
    Ep. 983 - The Waiting Game

    enMarch 31, 2020

    Podcast Summary

    • Navigating the Psychological Challenges of the PandemicThe pandemic brings uncertainty, fear, and economic hardship, requiring us to acknowledge the challenges and support each other during this extended period of social distancing and major event cancellations.

      The current situation with the pandemic is psychologically challenging for many people, even if it doesn't compare to the sacrifices made during times of war. The uncertainty and fear of the virus, combined with the economic and psychological toll, can make it difficult for individuals to cope. The situation will likely continue for an extended period, with major events and social gatherings being postponed or canceled until a vaccine is developed. The end is not yet in sight, but we will get through it together. The next year is expected to be marked by social distancing, downscaled weddings, and empty office spaces. It's important to acknowledge the hardships faced by many and to support each other during this time.

    • The coronavirus pandemic continues with Italy and Spain as epicenters, US has the most diagnosed cases but not the most deaths per million populationThe coronavirus pandemic continues with Italy and Spain as epicenters, the US has the most diagnosed cases but not the most deaths per million population, face masks are likely to be a part of daily life for several months.

      The coronavirus pandemic is far from over, and face masks are likely to be a part of daily life for several months. The global number is over 810,000 diagnosed cases, with almost 40,000 deaths. In the US, there are over 163,000 confirmed cases and nearly 5,000 deaths. The US has the most diagnosed cases due to extensive testing, but heart disease and cancer remain the leading causes of death. Spain and Italy continue to be the epicenters of the crisis, with Italy reporting 812 deaths and Spain surpassing it with 913 deaths. Germany had 104 deaths, France had 418, and the UK reported about 26,000 new cases and 100 and 80 new deaths. The US ranks near the bottom in deaths per million population, but this is expected to change as the numbers continue to rise. Comparing countries' responses is complicated by factors like travel patterns and population size. The US, with its large population and diversity, faces unique challenges. The US currently has 9 deaths per million population, far below Italy's 192.

    • Comparing COVID-19 death rates across countriesNew study estimates COVID-19 death rate at 0.66%, lower than previously reported. Focus on facts and prioritize safety measures.

      While some countries like France and the UK have higher death rates per million people than the United States, it's important to remember that the situation is not as dire as it seems based on the numbers alone. Places like Israel, Canada, and even Sweden have handled the pandemic differently, resulting in varying outcomes. However, the media and partisan politics are contributing to unnecessary tension and distraction from the reality of the situation. A piece of quasi-good news comes from a new study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases Medical Journal, which estimates the death rate of coronavirus to be significantly lower than previously reported, at about 0.66%. While this is still a significant number, it's important to remember that the fatality rate can be difficult to determine due to the number of undetected infections. Overall, it's crucial to focus on facts and prioritize safety measures, such as using home security systems like Ring, to protect ourselves and our loved ones during these uncertain times.

    • Unprecedented disruptions to daily life and economy due to coronavirus outbreakMillions could be infected, hundreds of thousands could die, lockdowns affect over 3 quarters of population, particularly dire in New York, economic consequences significant, balance public health with economic and social considerations

      The coronavirus outbreak is causing unprecedented disruptions to daily life and the economy in the United States, with estimates suggesting that millions could be infected and hundreds of thousands could die even with strict social distancing measures in place. Lockdowns and restrictions on movement have been implemented across the country, with over three quarters of the population currently affected. The situation is particularly dire in New York, where the number of deaths continues to rise rapidly. The economic consequences of these measures are also significant, with some areas seeing potential for riots and unrest due to prolonged lockdowns. It is important for individuals to follow guidelines and stay informed, while also recognizing the importance of balancing public health with economic and social considerations.

    • Economic strain could lead to unrestHistorical precedents suggest economic hardship may cause criminal activity and civil unrest. Swift action needed to mitigate pandemic's economic impact. Improve living spaces with Blinds.com.

      The economic strain caused by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic could lead to an increase in criminal activity and civil unrest if the situation drags on. This is based on historical precedents and the current state of Italy's economy, which is estimated to have a significant portion in the black market. The speaker emphasizes the importance of taking swift action to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic and prevent potential unrest. Additionally, the speaker encourages listeners to improve their living spaces during this time by ordering window coverings from Blinds.com, which offers online design help and guarantees a perfect fit.

    • Florida extends stay-at-home order, D.C. threatens severe penalties, Automakers ramp up ventilator productionFlorida extends stay-at-home order, D.C. threatens severe penalties, Automakers ramp up ventilator production despite challenges in meeting targets. Estimated deaths from the virus revised downward from 2.2 million to 100,000 to 200,000.

      The response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve, with some areas implementing stricter measures to contain the virus, while others ramp up production of essential medical equipment. Florida's stay-at-home order was initially set to last until mid-May but was later changed to April 15th. In contrast, Washington D.C.'s mayor is threatening residents with severe penalties for leaving their homes. On the positive side, automakers like GM and Ford are ramping up production of ventilators to help meet the demand. However, there have been challenges in meeting production targets, with Ventec, the company designing the ventilators, initially estimating a much lower monthly production rate than the administration had anticipated. Despite these challenges, the administration is optimistic about the progress being made and the number of ventilators being produced by private companies. The number of projected deaths from the virus has also been revised downward, with the administration's estimate of 100,000 to 200,000 deaths being much lower than the 2.2 million suggested as a worst-case scenario by the Imperial College study. However, the situation remains fluid, and estimates could still shift significantly as more data becomes available.

    • Data Challenges in Public Health CrisesReliable predictions during public health crises require accurate and transparent data, but challenges arise when dealing with incomplete and potentially misleading data from various countries, particularly China. This impacts modeling efforts and policy decisions in the US and other countries.

      Accurate and transparent data are crucial for effective modeling and decision-making during a public health crisis. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic highlights the challenges of making reliable predictions when dealing with incomplete and potentially misleading data from various countries, particularly China. The uncertainties surrounding the true number of cases and fatalities in China have significant implications for the United States and other countries, as their modeling efforts are based on this incomplete data. The need for accurate information is emphasized by public health officials, who rely on data to understand the risks and inform policy decisions. The ongoing issue of data transparency and accuracy underscores the importance of international cooperation and collaboration during a global crisis.

    • China's Reporting of Asymptomatic Cases of Coronavirus QuestionedThe accuracy of China's reporting of asymptomatic coronavirus cases and the role they play in the spread of the virus is uncertain, complicating efforts to assess the situation and make informed decisions.

      The accuracy and transparency of data reported by China regarding the number of asymptomatic cases of the coronavirus has been questioned, which could significantly impact the understanding of the virus's fatality rate and the effectiveness of containment measures. The absence of consensus among scientists about the role of asymptomatic cases in the spread of the virus and the limited testing capacity further complicate the situation. Additionally, the World Health Organization's handling of the crisis, including its initial response to China's reporting and its failure to address the reopening of wet markets, has been criticized. Without complete and reliable information, it will be challenging to assess the situation accurately and make informed decisions.

    • Political interference in WHO and the debate around animal rightsChina's influence on WHO led to criticism of its handling of the pandemic and the exclusion of Taiwan. The importance of community and accurate information during challenging times was emphasized.

      The ongoing debate around animal rights and the closure of wet markets, which have been linked to the spread of COVID-19, has highlighted the political interference of China in international institutions like the World Health Organization (WHO). The WHO's handling of the pandemic has been criticized for its politicized approach, with Taiwan being excluded from its membership due to Chinese backing. Meanwhile, the discussion also touched upon the importance of community during these challenging times and the opening up of DailyWire's content to all members during the pandemic. The speaker emphasized the need for accurate and balanced information, neither downplaying the severity of the situation nor indulging in alarmism. The trend of new COVID-19 cases in Italy seems to be flattening out, but the overall situation remains uncertain, and more data is needed to make informed decisions.

    • The economic recovery from COVID-19 will have two stages: a gradual return and a period of explosive growthNew data shows social distancing measures are effective in reducing coronavirus infections, potentially saving lives and lowering death rates

      The economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is expected to happen in two stages. The first stage will be a gradual return to work and economic activity, with social distancing measures in place. The second stage will be a period of explosive growth and consumer spending once a vaccine is developed. The speaker believes that this will lead to a "roaring twenties"-like economic boom. However, it's important to note that the current situation is not forever and is expected to be unpleasant for a few months. New data suggests that social distancing measures are effective in reducing coronavirus infections, which could potentially save lives and lower death rates. This data comes from a company called Kinza Health, which has over a million thermometers in circulation and has been tracking fever levels across the country. The data shows that fevers are dropping or holding steady in most areas, with a few exceptions. These exceptions are in areas with less strict social distancing measures in place. Overall, the data suggests that social distancing is working and could help to slow the spread of the virus and save lives.

    • Critical decisions being made in New York amidst coronavirus outbreakDoctors in New York are making tough decisions about rationing care, while Governor Cuomo urges healthcare workers to help. The situation remains uncertain with improvements and challenges.

      The situation with the coronavirus outbreak is complex and evolving. While some areas, like San Francisco, are seeing signs that lockdown measures may be effective, others, like New York, are facing critical shortages of medical resources and are making tough decisions about rationing care. The rate of new infections is still increasing overall, but the rate of growth is slowing in some places. Doctors in New York are being given discretion to make critical decisions about who receives ventilators, a sign of the dire situation in that state. Meanwhile, Governor Cuomo is urging healthcare workers to come forward and help in the fight against the virus. The situation remains uncertain, with both improvements and challenges on the horizon.

    • Governor Cuomo Calls for Healthcare Help Amid Pandemic, Economy Faces Historic Job LossesGovernor Cuomo seeks healthcare workers assistance, 47 million jobs may be lost, unemployment rate could reach 32%, stimulus package includes direct payments and loans, retailers furlough instead of firing employees, aiming to weather the pandemic's economic impact

      The coronavirus pandemic is causing unprecedented challenges for both the health care system and the economy. On the health care front, frontline workers are risking their lives every day and the need for relief efforts is immense. New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo has called for help from health care professionals across the country. Economically, the Federal Reserve estimates that 47 million jobs could be lost and the unemployment rate may hit 32%, levels not seen since the Great Depression. The economic fallout is due to the global lockdown aimed at halting the virus's spread. The stimulus package includes direct payments to individuals, enhanced unemployment benefits, and loans for small employers to keep people on their payrolls. Retailers like Macy's and Gap are furloughing employees, not firing them, with the hope of rehiring them when stores reopen. The situation is dire, but the goal is to weather the storm until the virus subsides and economic activity can resume.

    • Employees striking for better pay during pandemicDuring pandemic, prioritize public health and safety while keeping economy moving, striking for higher wages could lead to job loss

      During this pandemic, saving lives is the top priority, but the economic consequences cannot be ignored. The shutdown of businesses and workplaces is causing significant disruptions, and the example of Whole Foods employees striking for better pay during this crisis highlights the potential for further supply chain issues and hardships for those dependent on these services. Companies, like Amazon, have already taken steps to provide additional benefits for their workers, but the situation is far from normal, and striking for higher wages during a pandemic could lead to job loss for those workers. It's essential to recognize the gravity of the situation and the importance of keeping the economy moving as much as possible while prioritizing public health and safety.

    • Discussions about wages, rent, and essential resources during the pandemicFind a balance between providing relief and ensuring essential resources remain accessible for those who can pay, supporting essential workers while maintaining economic sustainability

      The economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic is leading to discussions about wages, rent, and essential resources. Some people are advocating for higher wages for essential workers, while others are considering rent strikes. However, it's important to remember that resources come with costs, and those who are able to use them should be expected to pay for them. The current situation is unprecedented, and while some relief measures may be necessary, a long-term solution should ensure that those who can pay, do so. The situation is already causing hardships, with images of long lines at food banks a stark reminder of the challenges faced by many. Ultimately, it's crucial that we find a balance between providing relief and ensuring that essential resources remain accessible for those who can pay. The current situation is a reminder of the importance of essential workers and the resources they provide, and we must find a way to support them while ensuring the long-term sustainability of our economy.

    • From pillows to masks: Mike Lindell's crisis responseIndividuals and businesses can make a difference during crises, even if it means pivoting from their usual operations.

      During times of crisis, people and businesses can come together to make a difference. Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow, is an example of this. He transformed his company from making pillows to producing 50,000 N95 masks a day to help in the fight against the coronavirus. Despite criticism from the media, Lindell's actions were not a violation of church and state. Instead, they demonstrate the power of individuals and businesses to contribute positively during challenging times. The media's focus on the controversy distracted from the important work being done.

    • Media debate over airing Trump's pressers hinders effective COVID-19 coverageMedia should focus on fact-checking and reporting important COVID-19 info from Trump's pressers, rather than debating whether or not to air them.

      The media's focus on Trump's pressers being aired for his political messaging, rather than the newsworthy information being shared, is hindering effective coverage of the COVID-19 crisis. Critics argue that Trump's pressers have become a platform for advertising and self-promotion, but they also provide crucial updates from experts like Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx. Instead of debating whether or not to air the pressers, the media could be focusing on fact-checking and reporting the important information. Trump's pressers may be entertaining and full of lies, but they are still a source of information for the public during a critical time. The media should prioritize holding Trump accountable while also providing accurate and timely information to the public.

    • Journalists' behavior during press conferences and interviews can affect public trustAvoid snarky and loaded questions during press conferences and interviews, and ensure accuracy and objectivity in reporting to maintain public trust.

      The way some journalists conduct themselves during press conferences and interviews can contribute to the distrust between the public and the media. Instead of asking useful and informative questions, some journalists resort to snarky and loaded queries, which often go unanswered or result in heated exchanges. This behavior, as pointed out by the speaker, can be detrimental to the public. For instance, a woman who consumed fish tank cleaner believing it to be chloroquine phosphate, a substance mentioned by President Trump, was later found to have a history of political donations to Democratic candidates. The media quickly blamed Trump for the incident, but further investigation revealed that the woman had a political motivation for her actions. This incident highlights the importance of asking meaningful questions and providing accurate information to the public. It also underscores the need for journalists to maintain professionalism and objectivity in their reporting.

    • Media's inaccurate coverage of Trump and hydroxychloroquineThe media's sensational reporting on a woman's claims about Trump and hydroxychloroquine was inaccurate. The woman, a Democratic supporter, admitted to making a mistake with a dangerous chemical cocktail. This highlights the need for fact-checking and critical thinking, and the media's double standard in investigating claims versus campaign contributions.

      The media's sensational coverage of a woman's claims that President Trump's recommendation of hydroxychloroquine led to her husband's death was inaccurate. Wanda, the woman in question, is a longtime Democratic supporter and admitted to making a mistake by ingesting a dangerous cocktail of chemicals. However, the media portrayed her as a disillusioned Trump supporter, fueling unnecessary panic and confusion during the pandemic. This incident highlights the importance of fact-checking and critical thinking in the face of sensational headlines and misinformation. Additionally, the media's double standard in investigating campaign contributions versus fact-checking claims was evident in this situation. It's crucial to hold the media accountable for their reporting and ensure that accurate information is disseminated to the public.

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    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

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    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Ep. 1990 - Behold The INSANE Future Of The Democratic Party

    Joe Biden is losing the election…and what comes next in the Democratic Party is even scarier than the old man; Trump faces a convention revolt from his own crazies; and Europe moves against the EU.


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    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Confessions of a Black Conservative | Glenn Loury

    Glenn Loury is an esteemed American economist, public intellectual, and author. In his recent memoir, Late Admissions: Confessions of a Black Conservative, Loury reflects on a lifetime of academic excellence and overcoming personal turmoil. In today’s episode, we discuss the difficulty of political messaging and policy crafting around racial inequality, the trajectory of American race relations since the Obama administration, and Glenn’s relationship with religion. Don’t miss Glenn Loury’s profound insights on racial politics and more, on this episode of the Sunday Special.


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    #BenShapiro #TheSundaySpecial #News #Politics #DailyWire

    The Ben Shapiro Show
    enJune 23, 2024

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    Ep. 992 - Trump’s Big Reopening Plan

    Ep. 992 - Trump’s Big Reopening Plan

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    Check out The Cold War: What We Saw, a new podcast written and presented by Bill Whittle at https://bit.ly/2z2j1NB. In Part 1 we peel back the layers of mystery cloaking the Terror state run by the Kremlin, and watch as America takes its first small steps onto the stage of world leadership.

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    Spotlight: CDC’s Credibility Is At Risk: Why It Should Focus Only On Public Health

    Spotlight: CDC’s Credibility Is At Risk: Why It Should Focus Only On Public Health

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (popularly referred to as the CDC) fell short in recognizing the magnitude and threat of Covid-19, and, unfortunately, its unfocused and truly irresponsible behavior continues. Steve Forbes on how the CDC’s credibility is at risk and why it should stay focused on public health.

    Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Screening: The Next Generation

    Screening: The Next Generation

    Cancer screening has saved countless lives through the early detection of breast, cervical, colorectal, and lung cancer. But there are still so many forms of cancer that slip through the cracks. Now, developments in medical research — such as multi-cancer screening blood tests and genomic tests — are promising to revolutionize cancer diagnostics.

    In this episode, we talk to experts about the medical tech that is reshaping the field of early detection. Dr. Joseph Mikhael, Professor in the Applied Cancer Research and Drug Discovery Division at the Translational Genomics Research Institute, talks about the importance of multi-cancer early detection tests and genomics in detecting cancers that we don't currently screen for. Dr. Brian Druker, Director of the Knight Cancer Institute at Oregon Health & Science University, talks about his role in spearheading the field of precision-based early cancer detection. And Jody Hoyos, President and Chief Operating Officer of Prevent Cancer Foundation, advocates for the passage of the Medicare Multi-Cancer Early Detection Screening Coverage Act to ensure equitable access to life-saving biotech.

    The Big Screen is a product of OffScripHealth.

    To learn more about rescheduling your cancer screening appointments, visit https://www.preventcancer.org/back-on-the-books/.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

    Real Identity: Consistent and Persistent in the Cloud

    Real Identity: Consistent and Persistent in the Cloud

    Jason Brown joins the Real Identity podcast to explore the benefits of cloud adoption for data-driven marketers. He shares real-world success and best practices from brands on the journey to shift their tech stacks to cloud computing – from clean rooms to interoperability and security. This enlightening conversation also breaks down the challenges and the integral role of identity to bring it all together – remembering it always comes back to customers and how to better engage them in the context of their lives.

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-brown-17a61a5/

    Thanks for listening! Follow us on Twitter and Instagram or find us on Facebook.

    Spotlight: Market Reaction To New Covid-19 Variant: Three Things You Need To Know

    Spotlight: Market Reaction To New Covid-19 Variant: Three Things You Need To Know

    Alarm bells are ringing over the potential harm caused by Omicron, a new Covid-19 variant. News of the new variant is roiling financial markets and tempting political leaders to impose restrictions, but there are a few things you need to know. Steve Forbes on the market's reaction to the recent news, the hasty moves being made and why we should wait for the facts on the new variant before reacting this time around.

    Steve Forbes shares his What’s Ahead Spotlights each Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.