
    Ep. 988 - BLM’s Latest Canonization Effort Falls Apart

    enJuly 18, 2022

    Podcast Summary

    • Armed citizen stops shooting rampage at Indiana mallAn armed citizen ended a shooting rampage at an Indiana mall, challenging the myth that 'good guys with guns' don't make a difference. However, such incidents are rare, occurring in only 5% of active shooter cases in the US.

      The notion of a "good guy with a gun" being a myth is being challenged once again, as an armed citizen was able to stop a shooting rampage at an Indiana mall. Contrary to the recent incident in Uvalde, Texas, where law enforcement failed to stop a shooter, the armed citizen in Indiana engaged the shooter and ended the threat. This incident highlights the importance of the Second Amendment and the role of armed citizens in protecting themselves and others during active shooter situations. However, it's important to note that these incidents are rare, as only 22 out of 433 active shooter cases in the US from 2020-2021 involved an armed bystander stopping the shooter. Despite the rarity of these incidents, they underscore the potential impact of an armed citizen in stopping a mass shooting. Additionally, the economy continues to face challenges, with inflation reaching a 40-year high of 9.1%, and government officials admitting they did not anticipate the severity of the economic downturn. These challenges underscore the importance of individuals taking steps to protect their savings, such as investing in precious metals.

    • Media reporting on civilian intervention in mass shootings can be selective and misleadingMedia can overlook or misrepresent instances of civilians stopping mass shootings, while some on the political left may sympathize with shooters instead of acknowledging heroism

      While there have been instances of armed civilians stopping mass shooters, the media's reporting on these incidents can be selective and misleading. For example, a report by The New York Times counted only 10 such incidents out of 22 mass shootings dispatched by armed bystanders, but failed to mention numerous other instances where civilians successfully intervened in violent crimes. Furthermore, some on the political left have shown sympathy for the shooters themselves, rather than acknowledging the heroism of the civilians who risked their lives to save others. A notable example is the case of Tekel Sundberg in Minneapolis, who was killed by police during a lengthy standoff while experiencing a mental health crisis and was armed with two pistols. Despite this, some activists and commentators have called for answers from the police department and mourned Sundberg as a "loving and artistic" man, ignoring the danger he posed to others. These selective narratives can obscure the complex realities of violent incidents and fuel polarization.

    • BLM's Response to Shooting Incident Dismisses Victim's ExperienceThe BLM movement's reaction to a shooting incident involving a man named Sundberg disregarded the victim's testimony, revealing a darker side to the movement. Victims of BLM martyrs may be hesitant to speak up due to the potential backlash from the mob.

      The Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement's response to a shooting incident involving a man named Sundberg revealed a disturbing disregard for the victim's experience. A woman named Arabella Foss Yarbrough, whose apartment was targeted in the shooting incident and whose children were present during the incident, publicly confronted the BLM protesters about the violent actions of their martyr. However, her testimony was met with dismissal and silence from the crowd. The incident, which included the open scoffing and silencing of the victim, went viral and led to the cancellation of future plans for monuments and statues for Sundberg. Arabella's courage to speak up exposed the darker side of the BLM movement, and it raises the question of what might have happened had other victims of BLM martyrs spoken up. The incident also highlights the immense courage it takes for victims to speak up against the mob's desire for silence.

    • Looting and Lawlessness Force Starbucks to Close Stores in Several CitiesStarbucks closes 16 stores in cities plagued by lawlessness and looting, prioritizing employee safety over profits

      Lawlessness and looting have become a major issue in various cities across the country, leading to major chains like Starbucks closing down their stores due to safety concerns. The incidents are happening with relative casualness, with some looters not even bothering to wear masks or fearing prosecution. In San Francisco, for instance, looters smashed windows and took items while someone even kicked their car as they drove away. Similar incidents have been reported from cities like Seattle, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, Washington, DC, and Portland, Oregon. Starbucks, in particular, is closing 16 stores in these cities, citing "challenging incidents" that make it unsafe to continue operations. The CEO of Starbucks, Howard Schultz, revealed in an internal meeting that the personal safety of employees is a primary concern. The stores are not profitable closures but rather a response to the safety issues raised during co-creation sessions. The common thread among these cities is the increasing lawlessness and lack of safety, leading to major chains abandoning these areas.

    • Starbucks store closures not indicative of America's safetyCrime rates increase due to societal failures in punishing unacceptable behavior and valuing strong family structures.

      Starbucks closing stores in certain urban areas due to safety concerns is not an indication of America as a whole being unsafe. Instead, it's a result of weak leadership and cultural issues, specifically the collapse of the family, leading to higher crime rates in those specific communities. The speaker argues that when society fails to punish unacceptable behavior and values strong family structures, crime rates tend to increase. This issue is particularly prevalent in inner-city areas with high numbers of fatherless homes and single-parent households. However, it's essential to note that crime is not exclusive to urban areas or communities of color, as poverty and family instability can be found in various socio-economic backgrounds. Ultimately, addressing the root causes of crime requires a multifaceted approach, including strong leadership, effective law enforcement, and a focus on strengthening families and communities.

    • The lack of effective leadership contributes to societal chaos and division, leading some to desire secession.Effective leadership is crucial to prevent societal chaos and division, and secession is not an ideal solution due to complexities and potential negative consequences.

      The lack of effective leadership, both politically and in the home, contributes significantly to the chaos and division in society. This issue is particularly prevalent in certain communities and has led to an increasing number of Trump voters in red states expressing a desire for secession. However, history shows that the immediate aftermath of a country's breakup is not typically better for its people. Instead, it often leads to further instability and a host of new problems. Despite acknowledging the potential benefits of a national divorce, it's important to note that this is not an ideal solution. The complexities of intermingled red and blue states, as well as the potential for economic and technological disconnection, make a peaceful separation unlikely. Ultimately, it's crucial for leaders to step up and provide guidance to prevent the situation from deteriorating to the point of no return.

    • Deep divisions in society and the challenges of navigating identity and safetyDeep divisions in society could lead to irreparable consequences, and the complexities of navigating identity and safety in systems like the prison system highlight the challenges of unity and moral decency in the current political climate

      The deep divisions in society, with people living in separate universes, may not heal on their own and could reach a point where it becomes impossible for them to share a country. A current example of this is the housing of a transgender inmate, Demi Minor, who impregnated two women while in a women's prison. This situation highlights the challenges and complexities of navigating identity and safety in the prison system. The ideal scenario of unity and moral decency may not be achievable in the current political climate, and the consequences of this division could be difficult and challenging to navigate.

    • University of Penn and Democrats doubling down on controversial issuesBoth UPenn and Democrats are unwavering in their support for controversial issues, with UPenn nominating a transgender swimmer for Woman of the Year and Dems expressing extreme frustration over climate change legislation

      Both the University of Pennsylvania and Democrats are demonstrating a pattern of doubling down on controversial issues despite opposition. The University of Pennsylvania has nominated transgender swimmer Leah Thomas for the Woman of the Year award, despite the controversy surrounding her eligibility. Democrats, on the other hand, are expressing extreme frustration and despair after Senator Joe Manchin's decision to block climate change legislation, with some even going so far as to claim that it will lead to the end of the world. In both cases, the response is to further push for the controversial issue, rather than backing down or finding a compromise. This approach may be seen as provocative or even divisive, but it underscores a commitment to standing by one's beliefs in the face of opposition.

    • The impact of human actions on climate is limited compared to natural processesWhile human actions contribute to climate change, they are just one factor among many, and addressing global environmental issues requires a more complex approach beyond legislation.

      Human beings have a limited impact on the earth's climate compared to natural geological processes, and the earth has existed for much longer than the current industrial era. The idea that human actions alone can destroy or save the planet is an oversimplification. Furthermore, legislation, even at a national level, has limitations in addressing global environmental issues. In the news article, fans of the Marvel film "Thor: Love and Thunder" are debating the need for a trigger warning regarding a graphic chemotherapy scene. This highlights the subjective nature of what warrants a warning and the importance of individual perspectives and experiences.

    • The Representation of Cancer in Thor: A Controversial TopicFans debate the appropriateness of cancer representation in Marvel movies, with some seeing it as adding depth and others as exploitative. Trigger warnings and the nature of Marvel movies are also discussed.

      The representation of cancer in Marvel movies, specifically in Thor, has sparked controversy among fans. Some argue that it's gratuitous and exploitative, while others believe it adds depth to the story. The debate raises questions about the role of trigger warnings and the nature of Marvel movies compared to cinema. On one hand, some argue that cancer is an inappropriate subject matter in these movies, which are often criticized as mere brand awareness campaigns or toy commercials. On the other hand, others argue that trigger warnings are unnecessary and that audiences should be prepared for unexpected elements in cinema. Additionally, the discussion touched on the issue of identity theft and the importance of protecting personal information, especially during travel season. Overall, the conversation highlights the complexities of storytelling in popular media and the varying perspectives of audiences.

    • Identity theft protection and womanhood definitionIdentity theft protection is crucial to prevent damage. Women are defined by their ability to bear children, while men's inability is not a concern.

      Identity theft is a serious issue that can affect anyone, and having identity theft protection can help mitigate the damage. The discussion also touched upon the definition of womanhood and the concept of cultural appropriation. Regarding womanhood, it was pointed out that the inability to get pregnant is an indication of something being wrong due to the defining feature of women being their ability to bear children. Contrarily, men are not supposed to be able to get pregnant, and therefore, the inability is not a cause for concern. The conversation then shifted to cultural appropriation, where it was clarified that while the term is often used against white people for adopting elements of other cultures without permission, it is not used in the same way against black people. Instead, the term "acting white" is used as an insult towards black people, not as an accusation of cultural appropriation. Lastly, a light-hearted moment came up when a listener joked about Matt's diaper-wearing affiliation, which was clarified to be unrelated to any adult baby diaper loving community.

    • Exploring the Changing Definition of 'Hotness'A Pulitzer Prize winning journalist's article on the expanding definition of 'hotness' revealed how people are redefining the term to include self-declaration and personal experiences, rather than just physical appearance, but the article faced criticism for its lack of substance.

      Morning Wire, a top news podcast, provides essential news in a concise format without the added elements of outrage or indoctrination. Meanwhile, The New York Times, once a prestigious publication, now serves as an unwitting chronicler of cultural decay, as evidenced by a Pulitzer prize winning journalist's article on the expanding definition of "hotness." The article, titled "Can't Talk. I'm Busy Being Hot," explores how people are redefining the term to include self-declaration and personal experiences, rather than just physical appearance. The journalist, Dania Isawi, conducted a full investigation, interviewing individuals and observing their social media content to find examples of this new understanding of hotness. The article received criticism for its lack of substance, further highlighting the cultural decay the Times now represents.

    • Women reclaiming term 'hot' for self-affirmationWomen are redefining 'hot' as a symbol of self-worth and empowerment, shifting away from male gaze definitions.

      Women are reclaiming the term "hot" and using it as a means of self-affirmation and empowerment, as evidenced by the popular "hot girl walk" trend started by TikTok influencer Mia Lind. This trend encourages young women to focus on their self-worth and goals during walks, shifting the definition of being "hot" away from male gaze arbiters. However, this concept is not new, as the idea of self-confidence and expanding the definition of beauty has been repeated in various forms for decades. The article also touches on the idea that our society may be repeating old ideas and presenting them as new, and that certain words and phrases, like "hot," have roots in BIPOC and queer communities but have been co-opted and "semantically bleached" over time.

    • The Need for External Validation Behind Self-AffirmationThe 'hot girl summer' trend and declaring one's hotness on social media is not genuine self-confidence but a need for external validation. Media's portrayal of self-affirmation pioneers may not be accurate, and pop music serves as an escape from insecurities.

      While there's a popular narrative of women embracing confidence and self-affirmation through social media and pop music, the reality is that this behavior often stems from a deep-rooted insecurity and dependence on external validation. The speaker argues that the concept of "hot girl summer" and the trend of declaring one's hotness on social media is not a genuine expression of self-confidence, but rather a manifestation of the need for affirmation from others. The speaker also criticizes the media's portrayal of certain figures as pioneers in the realm of self-affirmation when in fact, earlier musicians like Right Said Fred have paved the way with their music. The speaker suggests that modern pop music serves as a means for people to escape their insecurities and feel attractive for brief periods of time. The speaker concludes by expressing frustration with the persistence of insecure behavior and the need for constant external validation, even in the face of criticism and cancellation.

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    Boll & Branch - Get 15% off your order at https://www.bollandbranch.com/BEN

    The Matt Walsh Show
    enJune 28, 2024

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    Ep. 1394 - The Fight Against Child Mutilation Makes It To The Supreme Court

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    Ep. 1393 - Christian Conservatives Proven Right Once Again As Abstinence 'Trend' Gains Popularity

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    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Ep. 1392 - Disney’s Not So Secret Anti-White Agenda

    Today on the Matt Walsh Show, we've heard about Disney's not-so-secret gay agenda. Now, thanks to James O'Keefe, we know more about their not-so-secret anti-white agenda. Also, MSNBC talking heads do their best to explain why classrooms should have pride flags but shouldn't have the Ten Commandments. Their argument is more revealing than they wanted it to be. And, can racism cause cancer? That was the premise of an episode of an NBC medical drama. It was not satire. Not intentionally, anyway.




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    Good Ranchers - Get $100 off PLUS FREE smoked brats for a year with promo code WALSH: https://www.goodranchers.com


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    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-abernathy/

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    Email: sbailey@mma-mi.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanmbailey/

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    Connect with Gary AbernathyEmail: gabernathy@mma-mi.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-abernathy/

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    Email: sbailey@mma-mi.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanmbailey/


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    My guest for the first episode this 3 part series focused on DE&I is Gary Abernathy, Vice President and Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Practice Lead at March & McLennan Agency. Named by Corp! Magazine in 2019 as Diversity Leader of the Year, Gary has over fifteen years in the employee development and training field and understands the sensitivity and challenges in addressing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

    Connect with Gary Abernathy
    Email: gabernathy@mma-mi.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gary-abernathy/

    Connect with Susan Morgan Bailey
    Email: sbailey@mma-mi.com
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanmbailey/