism: Courage or Vulnerability?The debate over Naomi Osaka's emotional response to criticism being labeled as courageous highlights the complex nature of courage and the media's influence on shaping public perception.

      The reaction to Naomi Osaka's emotional response to criticism during a tennis match being labeled as courageous by the media is a topic of debate. While some argue that enduring criticism is part of being a successful athlete, others believe that Osaka's vulnerability and emotional response are admirable. However, some criticize the media's portrayal of her reaction as courageous, especially considering her wealth and fame. Regardless, the discussion highlights the complex nature of what constitutes courage and the role of the media in shaping public perception. Furthermore, the discovery of Ernest Shackleton's ship, the Endurance, serves as an example of true courage, demonstrating resilience and determination in the face of extreme adversity.

    • Courage and determination leading to remarkable achievementsCourage and determination can help us overcome seemingly insurmountable odds and achieve remarkable accomplishments, as demonstrated by Sir Ernest Shackleton's journey across Antarctica

      Courage and determination, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds, can lead to incredible achievements. Sir Ernest Shackleton, an English explorer, embodied this trait when he set out to cross the entire Antarctic continent after being beaten to the South Pole. Despite numerous setbacks, including his ship getting crushed by ice and being stranded on an uninhabited island, Shackleton managed to lead his team to safety. His story is a reminder that having a bold vision and the courage to pursue it, no matter how difficult, can result in remarkable accomplishments. This tale of leadership and bravery is a testament to the human spirit and a source of inspiration for us all.

    • The Power of Repentance and RedemptionAdmitting mistakes and taking responsibility are essential for genuine reform and rehabilitation.

      Genuine repentance and admission of wrongdoing are crucial for true reform and rehabilitation. The discussion revolved around a man named Michael Napper, who shared his story of transformation after committing felonies and finding redemption through faith. In contrast, Jussie Smollett's case was criticized for his lack of remorse and unwillingness to admit guilt, leading to a lenient sentence. Another interesting point was Rachel's anecdote about not owning a microwave as a personal protest against modern society. However, the main focus remained on the importance of acknowledging mistakes and taking responsibility for one's actions to facilitate change.

    • Handling minor inconveniences and sharing unbiased storiesModern life causes unnecessary stress through minor inconveniences and the importance of sharing truthful narratives to combat misinformation

      Modern life brings unprecedented levels of stress, not because of the severity of the issues, but because of our limited capacity to handle even minor inconveniences. The speaker uses the example of not having a microwave and turning it into a conversation piece as an analogy for how modern people get unnecessarily stressed out. Another topic discussed was the importance of sharing unbiased stories, as highlighted in the upcoming book "12 seconds in the dark" by Sergeant Mattingly, which aims to debunk misinformation surrounding the Breonna Taylor shooting. The media's influence and the need for truthful narratives were emphasized, as well as the potential consequences of attacking those who do their jobs, such as law enforcement officers.

    • Kanye West's public attacks on Pete Davidson and Kim Kardashian's quick actionsDespite Kanye West's controversial actions towards Pete Davidson following his split from Kim Kardashian, public opinion largely sympathizes with Davidson as a protector of his new love.

      The Hyperion film, now streaming on dailywired.com, offers an entertaining dysfunctional family story with superpowers and an eighties aesthetic. Meanwhile, in the world of celebrity news, Kanye West's public attacks on Pete Davidson following his split from Kim Kardashian have been met with widespread negative opinions. Many view Kanye as acting insanely for refusing to accept the divorce and denigrating his wife's new partner. However, others argue that Kim's quick actions, such as leaving Kanye and publicly dating Davidson while securing a new reality show, contradict her supposed desire for privacy. Despite the controversy, the public reaction has largely been sympathetic towards Davidson, viewing him as a knight in shining armor for standing up for his new love.

    • Marriage vows and their significanceThe popular belief that marriage vows are disposable and can be broken without consequences devalues their significance, leading to short-lived unions. In contrast, committing to a marriage and respecting its sanctity fosters a strong and lasting bond.

      There's a prevalent viewpoint that marriage vows are disposable and can be broken at any time, with no consequences or right to be upset. This perspective was evident in the responses to a tweet expressing sympathy for Kanye West's emotional reaction to his wife's infidelity. Critics accused the tweet of being misogynistic, insisting that people are free to leave relationships whenever they choose. However, the speaker argues that this attitude towards marriage devalues its significance and leads to short-lived unions. Contrary to this popular belief, the speaker asserts that in a marriage, your spouse does belong to you, emphasizing the importance of commitment and respecting the sanctity of the union.

    • Marriage is more than a legal contractMarriage is a commitment with deep meaning and importance, not just a legal agreement, and both parties should honor it.

      Marriage is more than just a legal contract; it's a commitment where two people make a vow to belong to each other. Marriage is not like a dating relationship where one can leave at any time for any reason. It's the most important contract in human civilization, and the vow means something. Marriage is about building an intact family, and children have a right to both parents. The speaker emphasizes that there's a significant difference between marriage and dating, and the fact that many people don't see it proves the point. While it's understandable for someone to be angry and devastated when their spouse leaves them, it's not acceptable to use no-fault divorce as a means to leave without explanation or exigent circumstances. Kanye's situation, like many marriages, involves both parties holding blame, but it's essential to recognize the importance and commitment of marriage.

    • Kanye West's Unusual Perspective on His CriticsKanye West believes his critics are irrational, confused, and idiotic, while he sees himself as the normal one. The Matt Walsh Show explored this departure from his usual behavior, while The Ben Shapiro Show discussed escalating geopolitical tensions.

      Learning from the Matt Walsh Show episode is Kanye West's perspective on his critics, whom he believes are the irrational, confused, and idiotic ones. He believes that he is the normal one and that his critics are the ones who are canceled. This was a significant departure from his usual behavior, and Matt Walsh suggested that this could be the most normal Kanye West has ever been in his life. Meanwhile, on The Ben Shapiro Show, geopolitical tensions continued to escalate, with Russia launching strikes against Ukrainian bases along the Polish border, Iran firing missiles at the US consulate in Irbil, Iraq, and China offering to mediate between Russia and Ukraine. These developments underscored the complex and volatile global landscape and the potential for significant conflict. Overall, these podcast episodes highlighted the importance of staying informed about current events and the unique perspectives that different commentators bring to the table. Whether it's Kanye West's take on his critics or the geopolitical tensions unfolding around the world, it's essential to engage with diverse viewpoints and stay informed. So, if you're interested in staying up-to-date on the latest news and insights, be sure to check out The Matt Walsh Show and The Ben Shapiro Show, available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and wherever you listen to podcasts. And don't forget to subscribe, leave a 5-star review, and tell your friends to do the same!

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

    Ep. 1396 - A System Run By Illiterate Imbeciles

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

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    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Ep. 1391 - Anti-Human Eco Brats Deface One Of The Oldest Monuments On Earth

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the anti-human climate alarmist brats are at it again. This time, they defaced one of the oldest and most historically significant monuments on the planet. These people don't love the planet. They just hate humanity. Also, Louisiana is mandating a copy of the Ten Commandments for every classroom in the state. The usual suspects are claiming that this is an attack on the First Amendment. I'll explain why that's ridiculous. And, the "bio-hacking" movement continues to grow. These are people who think that dying is a choice, rather than an inevitable fact of human existence.




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