
    Ep 996 | How Feminism Misunderstands Gender | Guest: Gabriel Finochio

    enMay 02, 2024
    Who is Gabe Finocchio and what is his role?
    What is Gabe's perspective on Christian nationalism?
    How does Gabe describe the 'born again' experience?
    What are the first two commandments in Christianity?
    Why does Gabe emphasize the importance of organized religion?

    Podcast Summary

    • Exploring the Perspectives of a Historically-Minded ChristianGabe Finocchio, a reformed Baptist with a deep appreciation for Christian history and the teachings of the church fathers, encourages listeners to expand their understanding by engaging with the ideas of the past.

      Gabe Finocchio, the founder of Theosu and host of The Reactionary Christian podcast, is a theologically-minded individual with a deep appreciation for Christian history and the teachings of the church fathers. He identifies as a reformed Baptist but looks beyond the last 500 years of Christian history to inform his beliefs. He considers himself a Protestant due to his differences with the Roman Catholic Church, but acknowledges that other Christian denominations may not share this label. Throughout the discussion, Gabe expressed his nuanced and sometimes controversial perspectives on topics like Christian nationalism and the origins of feminism. He encourages listeners to expand their understanding by engaging with the ideas of the past, as represented by the church fathers.

    • The Importance of Christianity in Western CivilizationThe speaker advocates for Christian pluralism, emphasizing the importance of conserving Christianity as the foundation of Western civilization, while urging caution in discussing theological differences among Christians.

      The speaker believes that Christianity is a crucial element of Western civilization and that it is under attack. He urges caution in discussing theological differences among Christians, warning against doing so in a divisive or oppressive manner. The speaker sees parallels between the decay of Western civilization and the events in "The Lord of the Rings," and he advocates for a "Christian pluralism" as a more productive alternative to the current "secular pluralism." He also expresses excitement about Hillsdale College, a Christian university offering free online courses on Christian theology. The speaker identifies as a conservative Christian nationalist, emphasizing the importance of conserving Christianity as the foundation of Western civilization.

    • Christianity's Influence on Values and MoralityChristianity has deeply influenced our values, customs, and sense of compassion and morality. Removing its foundation would lead to societal collapse.

      Our culture, psychology, and civilization are deeply rooted in Christianity. The speaker argues that Christianity has shaped our values, customs, and even our sense of compassion and morality. He believes that the foundation of these values comes from religious beliefs, and removing that foundation would lead to the collapse of the structures built upon it. The speaker also warns against idolatry and pluralism, stating that they are forms of worshiping false gods and that God punishes such actions. He emphasizes the importance of conserving national identities and histories, and argues that nationalism was the tradition of the founding fathers. The speaker believes that those who seek to remove Christian morality from society underestimate the importance of religious foundations and will not be able to preserve the vestiges of Christianity in a godless nation.

    • The Role of Christianity in Shaping American Culture and ValuesChristianity's impact on American culture and values, including its influence on the founding fathers and societal organizations, should not be underestimated.

      The importance of Christianity in shaping American culture, history, and values has been underestimated. The founding fathers intended for Christianity to be a significant part of the government and society, which is evident in the original 13 colonies' state constitutions and the first amendment. Over time, this consciousness and awareness of religion's role have been eroded, leading to the notion of secularism and the belief that religion, particularly Christianity, should be excluded from politics. However, the speaker argues that culture is rooted in religious beliefs, and attempting to separate the two would be futile. Christian virtues, such as love and hope, have deeply influenced American society, and organizations like charities are named after the Christian concept of love. Christianity's impact on the world, such as feeding the hungry and making the world a better place, cannot be maintained without it. Therefore, recognizing and officially acknowledging Christianity's role in American culture and society is essential.

    • Christianity's Impact on Ancient CivilizationsChristianity revolutionized society's view of vulnerable groups, leading to institutions like hospitals, charities, schools, and prioritizing their care, rooted in Christian principles.

      The influence of Christianity on ancient civilizations, particularly in the areas of valuing all people and establishing institutions for the care of the vulnerable, cannot be understated. Prior to Christianity, ancient Greeks and Romans viewed women, children, the elderly, and the sick as inferior and often treated them as objects or slaves. With the arrival of Christianity, the belief that all people are made in God's image led to a revolution in how society viewed and treated these groups. This is evident in the establishment of hospitals, charities, schools, and other institutions that prioritize care for the vulnerable. These institutions, which are still valued today, are rooted in Christian principles. The potential loss of Christianity could mean the erosion of these institutions and a return to a world where the most vulnerable are not prioritized. Additionally, many Western innovations, such as the printing press and universities, have Christian origins. Understanding this history is crucial for appreciating the impact of Christianity on modern society.

    • Religion provides structure for personal relationship with GodReligion and personal relationship with God are complementary, not mutually exclusive. Religion provides structure and guidelines to maintain and grow a meaningful relationship with God.

      Religion and a personal relationship with God are interconnected. While it's true that our relationship with God is personal, it's important to remember that religion provides the structure and guidelines that help us maintain that relationship. Religion, as the term is defined, means to bind or restrain, and it's through these restraints that we can have a meaningful and growing relationship with God. The speaker emphasized that our relationship with God is not on our terms, but rather on His. The terms for this relationship are found in the Word of God, as accurately and properly interpreted, and historically, these terms have been articulated in creeds like the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. In a culture where some may be rejecting the importance of religion, it's crucial to remember that religion and a personal relationship with God are not mutually exclusive, but rather complementary.

    • The importance of order and structure in religionReligion provides essential order and structure, emphasizing the importance of loving God and neighbor, and adhering to commandments for a fulfilling and loving life.

      Religion, as part of the body of Christ, provides order and structure to our lives, just as we value organization in other areas. The scripture makes claims that we need to believe and follow, forming the foundation of our relationship with God. The importance of order and adherence to commandments is emphasized in Christianity, with the first commandment being to love God and the second to love our neighbor as ourselves. The relationship with God comes first, and from that relationship, the religion and its rules and commandments flow. Without this foundation and structure, relationships and beliefs can become disordered and unhealthy. So, while some may argue against organized religion, the benefits of order and adherence to commandments are essential for living a fulfilling and loving life.

    • Obedience and reverence towards God are essential in ChristianityBelieve in articles of faith, live a God-pleasing life, and prioritize reverence for God over relationships to maintain a healthy Christian identity

      Obedience and reverence towards God are essential parts of the Christian faith. According to Paul in the Bible, we are required to be obedient to the gospel and believe in certain articles of faith to maintain our Christian identity. Sin is primarily an offense against God, and it's crucial to live our lives in a way that pleases Him. Reverence for God is a vital aspect of our relationship with Him, and we should prioritize not offending Him over offending others, even if we don't have a close relationship with them. The lack of fear and love for God, which can stem from prioritizing relationships over religion, leads to disorder and a potentially toxic relationship with the divine.

    • Prioritizing obedience to God over manGod's rights come before human authority, choose obedience to God first, and practice godly parenting

      As Christians, we should have a proper reverence for God and prioritize obeying Him above pleasing man. This is in contrast to the current societal trend of being more afraid of offending people than offending God. The Bible warns against the fear of man being a snare, and we must choose to serve God first. God's rights come before all human authority, and recognizing this is crucial. Despite the potential consequences of disobeying human authorities, it is irrational to prioritize not offending them over not offending God. God, as the author of our souls, has the ultimate authority over our lives. Practice Makes Parent, a podcast by Focus on the Family, is a valuable resource for parents seeking to parent in a godly, biblical way. In just 30 seconds, if someone asked about your beliefs, you could summarize that you prioritize obedience to God above all else, including human authorities and societal norms.

    • Misunderstanding of gender and desire for equality led to confusion of gender roles in feminismThe speaker argues that the root cause of feminism's issues lies in a misunderstanding of gender and a desire to be equal to men, leading to confusion of gender roles and an assault on women's nature.

      The speaker argues that the root cause of feminism's issues lies in a misunderstanding of gender and a desire to be equal to men, which they believe led to the confusion of gender roles and an assault on women's nature. They also suggest that the feminist movement emerged during the Victorian era, a time when women's roles were being questioned due to democratic ideals, but women themselves did not initially desire political enfranchisement. The speaker also acknowledges that there may have been instances of women's oppression and marginalization in the past, but argues that the feminist movement may have gone too far in trying to confuse gender roles and elevate women above their natural roles. Overall, the speaker's perspective is that feminism, particularly first-wave feminism, was gender dysphoric and caused confusion in understanding both men and women's natures.

    • The speaker argues against the impact of women's suffrage on women's roles and natural gender identitiesThe speaker believes that women's suffrage has led to societal expectations that conflict with women's natural roles, causing confusion and a decrease in marriage and childbirth rates, ultimately leading to a society lacking complementarity and natural family structures.

      The speaker argues against the necessity of women's suffrage and believes it has led to a societal shift that is detrimental to women and their natural roles. According to the speaker, feminism is rooted in gender dysphoria and has resulted in the blurring of gender lines, leading to the transgender movement. He believes that women have been forced into societal expectations that are against their nature, causing confusion and an unnatural focus on careers over family. The speaker argues that this shift has led to a decrease in marriage and childbirth rates, and ultimately, a society that lacks complementarity and natural family structures. In essence, the speaker believes that feminism has deleted femininity and created an unnatural expectation for women to act like men.

    • Feminism's Unintended Consequences: A War Between the Sexes?The speaker argues that modern feminism's focus on women's oppression has led to a war between the sexes, causing unhappiness for many women. She suggests that Jane Austen's novels provide an example of peaceful coexistence and encourages women to prioritize marriage and childbearing over career and independence for greater happiness.

      The speaker believes that feminism, in its current form, has turned into a war between the sexes, leading to unhappiness for many women. She argues that Jane Austen's novels provide an example of a peaceful coexistence between men and women, where women were portrayed as intelligent and capable, but not focused on their oppression. The speaker also suggests that modern feminism has led women to suppress their instincts and prioritize career and independence over marriage and childbearing, which she believes is not making women happier. She also compares this to a form of gender dysphoria, where people ignore their natural telos or purpose. The speaker acknowledges that she doesn't believe all women should be confined to traditional gender roles, but that these roles should not come at the expense of marriage and childbearing. She also acknowledges that there are many talented and successful single women, but expresses concern for those who may be unhappy despite choosing a life aligned with feminist ideals.

    • Feminism vs Christianity: Different Approaches to Women's LiberationFeminism's focus on individual autonomy and reproductive rights has not fully delivered on its promises of women's liberation, while Christianity's belief in natural distinctions and inherent worth offers a more holistic perspective for women.

      While recognizing the challenges women face in the world, it's essential to differentiate between the solutions offered by feminism and Christianity. The speaker argues that feminism, with its focus on individual autonomy and reproductive rights, has not delivered on its promises of liberation and instead, in some ways, has hurt women. In contrast, Christianity, with its belief in natural distinctions and the inherent worth and dignity of all people, offers a more holistic and uplifting perspective for women. The speaker also criticizes certain practices and beliefs in non-Christian cultures that oppress women and girls. Ultimately, the speaker advocates for the importance of Christianity in promoting healthy, biblical sense of womanhood and addressing the systemic issues that disproportionately affect women.

    • The Importance of Family in SocietyThe family unit is the foundation of society and should be prioritized in social policies. Understanding the role of the family in biblical principles and having a cohesive theology of the body is essential for preserving and strengthening it.

      The family unit is the foundation of society and should be prioritized in social policies. The woman's story of freezing and later failing to have children through in-vitro fertilization serves as a reminder of the instinctive and important role of the family in our lives. The speaker's perspective on feminism is rooted in the belief that it attacks the family and individualism, and that society's focus should be on preserving and strengthening the family unit. The speaker also emphasizes the importance of understanding the role of the family in biblical principles and having a cohesive theology of the body. The abandonment of traditional teachings on birth control and family planning has led to a lack of understanding and dialogue on these issues within the Protestant community.

    • The individualistic approach to faith and its impact on moral issuesThe abandonment of historic Protestant stances on moral issues like birth control is linked to a lack of connection to Protestant history and theology, leading to inconsistent interpretations and societal decline.

      The abandonment of historic Protestant positions on birth control and other moral issues can be attributed to a lack of attachment to Protestant history and theology. The speaker argues that this individualistic approach to faith, which comes from the Protestant Reformation's emphasis on sola scriptura, has led to varying interpretations and a lack of cohesive teaching on moral issues. The speaker questions why we have disregarded the wisdom of our forefathers on these matters and suggests that this has contributed to societal decline, including the breakdown of marriage and family. The speaker also points out the inconsistency of criticizing others for their moral choices while engaging in similar behaviors ourselves. Overall, the speaker calls for a deeper understanding and appreciation of Protestant history and theology to guide moral decision-making.

    • Embrace your faith wholeheartedly despite the fear of being labeledDon't let the fear of being labeled as a fundamentalist hinder your commitment to your faith. Instead, recognize the radical transformation that has occurred in your life through the gospel and embrace your new identity in Christ.

      The fear of being labeled as a fundamentalist has led many Christians to compromise their faith and conform to secular morality. This trend can be traced back to the seeker-sensitive movement and the attempt to portray Christian virtues as Puritanical or extreme. The label "fundamentalist" is often used as a pejorative, and people project their negative associations onto those who take their faith seriously. However, being a Christian fundamentally means undergoing a radical transformation through the gospel and embracing a new identity in Christ. The speaker encourages Christians to reject the fear of being labeled and instead embrace their faith wholeheartedly, recognizing the fundamental change that has occurred in their lives.

    • The profound transformation of ChristianityChristianity sets believers apart, encouraging daily engagement for deeper insights into the faith through various platforms like Gabe's Instagram and podcast or Ali's podcast.

      Christianity fundamentally transforms a person, setting them up as different from the rest of the world. This transformation is so profound that Jesus spoke of the need for a "born again" experience. The speakers, Gabe and Ali, emphasized the importance of this transformation and encouraged their audiences to engage with their content for daily insights into the faith. Gabe's Instagram and podcast offer a platform for hot takes, while Ali's podcast is a favorite for many. Both conversations are a privilege and a pleasure, reflecting the deep impact of Christianity on their lives.

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    Ep 1062 | Another School Shooting. What’s the Solution?

    Ep 1062 | Another School Shooting. What’s the Solution?
    Today, we're starting off with news of the tragic school shooting at Apalachee High School in Georgia. We explain the heartbreaking details and give some thoughts on how we can find comfort in the Lord in the midst of tragedy. Then, what really goes on at the infamous Burning Man, and why does it matter? Burning Man 2024 just ended, and we break down the festival's pagan roots and why it's yet another example of man's desperate need for meaning and for God. We look at some of the gross activities allowed at Burning Man and explain the parallels to idol worship in the Bible. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ Pre-order Allie's new book: https://a.co/d/4COtBxy --- Timecodes: (01:05) Georgia school shooting (17:50) Intro to Burning Man (40:12) Kids at Burning Man (45:00) Biblical parallels --- Today's Sponsors: EveryLife — The only premium baby brand that is unapologetically pro-life. EveryLife offers high-performing, supremely soft diapers and wipes that protect and celebrate every precious life. Head to EveryLife.com and use promo code ALLIE10 to get 10% of your first order today! America's Christian Credit Union - Switch to America's Christian Credit Union today for faith-aligned banking with exceptional rates and nationwide access, plus earn up to $500 in bonuses with promo code ALLIE—visit https://www.americaschristiancu.com/allie to get started! Hillsdale College— Hillsdale College is offering more than 40 free online courses on the works of C.S. Lewis, the stories in the book of Genesis, the meaning of the US Constitution, the rise and fall of the Roman Republic, or the history of the ancient Christian Church with Hillsdale College’s online courses, all available for FREE. Go to https://hillsdale.edu/relatable to enroll. NetSuite — gain visibility and control of your financials, planning, budgeting, and inventory so you can manage risk, get reliable forecasts, and improve margins. Go to NetSuite.com/ALLIE to get your one-of-a-kind flexible financing program. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 778 | Take Heart, Nashville: Evil Will Not Win https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-778-take-heart-nashville-evil-will-not-win/id1359249098?i=1000606357373 Ep 780 | No. I Won’t Let Them Blame Christians for Nashville https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-780-no-i-wont-let-them-blame-christians-for-nashville/id1359249098?i=1000606646211 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1061 | Venezuelan Gangs Have Taken Over Denver

    Ep 1061 | Venezuelan Gangs Have Taken Over Denver
    Today, we’re starting off with the heartwarming Ohio State University revival during which OSU football players shared their testimonies and called a crowd of more than 2,000 people to accept Christ into their lives. We look at some of these players’ speeches and why we’re encouraged for the young generation of Christians. Then, what’s going on with the gang activity in Colorado? We look at the policies that have led to gang infiltration in Aurora and why this is toxic empathy run amok. Then, Allie and Bri catch up after their time off.  Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ Pre-order Allie's new book: https://a.co/d/4COtBxy --- Timecodes: (03:43) Ohio State revival (15:32) Gangs take over Colorado (41:30) Kamala Harris' immigration policies (54:30) Catching up with Bri --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — use my code ALLIE to claim the Presidential Promo worth over $1,200 AND also claim $25 off your first box plus free express shipping and bring 100% American meat to your family meals until 2028. A’del — try A'del's hand-crafted, artisan, small-batch cosmetics and use promo code ALLIE 25% off your first time purchase at AdelNaturalCosmetics.com Patriot Mobile — go to PatriotMobile.com/ALLIE or call 972-PATRIOT and use promo code 'ALLIE' for a free month of service! Focus on the Family — subscribe to "Focus on the Family" with Jim Daly today on your favorite podcast platform or visit focusonthefamilywithJimDaly.com. Alliance Defending Freedom — my friends at Alliance Defending Freedom are offering you their free, practical guide called 3 Ways for Parents to Navigate Destructive Gender Ideology in Schools. Just go to joinADF.com/ALLIE to download the guide for free. --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 755 | Revival at Asbury University? https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-755-revival-at-asbury-university/id1359249098?i=1000599815420 Ep 958 | Laken Riley’s Preventable Murder https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-958-laken-rileys-preventable-murder/id1359249098?i=1000647283292 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1060 | Gold Star Families Roast Kamala Harris

    Ep 1060 | Gold Star Families Roast Kamala Harris
    Today, we’re discussing the six Israeli hostages brutally murdered in Gaza, one of whom was Israeli-American Hersh Goldberg-Polin, and why this tragedy deserves better coverage than it is getting. We also discuss Trump paying tribute to service members killed in the Afghanistan pullout and honoring Gold Star families. Meanwhile, Biden vacations in Delaware, and Kamala Harris doesn’t show up to pay respects to the service members at all. We also look at Kamala’s recent CNN interview and why her insistence that her policies haven’t changed is a flat-out lie. We also take a look at her economic policy, which boasts some rather socialist ideas. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ Pre-order Allie's new book: https://a.co/d/4COtBxy --- Timecodes: (00:55) Intro & announcements (08:53) Israeli hostages killed by Hamas (21:50) Gold Star families (41:04) Kamala’s CNN interview (46:10) Kamala’s economic policy --- Today's Sponsors: Pre-Born — Will you help rescue babies' lives? Donate by calling #250 & say keyword 'BABY' or go to Preborn.com/ALLIE. Jase Medical — Go to Jase.com and enter code “ALLIE” at checkout for a discount on your order. We Heart Nutrition — Get 20% off women's vitamins with We Heart Nutrition, where 10% of every purchase supports Pregnancy Care centers; use code ALLIE at https://www.WeHeartNutrition.com. Carly Jean Los Angeles — Get two pairs of jeans for the price of one using code ALLIESFREEJEANS at https://www.carlyjeanlosangeles.com --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1049 | Tim Walz: Deployment Dodging & Food Fraud https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1049-tim-walz-deployment-dodging-food-fraud/id1359249098?i=1000665073424 Ep 1045 | Kamala Harris: America’s Meanest Politician https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1045-kamala-harris-americas-meanest-politician/id1359249098?i=1000664407205 Ep 905 | What's Really Going On in Israel? | Guest: Josh Hammer https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-905-whats-really-going-on-in-israel-guest-josh-hammer/id1359249098?i=1000634310661 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    REPLAY | Question Your Doctor, Save Your Life | Guest: Dr. Casey Means

    REPLAY | Question Your Doctor, Save Your Life | Guest: Dr. Casey Means
    Today, we interview Stanford-trained physician Dr. Casey Means about her upcoming book "Good Energy: The Surprising Connection Between Metabolism and Limitless Health." Dr. Means' mission is to maximize human potential and reverse the epidemic of preventable chronic disease by empowering individuals with tech-enabled tools. She believes the underlying cause of chronic disease is metabolic dysfunction, and the cure to this dysfunction is available to every individual through smart and sustainable lifestyle choices. She shares her mother's tragic story as well as what the health care system gets wrong about our health. We also cover the dark truth about the money behind health care and where doctors' incentives could actually lie. Pre-order Dr. Means' book here: https://www.amazon.com/Good-Energy-Surprising-Connection-Metabolism/dp/0593712641 --- Timecodes: (01:30) Dr. Means' mom's story / metabolic dysfunction (19:30) "Trusting the science" (23:29) Financial incentives in healthcare (30:23) Medical school education (41:00) American health revolution (49:01) Body positivity (52:35) Importance of metabolic health (56:57) How to advocate for yourself --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 741 | How Functional Medicine Saved My Life | Guest: Taylor Dukes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000595318788 Ep 693 | The Disturbing Truth About Breast Cancer Awareness Month | Guest: Chris Work (Chris Beat Cancer) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000583065318 Ep 926 | The Secret Reason Doctors Push Cancer Drugs | Guest: Suzy Griswold https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/relatable-with-allie-beth-stuckey/id1359249098?i=1000640353494 --- Links: Follow Dr. Casey Means on her website here: https://www.caseymeans.com/contact Levels Health: https://www.levelshealth.com/ Read Dr. Means's article in The Free Press: https://www.thefp.com/p/im-a-doctor-you-shouldnt-always-trust-us --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

    Ep 1059 | After Tragedy, I Can’t Feel God. What Do I Do? | Q&A

    Ep 1059 | After Tragedy, I Can’t Feel God. What Do I Do? | Q&A
    Today, we answer your most pressing questions. From navigating friendships when your friends are deconstructing their faith, to discussing modesty in marriage, we provide insightful answers. We also share our thoughts on potential political careers, dream guests for the podcast, and even our favorite cereal! Plus, hear our take on the carnivore diet, balancing Christian values with constitutional freedom, and how to deal with a hostile work environment as a conservative. Get your tickets for Share the Arrows: https://www.sharethearrows.com/ Pre-order Allie's new book: https://a.co/d/4COtBxy --- Timecodes: (00:00) Introduction (00:47) Do you ever see yourself becoming a politician? (02:04) Do you think Kamala is attracting the majority of voters? (03:48) Dream guest on the podcast? (04:35) What's your favorite cereal? (06:10) Is your husband crunchy? (07:20) What’s your favorite pair of shoes? (07:52) What advice do you have for getting my mom's friends interested in politics/policy? (11:27) Thoughts on carnivore diet? (12:56) How do I deal with a hostile work environment (they gossip about me because I’m conservative)? (15:05) My pastor’s wife is now the new pastor of the church after her husband died. What should I do? (15:15) If you were an ice cream flavor, what would you be and why? (15:32) Thoughts on separate youth group/Sunday School classes for kids during church? (17:28) Who would you like to have dinner with (aside from AOC) on the Left? (18:18) How to navigate friendships with people in different life stages (I’m a mom and my friends are not) (21:13) If you could have ANYONE for president, who would it be? (21:45) How do I deal with a friend who is deconstructing? (24:18) After multiple tragedies, I’ve found myself stepping away from the church due to anger, frustration, and hurt. Thoughts on how to find answers? (29:32) Anything big on your bucket list? (30:46) What non-Christian group do you enjoy engaging with the most? (32:14) How do I biblically honor my unbelieving mother who has some narcissistic traits? (33:16) If you and your husband were dog breeds what would you be? (34:02) Should husbands be able to dictate what their wife wears for modesty standards? (38:41) How do we as Christians balance constitutional freedom of religion with wanting our values to be represented and displayed through society and government systems?onstitutional freedom of religion with wanting our values to be represented and displayed through society and government systems? --- Today's Sponsors: Good Ranchers — Fire up the grill this Labor Day with premium American meat from GoodRanchers.com—use code ALLIE for $25 off, free shipping, and a free add-on for a whole year! Jase Medical - Enter now for a chance to win a Jase Case for life at https://www.jase.com/allie , and use promo code “ALLIE” at checkout for a discount—giveaway ends August 31st! We Heart Nutrition - Get 20% off women's vitamins with We Heart Nutrition, where 10% of every purchase supports Pregnancy Care centers; use code ALLIE at https://www.WeHeartNutrition.com. Carly Jean Los Angeles - Get two pairs of jeans for the price of one using code ALLIESFREEJEANS at https://www.carlyjeanlosangeles.com --- Relevant Episodes: Ep 1056 | “Open Womb” Theology: When Can Christians Stop Having Kids? | Q&A https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1056-open-womb-theology-when-can-christians-stop/id1359249098?i=1000666289494 Ep 1058 | Ex-Witch Reveals LA’s Dark World of Sex Cults and Blood Offerings | Guest: Jac Marino Chen https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ep-1058-ex-witch-reveals-las-dark-world-of-sex-cults/id1359249098?i=1000666820850 --- Buy Allie's book, You're Not Enough (& That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love: https://alliebethstuckey.com/book Relatable merchandise – use promo code 'ALLIE10' for a discount: https://shop.blazemedia.com/collections/allie-stuckey Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices

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    Check out the Mama Bear Apologetics website.
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    Need some help? Write to us at Counselor@TruthLoveParent.com.

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    Every year we long for the perfect holiday season: Why can’t everyone be in town for Christmas? Why can’t the family get along? Why do the kids fight when we drive around to look at Christmas lights? Why are some gifts broken before you open them?

    But the truth is: The first Christmas wasn’t picture perfect either. Stinky shepherds, no room in the inn for a pregnant family, and even infanticide initiated the holy day that we expect to “run seamlessly.” That’s exactly why baby Jesus IS hope. The world is very imperfect…but God is with us.

    Adult themes in this sermon may not be appriopate for children under age of 12.

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