
    Ep. 965 - It's Time To Confront And Shame The Groomers

    enJune 06, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Grassroots organizations making a difference in the fight against moral issuesStay engaged and active in your community, as the battle against moral issues extends beyond geographic boundaries.

      The battle against issues like abortion and child exposure to adult content is far from over, even as Roe v. Wade may be overturned. Organizations like 40 Days For Life, with their large volunteer base, are making a difference in changing hearts and minds at the grassroots level. However, the boundaries between opposing sides are not as clearly defined as they once were, and the idea of moving to supposedly conservative areas for safety may be a false sense of security. This was highlighted by the recent drag show for children at a gay bar in Texas, which demonstrates that the fight against moral filth and insanity is not limited to certain geographic locations. It's important for individuals to stay engaged and active in their communities, regardless of where they live.

    • Illegal Dallas drag event allowed children, no consequences for violatorsThe Dallas drag event, which violated Texas law by allowing children into a sexually oriented business, went unpunished while protesters were harassed by police.

      The Dallas drag event, which allowed children under the age of 21 into a sexually oriented business, was illegal under Texas law SB 315. The event, which involved cross-dressing men performing for and involving children in their acts, was a clear violation of the bill's prohibition against activities harmful to a child. Despite this, no consequences were enforced, and instead, protesters were harassed by police. The event, named "Drag the Kids to Pride," saw parents encouraging their children to participate in activities that appeared to be grooming and exploitation. The responsibility for protecting children from such harm lies with parents, and their participation in such events is a level of evil that is difficult to comprehend.

    • Exposure to adult drag shows at gay bars can traumatize young childrenExposure to adult drag shows at gay bars can cause discomfort, confusion, and desensitization to explicit content in young children, potentially harming their development.

      The exposure of young children to adult drag shows at gay bars is a traumatic experience that can have detrimental effects on their development. Witnessing such explicit and sexualized performances, as well as being forced into identities they may not identify with, can cause discomfort and confusion for the children. The children's engagement with their devices becomes a saving grace, providing them with a means of escaping their uncomfortable surroundings. The situation is tragic, as some children may grow up to be well-adjusted individuals, but the chances are not great. The left attempts to defend these practices by claiming they are innocent and good for children, but the reality is that drag shows are inherently sexual and can desensitize children to explicit content. The ultimate goal is not to make children open-minded but to close their minds around perversion and depravity.

    • Confronting Child Drag ShowsAdults promoting child drag shows may have hidden intentions and shield children from reality, necessitating a confrontational approach to expose and stop these actions.

      The adults promoting child drag shows aim to shield children from moral truth and reality, with some having pedophilic intentions. The confrontational approach, as demonstrated by Alex Stein, is a necessary response as law enforcement and conservative voices have been ineffective in stopping these events. Shame should be used to expose and confront these shameful actions. Additionally, the speaker had a productive weekend, including speaking at conferences and starting the beekeeping process at home. However, while moving hives, he nearly dropped them, emphasizing the importance of preparation and research.

    • Motivated by Pride and Public PerceptionIndividuals may be motivated to act bravely or take risks due to personal pride and public perception. Controversial sentences for criminals can spark debate about criminal justice policies and their impact on public safety.

      The pressure of public perception and personal pride can be a significant motivator for individuals, even in the face of danger. This was exemplified in a recent news story where a political figure expressed concern about how his supporters would react if he died in an embarrassing way. Meanwhile, in a separate incident, a mother put herself in harm's way to shield her child from a hit-and-run driver, demonstrating selfless bravery. However, the lenient sentence given to the hit-and-run driver, despite his criminal history, sparked controversy, highlighting the ongoing debate about criminal justice policies and their impact on public safety. Additionally, the discussion underscored the fact that cars are statistically more deadly weapons than often-maligned "assault rifles."

    • Lenient criminal justice policies embolden criminalsLenient criminal justice policies prioritize criminals over victims and community, leading to more harm and low chances of rehabilitation

      The lenient criminal justice policies being implemented by some District Attorneys, like Chesa Boudin's successor, George Gascon, are making criminals more dangerous instead of rehabilitating them. The lack of accountability and the exposure to a criminal environment only emboldens them to commit more crimes. The community, especially the victims, are being prioritized less than the criminals. These policies are rooted in a misunderstanding of human nature and a disregard for civilization. The consequences of these actions will eventually lead to more harm, and the chances of rehabilitation are low without consequences and confrontation with the evil actions committed.

    • Blurring Lines Between Reality and FantasyAcceptance of extreme identities could potentially lead to dangerous consequences, requiring balance between respect and safety.

      The blurring of lines between reality and fantasy, particularly in the context of identity and education, can lead to concerning and potentially dangerous consequences. The discussion highlighted instances of young people identifying as animals and being affirmed in their beliefs, even in school settings. This phenomenon, while it's not uncommon, could potentially escalate into more serious issues, as seen in the example of a violent and dangerous individual at a young age. The speaker also touched upon the idea that society's acceptance of such identities might lead to further questions about what it means to be human. It's essential to maintain a balance between respecting individual identities and ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals and society as a whole.

    • Universal human condition: Violence and deathRecognize the reality of violence and take steps to protect oneself and family, understanding human nature is crucial in addressing and preventing it.

      Violence and death are universal human conditions, not limited to any specific society or country. The tragic attack at a Catholic church in Nigeria serves as a reminder of this. Furthermore, a recent poll revealed that some Republicans believe mass shootings are inevitable in a free society. However, this does not mean they are accepting of such violence, but rather acknowledging the reality that murder is an inevitability in any society. It's essential to understand human nature and the potential for violence to effectively address and prevent some of it. It's important to recognize the reality of the situation and take steps to protect oneself and one's family rather than relying solely on government action.

    • A mother's bravery during a school shootingIn times of crisis, individuals may need to rely on their own actions for safety, as law enforcement may not always be present or able to protect them.

      During times of crisis, individuals cannot rely on law enforcement to protect them, as seen in the story of a Texas mother who defied orders and entered a school to save her children during a mass shooting. Despite facing threats and being arrested, Angelie Gomez risked her own safety to reach her kids. However, she discovered that officers were not present inside the school during the active shooting, leaving her to navigate the dangerous situation alone. This incident underscores the importance of personal responsibility and preparedness in the face of danger, as relying on external forces may not always be a viable option.

    • Starting with foundational truthsThe film 'What is Woman?' asserts the importance of starting with basic reality before delving into complex gender issues, using the analogy of 2 + 2 equals 4 as a foundation.

      The film "What is Woman?" exposes the absurdity of gender ideology and aims to reassert basic common sense reality. The filmmakers believe it's crucial to start with the foundational truths before delving deeper into complex issues. They argue that if someone claims 2 + 2 equals 5, you don't immediately pull out the Bible to prove it's wrong; instead, you assert that 2 + 2 equals 4. Similarly, the film starts by stating that a woman is an adult female, without bringing in religious or other contexts. The film's objective is to challenge gender ideology and its harmful effects on people, particularly women. Feedback suggesting the inclusion of religious or scriptural references would have appeased the Left, but the filmmakers chose to focus on the basic reality. The film is just one of many needed to address various aspects of the issue, and it serves as a starting point. Additionally, some viewers noted the conflation of gender and personality or temperament, and the film acknowledges this confusion. Overall, "What is Woman?" asserts the importance of starting with foundational truths before exploring complex issues.

    • The Importance of Asking the Right Questions and Engaging in Meaningful DialogueFilmmaking process reveals the need for thoughtful questioning and silence for revealing information. Rotten Tomatoes scores can be misleading, and critical engagement is important to avoid potential biases or agendas in the film industry.

      Some people want affirmation without having to engage in meaningful dialogue. They have a party line and are happy to repeat it, but when faced with thoughtful questioning or silence, they struggle. This was evident in the filmmaking process, where asking the right questions and allowing the interviewees to continue talking led to revealing information and a lack of substance. Another takeaway is the potential inaccuracy of film review aggregation sites like Rotten Tomatoes. While they can provide useful information, the percentage scores can be misleading. For instance, a film with a high percentage of positive reviews from critics may not accurately reflect its quality, as some critics may be shills or hold certain biases. Conversely, a low percentage of positive reviews from critics may not necessarily indicate a poor film, as audiences may enjoy it more. Lastly, the speaker's film, "What is a Woman," has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from audiences but has been ignored by critics. The lack of critical engagement raises questions about potential biases or agendas in the film industry. Overall, these insights highlight the importance of critical thinking and questioning the information presented to us.

    • Critics reject 'What is a Woman?' without seeing itThe left's dominance in media and culture leads to mass rejection of content they dislike, revealing their fear of truth and need for gatekeeping.

      The film "What is a Woman?" produced by The Daily Wire, has faced widespread rejection from film critics, with many expressing their disinterest and even hostility towards the film, without having seen it. The critics' responses ranged from simple unsubscriptions to harsh condemnations, labeling the film and its creator as transphobic and bigoted. This mass rejection, the speaker argues, reveals the cultural and institutional dominance of the left and their gatekeeping role in deciding which content we consume. Despite this, the speaker encourages building one's own institutions and sustaining them with audience support to bypass these gatekeepers. The critical reaction to the film also highlights the left's fear of the film's approach and the truth it presents. If they believed they could easily debunk it, they would have watched and addressed it. Instead, they choose to ignore it.

    • Critics uncomfortable with film debunking gender ideologyFilm exposes gender ideology's flimsiness, critics ignore or dismiss it, filmmakers continue to challenge status quo

      The film in question, which debunks gender ideology, has left its critics uncomfortable and unwilling to engage with it. The filmmakers argue that the critics know the film is successful in exposing the flimsiness and potential collapse of gender ideology, and they fear the consequences of acknowledging this. Instead, they choose to ignore or dismiss the film, and its creators, in an attempt to shield themselves from the potential fallout. The filmmakers, on the other hand, are undeterred and plan to continue producing content that challenges the status quo. The Matt Walsh Show, as a Daily Wire production, will continue to tackle these issues and bring them to a wider audience. If you're interested in engaging with thought-provoking content, be sure to subscribe, review, and share the podcast. Join John Bickley and the Daily Wire team for daily news coverage on Morning Wire.

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    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Connect with Chris on Twitter @sandbach1023

    Connect with The Georgia Politics Podcast on Twitter @gapoliticspod

    Megan Gordon-Kane @meganlaneg

    Proud member of the Appen Podcast Network.


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