
    Ep 958 | Laken Riley’s Preventable Murder

    enFebruary 27, 2024

    Podcast Summary

    • Encouraging conversation about God's redemption, tragic event in Athens, GA, MSNBC's concerns, new series debut, and merchandise restockGod's redemption is limitless, a tragic event involved a nursing student and illegal alien, MSNBC questions God-given rights, new debatable series coming, and popular merchandise is back in stock

      God's redemption knows no limits, as demonstrated in yesterday's encouraging conversation. Meanwhile, in the news, a tragic event occurred in Athens, Georgia, where a 22-year-old nursing student, Lakeen Riley, was murdered by an illegal alien from Venezuela. The question on everyone's mind is how such an incident can happen and how to prevent it in the future. Regarding a different topic, MSNBC expressed concerns about the belief that rights come from God. Moving on, we have some exciting announcements. Debatable, our new series, will premiere on March 4th, featuring Catholic and Protestant apologists in a respectful debate. Subscribe to Blaze TV to access this exclusive content and protect our freedom of speech. Lastly, we've restocked our popular merchandise, including our "Do the next right thing in faith with excellence and for the glory of God" t-shirts. Check out alimerc.com to place your order. Stay tuned for more updates and productive conversations.

    • Values and Supplement BrandsSupporting companies with aligned values matters, especially in supplement brands. Be cautious of larger corporations with conflicting values, and consider the potential impact of local policies on safety and security.

      Values matter when it comes to choosing which companies to support, especially in the case of supplement brands. The speaker endorses We Heart Nutrition, not only because of their high-quality, bioavailable supplements, but also because of their shared values. In contrast, larger companies like Unilever, Bayer, and Pfizer, which produce multivitamins under brands like Ollie, SmartyPants, and 1 a day, have values that contradict those of the speaker. These companies support causes like Planned Parenthood and politicians who promote abortion, which goes against the speaker's pro-life stance. Another significant takeaway is the growing concern about the safety and security of certain cities and towns, even those in conservative or red states, becoming "liberal hellholes." The speaker uses Athens, Georgia, as an example, where an illegal immigrant with a violent record was able to enter the country, commit a heinous crime, and evade justice due to the city's progressive policies and leadership. This story serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining strong borders and upholding law and order.

    • Progressive policies in sanctuary cities lead to increased crime ratesProgressive policies in sanctuary cities can release dangerous individuals, leading to violent crimes against residents

      Progressive policies, particularly in cities with sanctuary status, can lead to increased crime rates and a decrease in safety for residents. The discussion highlights Athens, Georgia, as an example, where progressive policies have resulted in the release of illegal immigrants who have gone on to commit violent crimes. The case of Lakin Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student who was beaten to death, is used to illustrate this point. The suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, was an illegal alien who had previously been arrested and released due to Athens' sanctuary status. The city's failure to cooperate with ICE and enforce immigration laws has resulted in dangerous individuals being released back into the community, putting residents at risk. This is a common trend in cities run by Democrats, as mentioned in the discussion. It is essential to understand the connection between progressive policies and the safety of cities and communities.

    • A community grieves the loss of a beloved athlete and studentThe tragic death of Lakyn highlights the importance of enforcing immigration laws and the devastating impact of losing a child, bringing comfort through faith and community support.

      The tragic death of Lakyn, a beloved athlete and student, has left her family, friends, and community grieving. Her love for her faith brings comfort as they mourn, but they ask for privacy during this difficult time. The loss of a child is an unimaginable pain, and the community is praying for Blake and Riley, whose family is also devastated. The discussion also emphasized the importance of enforcing immigration laws to prevent crimes and protect citizens. The belief is that every crime committed by an illegal alien is preventable and that not all cultures and people are the same, emphasizing the need for understanding and enforcement of laws. The conversation ended with a reflection on social justice and the sacrifices made by the best people in society for the worst.

    • Border security and immigration policies under scrutinySpeakers question the leadership for encouraging immigration and creating a system that incentivizes criminals to enter the country illegally, causing harm and burdening society

      The discussion raises concerns about border security and immigration policies, specifically in relation to a criminal case involving an individual who entered the country illegally and committed a heinous crime. The speakers question whose fault it is that such individuals are incentivized to cross the border and why they are released without proper processing. They criticize the leadership for encouraging immigration and creating a system that allows criminals to mooch off others and live without contributing to society. The speakers also highlight the importance of natural and holistic cosmetics, showcasing Adele Natural Cosmetics as an example. However, the core of the discussion revolves around the serious issue of border security and immigration policies and their potential consequences.

    • Porous US Borders and Cultural DifferencesThe porous US borders have allowed criminal elements to enter, raising national security concerns. Cultural differences without a shared value system can hinder peaceful coexistence.

      The porous borders of the United States have led to the entry of criminal elements, including violent criminals released from Venezuelan prisons, raising concerns about national security and sovereignty. The speaker questions whether the country's borders and parameters mean anything when they are so easily crossed. Additionally, the speaker argues that people from different cultures and backgrounds cannot live together peacefully without a shared transcendent value system. The speaker also expresses the controversial view that not all cultures are equally good or moral and that America's unique Christian values are essential for a peaceful and harmonious society.

    • The importance of shared national identity and secure bordersSecure borders and shared national identity are essential for order and functionality in today's world, not a racist or bigoted notion.

      The idea of a multicultural mosaic of peace without the unifying values of equality and shared national identity is impossible in today's world. Diversity, while not inherently a weakness, can be a challenge when assuming everyone shares the same values. Every country, including America, has the right to retain its national identity and borders. The current chaos and disorder at the US southern border, resulting in millions of illegal immigrants and the release of dangerous criminals, is a consequence of this borderlessness. Governor Brian Kemp's strongly worded letter to President Biden highlights the urgent need for the administration to secure the border and provide transparency on the situation. The importance of a shared national identity and secure borders is not a racist or bigoted notion, but a logical and moral one. God gave us the idea of countries and borders, and we need order to function well.

    • Focusing on actions to address immigration issuesGovernor Kemp's promises to enforce immigration laws in Georgia have raised concerns, highlighting the need for action over rhetoric to protect communities and ensure the rule of law.

      While politicians may seek attention through heated debates and viral moments, it's important to focus on tangible actions to address pressing issues, such as securing borders and enforcing immigration laws. Brian Kemp, the Governor of Georgia, made campaign promises to arrest and deport illegal aliens and end sanctuary cities. However, there are concerns that these promises have not been fulfilled. The ease with which illegal immigrants move between sanctuary cities raises questions about potential outside assistance. It's urged that Governor Kemp and local officials take action to enforce immigration laws and remove funding and support from sanctuary cities to ensure compliance with ICE. Additionally, influential donors could use their power to pressure universities and politicians to take a stand on immigration enforcement. Ultimately, it's crucial to prioritize action over rhetoric to protect communities from crime and ensure the rule of law.

    • University Safety and Illegal ImmigrationParents should carefully consider sending their children to universities in cities with lenient immigration laws due to potential safety concerns, and are encouraged to use their resources and platforms to advocate for change.

      Parents who are considering sending their children to the University of Georgia or any university in a city that does not enforce immigration laws for the safety of their students should consider not doing so. The speaker urges parents to use their resources and platforms to make a difference, as the issue of illegal immigration and its consequences, such as violent crimes against young women, continues to be a problem with few political solutions in sight. The speaker expresses sadness for the victims and their families, and calls for action from politicians to address the issue. Additionally, the speaker mentions a new podcast from Focus on the Family called "Practice Makes Parent" which aims to provide practical and biblical advice for parents with toddlers.

    • Understanding the meaning and controversy behind 'Christian nationalism'The belief that our rights come from God, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, is a foundational principle of American society, not a new or radical idea, despite political labeling as 'Christian nationalism'.

      The term "Christian nationalism" is being used in a politically charged way to label and criticize certain beliefs, particularly those related to the idea that our rights as Americans come from God rather than from earthly authorities. This belief, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence, is not a new or radical idea, but rather a foundational principle of American society. The discussion also touched upon the podcast "Practice Makes Parent" and how it addresses real-life issues for marriages and parenting. Despite the potential controversy surrounding the term "Christian nationalism," the show aims to provide guidance and support for families.

    • Belief in God-given rights as American identityThe belief that rights come from God is a fundamental aspect of American identity, protecting individual freedoms like life, liberty, speech, worship, self-defense, and property.

      According to this perspective, the belief that our rights come from God is a fundamental aspect of American identity and the protection of individual freedoms. This belief is rooted in the founding principles of the United States and is seen as essential for preserving inherent rights to life, liberty, speech, worship, self-defense, and property. The idea that rights come from God makes them inherent and not subject to arbitrary interpretation or control by the government. However, there are opposing views that reject this American identity and the Constitution, favoring progressive ideologies that aim for totalitarian control and redefine human nature. These opposing views are seen as anti-human, anti-biblical, and anti-truth, leading to policies that fail to understand and protect individual rights and freedoms. It is important for individuals to stand firm in their beliefs and not be intimidated into silence or complacency.

    • Standing firm in faith amidst opposition and politicsEquip ourselves with God's word, speak up when necessary, remember quiet acts of faith, resist deceit, and use resources like Covenant Eyes for porn addiction.

      As believers, we must stand firm in our faith and not be intimidated by opposition, even if it comes from powerful sources. We should equip ourselves with God's word and be prepared to speak up when necessary. Lives are at stake and politics matter because they affect policy and people. At the same time, it's important to remember that sometimes the next right thing is a quiet and private act of faith. Additionally, it's crucial to be aware of the dangers of deceit and to resist being a vehicle for lies. Lastly, Covenant Eyes is a valuable resource for those struggling with porn addiction, providing tools to help battle this destructive addiction. In a lighter vein, the return of comedian Shane Gillis to Saturday Night Live sparked controversy, highlighting the importance of free speech and the potential consequences of past actions.

    • Comedian's Controversial Jokes on SNLComedian's jokes can spark controversy and debate, with some finding them funny while others perceive them as offensive. It's important to consider the comedian's intention and the impact on various groups.

      Comedian's jokes, though entertaining, can spark controversy and debate regarding sensitivity and inclusivity. During a monologue on SNL, the comedian made jokes about being a "gay little boy," Down syndrome, and a cracker joke. While some in the audience found these jokes funny, others labeled them as homophobic, ableist, and racist. The comedian's intention may not have been to offend, but the impact on certain groups was perceived negatively. The comedian also shared his personal experiences and context behind some of the jokes, which added complexity to the discussion. Ultimately, it's essential to recognize that comedy can push boundaries and evoke strong reactions, and it's up to each individual to decide where their line of acceptability lies.

    • SNL's Controversial Decision to Bring Back Shane GillisSNL brought back Shane Gillis due to his newfound popularity and high viewership numbers on Netflix, sparking controversy over his past racist and homophobic remarks. Some find his jokes impressive, others criticize normalizing hate speech. The rise of anti-woke comedians challenges cultural norms and provokes thought.

      SNL's decision to have controversial comedian Shane Gillis back on the show despite his past racist and homophobic remarks was likely driven by his newfound popularity and high viewership numbers on Netflix. The conversation around Gillis' monologue was controversial, with some finding his jokes impressive and others criticizing the show for normalizing hate speech. Some viewers believe that SNL is reaching out to a wider audience by featuring diverse comedians, while others think that Gillis is too unhinged to host the show. Regardless, the rise of anti-woke comedians like Gillis, Dave Chappelle, and Joe Rogan is seen as a positive development by some, as they challenge cultural norms and provoke thought and conversation.

    • Maintaining Hormonal Balance: Options and ConsiderationsWomen have multiple ways to maintain hormonal balance including birth control, diet, exercise, stress management, and herbal supplements. Consult healthcare professionals to determine the best approach for individual circumstances.

      Women have various options to maintain hormonal balance, which was the topic of our discussion. Hormonal balance is crucial for overall health and well-being, and there are several ways to achieve it. One common method is through the use of birth control. Birth control not only helps prevent unwanted pregnancies but also regulates menstrual cycles and addresses various hormonal imbalances. However, it's important to note that everyone's body responds differently to different types of birth control, so finding the right one may take some trial and error. Additionally, there are natural methods to maintain hormonal balance, such as a healthy diet, regular exercise, stress management, and herbal supplements. It's essential to consult with healthcare professionals to determine the best approach for individual circumstances. Overall, the key takeaway is that women have various options to maintain hormonal balance and improve their overall health and well-being.

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    Ep 1025 | Chrissy Teigen Cries Tears of Joy Over Abortion

    Ep 1025 | Chrissy Teigen Cries Tears of Joy Over Abortion
    Today, we discuss Chrissy Teigen and Kamala Harris' recent comments on abortion. A few years ago, Teigen announced she had a miscarriage. After the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, she announced this miscarriage was actually an abortion, causing confusion. The Biden/Harris campaign also recently put out an ad that features a woman who claims she was denied miscarriage treatment due to the Dobbs decision. Is this true? What is the difference between a miscarriage and an abortion, and why do abortion activists often conflate the two? And what actually happens during an abortion? We also share an encouraging moment from a group of Nigerian Christians after tragedy. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (00:40) Nigerian Christians praise Jesus (09:24) Chrissy Teigen’s new abortion comments (25:25) Obstacles post-abortion (30:21) What happens during an abortion (41:55) White House conflates miscarriage & abortion (46:48) Confusion about abortion laws (48:17) Abortion in elections (52:16) Sign up for BlazeTV & Share the Arrows --- Today's Sponsors: We Heart Nutrition — nourish your body with research-backed ingredients in your vitamins at WeHeartNutrition.com and use promo code ALLIE for 20% off. Pre-Born — will you help rescue babies' lives? Donate by calling #250 & say keyword 'BABY' or go to Preborn.com/ALLIE. Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". BlazeTV- Subscribe to BlazeTV to get uncensored news and exclusive content. Use code ALLIE at https://BlazeTV.com for $20 off. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 762 | No, Jessa Duggar Seewald Did Not Have an Abortion https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-762-no-jessa-duggar-seewald-did-not-get-an-abortion/id1359249098?i=1000602182351 Ep 682 | My Response to Chrissy Teigen & The Truth About “Little Demon” | Guest: Hilary Kennedy https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-682-my-response-to-chrissy-teagen-the-truth-about/id1359249098?i=1000580226252 Ep 831 | Chrissy Teigen’s Surrogacy Announcement & No More Affirmative Action | Guest: Steve Deace https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-831-chrissy-teigens-surrogacy-announcement-no-more/id1359249098?i=1000618787746 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1024 | First Presidential Debate, 10 Commandments in Schools

    Ep 1024 | First Presidential Debate, 10 Commandments in Schools
    Today, we discuss the upcoming debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. What does Trump need to do to come out on top? Plus, RFK Jr. claims Trump and Biden are colluding with CNN to keep him off the debate stage. In other news, Louisiana is the first state to require the Ten Commandments to be displayed in classrooms. Does this violate "separation of church and state"? And is it an example of "Christian Nationalism"? Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (00:45) Introduction (12:35) Questionable debate coverage (20:00) RFK Jr. not allowed in debate (30:15) Relatable at Home (32:30) Louisiana requires 10 Commandments in classrooms (44:59) Legal precedent (47:25) Opposition responses (52:16) Is this 'Christian nationalism'? (01:01:03) Andrew Walker & The Babylon Bee weigh in --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". A’del — try A'del's hand-crafted, artisan, small-batch cosmetics and use promo code ALLIE 25% off your first time purchase at AdelNaturalCosmetics.com. Cozy Earth - go to COZYEARTH.COM/RELATABLE to enjoy 30% off using the code RELATABLE. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1008 | Dr. John MacArthur on Preparing Our Kids for Battle https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1008-dr-john-macarthur-on-preparing-our-kids-for-battle/id1359249098?i=1000656550362 Ep 1023 | Pride Pullback: Are Companies Backing Down? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1023-pride-pullback-are-companies-backing-down/id1359249098?i=1000659673322 Ep 1001 | Christian Bridal Designer vs. LGBTQ Mafia | Guest: Dominique Galbraith https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1001-christian-bridal-designer-vs-lgbtq-mafia-guest/id1359249098?i=1000655460794 Ep 922 | The Very Scary Rise of Christofascism https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-922-the-very-scary-rise-of-christofascism/id1359249098?i=1000638483605 Ep 13 | Two Gay Men + A Christian Baker Walk into a Courtroom https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000413171727 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1023 | Pride Pullback: Are Companies Backing Down?

    Ep 1023 | Pride Pullback: Are Companies Backing Down?
    Today, we discuss some good news: less "Pride" merchandise in stores this year. We examine some of the reasons for this development, including the impact of conservative boycotts. Is Christianity really more "intolerant" than progressivism? Are Christians actually imposing their beliefs on others? Or do they just want neutral spaces? Also, the Buffalo Bills sponsored an "inclusive" football league called the NGFFL. And a new proposal in Congress could make women eligible for the draft. We explain why this is a bad idea. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (0:30) Announcements (9:06) Businesses ditch "Pride" merch (30:44) Conservatism in EU (33:36) Brigitte Macron (35:46) Conservative boycotts (50:36) Buffalo Bills sponsor gay football league (55:53) Women added to military draft? --- Today's Sponsors: Patriot Mobile — go to PatriotMobile.com/ALLIE or call 972-PATRIOT and use promo code 'ALLIE' for free activation! EveryLife — the only premium baby brand that is unapologetically pro-life. EveryLife offers high-performing, supremely soft diapers and wipes that protect and celebrate every precious life. Head to EveryLife.com and use promo code ALLIE10 to get 10% of your first order today! American Christian Credit Union — America’s Christian Credit Union is Federally Insured by the National Credit Union Administration. Find America’s Christian Credit Union online at AmericasChristianCU.com/SWITCH BlazeTV- Subscribe to BlazeTV to get uncensored news and exclusive content. Use code ALLIE at https://BlazeTV.com for $20 off. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1013 | Ms. Rachel Uses Jesus to Push Pride https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1013-ms-rachel-uses-jesus-to-push-pride/id1359249098?i=1000657841626 Ep 1016 | Time to Ditch Ergobaby https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1016-time-to-ditch-ergobaby/id1359249098?i=1000658502983 Ep 913 | Target Gayifies Christmas https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-913-target-gayifies-christmas/id1359249098?i=1000636829359 Ep 805 | One Year of My Target Boycott (And They're Queerer Than Ever) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-805-one-year-of-no-target-theyre-worse-than-ever/id1359249098?i=1000613121337 Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1020-botched-the-brutality-of-trans/id1359249098?i=1000659311855 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1022 | Robert Morris Resigns, Potheads vs. Karens

    Ep 1022 | Robert Morris Resigns, Potheads vs. Karens
    Today, we discuss the resignation of Pastor Robert Morris in light of his past sexual assault of a 12-year-old girl. Does forgiveness require restoration to previous positions of power? And does worldly success indicate someone is pleasing to God? On a lighter note, we discuss how horrible marijuana is, particularly its devastating effects on teenagers. Are there any good reasons to legalize weed? Is marijuana possession actually a criminal justice issue, or is this a myth? Plus, we discuss the different types of "Karens" and defend those who are actually necessary for society to function. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:04) Robert Morris update (18:34) Truth about weed (29:15) Weed's effects on teenagers (38:26) Cannabis & psychosis (45:10) Medical marijuana (47:32) Weed moms (48:43) Colorado & California (52:33) In defense of Karens --- Today's Sponsors: A’del — try A'del's hand-crafted, artisan, small-batch cosmetics and use promo code ALLIE 25% off your first time purchase at AdelNaturalCosmetics.com. Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". We Heart Nutrition — nourish your body with research-backed ingredients in your vitamins at WeHeartNutrition.com and use promo code ALLIE for 20% off. My Patriot Supply — prepare yourself for anything with long-term emergency food storage. Get your new, lower-price Emergency Food Kit at PrepareWithAllie.com. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1021-sbctoo-another-accused-megachurch-pastor/id1359249098?i=1000659436070 Ep 1003 | What If We Decriminalized Drugs? | Guest: Christina Dent https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1003-what-if-we-decriminalized-drugs-guest-christina/id1359249098?i=1000655712524 Ep 983 | What Doctors Aren’t Telling You About Antidepressants | Guest: Brooke Siem https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-983-what-doctors-arent-telling-you-about-antidepressants/id1359249098?i=1000652056518 Ep 984 | Is the OnlyFans Model-Turned-Christian the Real Deal? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-984-do-30-year-old-women-hit-a-wall/id1359249098?i=1000652179415 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor

    Ep 1021 | #SBCToo? Another Accused Megachurch Pastor
    Today, we discuss the recent confession of "inappropriate sexual behavior with a young lady" from Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church. The alleged victim, Cindy Clemishire, claims the abuse began when she was just 12 years old and Morris was 21 and lasted for more than four years. What does this mean for Christians, particularly in light of Pastor Tony Evans' recent resignation over sin? Are all Christians qualified to be teachers? And how can victims of abuse find solace in Scripture? Plus, the Southern Baptist Church recently voted on an amendment concerning female pastors. We discuss the outcome and what this means for the SBC. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ --- Timecodes: (01:10) Introduction (03:15) Introduction to Robert Morris (16:00) Church response / statement (28:30) Reason for his sabbatical (33:49) Commentary on X (38:47) Morris's past sermons & my experience in the SBC (52:53) What Scripture says about this (01:05:03) SBC votes on female pastors & IVF --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Change the way you buy meat today at GoodRanchers.com with code ALLIE to claim your $100 off and free smoked brats for a year.  Get free shipping on all your orders and make this Independence Day one to remember.  Jase Medical — get up to a year’s worth of many of your prescription medications delivered in advance. Go to JaseMedical.com today and use promo code “ALLIE". Pre-Born — will you help rescue babies' lives? Donate by calling #250 & say keyword 'BABY' or go to Preborn.com/ALLIE. Covenant Eyes — protect you and your family from the things you shouldn't be looking at online. Go to coveyes.com/ALLIE to try it FREE for 30 days! --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1020 | Botched: The Brutality of Trans Mastectomies | Guest: Soren Aldaco https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1020-botched-the-brutality-of-trans/id1359249098?i=1000659311855 Ep 1017 | Dr. Tony Evans Steps Down Over Secret Sin https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1017-dr-tony-evans-steps-down-over-secret-sin/id1359249098?i=1000658686225 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    BPC - Episode 117 - Jockey Box Hero Part Hung

    BPC - Episode 117 - Jockey Box Hero Part Hung

    BPC - Episode 117 - Jockey Box Hero Part Hung

    We had the utmost pleasure covering Indiana On Tap’s inaugural Jockey Box Hero at The Hatch in Broad Ripple a few weeks ago.   It was the perfect day for craft beer and karaoke…behind a live band!   A special occasion is certain way as our very own Cowboy got to perform against some talented Indy folk and the one and only William Hung.  
    We enjoyed talks with old friends from The Moontown Brewing Company, Mackenzie from The Roundtown Brewery, Nikki Reed and Carter, and our new friends at 99.5 WZPL, Toni Dekeyser and Dave Smiley of the Smiley Morning Show we all know and love.  The WZPL folks got very comfortable speaking their minds with the Pigs… and we enjoyed every minute of it.  We get some dirty secrets about Nikki as well as some awful driving tips from Dave.  
    And of course we had to have American Idol’s, Mr. William Hung hang out (no pun intended) with the boys for a round as well as some jeering from Cowboy.  Hung is Mr. Infotainment!  
    You won’t want to miss Part Hung of Jockey Box and we better see all of you there next summer!

    A special thanks to the fantastic Cyrus Youngman of Cyrus Youngman and the Kingfishers for the opening and closing tunes for this episode.  And stay tuned for an upcoming show with this rare Indy talent we can’t wait to join us for a few brews and to talk about life and music. 

    Shout out in this episode include:  Four Day Ray Brewing;  Jonathon Mullens and Broad Ripple Brew Pub;  Metazoa Brewing Company (who will join us for Part Two);  The Bier Brewery; Redemption Alewerks; and The Indiana Whiskey Company

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    BPC - Episode 159 - Burn ‘Em up with Pink Shots

    BPC - Episode 159 - Burn ‘Em up with Pink Shots

    Dougy Fresh, Pauly G., and Cowboy spent a fun filled afternoon at Burn ‘Em Brewing in Michigan City with a couple beautiful ladies, Nicole Kehoe and Sabine Hankiewicz of The Pink Shots Podcast, who turned out to be as delightfully inappropriate as The Pigs. 

    One of the Burn ‘Em Founding Fathers, Blake Murray, hosted the gathering and provided some of the many delectable brews Burn ‘Em has to offer and delivered some of the low down on the humble beginnings of the brewery and what’s to come next from this quickly growing local hot spot.  Also joining in on the mic for the afternoon was Mr. Jerry Huener as well as some background commentary from Sabine’s husband and Pink Shots bodyguard, Mr. Emmitt Muckles, who only knows how to live the billionaire lifestyle. 

    Tune in for the antics and get your butt to Burn ‘em for some great craft beer and entertainment such as their Tuesday night Vinyl Night hosted by the one and only Robert Rolfe Feddersen. 

    Shout outs in this episode include:  Sean Webster and Scott Hardwick of Monon Beverage Brokers;  Greenbush Brewing Co.;  The Billionaire Lifestyle Podcast;  Franklin House;  LaSalle Kitchen & Tavern;  Kopacetic;  Matthew Raney of Blue Rectangle Designs;  Beer Hippies;  New Day Meadery;  Misbeehavin’ Meads;  Moser’s Austrian Café;  Ron Smith;  Breckenridge Brewery;  Smugglers Coffee;  Bare Hands; Noblesville Brewfest(happening on Sept. 22!);  and Black Circle

    Be sure to check us out Sundays on Indy In-Tune. www.indyintune.com

    Members of the Hopped Up Network. An ever-growing group of independent beer podcasts. Dedicated to providing insight into our local craft beer communities.  www.hoppedupnetwork.com