

    enSeptember 04, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • New features on Bumble and shopping at KrogerBelieve in yourself, be open to humor, trust your gut instincts, take action promptly, and enjoy the benefits of new features and savings

      Bumble is introducing new features to make online dating easier, more compatible, and safer for users. Meanwhile, shopping at Kroger offers a wide range of delicious choices and savings. On a different note, having confidence and believing in oneself can lead to success, whether in podcasting or other areas of life. It's essential to not take oneself too seriously and be open to humor. Trusting your gut instincts can lead to positive outcomes, and taking action within five seconds of feeling ready can help overcome fear or hesitation. Overall, these tips can bring excitement and success to various aspects of life.

    • Embracing Challenges and Trusting InstinctsFacing fears and tackling challenges can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. Trust your instincts and complete goals for a sense of déjà vu. Humor and sadness may be connected.

      Facing our fears and tackling challenging situations can lead to significant personal growth and fulfillment. This idea was compared to skydiving, where the initial fear gives way to an exhilarating experience once the jump is made. The speaker also shared a theory that our future selves might communicate with us through our instincts and that completing goals can lead to a sense of déjà vu. However, the decision-making role in a group can sometimes be a source of stress, especially when others look to us for guidance. The speaker joked about being the "butt of the jokes" in his group but emphasized the importance of maintaining positive vibes. Despite some skepticism, the speaker also entertained the idea of a connection between humor and sadness, suggesting that the funniest people may not always be the happiest. The conversation touched on various topics, but the underlying theme was the importance of embracing challenges and trusting our instincts.

    • The Spider-Man's 'bad luck' might be a manifestation of his Spidey senseThe Spider-Man's ability to sense danger and cheat death repeatedly may not be bad luck, but rather a unique power that leads him to face it more often.

      The Spider-Man character's "bad luck" may not be bad luck at all, but rather a manifestation of his Spidey sense, which allows him to cheat death. This theory suggests that his ability to sense danger and avoid death ultimately leads him to face it repeatedly. The real-life story of Frane Selak, known as the most unlucky and lucky person in the world, illustrates this concept. Despite numerous near-death experiences, Selak survived each one, adding to his reputation as both unlucky and lucky. The question then arises: would we want to know and potentially try to change our fate, or accept it as it comes? Selak's story suggests that sometimes, accepting our fate may lead us to unexpected outcomes.

    • Stories of survival and superstitionLife's unpredictability brings us both challenges and blessings. Focus on the positive and appreciate opportunities, no matter the circumstances. Superstitions may influence our actions and outcomes.

      Life can be unpredictable and full of both good and bad experiences. The story of Frayn Salak, who survived seven near-death situations, illustrates this point. Some may consider his experiences as unlucky, while others may view them as lucky. Ultimately, it's essential to focus on the positive and appreciate the opportunities and blessings that come our way, no matter the circumstances. Another interesting tale is the Japanese urban legend of the curse of KFC Colonel Sanders. The Henson Tigers, a top baseball team in Japan, suffered a significant decline in performance after their fans threw a Colonel Sanders statue into a river as a celebration. The team experienced a 19-year drought, finishing last despite having the same players. Although it's unclear whether the curse was real, the story highlights the power of superstition and the impact of our actions on the outcomes we experience.

    • The Power of Belief and Cursed ObjectsBelieving in curses or placing excessive importance on objects can lead to negative consequences, creating a self-fulfilling cycle of misfortune.

      Placing excessive importance on certain objects or situations can lead to negative consequences, as seen in the story of the Japanese baseball team and the cursed statue, as well as the alleged cursed house in Hollywood where several celebrities, including Britney Murphy and Britney Spears, lived. The belief in a curse can become self-fulfilling, leading to a cycle of misfortune. For instance, the Japanese baseball team's victory was followed by their devastating loss after they celebrated by damaging the cursed statue. Similarly, the deaths of Britney Murphy and her husband in the Hollywood house were followed by her move-out and the subsequent residency of other celebrities who also experienced misfortune. These stories serve as cautionary tales about the power of belief and the potential consequences of attaching too much significance to specific events or possessions.

    • Beliefs can influence our perception of realityBeliefs, even if unconventional, can significantly impact our emotions and actions, as shown in the case of the actress who believed a ghost was following her.

      Our perception of reality can be influenced by our experiences and beliefs, even if those beliefs seem unconventional. The story of the actress in Malaysia provides an example of this, as she believed a ghost was following her, believing it to be her mother or a child she had lost. This belief influenced her actions and continued to affect her even after she left the hotel. Another example given was the theory that ghosts can be tricked into thinking someone else is the person they're looking for. These beliefs, while not based on fact, can have a powerful impact on our emotions and actions. Additionally, the discussion touched on the idea that there are unexplained phenomena that can't be easily explained, and that people may choose to believe in these phenomena despite a lack of concrete evidence.

    • A life-sized doll with strange powersIgnoring spiritual forces can lead to unexplained occurrences, seek help from spiritual leaders when necessary.

      A life-sized doll named Robert became a best friend for a boy named Gene, but strange occurrences began happening around the house when Gene was not present. The doll, Robert, was found to be responsible for these incidents, which included moving furniture and making noises. The neighbors even reported seeing the doll moving in the windows. The doll is now in a museum in Florida, but visitors are warned to ask for permission before taking pictures. The incident serves as a reminder that there are spiritual forces at work that we may not fully understand, and it's important to respect them and seek help from spiritual leaders when necessary. Ignoring these forces can lead to unintended consequences.

    • Grandma's Spiritual Experience and BeliefThe line between mental health issues and spiritual experiences can be blurred, and it's essential to approach different beliefs with open-mindedness and understanding.

      There are various forms of spiritual experiences and beliefs, as illustrated by the story of a grandma who was believed to be possessed based on her strange behavior. The grandma, who had dementia, began talking to an imaginary child and exhibiting superhuman strength during her sleep. Her family dismissed her behavior as dementia symptoms, but she insisted there were intruders in her room. The grandson, who believed she was possessed, shared his theory with others but was met with skepticism. The incident raises questions about the nature of spiritual experiences and the importance of open-mindedness and understanding towards different beliefs. It also highlights the challenges of distinguishing between mental health issues and supernatural phenomena.

    • Encountering the Unknown: Fear, Curiosity, and SafetyStay protected, seek guidance, and maintain a healthy balance of fear, curiosity, and skepticism towards the unknown while prioritizing safety and knowledge.

      Despite encounters with unexplained phenomena, the best course of action is to stay protected and have faith. The speaker expresses fear and intrigue towards paranormal experiences but also values safety and knowledge. He mentions seeking guidance from a priest and educating oneself. The group had an encounter with a possible alien sighting, but the speaker decides to keep it a secret for the upcoming vlog. He also shares an observation of rainbow clouds in different parts of the world, which could be a natural phenomenon or something more mysterious. The speaker expresses skepticism and speculation about possible explanations, including weather manipulation or UFO activity. Overall, the speaker's perspective is a mix of fear, curiosity, and skepticism towards the unknown, while also prioritizing safety and knowledge.

    • Weather manipulation and cultural replicas in ChinaDuring specific times, China manipulates weather to control crowds and showcases unique cultural replicas, reflecting their vast resources and interconnected communities.

      During certain periods, authorities in certain places have implemented weather manipulation measures, possibly to discourage people from going outside. This was observed during COVID times and also during the summer, leading some to speculate if this was an attempt to control crowds again. Additionally, China's vast size and resources allow them to create replicas of famous landmarks and even urban legends, showcasing their unique culture and capabilities. A notable example is the Silent Twins, real-life individuals who had a fast-paced language and were institutionalized for their crimes, inspiring the storyline of "The Shining." These twins were so interconnected that one's actions directly affected the other, even leading to one's death, which she described as being "finally free" and giving up her life to the other. This demonstrates the deep cultural intricacies and interconnectedness within certain communities.

    • The spiritual bond between twinsTwins share a deep spiritual connection, experiencing each other's pain and feeling a shared soul, raising questions about the nature of existence and the possibility of a spiritual apocalypse.

      The connection between twins goes beyond the physical and mental realm, it's a spiritual bond that is deeply intertwined. This bond is so strong that twins can experience each other's pain and even feel like they're sharing a soul. This spiritual connection raises questions about the nature of existence and the possibility of a spiritual apocalypse, where consciousness moves onto another dimension, leaving those still in the physical world unaware of the transition. The idea of having a twin with such a strong bond can be both fascinating and terrifying, as it comes with the responsibility of sharing a life and a soul, and the consequence of mutual death.

    • Exploring the Mysteries of Consciousness and Multiple DimensionsThe end of the world may not mean an end to consciousness, but the nature of our existence in a new dimension is uncertain. Some believe psychedelic drugs can help access other dimensions, but societal norms may hinder exploration. Identity and reality questions arise with the concept of multiple dimensions.

      According to the discussion, when the world ends, our consciousness ascends to another dimension, but we may not be aware of it as we continue to exist in this world. It's unclear if we retain control over our consciousness in the new dimension or if our consciousness is completely replaced. Some believe that taking certain psychedelic drugs can help us access other dimensions and gain insight into this concept, but societal norms may discourage their use. The idea of multiple dimensions raises questions about identity and reality, and some may wonder if they are truly in control of their own consciousness or if they are merely playing a role in someone else's world. The discussion also touched on the potential connection between significant figures in history and the number pi, but the validity of this claim was not fully explored.

    • The Complexity of Deathbed ConversionsSome atheists reportedly convert near death, but not all conversions are genuine, highlighting the complexity of individual beliefs and the importance of an open-minded approach to faith.

      The lives of renowned atheists like Stephen Hawking, who didn't believe in God or an afterlife, took unexpected turns, with some reportedly experiencing religious conversions near death. This phenomenon, often referred to as "deathbed conversions," raises intriguing questions about faith and belief systems. Another observation from the conversation was the perception that religious traditions and practices, including art, can appear outdated and unappealing to modern audiences, potentially contributing to declining faith engagement. However, the speakers acknowledged that not all atheists' reported conversions should be taken at face value, as some may occur only when facing suffering or as a form of convenience. Ultimately, the discussion underscored the complexity and nuance of individual beliefs and the importance of approaching faith with an open mind.

    • Bridging divides through empathy and dialogueCreating platforms for diverse voices to be heard and valued promotes empathy and positive change.

      Understanding and empathy are crucial for bridging divides between people from different backgrounds and circumstances. Whether it's individuals from various socio-economic backgrounds or countries with contrasting ideologies, meaningful dialogue and empathy can lead to change. However, this can be challenging when those in power refuse to listen or engage with those who have less representation. The lack of opportunities for open and inclusive conversations perpetuates misunderstanding and conflict. Ultimately, it's essential to create platforms for diverse voices to be heard and valued to foster empathy and promote positive change.

    • The power of voice and communication in disadvantaged situationsEffective communication and determination are vital for progress in disadvantaged situations, whether in sports or relationships. Focus on the present and fight for what matters to overcome challenges and build meaningful connections.

      Having a strong voice and effective communication skills are crucial for people in disadvantaged situations to be heard and make progress. This was discussed in relation to the disparity between NCAA and Canadian sports, where the lack of resources and opportunities in the latter often leaves athletes feeling powerless. In the context of relationships, the speaker emphasized the importance of fighting for a partner and focusing on the present rather than dwelling on what one doesn't have. The speaker also touched upon the idea that relationships can be based on insecurities, and that both partners don't always have to be insecure for the relationship to work. Overall, the conversation highlighted the importance of determination, communication, and self-reflection in overcoming challenges and building meaningful connections.

    • Balance and mutual respect in relationshipsSuccessful relationships require partners to balance power and respect each other's roles, avoiding constant power struggles and ensuring harmonious partnerships.

      Successful relationships require balance between the partners. While it's important for both individuals to have their own strengths and autonomy, there should not be two people trying to wear the "pants" in the relationship. This dynamic can lead to constant clashes and an unhealthy power struggle. Instead, it's essential for one partner to take the lead at times and for the other to support and follow. However, this doesn't mean that one partner must always be the "provider" or the "decider." Ultimately, the key is for both individuals to respect each other's roles and communicate effectively to ensure a harmonious partnership. The speaker acknowledges that this theory can be challenged, and there might be exceptions to this rule. But in general, a successful relationship requires a balance of power and mutual respect.

    • Women value confidence and financial stability in partnersWomen often prefer confident, well-off partners with unique hobbies. Self-worth and substance are important in attracting a partner.

      Confidence and financial stability are highly valued traits in relationships for many women. While some may desire a sensitive partner, the majority prefer a confident and well-off man. Having unique hobbies and being able to teach new things to a partner can also be attractive. Ultimately, value and substance are key factors in attracting a partner. It's important for individuals to know their worth and love themselves first before entering a relationship. The business-like approach to relationships can be unappealing, and celebrities may struggle to date due to their high value and constant attention.

    • Feeling overwhelmed in a relationship due to giving too muchBalance and self-worth are crucial in relationships. Don't let giving too much define you or lead to dissatisfaction. Prioritize your own well-being.

      Giving too much in a relationship can lead to feelings of imbalance and dissatisfaction if the other person isn't contributing equally. It's important for both parties to give and receive in a healthy and balanced way. If you find yourself feeling like you're giving too much and not getting enough in return, it may be time to reassess the relationship or even consider ending it. During the podcast episode, the speaker shared his experience of feeling overwhelmed in a relationship due to giving too much, while the other person wasn't contributing enough. He emphasized the importance of having a clear identity and self-worth, and not letting a relationship define you completely. The speaker also reminded listeners to engage with the podcast content by commenting, liking, and subscribing, and to catch him streaming on Twitch. He encouraged listeners to listen and download the episodes on various platforms and expressed gratitude for their support. Overall, the episode highlighted the importance of balance and self-worth in relationships and encouraged listeners to prioritize their own well-being.

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    Jump in with Carlos Juico and Gavin Ruta on episode 180 of Jumpers Jump. This episode we discuss: Matilda's crazy sixth sense, Growing up with spirits, Supernatural entities, Shadow people lore, Ghost occurrences, Talking to spirits, Sleep paralysis demon, Sabrina's first paranormal experience, Past life regression, Their Dad's sixth sense, Aunt ghost story & picture, Carlos' egg cleanse story, Condo live reading, Supernatural theories and much more! Follow the podcast: @JumpersPodcast Follow Carlos: @CarlosJuico Follow Gavin: @GavinRutaa Check out the podcast on YouTube: https://bit.ly/JumpersJumpYT Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Jay Shetty’s Conversation With Will Smith:

    • Today, Jay Shetty welcomes his dear friend, Will Smith as they reminisce about the happy times and adventures they spent together, and how their friendship flourished as Will studies the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.
    • Jay asks Will: “Tell us a bit about what you learned from your parents and how you were able to process it positively? It’s not easy to process negative emotions with positive thoughts.
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    • Jay mentions how Will’s grandmother had a huge impact in his life. It's all about finding peace by living your life in service. His parents, on the other hand, had different principles and pushed for totally different things, yet they showed him how life should be lived.
    • Jay talks about the hard work Will had to do that people don’t really see. A lot of people have not seen the learning accumulated through hard work, the sacrifices made along the way, and the military mindset that Will cradled so deeply within.
    • Jay points out that most superheroes get their powers when bad things happen to them. This is also true for everyone, that most of our experiences happen to teach us a lesson. Will then added that there is no such thing as a bad experience.
    • Jay taps into Will’s last moments with his father and how he coped with the loss. The lesson learned from the experience is to always be genuine with your every “Hello” and “Goodbye”, who knows it could be the last.
    • Jay asks Will about how the tradition to learn new religion every year, how this strengthened his bond with Jada, and the lessons learned while studying these different religions.
    • Jay talks to Will about the wisdom within books, how past people had lived through the same problems that most of us are dealing with today. Treating people the way you want to be treated is essential in maintaining peaceful relationships around you.
    • Jay explains the Analogy of the Mirror wherein people become so disconnected from nature that everything becomes instant and our mindset has become NOW whereas nature is never instant.
    • Jay shares the first time he communicated with Will. It surprised him how Will can be so committed to the things he sets his mind on. And that prompted Jay to relearn and fall back in love with the things he fell in love years ago. Commitment is changing yourself through constant practice.
    • Will explains why the central focus of his life is having a successful love relationship. This determination came after his experience with his parents divorce. He continues to seek knowledge on achieving this goal.
    • Will discusses why the concepts of ignorance and delusion are always the center of problems in every human relationship. All issues within human relations stem from a lack of understanding.
    • Will retells his unforgettable encounter with Nelson Mandela and how he was offered to be his student about life struggles.
    • Jay is curious why Will is so moved by the Story of Arjun. Will eagerly explains the story and why it resonated with so much.
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    • Jay and Will agree on this: It's not a problem if you have comprehension of what's happening around you. You don't call things problems that you have complete comprehension of.
    • Will relives his character as The Genie, a character so similar to his personality, his core. The concept of the sacred clown, the singing, dancing, and joy it brings, is beautiful conduit for the ideas.
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    You can order my new book 8 RULES OF LOVE at 8rulesoflove.com or at a retail store near you. You can also get the chance to see me live on my first ever world tour. This is a 90 minute interactive show where I will take you on a journey of finding, keeping and even letting go of love. Head to jayshettytour.com and find out if I'll be in a city near you. Thank you so much for all your support - I hope to see you soon.

    Do you want to meditate daily with me? Go to go.calm.com/onpurpose to get 40% off a Calm Premium Membership. Experience the Daily Jay. Only on Calm

    Jay Shetty sits down with Dax Shepard to talk about valuing yourself and sticking to what you believe in above all. At certain points in our life we will come across conflicting interests and opposing ideas, and these could shake the foundation of what we believe to be right. And that’s okay. Living with two opposing ideas can be challenging but these will give us new and better life perspectives. 

    Dax Shepard is an actor, comedian, writer, and director, and of course podcast host of one of my favorite podcasts, Armchair Expert. He's known for his appearance in films like Without a Paddle, Zathura: A Space Adventure, Employee of the Month, and many, many more. He also portrayed Crosby Braverman in the NBC comedy drama series, Parenthood from 2010 to 2015. He also played Luke Matthews in the Netflix show, The Ranch, co-starred in ABC's Bless this Mess, and acted in the MTV reality series Punk’d. And since 2018, Dax has hosted the award-winning podcast show, Armchair Expert, where he interviews celebrities, journalists, and academics about the messiness of being human. 

    Want to be a Jay Shetty Certified Life Coach? Get the Digital Guide and Workbook from Jay Shetty https://jayshettypurpose.com/fb-getting-started-as-a-life-coach-podcast/

    What We Discuss:

    • 00:00 Intro
    • 02:30 A good memory but terrible with remembering dates
    • 09:00 The memories that support your own identity
    • 14:14 The ‘you’ embracing yourself
    • 23:04 Running from or embracing your ethnicity
    • 26:18 Getting drawn to successful people
    • 29:20 The practice of having vulnerable conversations
    • 33:08 Getting out of the skepticism
    • 38:49 Recognize what the people around you want
    • 49:38 Entertaining two ideas at once that are seemingly contradictory
    • 56:36 Encouraging critical thinking at home
    • 01:06:11 Teaching your children how to be resilient
    • 01:10:20 Balance between self validation and humility
    • 01:15:43 Dax on Final Five

    Episode Resources

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    #156 BITESIZE | Improve Your Relationship and Transform Your Life | Esther Perel

    #156 BITESIZE | Improve Your Relationship and Transform Your Life | Esther Perel

    Relationships are integral to our lives – they can bring us joy and happiness but navigating them can sometimes be hard.

    Feel Better Live More Bitesize is my new weekly podcast for your mind, body and heart. Each week I’ll be featuring inspirational stories and practical tips from some of my former guests.

    Today’s clip is from episode 119 of the podcast with Esther Perel. Esther is arguably one of the world’s leading and most original thinkers on modern relationships.

    She explains why relationships shape every aspect of our lives and why we often feel under pressure to have the perfect relationship.

    Esther talks us through how much the concept of marriage has changed over the past century and how our modern-day relationships are so different from the relationships of the past. Where once we would have had support from extended families and communities, increasingly we look to just one person to meet all our needs.

    Esther believes it is the quality of our relationships that determines the quality of our lives and she offers some relationship tips we can all start implementing today.

    Show notes and the full podcast are available at drchatterjee.com/119

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    DISCLAIMER: The content in the podcast and on this webpage is not intended to constitute or be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on the podcast or on my website. 

    Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.


    When he was 28 years old, RuPaul Andre Charles found himself broke and living on his little sister's couch in Los Angeles. "It was a really, really, really dark, dark period for me." That’s when RuPaul, now the world's most famous drag queen, started his meditation practice. See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.