
    About this Episode

    In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we recapped our last ten episodes. Because I revealed that the last ten episodes were the completion of Level 1: The Foundational Principles for Finances! We reminisced about the importance of ditching our old mindset and adopting wisdom and strategy toward money. We wrapped up by declaring that we can rewire our minds to grow our money, starting, today! Join me on our journey to financial freedom!

    Recent Episodes from MONEY MINDS BY MONE

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    Ep20: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 6

    In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we conclude our Evolve series by unlocking how to be mentally and physically healthy so that we can reach our success goals. Listen in as I give you tips on things you can do, starting today, that will positively impact you mentally and physically. Join us on this journey of evolving into a better version of ourselves!

    Ep18: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 4

    Ep18: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 4

    In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we continue the discussion on evolving into the best version of ourselves. And that includes becoming a wise person. Attaining wisdom. But not just any ol' wisdom! Listen in and I'll explain what I mean. And as we go on this journey to learn about wisdom, I unlock the characteristics of a wise person. Jewels, jewels! I'm dropping them this week!

    Ep17: It's Time to Evolve! - Part 3

    Ep17: It's Time to Evolve! - Part 3

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    Ep16: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 2

    Ep16: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 2

    In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we continue our evolution of ourselves by discussing how we can become organized. Now, I don't mean that we will be keeping things organized, I mean, that we will BE organized as a person, in everything we do. Don't worry. I unlock what I mean and break things down into actionable items. Come listen and see what I mean!

    Ep15: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 1

    Ep15: It's Time To Evolve! - Part 1

    In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we start our evolution into the best version of ourselves! And what better way to kick off this series than with Discipline? Yes, discipline. Discipline is the glue that will hold us on our journey when times get tough. In this episode, we unlock the blueprint of discipline and we begin an exercise that will help us to chart our evolve journey. Join me as we chart how we will attain Ourselves 2.0 starting with discipline!

    Ep14: What's Driving You

    Ep14: What's Driving You

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    Ep12: Having A Legacy Mindset

    Ep12: Having A Legacy Mindset

    In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we unlock the driving force behind having a legacy mindset. We realize that in order for us to attain wealth, we must first think outside of ourselves. So we can't be selfish. We also realize that seeking the one who provides all good things is the best way never to lack what we need. Join us to uncover whether your mind is ready to trek the trek of legacy!

    Ep11: Starting A New Journey

    Ep11: Starting A New Journey

    In this episode of Money Minds by Moné, we recapped our last ten episodes. Because I revealed that the last ten episodes were the completion of Level 1: The Foundational Principles for Finances! We reminisced about the importance of ditching our old mindset and adopting wisdom and strategy toward money. We wrapped up by declaring that we can rewire our minds to grow our money, starting, today! Join me on our journey to financial freedom!