
    Ep. 950 - Joker's Wild

    enFebruary 10, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Oscars reflect cultural left's perspective on AmericaThe Oscars reveal unconscious biases and contradictory values, while economic instability calls for diversifying investments, including precious metals.

      The Oscars serve as a reflection of the cultural left's perspective on America, often revealing unconscious biases and contradictory values. Meanwhile, economic instability calls for diversifying investments, including precious metals. Ben Shapiro endorses Birch Gold for this purpose, offering a free signed copy of his book as an incentive. The entertainment industry's self-proclaimed wokeness often masks deeper issues, such as subversive racism and class signaling, which can be observed in the hiring of consultants to alleviate feelings of guilt. Ultimately, these observations underscore the importance of being informed and critical of societal trends.

    • Oscars reflect biases and self-interestsThe Oscars often reward films based on industry self-image rather than merit, leading to inconsistencies and controversy.

      The Oscars often reflect the biases and self-interests of those in Hollywood, rather than recognizing the most deserving films. The discussion highlights how films like Parasite were awarded due to their themes of class conflict and being foreign, allowing the industry to avoid accusations of racism and maintain a self-congratulatory image. Janelle Monae's opening speech at the Oscars further emphasized this narrative, with her focus on underrepresented groups rather than the merit of the films themselves. This pattern of awarding films based on their ability to make Hollywood feel good about itself, rather than objective quality, can lead to inconsistencies and controversy in the selection process.

    • Oscars Emphasis on Wokeness Leaves Viewers IrritatedThe Oscars prioritized wokeness over entertainment, leaving many viewers puzzled and disconnected. Speeches focused on being 'woke' without offering solutions or acknowledging opposing viewpoints, adding to the cultural divide. Simplify your home improvement with new window coverings at blinds.com.

      The Oscars this year were marked by a noticeable emphasis on wokeness and virtue signaling, leaving many viewers feeling irritated and disconnected. Greta Gerwig's attempts to elicit public proclamations of wokeness from the front row were met with confusion, especially in the context of an entirely white front row. Eminem's performance added to the awkwardness, leaving the audience puzzled. Many speeches focused on being "woke," often without offering concrete solutions or acknowledging opposing viewpoints. Josh Gad's climate change-themed routine was particularly divisive, highlighting the growing cultural divide. This cultural discord is an inherent part of our society and is worth acknowledging and understanding. Meanwhile, there are simpler ways to improve your home, such as upgrading your window coverings at blinds.com.

    • Oscars: Brad Pitt's Political Statement and Natalie Portman's ProtestBrad Pitt spoke about impeachment hearings, Natalie Portman wore a cape with female directors' names, and Blinds.com offered free samples, consultations, and even free remakes with 15M windows covered and 30K positive reviews. Use promo code Ben for $20 off.

      Brad Pitt and Natalie Portman made headlines at the Oscars for their political statements. While Brad Pitt spoke about the impeachment hearings, Natalie Portman wore a cape embroidered with the names of snubbed female directors. Blinds.com, on a lighter note, was also in the news as America's top online retailer for custom window coverings, offering free samples, consultations, and even free remakes if needed. With over 15 million windows covered and 30,005 positive reviews, they make the process of buying affordable, quality window coverings fast and easy. For a limited time, listeners can use promo code Ben for $20 off their order.

    • Oscars: Joaquin Phoenix's Vegan SpeechJoaquin Phoenix used his Best Actor acceptance speech at the Oscars to advocate for veganism and sparked a conversation about ethical choices.

      The Oscars this year were marked by unexpected speeches and strong advocacy for various causes, particularly veganism, from winner Joaquin Phoenix. Phoenix, who won Best Actor for his role in "Joker," used his acceptance speech to criticize speciesism and the consumption of animal products. He urged the audience, many of whom were engaged in animal protein consumption, to consider the ethical implications of their choices. The crowd gave him a standing ovation, and Phoenix's call for change resonated with many viewers. However, some found it hypocritical that Phoenix, who wore a vegan T-shirt to a meat-serving restaurant earlier in the week, was making such a strong statement. Overall, Phoenix's speech highlighted the growing influence of social and ethical issues in Hollywood and the increasing use of the Oscars as a platform for advocacy.

    • Culture wars and their impact on politicsCultural events can resonate beyond the moment and shape public discourse, it's essential to recognize their importance and consider their implications on society as a whole.

      Culture wars matter in politics, and the left often tries to dismiss criticisms as mere attention-seeking or triggering. However, these issues have deeper roots and can have significant impacts. The Oscars, for instance, became a platform for political statements, with some viewers interpreting it as a communist tribute. While individuals have the freedom to choose what they engage with, cultural events can resonate beyond the moment and shape public discourse. It's essential to recognize the importance of these discussions and consider their implications on society as a whole. Additionally, on a lighter note, don't forget about Valentine's Day and the special deals on flowers from 1 800 Flowers.

    • Oscars and Democrats: Elitism and DivisivenessThe Oscars and Democrats reflect elitism and divisiveness, with wealth disparity and 'woke' agendas silencing opposing views.

      The 2020 Oscars and the current state of the Democratic party share similar themes of elitism and divisiveness. During their acceptance speech, the producers of the Best Documentary quoted Karl Marx, highlighting the wealth disparity in the industry. This cultural shift towards the "woke" left agenda has silenced many in Hollywood and the Democratic party, leaving those who disagree feeling excluded. The fight for control within the Democratic party mirrors the socialist versus nonsocialist divide at the Oscars. In the 2020 Democratic race, Joe Biden's support has significantly dropped, with Pete Buttigieg gaining ground. Sanders remains steady, demonstrating his strong base of support. The conventional wisdom that Sanders' support would bleed away to another candidate has been proven incorrect, and it's Biden's support that has shifted to other candidates. This trend underscores the growing divide within both the Democratic party and Hollywood.

    • Democratic Candidates Hesitant to Support Democratic Socialist at the Top of the TicketDespite disagreements on democratic socialism, Democratic candidates' agendas align with American people's desires for issues like minimum wage, free college tuition, and climate change action.

      During the Democratic debate, all candidates except Bernie Sanders were hesitant to raise their hands when asked about having a democratic socialist at the top of the ticket due to fear of losing votes. Joe Biden, who also expressed concerns about socialism, did not raise his hand. Bernie Sanders, who identifies as a democratic socialist, attempted to clarify his stance by saying he's not advocating for a government takeover of the health care system, but rather an expansion of Medicare. However, Medicare is a part of the US health care system, and expanding it would still be a government takeover. The debate highlighted the divide within the Democratic party on the issue of socialism and the potential impact it could have on the election. Despite the concerns, the candidates' agendas align with the majority of American people's desires for issues like raising the minimum wage, making public colleges tuition-free, and addressing climate change.

    • Democratic Debate: A Circular Firing SquadThe Democratic debate has become a messy scene of candidates criticizing each other instead of focusing on their differences with the current administration, making it difficult for the party to present a unified front

      The minimum wage increase to $15 an hour, once considered radical, is now a reality in seven states. However, during a recent Democratic debate, most candidates expressed concern about having a self-proclaimed socialist, Bernie Sanders, as their party's nominee. Meanwhile, the candidates have been criticizing each other instead of focusing on their differences with the current administration. Additionally, fine pearl jewelry from The Pearl Source is a smart and timeless Valentine's Day gift, with up to 70% off retail prices and a 60-day money-back guarantee. The debate scene among Democrats has turned into a circular firing squad, creating a messy situation for the party.

    • Democratic Primary Race: Biden Under Fire, Sanders Gains MomentumThe Democratic primary race is heating up with Joe Biden facing criticism and candidates like Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar vying for position. Access Daily Wire's comprehensive news, opinion, and exclusive content for the latest developments using promo code d w 2020 for 20% off.

      The Democratic primary race is heating up with Joe Biden under fire and candidates like Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, and Amy Klobuchar jockeying for position. The best way for individuals looking to stay informed on the latest developments is to become a Daily Wire member, using promo code d w 2020 for 20% off, and gaining access to comprehensive news, opinion, and exclusive content. The race has seen some notable moments, including Biden's controversial remarks towards a voter, his confusion over his own gun ownership, and his struggles to keep up with the rapidly changing political landscape. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders continues to gain energy and momentum, despite criticisms of his socialist policies. Pete Buttigieg, though considered a viable candidate in the early states, faces questions about his ability to appeal to a broader electorate. Overall, the race is shaping up to be a closely watched and highly competitive contest.

    • Democratic Primary: Biden vs Buttigieg - Experiences and AccomplishmentsJoe Biden and Pete Buttigieg's primary race highlights their contrasting backgrounds and records. Biden's long career in politics includes saving the auto industry and implementing the recovery act, while Buttigieg's mayoral tenure is more limited. Voters will decide on their qualifications, vision, and ability to lead the country forward.

      The Democratic primary race between Joe Biden and Pete Buttigieg highlights their distinct experiences and accomplishments. While Biden has a long record of service as a senator and vice president, saving the auto industry and implementing the recovery act, Buttigieg's mayoral tenure in South Bend, Indiana, is more limited. Biden has criticized Buttigieg's lack of experience and accomplishments on the national stage, pointing out the differences between their backgrounds and campaigns. Buttigieg, in response, acknowledges the contrast but emphasizes the need to focus on the future and delivering a better future for the country. However, concerns have been raised about Buttigieg's lack of a clear record and perceived dishonesty regarding his political stance on issues like late-term abortion. Ultimately, the primary race will likely come down to voters' assessment of these candidates' qualifications, vision, and ability to lead the country forward.

    • Contrasting Positions of Buttigieg and SandersButtigieg accepts funds from billionaires, Sanders refuses, highlighting their authenticity and support bases. Sanders could emerge as a strong contender with wins in Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada, while Biden's performance in New Hampshire is crucial. Klobuchar faces challenges in gaining attention.

      The ongoing presidential race is centered around key issues like healthcare, campaign finance, and electability. The discussion highlighted the contrasting positions of Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders on late-term abortion and campaign financing. Buttigieg, despite his criticism of Sanders for being too rich, has accepted funds from billionaires, while Sanders refuses to accept donations from wealthy individuals. The authenticity of their approaches and the support bases they've built are also significant factors. The race is heating up, with Biden's performance in New Hampshire being crucial, and Sanders emerging as a strong contender if he wins Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada. Amy Klobuchar, another moderate, could potentially replace Biden but faces challenges in gaining attention. The race is about bringing everyone into the fight against Trump, who is raising significant funds, and securing support from various demographics.

    • Bernie Sanders' Dominance in Democratic PrimaryDespite concerns about Sanders' past radical statements and ability to win against Trump, his dominance in the Democratic primary shows no signs of slowing down.

      The Democratic primary race has seen unexpected shifts, with Bernie Sanders emerging as the front runner due to the collapse of other candidates in the moderate and intersectional wings. Sanders' past radical statements and unwillingness to distance himself from them are becoming a significant issue, leaving many in the media and political establishment concerned about his ability to win against Donald Trump in the general election. Despite these concerns, Sanders' dominance in the race shows no signs of slowing down, as no other candidate has been able to effectively challenge him. The lack of opposition to Sanders' extreme positions is causing frustration among some, with Rahm Emanuel expressing concern that Trump would easily defeat any Democratic nominee, including Sanders.

    • Democrats face challenges in preparing a strong contender against Trump's debating skillsThe conversation emphasized the importance of preparation, academic background, and open dialogue in politics, while highlighting the need for caution and resilience in the face of intense debates.

      The Democratic Party faces challenges in preparing a strong contender against Trump's formidable debating skills. The concern is that not all Democrats have shown the ability to match Trump's intensity. On a lighter note, there were things worth appreciating, such as AOC's reference to the economist Milton Friedman during a talk on economics, showcasing her academic background. Additionally, the conversation touched upon the importance of education and open dialogue in combating racism. However, the discussion also highlighted the need for caution in making assumptions and avoiding defensiveness when discussing sensitive topics. Overall, the conversation underscored the importance of preparation and resilience in the political arena.

    • Navigating Political Complexity and MisunderstandingsPolitical ideologies are nuanced and complex, leading to disagreements and misunderstandings even among those on the same side. The political debate scene and entertainment industry shape public opinion and discourse.

      The political landscape can be awkward and filled with tension, even among those on the same side of the aisle. Ben Shapiro expressed his apprehension about being criticized for his wokeness by a figure like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, despite his left-leaning views being more progressive than those on the right. This highlights the complexity and nuance within political ideologies and the potential for disagreement and misunderstanding, even among those with similar political leanings. Additionally, the political debate scene was a focal point of discussion, with the ongoing Democratic primaries and the debate between candidates receiving attention. The debate was described as a display of self-deprecation and beclowning oneself, with President Trump's critics and the candidates themselves under scrutiny. The Michael Knowles Show also touched upon the intersection of politics and show business, exploring how the entertainment industry and political sphere influence each other and contribute to shaping public opinion and discourse. Overall, the discussions emphasized the complexity and nuance within political ideologies, the potential for disagreement and misunderstanding, and the impact of the entertainment industry on political discourse.

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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

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    Ep. 1988 - Bring BACK The Ten Commandments in Schools

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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    'PURPLE AMERICA?' - A sermon by David Ruffin

    'PURPLE AMERICA?' - A sermon by David Ruffin
    The sermon was delivered on Sunday, February 21, 2016, at All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa, Oklahoma, by David Ruffin, Assistant Minister. SERMON DESCRIPTION One of the grandest stories we tell in these United States is of our great unity amidst our diversity. E pluribus unum... “out of many one!” We are many… but how united are we really? And do we really honor and respect our differences? We long for union and connection, sensing some greater truth in oneness. But we also fear difference and long for security. Amidst these competing commitments, we often settle for a story of unity, even if down deeper we know it ain’t necessarily so. So let’s set aside our idealized visions of holding hands across America, and our idealized visions of our own lives while we’re at it, and explore anew where we each really are… And how we might yet come together. SUBSCRIBE TO AUDIO PODCAST: WATCH THIS SERMON ON YOUTUBE: SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL: GIVE A DONATION TO HELP US SPREAD THIS LOVE BEYOND BELIEF: LET'S CONNECT: Facebook: Twitter: All Souls Church Website:

    Doing Everyday Democracy ft. Jamelle Bouie

    Doing Everyday Democracy ft. Jamelle Bouie

    New York Times columnist Jamelle Bouie joins us to discuss a range of issues facing American politics, including misinformation and the fantasies of political separation, as well as what he would do to strengthen democracy. “Politics is about collectively deciding how we’re going to solve problems and how we’re going to govern ourselves. As that gets divorced from how people experience politics, it can have the perverse effects we’re seeing now,” Bouie tell us. Political conflicts aren’t going away, but reforming party politics and the structures that incentivize party competition may lower the temperature, Bouie argues.

    Jamelle Bouie is also a political analyst for CBS News and a scholar at the UVA Center for Politics.

    Links in this episode

    Ep55 - Facebook Dislike Button, Republican Debates 2, Ben Carson’s 7 Beliefs, Hell No Hebdo, Hungarian Camerawoman Trippin’, Matt Damon Diversity.

    Ep55 - Facebook Dislike Button, Republican Debates 2, Ben Carson’s 7 Beliefs, Hell No Hebdo, Hungarian Camerawoman Trippin’, Matt Damon Diversity.
    Today, Black Pedro, Mike Casentini and Rena-Marie Villano sit down to discuss the topics of the day, which includes talking about the heat and the tiny bit of rain we received the other day in Los Angeles. In the news, we talk about Facebook and the “Dislike” button, finally a button for every Donald Trump post. Round 2 of the Republican debates, we jump start the conversation. That leads us into a discussion about Ben Carson and his 7 Beliefs. Hebdo is back and making international news with its recent horrible cartoon depicting a Muslim child face down in the sand. Hell No Hebdo! Also, a Hungarian Camerawoman was filmed tripping migrants as they fled a holding area. Finally, Matt Damon has been making his apologies for comments he made on Project Greenlight relating to diversity, which we had to discuss.