
    Ep. 925 - Will We End Up In A War With Iran?

    enJanuary 06, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging the status quo with bold languageRicky Gervais and President Trump have used direct language to stir controversy in their domains, leaving audiences uncomfortable but engaged.

      Both Ricky Gervais and President Trump have used bold language to challenge the status quo in their respective domains, Hollywood and international politics. While Gervais' blunt humor at the Golden Globes left Hollywood elites uncomfortable, Trump's tough stance on Iran and use of direct language have rattled Democrats. The media's exaggeration of the situation only adds to the tension. Despite the controversy, both figures have effectively communicated their messages, sparking strong reactions and debates. It's important to separate the rhetoric from reality and consider the underlying policies and intentions.

    • Hollywood's Moral Inconsistencies vs BCM's CommitmentHollywood celebrities prioritize their wealth and status over social issues, while BCM stays true to their product's intended use

      BCM, a gun manufacturing company, believes their products will be used in critical situations, while the speaker is buying a gun for safety reasons. Meanwhile, Hollywood celebrities, despite their moralizing and socialist tendencies, often ignore social issues and prioritize their own wealth and status. Ricky Gervais, a British comedian, criticized Hollywood for their hypocrisy during the Golden Globes, earning backlash from the media. Gervais made a joke about Jeffrey Epstein, which was seen as offensive despite it being a common and generally harmless joke. The contrast between BCM's commitment to their product's intended use and Hollywood's moral inconsistencies highlights the divide between responsibility and self-serving behavior.

    • Hollywood's hypocrisy on display at the Golden GlobesRicky Gervais called out Hollywood for its moral inconsistencies, highlighting the importance of self-awareness and authenticity in personal and professional lives

      Hollywood's hypocrisy was put on full display at the Golden Globes through Ricky Gervais' blunt and bold monologue. He called out the industry for its moral inconsistencies, pointing out that many of its most vocal critics are involved in questionable businesses and lifestyles themselves. Despite his warnings, several celebrities took to the stage to deliver political speeches, proving Gervais' point. It's essential for individuals and businesses to be aware of their own shortcomings and to avoid hypocrisy, especially when lecturing others. In business, knowing your numbers is crucial, but many growing companies struggle to integrate their various systems. Gervais' monologue served as a reminder of the importance of self-awareness and authenticity, both in our personal and professional lives.

    • Discussing business efficiency with NetSuite and women's rightsNetSuite is a comprehensive business management tool, while women's rights to choose are essential for personal freedom. Both topics offer significant value in their respective domains.

      NetSuite is a powerful business management tool that can help businesses save time, money, and resources by managing various operations such as sales, finance, accounting, orders, and HR from a single, easy-to-use cloud platform. Meanwhile, in a different context, the discussion touched upon the issue of abortion and the importance of women's rights to make their own choices. Michelle Williams, an actress, shared her perspective on this matter during the Golden Globes, emphasizing how her career success would not have been possible without the right to choose. While opinions on this topic may vary, it's clear that both NetSuite and the right to choose are significant in their respective ways, with the former offering business efficiency and the latter promoting individual freedom. To learn more about growing your profits with NetSuite, visit netsuite.com/shapiro and download their free guide.

    • Golden Globes Speeches Criticized for Being Out of TouchMichelle Williams and Patricia Arquette's speeches at the Golden Globes were criticized for being self-serving, empty, and out of touch with the average American's concerns, highlighting the disconnect between celebrities and the public.

      The speeches given by Michelle Williams and Patricia Arquette at the Golden Globes, while meant to be politically charged and impactful, came across as self-serving and out of touch with the realities and concerns of the average American. Michelle Williams' comments about her career success and thanking God for her abortion were seen as an egoistic display, while Patricia Arquette's lecture about Trump being a "very, very bad man" was criticized for being empty and unsubstantial. The audience's apparent lack of reaction to these speeches was noted as further evidence of their disconnect from everyday life. The audience's idolization of celebrities, who are often seen as out-of-touch with ordinary people, was cited as a reason for the election of Donald Trump, who himself is a celebrity. The speeches were criticized for their smarmy, gross, and disgusting tone, and for not adding any credibility to the speakers' views on important public issues. Trump was described as a "pulsating giant middle finger" to the establishment, and the speeches were seen as further evidence of this. The broader public reaction to these speeches was one of skepticism and dismissal.

    • Hollywood's cultural divide and hypocrisyHollywood's stance on social issues contrasts with their actions, but solutions like better hiring through ZipRecruiter can promote accountability and improve workplaces.

      The cultural divide in politics has become more pronounced, and Hollywood is not exempt from this trend. Ricky Gervais' comedic commentary at the Golden Globes highlighted the hypocrisy of Hollywood's stance on social issues like #MeToo and global warming, while ignoring their own actions and behaviors. The ease of finding and hiring better employees through services like ZipRecruiter was also emphasized as a solution to improve workplaces and hold individuals accountable for their actions. Ultimately, culture, which was once a unifying factor, has become a battleground in the hard-fought culture wars. The complexity of politics and philosophy often take a backseat to arguments over TV shows, sports, and consumer products. It's important to remember that these issues are not just about entertainment but also about holding individuals and industries accountable for their actions.

    • Hollywood's obsession with diversity and inclusivity causing culture warComedian Ricky Gervais poked fun at Hollywood's focus on physical description over acting abilities, while media exaggerates U.S.-Iran tensions, despite decreasing possibility of war

      Hollywood's obsession with diversity and inclusivity has led to a heightened culture war, as seen in the recent Golden Globes and Oscars ceremonies. Comedian Ricky Gervais exposed this absurdity by poking fun at the industry's insistence on casting actors based on their physical description, rather than their acting abilities. Meanwhile, the media's portrayal of the United States' relationship with Iran has been exaggerated, with the possibility of war decreasing, not increasing, over the past 24 hours. Despite this, the media continues to perpetuate the narrative that the U.S. is itching for a conflict with Iran, when in reality, President Trump does not want war and is only trying to reestablish deterrence after years of appeasement under the previous administration.

    • Iran's Long-Standing Tactics Against AmericaIran has been using anti-American protests, flag displays, and proxy attacks as long-standing tactics, not new escalations.

      The Iranian strategy has shifted from overt acts of violence against American troops to pursuing political ends in places like Iraq to minimize the American footprint. This strategy includes holding anti-American rallies and unfurling flags of war over holy sites, as well as planning retaliation through proxy groups. While the media may portray these actions as new or escalating, they are actually long-standing tactics. Despite the potential for conflict, it's important to remember that the Iranian government's dislike of America and its ability to mobilize thousands of people to protest is not a recent development. Additionally, rocket attacks against American bases in Iraq have been ongoing for months.

    • Tensions between US and Iran escalate, potential attack predictedThe US and Iran tensions escalate after the U.S. targeted killing of Iran's top military commander, with Iran threatening retaliation and potential attack within weeks. Hezbollah urges Iraqi soldiers to leave U.S. bases, missiles strike near U.S. embassy, and Iran displays a chilling message. The U.S. deploys additional forces in response.

      Tensions between the United States and Iran continue to escalate following the U.S. targeted killing of Iran's top military commander, Qasem Soleimani. Iran has threatened retaliation, and a senior congressional staffer predicts a potential attack within weeks. Hezbollah, a militant group in Lebanon, has urged Iraqi soldiers to leave U.S. bases and keep a significant distance. Meanwhile, missiles struck near the U.S. embassy in Baghdad, and the Iranian regime displayed a flag with a chilling message. The U.S. has deployed additional forces to the Middle East as a response. The U.S. did not initiate the conflict, and some argue that it's Iran that has been acting terroristically. The upcoming election year promises a full plate of news, including impeachment attempts, Democratic primaries, and the Iran situation. To stay informed, consider becoming a Daily Wire member for comprehensive news and opinion on demand. Use promo code d w 2020 for 20% off today.

    • Iran's response to US actions in IraqIran ended compliance with nuclear deal limitations but didn't withdraw, Iraqi parliament requested US troops leave, tensions escalated, actions were within deal's framework, Iran's terroristic behavior not prevented by the deal

      The killing of a US service member and defense contractors in Iraq, potentially linked to Iran's global terror network, has led to escalating tensions in the Middle East. Iran has responded by ending its compliance with nuclear deal limitations, but not withdrawing from the deal itself. The Iraqi parliament made a symbolic request for US troops to leave, creating a potential crisis for the Iraqi government and increasing tensions further. However, it's important to note that these actions were within the Iran deal's framework and are reversible upon reciprocal obligations. The Iran nuclear deal, designed to put the Iranian nuclear program on hold, did not address Iran's support of terrorism. The Trump administration's actions, including the Soleimani strike, are seen as responsible for the current escalation, but it's crucial to remember that Iran's terroristic behavior was not prevented by the deal.

    • US withdrawing troops from Iraq due to Iranian influenceThe US is leaving Iraq due to Iranian interference, aiming to deter Iranian aggression and protect American interests, while maintaining Iraq's sovereignty and combating terrorism

      The United States is withdrawing its troops from Iraq due to the influence of Iran on the Iraqi government, which is seen as a threat to American interests. Mike Pompeo, the US Secretary of State, has explained that the Iraqi prime minister, who resigned due to Iranian interference, is not a legitimate representative of the Iraqi people. The US is committed to helping Iraq maintain its sovereignty and independence, and to continuing the mission to combat terrorism in the region. Trump's blunt statements about the situation have sparked controversy, but the theory of deterrence is that if an adversary knows that the consequences of their actions will be severe, they are less likely to act in a harmful way. The US is using this principle to deter Iranian aggression. The basic theory of deterrence is that if you punch me, I will end you. By establishing a level of deterrence, the other side is deterred from crossing boundaries, preventing potential conflicts and escalation.

    • Trump's Controversial Tweets on Military Action Against IranThe legality and appropriateness of Trump's military actions against Iran, including potential targeting of cultural sites, are subjects of debate. While some argue it's a necessary deterrent, others question the constitutional authority and potential harm to cultural heritage.

      President Trump's tweets about potential military action against Iran, including the possibility of targeting cultural sites, sparked controversy due to the perceived threat to cultural heritage. However, Trump's supporters argue that these sites may also be used to hide weapons and terrorists, and the president's actions are aimed at deterrence and establishing a clear message of retaliation. The legality of Trump's actions, including his authority to strike without congressional notification, is a subject of debate. Some experts, such as former Obama Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, support the president's position that Soleimani was a lawful military objective and Trump had the constitutional authority to order the strike. Regardless of the debate, the polarizing nature of Trump's statements highlights the complexities and sensitivities surrounding military action and international relations.

    • Perceived lack of deterrence under Obama led to Iran's aggressionTrump's actions aim to reestablish deterrence against Iran's aggression, as seen in past attacks on American interests

      The current tensions with Iran are a result of a perceived lack of deterrence during the Obama administration. Military leaders like David Petraeus have emphasized this point, stating that Iran has not been deterred from attacking American interests. The shooting down of a $130 million drone, attacks on shipping, and attacks on American forces culminated in the death of an American soldier and wounding of four others. Trump's response, according to Petraeus, is an attempt to reestablish deterrence and show that the US will not accept such actions. The film "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" touches upon a similar theme, with Quentin Tarantino lamenting the loss of masculinity and values in Hollywood and society at large. This loss, according to the film, can lead to greater violence rather than less.

    • Controversial tweet by Colin Kaepernick on Soleimani's killing oversimplifies complex issuesColin Kaepernick's tweet about Soleimani's killing oversimplifying complex geopolitical issues and ignoring historical context is inaccurate.

      The year in film has been surprisingly good, with many high-quality movies released towards the end of the year. However, a controversial figure, Colin Kaepernick, weighed in on a geopolitical issue, the killing of Soleimani, with a divisive tweet. Kaepernick, who is often hailed as a civil rights hero, accused America of imperialism and targeting black and brown bodies. However, this perspective is historically inaccurate and oversimplifies complex issues. America's foreign policy is not driven by race, and the United States has historically gone to war to protect human rights and prevent the oppression of other groups. It's important to consider the nuances and complexities of global issues and not reduce them to simplistic, ahistorical propositions.

    • Celebrity Perspectives on American Militarism and Foreign PolicyCertain celebrities' views on American militarism and foreign policy lack historical context, nuance, and understanding, potentially influencing public opinion negatively.

      The perspective of certain celebrities, such as Colin Kaepernick, Michael Moore, and Cardi B, regarding American militarism and foreign policy can be described as ahistorical, ignorant, and racist. Their comments, as seen in the discussion, lack nuance and understanding of complex geopolitical issues. For instance, Colin Kaepernick's suggestion that American militarism is the problem is a simplistic view that ignores the realities and complexities of global conflicts. Similarly, Michael Moore's statement that Americans should know and hate Soleimani, who was responsible for the deaths of American soldiers and terror attacks worldwide, is misguided and dangerous. Cardi B's tweet about Trump putting Americans in danger and her desire to leave the country due to his actions further illustrates this lack of understanding. These comments are not only misinformed but also potentially harmful, as they can influence public opinion and policy decisions in a negative way. It is essential to critically evaluate the perspectives of celebrities and other public figures, especially when they make statements on complex and sensitive issues.

    • Obama's appeasement strategy towards Iran and its consequencesTrump administration aims to establish deterrence against Iran to prevent broader use of force and avoid larger-scale war, contrasting Obama's approach of paying off enemies until they become too powerful.

      During the Obama administration, the United States engaged in a strategy of appeasement towards Iran, which resulted in significant economic activity and growth for the country. This strategy, according to Mike Pompeo and Donald Trump, was unsuccessful and has led to the need for correction. The purpose of this correction is to establish deterrence, which will prevent broader use of force by Iran and ultimately avoid the need for a larger-scale war. The Trump administration recognizes that the content of the moral and defense ideas being implemented is more important than how they are articulated, and that America will not be drawn into an overt war with Iran if deterrence is successful. The Obama administration's approach was seen as paying off enemies until they became too powerful, and Trump's approach is seen as more effective in preventing conflict.

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    Ep. 1989 - The Debate Is COMING

    The Biden and Trump camps prepare for the big showdown as new polls drop – and we examine how Team Trump should respond to the planned strategy from Team Biden.


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    Biden warns Iran over Israel – Dr Non! Why you can’t honeytrap a French spy – What do Gen Z think of Bridget Jones?

    Biden warns Iran over Israel – Dr Non! Why you can’t honeytrap a French spy – What do Gen Z think of Bridget Jones?
    We read the papers so you don’t have to. Today: Teheran to Tel Aviv. Biden states his support for Israel as threats of Iranian attack rise. The Spy Who Came In For A Quickie. The Mail’s discovered why you can’t honeytrap a French spy. Plus – I like big knickers and I cannot lie. Bridget Jones is back! What do fun-loving Gen Z think of the cig-smoking, booze-battering feminist icon?    Andrew Harrison is joined by journalist Holly Thomas and comedian Marcus Brigstocke     Help us to grow Paper Cuts! Send this link to THREE mates and tell them why we’re your favourite podcast: papercutsshow.co.uk    Support Paper Cuts and get mugs, t-shirts and extended ad-free editions: https://back.papercutsshow.com    Follow Paper Cuts:  • Twitter: https://twitter.com/papercutsshow  • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/papercutsshow  • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@papercutsshow  • Threads: https://www.threads.net/@papercutsshow    Illustrations by Modern Toss https://moderntoss.com     Written and presented by Andrew Harrison. Audio production: Jade Bailey. Production. Liam Tait. Assistant Production: Adam Wright. Design: James Parrett. Music: Simon Williams. Socials: Kieron Leslie. Managing Editor: Jacob Jarvis. Exec Producer: Martin Bojtos. Group Editor: Andrew Harrison. PAPER CUTS is a Podmasters Production. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Mass protests in Israel, Jonathan Majors arrested, Silicon Valley Bank buyer

    Mass protests in Israel, Jonathan Majors arrested, Silicon Valley Bank buyer
    Mass protests erupted in Israel overnight with tens of thousands of people taking to the streets after Prime Minister Netanyahu fired his defense chief for opposing a plan to reform the country's judicial system. What will the PM do now? Plus, Hollywood star Jonathan Majors has been released without bail in New York after being accused of domestic violence. The actor’s attorney says that he's innocent, and claims the accuser has now recanted her story. And, beleaguered Silicon Valley Bank has a buyer for its remaining assets and loans.Also this morning: Putin plans to put tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, the House GOP doubles down on their Manhattan DA oversight efforts, at least 26 people have been killed after tornados hit Mississippi and Alabama, Elon Musk suggests Twitter is now worth half what he paid for it, a fake AI-generated photo of the Pope in a puffer coat goes viral, adding to growing fears of tech tools being used for misinformation, and, the men’s final four is set in March Madness. To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Russian shells creep closer to Chasiv Yar & deep-dive into France's role in the war

    Russian shells creep closer to Chasiv Yar & deep-dive into France's role in the war

    Day 345.

    Today, we hear from Roland Oliphant who’s on the ground in Donbas as well as exploring Russia's relationship with the history of the Second World War.

    Plus, Francis Dearnley interviews French journalist Anne-Elisabeth Moutet in a deep-dive on the role of France in this war.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Associate Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

    Nataliya Vasilyeva (Russia Correspondent). @Nat_Vasilyeva on Twitter.

    With thanks to Anne-Elisabeth Moutet

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.

    Vaccine Wars [S3, E16]

    Vaccine Wars [S3, E16]

    The international hunt for a COVID-19 vaccine is the most consequential medical challenge of the 21st century. The race is marked by both intense collaboration among scientists and fierce competition between governments – particularly between China and the US. As coronavirus cases mount and economies limp through lockdowns, nations are not just competing for a life-saving vaccine – they’re jockeying for political glory and a leg up on the rest of the world. And even after a vaccine is developed, count on clashes over adequate and ethical distributions. Professor Lawrence Gostin joins Altamar to discuss the geopolitics of the global vaccine race – and how countries can mitigate winner-take-all risks. Gostin is the Director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University and Director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law. He is also a Professor of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.


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    🎬 Colonel Douglas Macgregor - The US Government Lied About The Ukraine War

    🎬 Colonel Douglas Macgregor - The US Government Lied About The Ukraine War

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