
    Ep. 930 - When The Media Don’t Care About Iranians

    enJanuary 13, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Geopolitical events and their impact on the economyThe volatile geopolitical landscape, including recent events in Iran and the upcoming U.S. election, make it important for investors to consider diversifying with gold as a potential hedge against economic uncertainty.

      The geopolitical landscape is volatile, as evidenced by recent events in Iran, and the upcoming U.S. election could significantly impact the economy. Gold is a potential diversification strategy for investors, as it has the potential to surge in value and is a tangible asset that won't be worth 0. The killing of Soleimani in Iran was a planned deterrence strategy, and Iran's shooting down of a Ukrainian jetliner by mistake highlights the regime's dishonesty. The U.S. and Iran continue to exchange actions and words, making it important for individuals to stay informed and consider diversifying their investments.

    • Protests against Iranian regime over plane crashThousands protest Iran's regime for plane crash cover-up, economic mismanagement, and human rights abuses, demanding regime change. Int'l community supports protesters.

      The downing of a civilian plane by Iranian forces in January 2020, which resulted in the deaths of all 176 people on board, has sparked mass anti-government protests across Iran. These protests, which have been ongoing for years due to the regime's radical Islamic policies, economic mismanagement, and human rights abuses, have seen thousands of people take to the streets, demanding the resignation of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and the prosecution of those responsible for the plane crash. The international community, including the United States and Israel, have expressed support for the protesters. The Iranian regime's handling of the situation has further fueled public outrage and calls for change, as the regime has been accused of lying and covering up the truth about the incident. The protests mark a significant challenge to the Iranian regime's authority and stability, and their outcome remains uncertain.

    • Political Divide Between US and Democrats Over Iran ProtestsThe US stands against Iran's human rights abuses and nuclear ambitions, but Democrats' opposition to President Trump hinders a unified international response to the protests.

      The Iranian protests against their government are a significant development, but the political divide between the US and Democrats is hindering support for the protesters. The US, under President Trump, has taken a firm stance against Iran's human rights abuses and nuclear weapons ambitions. The UK ambassador was arrested while attending a vigil for victims of the plane crash, adding to the tensions. Despite the Iranian regime's violent crackdown on protests, some Democrats, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, are hesitant to fully support the protesters due to their opposition to President Trump. This political divide risks undermining the potential for a unified international response to the situation in Iran.

    • Democrats and Media Criticize Trump's Iran Stance, But Evidence Suggests DifferentDespite Democratic criticism, evidence supports Trump's stance on Iran as a terror regime and his actions against it.

      The ongoing protests in Iran and the recent tensions between Iran and the United States are complex issues with various underlying causes. However, some commentators argue that the Democrats and the media have been inconsistent in their messaging regarding the Iranian regime due to the Obama administration's previous policies. President Trump's stance on Iran, which includes standing up against Iranian terrorism and supporting the rights of Iranian protesters, is in contrast to the Democrats' perspective. The controversy over Trump's retweets of Iranian journalists and images critical of Pelosi and Schumer has added fuel to the fire. The latest narrative from the Democrats is that Soleimani's death was not an imminent threat, but the evidence suggests otherwise. Despite the controversy, Trump's perspective on Iran as a terror regime and his actions against it remain a contentious issue.

    • US Airstrike: Justification and ImplicationsThe US airstrike on Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani sparked debates over justification and potential cyber threats, highlighting the importance of data protection with a VPN like ExpressVPN. Soleimani's role as a terrorism sponsor made him a legitimate target, but concerns over intelligence and geopolitical implications remain.

      The ongoing narrative surrounding the US airstrike that killed Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani involves conflicting views on the justification for the attack. While some argue that Trump acted precipitously without proper intelligence, others maintain that Soleimani's status as a leading sponsor of terrorism made him a legitimate target. Additionally, there have been concerns about potential cyber attacks and data hacks following the Soleimani strike, emphasizing the importance of protecting personal data with a reliable VPN like ExpressVPN. Despite the ongoing debates, it's clear that Soleimani was a significant figure in the world of terrorism, and his death has significant geopolitical implications.

    • U.S. justification for Soleimani strike met with skepticismIntelligence community and defense department question the evidence presented for imminent attacks on embassies, leading to confusion and debate over the necessity and legitimacy of the strike.

      The justification for the U.S. targeted killing of Qasem Soleimani given by President Trump about imminent attacks on four embassies has been met with skepticism from the intelligence community and defense department. The media has criticized Trump for potentially embellishing the situation, but it's possible that Trump misunderstood or was reacting to intelligence about heightened Iranian threats to embassies. Regardless, the lack of clear evidence presented to the public has led to confusion and debate over the necessity and legitimacy of the strike.

    • U.S. Military Operation: Justifying the Death of Iranian Military Leader Qasem SoleimaniThe assassination of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani sparks controversy, with some arguing his status as a terrorist and involvement in terrorist activities justified the strike, while others criticize the administration for potentially embellishing intelligence, raising concerns about reliability and risks to troops and civilians.

      The discussion revolves around the justification for the U.S. military operation that led to the death of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani. Some argue that Soleimani's status as a terrorist and his involvement in terrorist activities made him a legitimate target. Others criticize the administration for potentially embellishing the intelligence used to justify the strike, leading to concerns about the reliability of the intelligence and potential risks to American troops and civilians. The debate also draws comparisons to the lead-up to the Iraq War, with some arguing that the intelligence and justification for the Soleimani strike do not meet the same standards as those used to justify the Iraq War. Ultimately, the conversation highlights the political divisions and debates surrounding U.S. foreign policy and national security.

    • Political Landscape: Allegations and Counter-AccusationsThe political landscape is marked by intense debates over intelligence fudging and necessary acts of deterrence, while the Democratic presidential race narrows down to Biden and Sanders, with Booker ending his campaign due to financial constraints.

      The political landscape is filled with accusations and counter-accusations, with the Democrats focusing on alleged intelligence fudging by President Trump regarding the killing of Iranian military leader Qasem Soleimani, while Trump and his supporters argue that the action was a necessary act of deterrence against Iranian aggression. Meanwhile, in the 2020 Democratic presidential race, Cory Booker has ended his campaign, citing the lack of funds due to his absence from the debates and the urgent business of impeachment. Despite the diverse set of candidates initially, the race is now largely focused on Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders. Booker's letter to supporters expressed his belief in the need for unity and addressing common pain points in America, while acknowledging his inability to continue his campaign due to financial constraints. The political scene continues to be dynamic, with various players making their moves and countermoves.

    • Overlooking support for candidates of color during campaigns, then eulogizing them laterDespite lack of support during campaigns, candidates of color like Cory Booker and Julian Castro are often subject to positive retrospectives after dropping out. This phenomenon was compared to the lack of diversity in Oscar nominations and the close race between Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden in the Democratic primary.

      The treatment of candidates of color in the Democratic party and in the media can be overlooked during their campaigns but heavily eulogized after they drop out. The speaker expressed frustration over the lack of support and recognition for candidates like Cory Booker and Julian Castro, and the subsequent retrospective think pieces that follow their departures. This phenomenon was compared to the Oscar nominations and the lack of diversity in those as well. The speaker also noted the momentum of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primary, despite the controversy surrounding his isolationist foreign policy views. The betting odds and latest polls show a close race between Sanders and Joe Biden, with Sanders currently leading in Iowa. Overall, the conversation touched on the complexities of race, representation, and the political landscape in the Democratic party.

    • Democratic Nomination Race: Sanders Leads in Iowa and New HampshireBernie Sanders' lead in Iowa and New Hampshire could give him a significant boost in the Democratic nomination race, as enthusiasm and social pressure play a big role in these types of elections. Biden's history on foreign policy may be a point of contention, and the outcome of upcoming contests will determine momentum.

      The race for the Democratic nomination is heating up, with Bernie Sanders currently leading in both Iowa and New Hampshire, according to recent polls. Sanders' success in these caucus and primary states could give him a significant boost, as enthusiasm and social pressure play a big role in these types of elections. Sanders' aggressive campaign against Joe Biden, who is also leading in some polls, is expected to intensify in the upcoming debates. However, Biden's history of taking various stances on foreign policy issues may be a point of contention for voters. The outcome of the upcoming contests in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada will be crucial in determining which candidate has the momentum to secure the nomination.

    • Decision between Biden and Sanders' foreign policy approachesDemocrats must consider the risks and benefits of each candidate's foreign policy stance, with Sanders' isolationist approach offering popularity but potential risks, and Biden's centrist approach offering pragmatism but lacking ideological purity.

      The Democratic Party is facing a difficult decision between two candidates, Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders, with vastly different approaches to foreign policy. Bernie Sanders' isolationist stance, which has gained popularity due to America's perceived lack of existential threats, has an inherent advantage. However, his association with controversial figures like Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Linda Sarsour, and his radical foreign policy ideas, could be a cause for concern. On the other hand, Joe Biden's more centrist approach, though lacking in ideological purity, may offer a more pragmatic and nuanced approach to foreign policy. The history of American isolationism shows that it is popular until it isn't, and the potential consequences of a truly isolationist foreign policy could be significant. Democrats must weigh the risks and benefits of each candidate's stance and consider the potential impact on national security.

    • Bernie Sanders' Unorthodox Foreign Policy StanceBernie Sanders' radical leftist stance on foreign policy could lead to significant shifts in U.S. alliances and relationships with countries like Israel, China, and Venezuela if he becomes commander in chief.

      The ongoing political situation in Bolivia, which resulted in the ousting of President Evo Morales, has highlighted the vastly different foreign policy views between Democratic presidential candidates, particularly Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden. Sanders, known for his radical leftist stance, has criticized the removal of Morales as a coup and has a history of objections to U.S. military intervention and support for controversial leaders. His opponents, including Biden, have paid little attention to the incident. Sanders' unorthodox foreign policy positions, which some view as aligning with Noam Chomsky's beliefs, could pose a significant shift in U.S. foreign policy if he were to become commander in chief. This development comes as foreign affairs take center stage in the campaign, with the Iran crisis and Sanders' rising poll numbers adding to the urgency. The potential implications of a Sanders presidency on U.S. alliances and relationships with countries like Israel, China, and Venezuela remain a topic of debate among Democrats.

    • Democratic Primary Race Heats Up with More Aggressive AttacksBernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren intensify attacks, Sanders surges in polls, Trump expected to attack Sanders, Debates to be more fraught, Warren accused of hijacking Sanders' plan, Pelosi's impeachment effort may be failing

      The Democratic primary race is heating up, with Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren engaging in more aggressive attacks against each other. Sanders' surrogates and aids have intensified their criticism of Biden's past positions on racial issues and his vote for the Iraq war, while Warren has accused Sanders of painting her as elitist. Sanders, who has moved to the top of the polls in Iowa after suffering a heart attack, is seen as a wild card in the race, and Trump is expected to unleash attack ads against him. The debates this week are expected to be more fraught than previous ones, as Democrats run out of time to attack each other before the election. While Warren has attempted to differentiate herself from Sanders on authenticity and policy, some argue that she has hijacked his Medicare for all plan and lied about her own policies. Despite this, Sanders remains a formidable contender, and the possibility of his presidency is a cause for concern for many. On a lighter note, Joy Behar's meeting with Nancy Pelosi and their calculation of Trump's lies was a highlight of the day. However, the realization that Pelosi's impeachment effort may be failing is a concerning development for Democrats.

    • Nancy Pelosi's Impeachment Strategy Fails to Secure Desired OutcomeDespite Pelosi's efforts, the impeachment trial lacked resolution due to disagreements on witness testimony and trial proceedings. Regret over abortion is rare, and women report feeling they made the right decision.

      Nancy Pelosi's impeachment strategy against President Trump did not yield the desired results, as she failed to secure a commitment from Mitch McConnell on witnesses and a resolution on trial proceedings. Pelosi's acknowledgment of the strategy's failure has been met with criticism, but history shows that being impeached without being expelled from office does not significantly impact a president's legacy. Meanwhile, an article from The Washington Post discusses how most women who have had abortions report feeling they made the right decision, acknowledging the complexity of the issue and the rarity of regret or shame. The moral implications of abortion remain a contentious issue, with different perspectives on women's autonomy and the value of life.

    • Women's emotions towards abortion fade over timeStudy found 84% of women reported either positive emotions or none at all after 5 years of abortion

      The capacity for human beings to justify their actions, even when they involve difficult moral decisions, is vast. This was evident in a documentary about women who followed China's one-child policy and felt no regret or remorse for their decisions. However, a study conducted by the University of California at San Francisco found that emotions surrounding abortion, both positive and negative, fade over time. The study also showed that at the 5-year mark, 84% of women reported either primarily positive emotions or none at all. It's important to note that a woman's feelings of regret and her judgment that an abortion was the correct decision for her under the circumstances are different things. The study challenged the rationale for certain policies regulating access to abortion, but it's crucial to remember that these policies are designed to provide women with more information and time to consider their decisions. Ultimately, the findings suggest that the intensity of emotions surrounding abortion decreases over time and that the majority of women come to feel either positive or neutral about their decisions.

    • Abortion debate: Focus on providing accurate info, not emotionsEmotions and regrets should not dictate abortion policies; accurate info and support for women are key.

      The debate around abortion should not be about limiting options for all women based on the emotions or regrets of a few. Instead, the focus should be on providing women with accurate information to help them make informed decisions. Regret and feelings of guilt should not be barriers to change, but rather signs of growth and the capacity for repentance. The pro-abortion movement's emphasis on "shouting your abortion" can make it difficult for women to change their minds and recognize the wrongness of their past actions. The Jewish thought of repentance suggests that acknowledging and learning from past mistakes can make one greater than those who have never sinned. It's essential to examine our actions daily and strive for improvement. The pro-choice movement's emphasis on shouting one's abortion can make it challenging to admit mistakes and recognize the wrongness of past actions. The debate around abortion should be about providing accurate information and support for women, not limiting their options based on emotions or regrets.

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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    enJune 23, 2024

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    Mass protests in Israel, Jonathan Majors arrested, Silicon Valley Bank buyer

    Mass protests in Israel, Jonathan Majors arrested, Silicon Valley Bank buyer
    Mass protests erupted in Israel overnight with tens of thousands of people taking to the streets after Prime Minister Netanyahu fired his defense chief for opposing a plan to reform the country's judicial system. What will the PM do now? Plus, Hollywood star Jonathan Majors has been released without bail in New York after being accused of domestic violence. The actor’s attorney says that he's innocent, and claims the accuser has now recanted her story. And, beleaguered Silicon Valley Bank has a buyer for its remaining assets and loans.Also this morning: Putin plans to put tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus, the House GOP doubles down on their Manhattan DA oversight efforts, at least 26 people have been killed after tornados hit Mississippi and Alabama, Elon Musk suggests Twitter is now worth half what he paid for it, a fake AI-generated photo of the Pope in a puffer coat goes viral, adding to growing fears of tech tools being used for misinformation, and, the men’s final four is set in March Madness. To learn more about how CNN protects listener privacy, visit cnn.com/privacy Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

    Russian shells creep closer to Chasiv Yar & deep-dive into France's role in the war

    Russian shells creep closer to Chasiv Yar & deep-dive into France's role in the war

    Day 345.

    Today, we hear from Roland Oliphant who’s on the ground in Donbas as well as exploring Russia's relationship with the history of the Second World War.

    Plus, Francis Dearnley interviews French journalist Anne-Elisabeth Moutet in a deep-dive on the role of France in this war.


    David Knowles (Host). @djknowles22 on Twitter.

    Francis Dearnley (Associate Comment Editor). @FrancisDearnley on Twitter.

    Roland Oliphant (Senior Foreign Correspondent). @RolandOliphant on Twitter.

    Nataliya Vasilyeva (Russia Correspondent). @Nat_Vasilyeva on Twitter.

    With thanks to Anne-Elisabeth Moutet

    Subscribe to The Telegraph: telegraph.co.uk/ukrainethelatest

    Email: ukrainepod@telegraph.co.uk

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    Vaccine Wars [S3, E16]

    Vaccine Wars [S3, E16]

    The international hunt for a COVID-19 vaccine is the most consequential medical challenge of the 21st century. The race is marked by both intense collaboration among scientists and fierce competition between governments – particularly between China and the US. As coronavirus cases mount and economies limp through lockdowns, nations are not just competing for a life-saving vaccine – they’re jockeying for political glory and a leg up on the rest of the world. And even after a vaccine is developed, count on clashes over adequate and ethical distributions. Professor Lawrence Gostin joins Altamar to discuss the geopolitics of the global vaccine race – and how countries can mitigate winner-take-all risks. Gostin is the Director of the O’Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University and Director of the World Health Organization’s Collaborating Center on National and Global Health Law. He is also a Professor of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University.


    Produced by Simpler Media

    How influencers are changing the landscape of entertainment

    How influencers are changing the landscape of entertainment

    Today’s episode is a special “GaryVee TV Classic”. The game is all about underpriced attention. The platforms will always evolve and change but the idea of underpriced attention will remain. Attention from radio shifted to television, and now the attention on television has shifted to social media and the internet as a whole. Never get romantic about the platform but always be looking for what has people's attention. Enjoy! Let me know what you thought.

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