
    Podcast Summary

    • Heating up Democratic primary race in South CarolinaJoe Biden aims for strong SC showing, Bloomberg clogs moderate lane, Bernie Sanders leads nationally, but SC polls close, and consider diversifying into gold during market volatility

      The Democratic primary race is heating up, with Joe Biden needing a strong showing in South Carolina to solidify his position as the frontrunner. Michael Bloomberg's campaign has stalled, leaving him clogging up the moderate lane instead of clearing it. Bernie Sanders remains the national front runner, but the polling in South Carolina shows a close race between him and Biden. Meanwhile, the stock market has been volatile due to coronavirus and global supply chain disruptions, making it a good time to consider diversifying into precious metals like gold. The folks at Birch Gold can help make the process simple and risk-free.

    • Joe Biden's win in South Carolina could complicate the Democratic primary raceJoe Biden's potential win in South Carolina may lead to a divided vote between him and Bernie Sanders, but Sanders' popularity within the Democratic party keeps him as the front-runner, with Bloomberg and Buttigieg being the main challengers.

      The Democratic primary race could become more complex if Joe Biden wins in South Carolina, leading to a serious split of votes between him and Bernie Sanders. Sanders currently has the highest odds of taking the nomination, but attacks against him from the right during debates have had limited impact due to his popularity within the Democratic party. Only Bloomberg and Buttigieg have effectively challenged Sanders, while Warren has focused her attacks on Bloomberg in hopes of securing the vice presidential nomination. Despite a less-than-impressive debate performance, Sanders' popularity among the base allows him to largely ignore criticism and maintain his front-runner status.

    • Contrast in debating styles and electability among Democratic candidatesJoe Biden requested more time, Pete Buttigieg showcased skills, Amy Klobuchar was fine, Tom Steyer had presence but no change, debate was chaotic, Bernie Sanders faced electability attacks, securing Internet activity with a VPN is crucial

      Learning from the latest Democratic debate is the stark contrast between the candidates' debating styles and their electability. Joe Biden had a debate marked by his repeated requests for more speaking time and vague responses, while Pete Buttigieg showcased smooth debating skills but lacks national appeal. Amy Klobuchar had a fine debate but struggles to generate electricity on the stage. Tom Steyer had a significant presence due to his investments in South Carolina, but his debate performance did not change his prospects. The debate was criticized for the lack of control from the moderators, resulting in a messy and chaotic event. Bernie Sanders faced attacks on his electability, a point that Joe Biden has consistently made. However, the effectiveness of this argument remains to be seen. In the realm of online security, it was emphasized that securing your Internet activity with a VPN like ExpressVPN is essential to protect your data from hackers and ISPs.

    • Bernie Sanders' Challenges in Winning Over Key DemographicsBernie Sanders faces challenges winning over suburban women, moderates, and independents due to past controversial writings and actions. Opponents, including Trump, may exploit these to paint him as an extreme candidate.

      Bernie Sanders, despite his strong support among some Democratic voter groups, faces significant challenges in winning over key demographics such as suburban women, moderates, and independents. His past writings and actions, which have been criticized as controversial and extreme, are likely to be used against him by opponents, particularly Donald Trump, who is known for his aggressive campaign tactics. Michael Bloomberg's attempt to link Sanders to Russia during the recent Democratic debate was inaccurate, with intelligence suggesting that Russian interests may actually prefer Sanders to win the nomination. Nonetheless, Sanders' past associations with communist ideologies and his vision for a radical transformation of the American political and economic system could make him a vulnerable target for opposition attacks.

    • Bloomberg's Attacks on Sanders Fail to StickDespite attempts to discredit Bernie Sanders, Michael Bloomberg's criticisms lacked substance and accuracy, while Sanders' admiration for China's achievements did not harm his progressive message.

      During the Democratic debate, Michael Bloomberg's attacks on Bernie Sanders, particularly regarding his supposed friendship with authoritarian leaders like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, did not stick due to their lack of substance and accuracy. Bloomberg also expressed his admiration for Xi Jinping, which could be seen as a flaw for his campaign. Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, has previously praised China's literacy programs and other achievements, but this did not detract from his progressive message, which is gaining popularity within the Democratic party. A more successful moment during the debate came when Bloomberg spoke about the affordable painted portraits offered by Paint Your Life, which he personally enjoys having in his home.

    • Candidates Attempted to Attack Sanders but Failed to Connect with BaseDespite attempts by Buttigieg, Biden, and Steyer to criticize Sanders, their attacks lacked substance and failed to resonate with the Democratic base, who support Sanders' progressive policies.

      Learning from the Democratic debate is that the candidates, particularly Pete Buttigieg and Joe Biden, attempted to attack front-runner Bernie Sanders, but their attacks did not resonate with the Democratic base. Buttigieg questioned the longevity of Sanders' campaign and suggested that he's not a viable alternative to Trump. However, Buttigieg's pitch lacked substance and his criticism was not based on principles. Similarly, Biden tried to attack Sanders from the left, but his attacks fell flat as the Democratic base is largely on board with Sanders' progressive policies. Tom Steyer also attempted to criticize Sanders for being a "commie," but this attack did not gain traction as many Democrats support Sanders' plans. In response, Sanders acknowledged the attacks and reiterated his commitment to the Democratic Party and his progressive policies. Ultimately, the debate did not produce any significant new developments and the candidates continued to focus on attacking each other rather than presenting clear alternatives to the American people.

    • Intense attacks in Democratic primary debateWarren's aggressive stance against Bloomberg showcased her determination to win, while Biden's commitment to continue in the race remained uncertain. Bloomberg faced scrutiny over past comments on women, while Sanders' similar past statements went unaddressed.

      The Democratic primary debate in South Carolina saw intense attacks from Elizabeth Warren against Michael Bloomberg, with Warren trying to prove her loyalty to Bernie Sanders. Biden, who has pledged to continue in the race if he wins South Carolina, faced questions about his commitment if he doesn't. The debate also saw Warren accusing Bloomberg of discrimination against women, while ignoring Sanders' past controversial statements. Bloomberg apologized for past jokes about women, but was grilled on the issue, while Sanders' similar past comments went unaddressed. The debate highlighted the intense competition and the lengths candidates will go to secure the nomination. Warren's aggressive stance against Bloomberg was a clear indication of her determination to win the nomination for herself, while Biden's commitment to continuing in the race hung in the balance. The focus on Bloomberg's past comments on women overshadowed Sanders' own past controversial statements, highlighting the selective scrutiny of the candidates.

    • Chaotic Democratic DebateModerators lost control, Warren attacked Bloomberg, Sanders lacked clarity, Buttigieg interrupted, Biden delivered irrelevant pitch, viewers left unsatisfied.

      Key takeaway from the Democratic debate is the lack of control and organization from the moderators, resulting in a chaotic and unsatisfying exchange between candidates. Elizabeth Warren focused her attacks on Mike Bloomberg at Sanders' behest, while Sanders struggled to provide clear answers on the cost of his agenda. Pete Buttigieg attempted to challenge Sanders on the math of his proposals but was consistently interrupted. Joe Biden, the front runner in South Carolina, delivered an irrelevant pitch, referencing Ronald Reagan's famous debate moment. Overall, the debate failed to provide clear and substantive discussions on the issues, leaving many viewers unsatisfied.

    • Joe Biden's Persistent Speech During DebateBiden's tactic of repeatedly declaring 'I'm gonna talk' and not letting interruptions stop him didn't save him from a subpar debate performance, and his claim about gun violence statistics was inaccurate. However, his persistence did generate excitement from the crowd.

      During the Democratic debate, Joe Biden's approach to maintaining audience engagement was to repeatedly declare "I'm gonna talk" and keep speaking even when interrupted. This tactic, while considered a good move by some, did not save him from having a subpar debate performance overall. Additionally, Biden himself did not have a strong night, and his claim about gun violence statistics was inaccurate. The crowd's reaction to his persistence in speaking, however, did provide a moment of excitement for his campaign. The Daily Wire's Matt Walsh has a new book out, "Church of Cowards," which encourages Christians to reconsider their commitment to their faith. For more on the Democratic debate and the new book, stay tuned.

    • Democratic Debate: Gun Control and Authoritarian Regimes DiscussedDuring the debate, gun control and the immunity of gun manufacturers were debated, with claims of over 150 million American deaths since 2007. Authoritarian regimes' literacy rates were compared to the US, with Sanders defending some despite their repressive nature.

      During the Democratic debate, the issue of gun control and the immunity given to gun manufacturers was discussed, with a claim made that this has resulted in the deaths of over 150 million Americans since 2007. Another major topic was the comparison of the democratic candidates' views on their own country and authoritarian regimes, with Bernie Sanders praised by some for literacy rates in countries like Cuba, despite their authoritarian nature. The debate also touched upon Bloomberg's stance on nanny state policies and Sanders' defense of authoritarian regimes. The contrasting perspectives on America and authoritarian states were a significant point of contention.

    • Bernie Sanders' Defense of Authoritarian RegimesBernie Sanders' stance on authoritarian regimes contradicts his desire to win Florida and his criticism of American foreign policy involving regime overthrows. His past support for leaders like Cuba's Fidel Castro and Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega, along with his harsh criticism of Israel, could be exploited by opponents.

      During the Democratic debate, Bernie Sanders defended authoritarian regimes like Cuba's, focusing on their literacy programs despite their dictatorial nature. Sanders' stance contradicts his supposed desire to win Florida and criticisms of American foreign policy involving regime overthrows. This inconsistency was evident in his past support for authoritarian leaders and regimes, including Nicaragua's Daniel Ortega and Cuba's Fidel Castro. Sanders' harsh criticism of Israel, a democratic state in the Middle East, is also noteworthy, as he called the Netanyahu administration racist despite Israel being the only state in the region with a minority party and full civil rights for its citizens. This inconsistent approach to foreign policy, favoring authoritarian regimes over democratic ones, could potentially be exploited by opponents, particularly Donald Trump.

    • Tensions Flare Over Candidates' Stances on IsraelBernie Sanders defended his commitment to Israel's security amidst criticism for past associations, but critics argue his actions contradict his stance. The debate did not significantly impact the race's dynamics, with Sanders remaining the front-runner.

      During the Democratic debate, tensions ran high regarding the candidates' stances on Israel and its prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. A notable figure in this discussion was Bernie Sanders, who was criticized for his past associations with individuals who have expressed anti-Israel sentiments. Sanders defended himself by emphasizing his commitment to Israel's security while also acknowledging the suffering of the Palestinian people. However, critics argue that Sanders' actions, such as campaigning with controversial figures, contradict his pro-Israel stance. Ultimately, the debate did not significantly alter the race's dynamics, with Bernie Sanders remaining the national front-runner and Joe Biden expected to perform well in South Carolina. Despite some rough moments during the debate, Sanders' momentum appears to be unstoppable.

    • Bernie Sanders missed chance to clarify democratic socialism stanceCritics argue Sanders' answer on democratic socialism was disappointing, failing to distinguish it from authoritarian regimes, potentially harming his electability in the general election

      During the last Democratic debate before South Carolina's primary, Bernie Sanders missed an opportunity to clarify his stance on democratic socialism and quell concerns about his electability. Van Jones and other critics argued that Sanders' answer on the topic was disappointing and failed to distinguish democratic socialism from authoritarian regimes. Meanwhile, Democrats are moving towards acceptance of Sanders as a viable candidate, but his refusal to clarify his stance may make it easier for opponents to label him as a socialist and potentially harm his chances in the general election. Additionally, President Trump's handling of the coronavirus situation continues to raise concerns, with his attacks on the media and lack of clear plans for addressing the crisis.

    • Communication in Crisis: Leaders and MediaDuring crises, clear and consistent communication from leaders and media is crucial. However, inconsistent messaging from leaders and media bias can cause confusion and concern among the public.

      During times of crisis, clear and consistent communication from leaders is essential. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic and the ensuing market volatility have highlighted the need for disciplined messaging from the White House. Instead, President Trump's tweets about the virus have caused confusion and concern among the public. Meanwhile, Project Veritas uncovered a correspondent from ABC News, David Wright, admitting on camera that the media buries stories and has political perspectives. This admission raises questions about the media's impartiality and their true priorities. In the midst of these revelations, ABC suspended Wright for his comments and reassigned him away from political coverage. Ultimately, it's crucial for both political leaders and the media to prioritize transparency and truth during times of uncertainty.

    • Media outlets and journalists should acknowledge their biasesTransparency about biases can increase media credibility and effectiveness, reducing political attacks and promoting honest reporting.

      Media outlets and their journalists should be transparent about their political biases instead of pretending to be objective. Ben Shapiro shared a personal story about his encounter with Sam Donaldson, a long-time journalist who held political views but presented news in a non-objective way. Shapiro argues that if media outlets and journalists acknowledged their biases upfront, they would be more credible and effective. He also praised Project Veritas for exposing media biases and criticized networks like ABC for suspending journalists who reveal biases. Shapiro believes that transparency would reduce the effectiveness of political attacks on the media and lead to more honest reporting.

    • Insightful discussions on politics, culture, faith, and family led by Ben Shapiro and Matt WalshListen to The Ben Shapiro Show or The Matt Walsh Show for thought-provoking conversations on current events and life's important topics

      "The Ben Shapiro Show" is a daily production featuring insightful discussions on politics, culture, faith, and family, led by Ben Shapiro. The show is produced by a team including Colton Haas, Mike Joyner, Jeremy Boring, Mathis Glover, Robert Sterling, Pavel Wlodowski, Nick Sheehan, Katie Swinerton, Adam Syovitz, and Mike Coromina, with hair and makeup by Nica Geneva. It is a Daily Wire production and is copyrighted in 2020. Meanwhile, on The Matt Walsh Show, the conversation extends beyond politics to touch on all aspects of life that matter to listeners. So, if you're interested in engaging in thought-provoking conversations about the world around us, tune in to either of these Daily Wire shows.

    Recent Episodes from The Ben Shapiro Show

    Ep. 1996 - Wait, Can Donald Trump DRONE His Political Enemies Now?!

    Ep. 1996 - Wait, Can Donald Trump DRONE His Political Enemies Now?!

    The Supreme Court makes a decision about presidential immunity–and the Left goes predictably insane; Democrats continue to suffer from heartburn over Joe Biden’s dementia; and the French decide whether to go right or left.


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    Ep. 1995 - PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

    Ep. 1995 - PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

    The fallout from Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance continues…and Democrats break into open warfare over whether to toss the dementia-ridden president overboard.


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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 30, 2024

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    Ep. 1994 - Trump CRUSHES Corpse Biden in DISASTER Debate

    We review the first—and likely only—debate between President Biden and former President Trump.


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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Watch the exclusive Daily Wire Backstage: Presidential Debate post-show as Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Andrew Klavan, and Jeremy Boreing dissect Trump's landslide victory and Biden's catastrophic performance that sent the Democratic Party into full-blown panic. Our all-star panel delivers the unvarnished truth about this debate's seismic impact on America's future. Don't miss this no-holds-barred analysis of a night that may have already decided the 2024 election.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    Ep. 1993 - DEBATE DAY IS HERE

    The polls show Donald Trump beginning to pull away as the Biden team struggles for an answer; will World War III break out if Biden begins to collapse?; and the Supreme Court proves it isn’t a conservative policy think tank.


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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    Balance of Nature - Get 35% off Your Order + FREE Fiber & Spice Supplements. Use promo code SHAPIRO at checkout: https://www.balanceofnature.com/


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Juego de cartas de AMLO: Jesús Silva-Herzog Márquez

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    How One Journalist Helped Michael Bloomberg Amass His Fortune and Revolutionize Financial News

    How One Journalist Helped Michael Bloomberg Amass His Fortune and Revolutionize Financial News

    Growing a business from one employee to more than 3,000 in three decades is a notable achievement, regardless of what field you’re in.

    Journalist and entrepreneur Matthew Winkler did just that at Bloomberg News.

    When billionaire businessman and 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg had the idea of starting a financial news organization back in 1989, his first hire was Winkler, who at the time was a reporter with The Wall Street Journal.

    Winkler signed on as editor-in-chief in February 1990 and proceeded to build Bloomberg News into a global news and money-making juggernaut.

    Host and award-winning journalist Dean Rotbart joined Winkler at Bloomberg’s Manhattan headquarters earlier this month to talk about Winkler’s journey and what other entrepreneurs can learn from his experience.  

    Dean’s interview with Winkler was conducted as part of Dean’s special “News Luminaries” project, honoring journalists who have had – or are having – exemplary careers. Beginning on Thursday, March 12th, and each week thereafter, Dean will post an oral history with a prominent 21st century journalist at www.NewsLuminaries.com.

    Other journalists participating in the oral history podcast include: Andrew Ross-Sorkin of The New York Times and CNBC; Randall Lane, chief content officer of Forbes; Steve Adler, editor-in-chief of Reuters; Maria Bartiromo of Fox Business News; and Charles Duhigg, best-selling author of The Power of Habit, and now a writer for The New Yorker.

    If your company or professional practice would like to help support www.NewsLuminaries.com, contact Dean directly at 303-296-1200 or email him at dean@mondaymorningradio.com.

    Photo: Matthew Winkler, Bloomberg News
    Posted: March 2, 2020
    Monday Morning Run Time: One hour and 22 minutes

    Airey Bros. Radio / Jen Murphy / episode 137 / Writer / Editor / Travel / Fitness / Health & Wellness / Food & Wine / Nature / Outside

    Airey Bros. Radio / Jen Murphy / episode 137 / Writer / Editor / Travel / Fitness / Health & Wellness / Food & Wine /  Nature /  Outside
    Writer & Editor Jen Murphy joins us to talk writing, travel, fitness and work life balance. Since 2003 Jen has written the Wall Street Journal's "What's Your Workout" and her writing has been featured in T Magazine, Departures, Men's Journal, Vogue.com, Outside, Conde Nast Traveler, Travel +Leisure, Men's Health, Bloomberg and Esquire. She is the editor of Wildsam Field Guide: New England and Wildsam Field Guide: Hawaii, as well as the author of The Yoga (Man)ual.

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