
    Podcast Summary

    • US has more diagnosed cases due to extensive testingThe number of diagnosed cases does not determine a country's response to the pandemic or its status. Focus on death rate as a percentage of diagnosed cases for accurate comparison.

      The number of confirmed coronavirus cases in the US does not necessarily equate to the US being a "third world country" or having the worst response to the pandemic. The US has more diagnosed cases due to its extensive testing capabilities, while countries like Italy and Spain have higher death rates relative to their diagnosed cases. The key is to look at the death rate as a percentage of diagnosed cases to understand the severity of the situation in different countries. The US, while dealing with a significant number of cases, has a relatively low death rate and a healthcare system that is currently coping with the crisis. The focus should be on whether the healthcare system will be overwhelmed, rather than just the raw numbers of cases or deaths.

    • Despite concerns, NYC officials report not being overwhelmed yetThe US leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases due to increased testing, but the true impact on the population remains uncertain with limited comprehensive testing.

      Despite the concerns of potential hospital overwhelm in New York City, many public officials are reporting that they are not currently overwhelmed. However, the US leads the world in confirmed coronavirus cases due to increased testing, which is necessary to determine the true extent of the virus's spread and mortality rate. It's suspected that millions of Americans have had the virus without knowing it, and the death rate may be more akin to the flu when considering asymptomatic or mild cases. The shortage of testing may be skewing the data towards more prominent individuals getting diagnosed, and on a per capita basis, the US is not the country with the most diagnosed cases. The EU and China, with larger populations, have more diagnosed cases. The true impact of the virus on the US population remains to be seen with more comprehensive testing.

    • US has most coronavirus diagnoses but not necessarily the worst-affectedThough the US has the most coronavirus cases, deaths and healthcare capacity are crucial indicators of a country's COVID-19 impact. New York's deaths are flattening, but Michigan and New Jersey are seeing steep increases. Honesty and financial responsibility are crucial during uncertain times.

      The United States having the most coronavirus diagnoses doesn't necessarily mean it's the worst-affected country. The number of deaths and the capacity of the healthcare system are more important indicators. Former FDA head Scott Gottlieb's data shows that New York City's deaths are starting to flatten out due to social distancing and lockdown measures, but Michigan and New Jersey are seeing steep increases in deaths. The data is still emerging, and it's crucial to be honest about what we don't know. In these uncertain times, it's essential to be responsible with finances and consider consolidating credit card debt to prepare for a weaker economy.

    • The coronavirus crisis in New York City and its impact on public transportationNew York City is the epicenter of the coronavirus crisis in the US, with significant cases and deaths. The subway system, a public transportation hub, is a major concern due to the close quarters and hard surfaces, causing concern for other major cities.

      The coronavirus outbreak in the United States is spreading rapidly, with New York City being the epicenter of the crisis. The number of cases and deaths in New York is significantly higher than in other cities, and the subway system, which is a public transportation hub, is a major concern due to the close quarters and hard surfaces that make it an ideal place for the virus to spread. The situation in New York is causing concern for other major cities, including New Orleans, Dallas, Atlanta, Miami, Detroit, Chicago, Philadelphia, and others. The shortage of ventilators and the length of time patients are staying on them are major challenges, and it's unclear when the peak of the outbreak will be reached or how many lives it will claim. The situation is fluid, and it's important to monitor the situation closely and follow guidelines from health officials to minimize the spread of the virus.

    • Peak of COVID-19 hospitalizations and potential deaths timelineThe peak of hospitalized COVID-19 patients is expected around April 2nd nationally, with deaths continuing until July and estimates ranging from 38,000 to 162,000. Hospitals may face shortages of up to 64,000 beds and 20,000 ventilators.

      The peak of hospitalized COVID-19 patients is expected to occur nationally around the 2nd week of April, but the timeline may vary by state. The number of deaths could continue until July, with estimates ranging from 38,000 to 162,000. The study also highlights the strain on hospitals, with potential shortages of up to 64,000 hospital beds and 20,000 ventilators. The spread of the virus varies greatly by region, with California experiencing slower spread and Louisiana and Georgia expected to be heavily impacted. The study from the University of Washington contradicts earlier reports of the number of ventilators needed, causing controversy. The New York Times reported that the Trump administration had considered canceling a contract with GM and Ventec to produce ventilators due to cost concerns, not due to cancellation as initially reported. Amidst the crisis, it's crucial for businesses to hire efficiently, and ZipRecruiter can help find the best candidates quickly and easily. The New York Times story about the GM and Ventec deal being canceled was premature, and the administration was preparing to announce a partnership to produce 80,000 ventilators.

    • Acquiring Ventilators for COVID-19 Patients: Uncertainty and VariabilityThe process of acquiring ventilators for COVID-19 patients has been uncertain and full of variability, with the number of ventilators needed fluctuating and deals falling through. However, the administration continues to work on acquiring the necessary ventilators based on data-driven decisions.

      The process of acquiring ventilators for COVID-19 patients has been uncertain and full of variability. The initial estimate of the number of ventilators needed was 20,000, but this number has since fluctuated. The deal with GM to produce ventilators fell through due to cost concerns and uncertainty about the number of ventilators that could be produced. The media reported that the Trump administration was canceling the production of ventilators, but the reality was more complex. The government is now considering other proposals and working under pressure to provide the president with an announcement. President Trump faced criticism for suggesting that the country doesn't need as many ventilators as initially thought, but he has since clarified that he was expressing optimism about the situation. The peak of the pandemic in the US is expected to occur around Easter, and the focus remains on making data-driven decisions. Despite the challenges, the administration is continuing to work on acquiring the necessary ventilators for those in need. In the midst of this uncertainty, Dr. Anthony Fauci has emphasized the importance of basing decisions on the data and reevaluating projections in real time.

    • New consensus on COVID-19 mortality rateThe mortality rate of COVID-19 is likely lower than initially thought, and most people who contract it are unlikely to die. However, individual risk factors still matter, especially for elderly or those with pre-existing conditions.

      The mortality rate of COVID-19 is likely much lower than initially thought, with estimates suggesting it may be closer to that of the flu than of SARS or MERS. This consensus has been emerging for several weeks, but those expressing this view were previously labeled as deniers. The good news is that the vast majority of people who contract the virus are unlikely to die, making the overall fatality rate very low. This information raises questions about the effectiveness of strict lockdown measures and highlights the importance of considering individual risk factors. For example, elderly individuals or those with pre-existing conditions are more vulnerable to severe illness or death. Overall, the mortality rate being lower than anticipated provides some reassurance and perspective in the ongoing pandemic.

    • Media exaggeration of worst-case coronavirus scenarios questionedLeading coronavirus response officials criticized media for sensationalizing statistics on hospital bed and ventilator shortages, urging for accurate and nuanced information to prevent unnecessary panic

      The worst-case scenario predictions about the coronavirus situation in the United States, such as a lack of hospital beds and ventilators, may be overstated. Deborah Birx, a leading coronavirus response official, recently criticized the media for sensationalizing these statistics, stating that there is currently no evidence to support such claims. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and CNN anchor Chris Cuomo also spoke out against media exaggeration of shortages in personal protective equipment and hospital resources. While it's important to be prepared and consider potential worst-case scenarios, it's equally important to provide accurate and nuanced information to the public. The reassessment of these statistics as the data comes in is crucial to avoiding unnecessary panic and ensuring the public has access to accurate information.

    • Concerns about the reliability of COVID-19 modelsModels' accuracy and applicability are under debate due to varying data inputs and assumptions. Public health decisions should be informed by ongoing data collection and analysis.

      The accuracy and applicability of COVID-19 models are under debate due to varying data inputs and assumptions. Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx have expressed concerns about the reliability of models, especially regarding the number of ventilators needed and the potential for hospital systems to handle the influx of patients. The Netherlands, for instance, has chosen a different approach with less stringent measures and is predicting a peak in new infections next week. Meanwhile, the Imperial College model, which initially projected half a million deaths in the UK without intervention, has revised its estimate to 20,000 due to lockdown measures and a lower death rate. However, even these revised models are facing scrutiny, as other studies suggest even lower death rates. Ultimately, the uncertainty surrounding the models highlights the need for ongoing data collection and analysis to inform public health decisions.

    • Updates on the coronavirus pandemic and relief effortsMillions of masks, ventilators, and other essential supplies are being shipped out to affected areas in the US and abroad. Italy is seeing a slowdown in new cases, offering encouraging signs. The focus is on flattening the curve enough to start reopening the economy, with both Trump and Cuomo advocating for a measured approach.

      The situation regarding the coronavirus pandemic is constantly evolving, and while there may be conflicting reports in the media, resources are being allocated and sent to affected areas in the US and abroad. For instance, President Trump has stated that millions of masks, ventilators, and other essential supplies have been shipped out to various locations. Moreover, Italy, which was one of the first countries to be heavily impacted by the virus, is starting to see a slowdown in new cases, offering some encouraging signs. It's important to note that the situation varies greatly from place to place, with major cities being the epicenters of the outbreak, while rural areas have fewer reported cases despite having fewer medical resources. Ultimately, the focus is on flattening the curve enough to start having conversations about reopening the economy, and both Donald Trump and Andrew Cuomo are advocating for a measured approach. Despite this, there seems to be a media bias against Trump, with negative coverage overshadowing the progress being made.

    • Politicians' views on reopening contrasted, but media portrays opposing stancesDespite similar views, politicians' reopening plans are contrasted by media, leading to decreased public trust and the importance of accurate information and community connection during uncertain times.

      During the ongoing coronavirus crisis, politicians like President Trump and Governor Cuomo are expressing similar views on reopening the country, but the media is portraying them as having opposing stances. Meanwhile, a Daily Wire subscriber named Tiller is highlighted for his dedication to his work and the community. The Daily Wire team encourages viewers to join their All Access Live streams for a sense of connection during isolation. The media's coverage of the crisis has led to a decrease in public trust, according to a Gallup poll. The team also announced upcoming interviews with Vice President Pence and Dr. Deborah Birx on their Sunday special. Overall, the message emphasizes the importance of community, trust, and accurate information during uncertain times.

    • Leaders' handling of COVID-19 crisis: Authenticity mattersDespite similar policies, leaders like Cuomo receive praise for authentic communication. However, inconsistency in policy and communication raises questions about the best strategies. Balancing public health and economic concerns is crucial as more data becomes available.

      Leaders like New York Governor Andrew Cuomo are receiving high praise for their handling of the COVID-19 crisis, despite implementing similar policies as other governors, such as California's Gavin Newsom. The authenticity and honesty of Cuomo's public communications have resonated with the media. However, Cuomo is now expressing doubts about the effectiveness of a total shutdown and suggests a more nuanced approach. This inconsistency in policy and communication raises questions about the best public health strategies. The use of a blunt instrument approach, such as the massive stimulus package, may not be the most effective solution. As more data becomes available, it's crucial to reconsider the public health and economic strategies and find a balance between the two. Both President Trump and Governor Cuomo have expressed similar views about gradually reopening parts of the country based on local risk levels. The UK has also downgraded the deadliness of the virus, highlighting the varying approaches to the crisis around the world.

    • Guidelines for counties based on risk levelsThe Trump administration plans to categorize counties by risk level to enable some areas to reopen sooner than others while maintaining social distancing measures.

      The Trump administration is planning to issue guidelines categorizing counties by risk level to help state and local authorities decide on social distancing measures. This approach is intended to enable some areas to return to work sooner than others based on their specific risk levels. This is a reasonable approach, as it aligns with the strategies of major world leaders. Trump's intention to relax social distancing guidelines soon and tailor them to specific parts of the country reflects the desire of Americans to get back to work and resume normal lives. This doesn't mean that social distancing guidelines will be completely abandoned once areas reopen. Instead, they will remain in place to some extent. The administration's approach acknowledges that different parts of the country are affected differently by the virus and requires a piecemeal approach to reopening the economy.

    • Political disagreements amidst the coronavirus crisisBoth Democrats and Republicans agree on social distancing but differ on spending and reopening the economy. Pelosi advocates for more spending and Green New Deal, while Republicans hold to their prior beliefs. Wait for more data before making major decisions.

      Despite political differences, both Democrats and Republicans, including Trump and Fauci, agree on the importance of social distancing to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus. However, the media coverage of their messages varies greatly. Meanwhile, both parties are pushing for significant spending to address the crisis, with Nancy Pelosi advocating for even more than what was initially proposed. The uncertainty surrounding the severity and duration of the crisis has led many to return to their political corners, with Pelosi advocating for the Green New Deal and Republicans holding to their prior beliefs. Amidst this, it's important to wait for more data before making major decisions, whether that be on spending or reopening the economy. The end of next week should bring more clarity on the situation.

    • Leaders at all levels should take responsibility for their actions during crisesLeaders should focus on pragmatic solutions and collaborate to address crises, rather than shifting blame or pursuing radical agendas

      During times of crisis, it's important for leaders at all levels to take responsibility for their actions and decisions. The ongoing debate about economic stimulus and monetary theory shows the need for pragmatic solutions to address the crisis at hand, rather than attempting to fundamentally transform the economy. Meanwhile, local leaders should not shift blame to national figures for their own failures. For instance, the New Orleans mayor's claim that President Trump was responsible for not shutting down Mardi Gras is misplaced, as she is the one with the authority to make such decisions. It's crucial for leaders to work collaboratively and focus on finding effective solutions to the current challenges, rather than pointing fingers or pursuing radical agendas.

    • Perceptions of the coronavirus outbreak's causesIt's not productive to oversimplify or scapegoat specific groups for the coronavirus outbreak. Leaders should rely on scientific expertise and critical thinking to address the crisis effectively.

      The current political climate and prior beliefs are influencing how people perceive the causes of the coronavirus outbreak. Some are blaming certain groups, such as evangelicals, while others are placing blame on political leaders or the government. However, it's important to remember that the situation is complex and multifaceted, and it's not productive to oversimplify or scapegoat specific groups. Additionally, it's crucial for leaders to rely on scientific expertise and critical thinking in making decisions to address the crisis effectively. The denial of science and critical thinking among certain religious and political groups has contributed to the current situation, but it's not the only factor at play. It's essential to approach the situation with nuance and a willingness to work together to find solutions.

    • Disappointment with The New York Times fueling hatred towards a specific groupDuring challenging times, focus on unity, stay informed, and help your community by checking on neighbors, donating blood, and reaching out to friends.

      During challenging times like a pandemic, it's important to come together as Americans and focus on unity rather than division. Ben Shapiro expressed his disappointment with The New York Times for using their op-ed page to fuel hatred towards a specific group, in this case, evangelical Christians. Instead, we should be waiting for data and facts to come out before making accusations. In the meantime, Shapiro encouraged listeners to focus on helping their communities by checking on elderly neighbors, donating blood, and reaching out to friends. The Matt Walsh Show also emphasizes the importance of culture in driving politics and focusing on fundamental aspects of life, family, and faith. Overall, the message is to stay informed, stay positive, and help each other out during difficult times.

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    Ep. 1996 - Wait, Can Donald Trump DRONE His Political Enemies Now?!

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    The Supreme Court makes a decision about presidential immunity–and the Left goes predictably insane; Democrats continue to suffer from heartburn over Joe Biden’s dementia; and the French decide whether to go right or left.


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    Ep. 1995 - PANIC! Will Democrats REPLACE Biden?

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    The fallout from Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance continues…and Democrats break into open warfare over whether to toss the dementia-ridden president overboard.


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    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    How the Church Can Solve the Foster Care Crisis | Bishop WC Martin

    Bishop WC Martin is an American pastor, author, adoption advocate, and the inspiration for the upcoming Angel Studios film, The Sound of Hope: The Story of Possum Trot, releasing in partnership with DailyWire+. As the pastor of Bennett Chapel Missionary Baptist Church in Possum Trot, Texas, Bishop Martin and his wife Donna adopted 4 children and persuaded their entire community to do the same. Ultimately, 77 children were adopted into 22 loving families in their small Texas town. In today’s episode, Bishop Martin and I discuss the problems within the current foster care system and the role of the church in successful adoption stories. Bishop Martin also shares personal anecdotes about raising his adopted children and a few behind-the-scenes moments from the making of the movie. Don’t miss this heartening conversation about family and faith on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    The Ben Shapiro Show
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    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

    Backstage: The Presidential Debate

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    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Ep. 1992 - Nut Job Congressman Jamaal Bowman IS OUT

    Jamaal Bowman goes down in flames; Hillary Clinton sounds off on how to debate Trump; and the “experts” emerge to explain how Trump will jack up inflation.


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    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    Ep. 1991 - Is It Too Late To Stop World War III?

    A columnist argues we’re too late to stop World War III; Democrats struggle to condemn Hamas fans harassing Jews at synagogues; and Julian Assange cuts a plea deal.


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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    While a lot of countries have put in strict measures, like lockdowns, to stop the coronavirus, there’s been a conspicuous outlier: Sweden. The country has carved a different path, trying to keep its hospitals from being overrun while allowing society to function as normally as possible. So, is the Swedish model working? To find out, we talk to medical epidemiologist Dr. Emma Frans, Professor Annelies Wilder-Smith, Dr. Gary Weissman, and Dr. Eric Schneider. Also: ANCHOVIES! Here’s a link to our transcript: https://bit.ly/2XiRsYT This episode was produced by Meryl Horn, Wendy Zukerman and Rose Rimler with help from Mathilde Urfalino, Michelle Dang, and Sinduja Srinivasan. We’re edited by Blythe Terrell with help from Caitlin Kenney. Fact checking by Diane Kelly. Mix and sound design by Peter Leonard. Music written by Peter Leonard, Marcus Bagala, Emma Munger, and Bobby Lord. A huge thanks to all the researchers we got in touch with for this episode, including Dr. Kirsty Short, Prof. Keith Humphreys, Prof. Paul Franks, Prof. Wouter Metsola van der Wijngaart, Assoc. Prof. Niclas Roxhed, Dr. Tobias Brett, AnnaSarra Carnahan, Dr. Alisdair Munro, Alessio Capobianco, and Dr. Mahshid Abir. All the folks in Sweden who helped us out including Johan Seidefors, Niklas Wahlén, Emil Sahlén, Amie Bramme, Dr. Arne Jonsson, Ann-Mari Darj, Shayan Effati, Erik Hedlund, Rebecca Heine, Srour Haddad, Harpa Kristinsdottir, Sven Larsson, Justinas Legas, Agnes Nygren, Lova Seidefors, Marcin Wolniewicz, John Kvarnefalk and Alexander Nordström. And special thanks to Christopher Suter, the Zukerman family and Joseph Lavelle Wilson. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    #107 - Dr Paul Alexander Shares Insights Into The Deep State And The Undermining Of Trump's Pandemic Response

    #107 - Dr Paul Alexander Shares Insights Into The Deep State And The Undermining Of Trump's Pandemic Response

    IMPORTANT NOTICE Following my cancellation for standing up for medical ethics and freedom, my surgical career has been ruined. I am now totally dependent on the support of my listeners, YOU. Less than 1% of my listeners support me, please be one of the 1% that does. If you value my podcasts, please support the show so that I can continue to speak up by choosing one or more of the following options -

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    About this conversation: This is the 2nd time I have had Paul on my podcast. After our last conversation, I just felt that there was a lot more that Paul hadn't told me, and I was right. Takeaways from this conversation - 1 - There is a deep state within the government that works to undermine the President's policies and agenda. 2 - Career officials in agencies like the CDC and FDA actively worked to undercut Trump's pandemic response. 3 - High-level officials often lack the expertise and knowledge necessary for their positions. 4 - The six-foot social distancing rule was arbitrary and not based on scientific evidence. 5 - Vaccine mandates can have serious consequences and individuals should have the right to make their own choices. 6 - The media plays a significant role in manipulating public opinion and destroying the credibility of those who challenge the narrative. 7 - It takes a small minority of determined and brave individuals to fight for truth and bring about change. Courage is needed to challenge the mainstream narrative and stand up for the truth. 8 - The battle against misinformation and manipulation of data is relentless. 9 - Public health officials have made unscientific statements and used fear to push for vaccination. Paul has written about his time in the Trump administration and the shenanigans going on behind the scenes (link below). Paul has an incredibly popular Substack with over 38000 readers (link below). I hope you enjoy the conversation. Links - Substack ⁠ Paul Alexander Substack ⁠ Book ⁠ Presidential Takedown ⁠

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    About Doc Malik: Orthopaedic surgeon Ahmad Malik is on a journey of discovery when it comes to health and wellness. Through honest conversations with captivating individuals, Ahmad explores an array of topics that profoundly impact our well-being and health.

    You can follow us on social media, we are on the following platforms: ⁠⁠Twitter Ahmad⁠⁠ | ⁠⁠Twitter Podcast⁠⁠ | ⁠⁠Instagram Ahmad⁠⁠ | ⁠⁠Instagram Podcast