
    Ep. 979 - The Season Of Miracles?

    enMarch 25, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Historic $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package agreed upon by Republicans and DemocratsThe largest spending bill in history includes direct payments, expanded unemployment benefits, loans for small businesses and industries, and provisions for hospitals, food assistance, and state and local governments. However, taxpayers earning over $75,000 will have to pay back their direct payments.

      Republicans and Democrats have agreed on a historic $2.2 trillion coronavirus relief package, making it the largest spending bill in the world's history. The deal includes direct payments to taxpayers, expanded unemployment benefits, and loans for small businesses and industries. However, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi initially held up the bill over environmental concerns, causing a delay in its passage. Despite this, the bill is expected to pass soon, and its passage led to a record jump in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Notably, taxpayers earning over $75,000 per year will have to pay back their direct payments. The relief package also includes provisions for hospitals, food assistance, and funding for state and local governments. The bill is not a bailout, but rather a rescue package meant to help individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic.

    • Impact of stimulus bill may vary significantlyThe stimulus bill offers relief but uncertainty remains for higher earners and small businesses, while expansion of unemployment benefits to freelancers and gig workers is positive, but long-term job prospects remain uncertain.

      The recent stimulus bill aims to provide financial assistance to individuals and businesses affected by the pandemic, but the impact and effectiveness of the bill may vary significantly depending on the economic situation and eligibility criteria. For instance, those who were making higher salaries before the crisis might not receive any direct payments or unemployment benefits, while small businesses are required to keep their workers to qualify for loans. The expansion of unemployment benefits to freelancers, furloughed employees, and gig workers is a positive step, but the long-term job prospects for many industries remain uncertain. Overall, while the bill provides some relief, it does not alleviate the uncertainty and potential for mass layoffs once the crisis subsides.

    • New $2.2T coronavirus relief bill includes loans for industries, small businesses, and airlinesThe new relief bill provides $750B for loans to industries, small businesses, and airlines, with transparency and oversight provisions, and bans stock buybacks and government official loans. Hospitals receive $100B and small businesses $350B in loans. US 3-month treasuries now below 0%.

      The coronavirus relief bill includes an additional $750 billion for loans to industries and small businesses, with a focus on airlines and hotels. The creation of a new Federal Reserve lending facility was a major point of contention due to concerns over past bailouts. Democrats secured provisions for transparency and oversight, including an inspector general and congressional oversight board. Companies receiving aid cannot engage in stock buybacks for an extended period. Trump's family businesses and those of other senior government officials are barred from receiving loan money. Hospitals will receive $100 billion in aid. The bill also includes provisions for protecting property and securing homes, such as through the use of Ring devices. The Senate is set to approve $350 billion in loans to small businesses, with the Treasury Secretary having the authority to directly lend a portion of those funds. The negotiations saw some challenges, including Pelosi's objections, but overall, the bill did not undergo significant changes over the weekend. Additionally, US 3-month treasuries have now dipped below 0%.

    • Determining the true risk levels of the coronavirusThe economic climate is complex, but the true risk levels of the virus, including its infectiousness and death rate, remain uncertain. Answers to these questions will guide the next steps in dealing with the pandemic.

      The current economic situation is complex, with high demand for short-term bonds and the Federal Reserve encouraging banks to lend. However, starting a business in this climate is challenging due to the ongoing virus pandemic. The government's efforts are focused on preventing foreclosures and holding the economy in place. The key to moving forward is determining the true risk levels of the virus, including its infectiousness and death rate. The data is currently insufficient, and ongoing debates aim to answer these questions. A professor in Britain, Hugh Montgomery, explains that each person with coronavirus could be responsible for infecting thousands due to its high infectiousness. Determining the death rate requires knowing how many people have had the virus, not just how many have tested positive. An Oxford study suggests that half of the UK population may have already been infected, which could be good news if they are now immune. Overall, the situation remains uncertain, and answers to these questions will guide the next steps in dealing with the pandemic.

    • New research suggests coronavirus could be less deadly than initially thoughtA study by University of Oxford researchers suggests COVID-19 could be less deadly than currently projected, with a significant number of infections resulting in minimal or no symptoms. This could mean a large portion of the population may already have been infected and have developed immunity.

      New research suggests the coronavirus may be less deadly than initially thought, with a significant number of infections resulting in minimal or no symptoms. According to a study by researchers at the University of Oxford, the number of deaths in Britain could be much lower than currently projected, making the death rates more akin to the flu than the high percentages seen in the US and Italy. The researchers also believe the virus may have been circulating undetected in the UK since January, which could explain the seemingly sudden surge in cases. This could mean that a large portion of the population may already have been infected and have developed immunity. The researchers are now working on antibody testing to confirm this theory. This would be a hopeful development as it could significantly change the current data and help us better understand the true danger of the virus. It's important to note that this is not the only study suggesting a lower mortality rate for COVID-19, and it's crucial to continue monitoring the situation closely. In other news, during these uncertain times, it's recommended to order car parts online instead of going to a store to maintain social distancing. Websites like rockauto.com offer the same prices for everyone, have a large selection of parts, and make the process quick and easy.

    • Evidence suggests significant underreporting of COVID-19 infectionsStudies in China, Italy, and Iceland, along with NBA data, indicate a much larger number of COVID-19 infections than reported, potentially leading to a lower fatality rate.

      The true number of COVID-19 infections could be significantly higher than reported cases, leading to a much lower fatality rate. This is based on evidence from various sources, including studies in China, Italy, and Iceland, as well as data from the NBA. For instance, in Wuhan, China, 0.9% of evacuated passengers tested positive for COVID-19, suggesting a much larger number of infections than reported. Similarly, in the Italian town of Voe, 2.7% of the population tested positive, indicating over 130 times more infections than reported cases. In Iceland, where widespread testing has been conducted, disease prevalence was found to be just over 1%, implying a much larger number of infections in the US. The NBA, with 10 out of 450 rostered players testing positive, represents a lower bound on the prevalence in cities with NBA teams. These findings suggest that the fatality rate based on reported cases may be overestimated, and the true fatality rate could be lower than the flu fatality rate. Additionally, it's worth mentioning that Rockauto.com, a family business, offers cheaper and better quality car parts.

    • The true extent of COVID-19's spread and impact may be underestimatedLimited testing capabilities and the likelihood of the virus being present in the US before confirmed cases suggest the actual number of infections could be higher than reported. The mortality rate may be lower than initially estimated, making COVID-19 more comparable to the flu.

      The reported COVID-19 case numbers and fatality rates may significantly underestimate the true extent of the virus's spread and impact. Factors such as limited testing capabilities, particularly for those who have recovered, and the likelihood of the virus being present in the US before the first confirmed cases, suggest that the actual number of infections could be orders of magnitude higher than reported. Furthermore, the mortality rate of COVID-19 may be lower than initially estimated, making it more comparable to the flu in terms of overall impact. However, it's important to note that these are speculative interpretations based on the available data, and more information is needed to confirm these assumptions. In the meantime, it's crucial to remember that everyone is saying there are many more infected people than have been tested, and that the actual death rate remains uncertain. While we don't have definitive answers yet, it's essential to be prepared for the future by considering life insurance options, as the inevitability of death underscores the importance of securing financial protection for loved ones.

    • Preparing for the Unexpected: Insurance and Health UpdatesStay informed, secure insurance, and follow health updates to protect yourself and others during the coronavirus pandemic. The FDA is expediting vaccine development and treatment approvals, but the virus continues to spread, affecting high-profile individuals.

      It's important to be prepared for the unexpected, such as securing adequate insurance coverage through Policygenius. Meanwhile, in the realm of health, the coronavirus is showing relative stability, which could make vaccine development more effective. The FDA is also accelerating the approval process for potential treatments, including the use of convalescent plasma. Despite these positive developments, the virus continues to spread, affecting high-profile individuals like Karl Anthony Towns, a basketball player, and Prince Charles, who have both tested positive. It's crucial to stay informed and take necessary precautions to protect oneself and others.

    • COVID-19 cases overwhelming healthcare systems despite lower than expected death rateDespite a lower than expected death rate, the sheer volume of COVID-19 cases can put a significant strain on healthcare systems, as seen in Spain, Italy, and New York City, where resources like hospital beds and ICU beds are in high demand.

      While the number of deaths from COVID-19 may be lower than expected due to the large number of recoveries among prominent individuals, the sheer volume of cases can still overwhelm the healthcare system. Spain and Italy have surpassed China's death toll, and New York City is an epicenter of the virus with a potential need for 140,000 hospital beds and 40,000 ICU beds. Governor Cuomo of New York is expressing concern about the lack of resources, particularly ventilators, to meet the anticipated demand. The death rate may be lower than reported, but the number of cases can still put a significant strain on the healthcare system.

    • Media's Portrayal of Cuomo's Leadership vs. RealityDespite media hype, Cuomo's leadership hasn't significantly differed from other governors, and NY's ventilator/ICU bed shortages aren't unique.

      Governor Andrew Cuomo's leadership during the coronavirus crisis has been defined by his aggressive criticism of the federal response and his frequent media appearances, rather than any radical changes he has made in New York. While his briefings have become must-see television, there is no evidence that his leadership has significantly differed from that of other governors, such as Gavin Newsom in California. The media's portrayal of Cuomo as a hero may be due to his effective communication skills and his willingness to publicly criticize President Trump, but it does not reflect any real difference in outcomes for New Yorkers. The shortage of ventilators and ICU beds in New York City is a problem that could have been mitigated with better preparation and planning, but it is not unique to New York and is a result of the unpreparedness of the healthcare system as a whole for a pandemic. The media's focus on Cuomo's criticism of the federal response and his media presence should not be mistaken for evidence of exceptional leadership.

    • New York City's coronavirus situation and Trump's economic reopening planDespite the severe coronavirus situation in New York City, President Trump is considering the need to reopen the economy, emphasizing the importance of a clear plan, while The Daily Wire offers a more laid-back experience for their members.

      The situation with the coronavirus outbreak in New York City is alarming, with many severe cases requiring breathing tubes, and the idea of lifting restrictions by Easter seems unrealistic. President Trump is discussing the need to reopen the economy eventually, despite not reaching the peak yet, emphasizing the importance of having a clear plan in place. Meanwhile, The Daily Wire has launched "All Access Live" to provide a more laid-back experience for their members during the pandemic. Despite the ongoing crisis, President Trump's tweet about Mitt Romney, expressing happiness for his negative test result, was criticized for being off-topic and unpresidential.

    • Balancing Public Health and Economic ConcernsPresident Trump's Easter reopening goal may set unrealistic expectations, but the need to address both health and economic crises is clear.

      President Trump's desire to reopen the country by Easter, although aspirational, may set unrealistic expectations and potentially lead to criticism if not met. Trump's statement about the potential loss of more lives due to a failing economy than the coronavirus is a valid concern, but lacks concrete evidence. The importance of finding a solution to prevent both the health and economic crises is clear. Doctor Fauci acknowledged that Trump's statement about Easter was aspirational and not based on evidence. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexity of balancing public health and economic concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    • Collaboration and Flexibility are Key During CrisisExperts and leaders must work together, prioritizing the well-being of the American people, to effectively address the medical and economic crises caused by the coronavirus pandemic.

      While there is a sense of urgency to address the medical and economic crises caused by the coronavirus pandemic, flexibility and effective communication between leaders are crucial. Dr. Fauci, an expert in the field, is working with the administration to make informed decisions based on data, contradicting criticisms that the Trump administration is not listening to experts. Meanwhile, political maneuvering, such as Nancy Pelosi's delay in passing the coronavirus relief bill, risks causing further harm during this critical time. It is essential for leaders to prioritize the well-being of the American people and work collaboratively to find solutions.

    • The COVID-19 crisis exposed underlying economic issuesThe longest bull run fueled financial instability, coronavirus acted as a catalyst, transitioned from financial to economic crisis, millions of jobs at risk, decrease in consumer spending, consider diversifying into gold as a hedge against uncertainty.

      The current economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed underlying issues in the economy that were present before the virus outbreak. The longest bull run in market history, fueled by low interest rates, quantitative easing, and corporate buybacks, set the stage for a correction. The coronavirus acted as a catalyst, pulling the timeframe forward and exacerbating the issue. The crisis has transitioned from a financial crisis to an economic crisis, with millions of jobs at risk and a significant decrease in consumer spending. Phil Patrick, a precious metals specialist from Birch Gold Group, believes that stocks may continue to decline and that now could be a good time to consider diversifying into gold as a hedge against economic uncertainty.

    • Market volatility and the need for safe havensThe stock market is uncertain and could see another potential 20% downside, but historical tools may not be as effective. Gold is seen as a safe haven and Birch Gold Group is a trusted resource for precious metals investing during volatile times.

      The current state of the stock market is uncertain and it's difficult to predict where it's heading. The market could potentially see another 20% downside based on historical data, but it could also be much worse. The tools we had to pull from during the 2008 crash, such as lowering interest rates and quantitative easing, are not as effective this time around. Gold, on the other hand, is seen as a safe haven during volatile markets, and its current pricing is relatively low compared to its all-time highs. Birch Gold Group, a precious metals specialist, has seen record-breaking business during this chaos, with individuals looking to diversify their investments and protect their assets. Despite the uncertainty, Birch Gold Group remains a trusted resource for precious metals investing.

    • Promising developments amidst crisisStock market rising, potential coronavirus solutions, Trump's optimism for reopening, largest stimulus package proposed, political tensions persist

      Despite the ongoing global crisis, there are promising developments on the horizon. The stock market has seen a significant increase, and scientific studies suggest potential solutions to the coronavirus pandemic. President Trump has expressed optimism about reopening the country by Easter Sunday. Meanwhile, the Trump administration has proposed the largest stimulus package in American history to help those affected by the economic downturn. However, political tensions remain high with Bernie Sanders refusing to drop out of the presidential race and Joe Biden's performance raising concerns. Stay tuned for more updates on these stories and more on The Ben Shapiro Show and The Michael Knowles Show.

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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    Ep. 1987 - The US Is Going BANKRUPT

    A frivolous political class faces down a tsunami of debt; Joe Biden pledges to legalize illegal immigrants; and Biden goes on an ad blitz against Donald Trump.


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    Join us live on Backstage for real-time coverage of the presidential debate on 6/27 at 8:30 PM ET on DailyWire+.


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    Check out The Cold War: What We Saw, a new podcast written and presented by Bill Whittle at https://www.dailywire.com/coldwar. In Part 1 we peel back the layers of mystery cloaking the Terror state run by the Kremlin, and watch as America takes its first small steps onto the stage of world leadership.

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    Ep. 1540 - Biden Has Covid

    Ep. 1540 - Biden Has Covid

    The White House reveals that Joe Biden has covid; Michelle Obama is ready to release a new book; and the feds consider charging Hunter Biden.

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