
    Podcast Summary

    • Barney meets two ghost hunters in the woodsBarney meets Susie and Hannah, passionate ghost hunters, who share their experiences and superstitions, discussing their upcoming episode and personal lives.

      Barney encountered a mysterious woman in the woods while driving home, only to discover they were hosting a ghost hunting show. The women, Susie Preece and Hannah Bichkovski, welcomed Barney to their show and shared their experiences from their previous investigations. Along the way, they discussed various superstitions, such as the grape and grain rule, and shared their excitement for their upcoming episode. The conversation also touched on their personal lives, including Susie's fear of a dog and Hannah's new piercing. The women's enthusiasm for the paranormal was evident as they discussed their experiences and the tools they use, such as Himalayan rock salt, to ward off negative spirits. Barney, who had heard strange piano music on his way to their location, shared his own recent paranormal encounter. Overall, the conversation showcased the women's passion for the unknown and their dedication to exploring the world of the supernatural.

    • Unexpected experiences and eerie feelingsSometimes unexpected experiences, like hearing a familiar song or seeing a flash of light, can leave us feeling uneasy or scared.

      Sometimes unexpected experiences, like hearing a song that seems to appear out of nowhere, can be eerie and leave us feeling uneasy or even scared. This was the case for the speaker in the conversation, who was startled by a busker singing Ed Sheeran and then saw a flash of light while riding home late at night. These experiences, along with the mention of a creepy story called "The Black Eyed Woman," created an atmosphere of fear and suspense. The conversation also touched on the topic of research and preparation for a podcast, with the speakers admitting they had done minimal research on the topic and discussing their plans for a scary story.

    • Encountering the Mysterious Woman in the WoodsBarney's sense of responsibility led him to help a woman in the woods, despite feeling uneasy and uncertain. However, her strange behavior left him with more questions than answers.

      Barney found a woman in the woods who appeared to be eyeless and shoeless, and despite feeling uneasy and vulnerable, he decided to help her get home. The woman's pale appearance and black, unblinking eyes made Barney feel uneasy, but he couldn't abandon her in the woods. He gave her his leather jacket and helped her onto his motorcycle, but when he turned around to confirm that she was following, he found that she was nowhere to be seen. Barney's encounter with the woman left him feeling bummed and confused, and he couldn't help but wonder what had really happened. The situation highlighted Barney's sense of responsibility and his willingness to help others, even in the face of fear and uncertainty. However, the mysterious woman and her strange behavior left him with more questions than answers.

    • Encountering the UnknownPerceptions and emotions can be influenced by environment and experiences. Fear and unease can be heightened in the dark and unknown, but in reality, things may not be as terrifying.

      Fear and unease can be heightened in the dark and unknown, but in the light of day, things may not seem as terrifying. In the text, a man named Barney encounters a woman with black eyes who sneaks up on him while he's on his motorbike. He feels a sense of dread and unease, but when he returns the next day, the woman and her house appear normal. The woman disappears after Barney tries to retrieve his jacket, leaving him feeling relieved but also puzzled. This experience highlights how our perceptions and emotions can be influenced by the environment and our experiences. Additionally, the text shows how the use of language and imagery can create a sense of suspense and unease, making the reader feel as if they are experiencing the events alongside the characters.

    • Barney's mistake leads to a shocking discoveryBarney's encounter with a deceased woman led him to question the fragility of life and the importance of clarifying misunderstandings

      Barney's encounter with the woman at the yellow house revealed a shocking truth. He had mistaken a deceased woman, named Emily Jones, for a living one. The elderly woman who answered the door was Emily's mother, and she had died two years prior. Barney's confusion and disbelief led him to flee the scene, haunted by the experience. The incident left a lasting impact on him, causing him to lose sleep and appetite. Despite the unsettling outcome, Barney couldn't help but feel drawn to the story, unable to shake it from his mind. The experience served as a grim reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of clarifying misunderstandings before jumping to conclusions.

    • People's unusual behavior during crisesApproach situations with caution and skepticism as people may hide the truth or act in unusual ways during crises, potentially leading to danger.

      People often hide the truth or act in unusual ways during times of crisis, leading to confusion and potential danger. This was evident in the first story where a man hid Emily's body instead of calling the police after an accident. In the second story, a former police officer shared a disturbing case of a woman who claimed her boyfriend was trying to kill her, but when they arrived, they found no sign of him. The man's unusual behavior added to the mystery and emphasized the importance of approaching situations with caution and skepticism. Additionally, both stories contained eerie elements, such as ghostly apparitions and unexplained phenomena, adding to the intrigue and suspense.

    • Encountering Privacy and RespectApproach situations with caution and respect for others' privacy and safety. Don't jump to conclusions based on appearances or assumptions. Communication is key.

      Appearances can be deceiving, and it's important to approach situations with caution and respect for others' privacy and safety. Mason and Bradley, two officers, were called to a scene where they believed a woman was in distress. However, they discovered that she was not in immediate danger and was just protecting her own privacy. Throughout the encounter, the woman communicated with them through the door, revealing that she knew their names but refused to reveal hers. Despite their initial eagerness to identify her, they eventually respected her wishes and left the scene without further incident. The experience left them both shaken and made them realize the importance of respecting boundaries and not jumping to conclusions based on assumptions. The encounter also highlighted the power of communication and the impact of words, as the woman's voice was able to convey a sense of authority and intimidation despite not being seen in person.

    • A woman's chilling encounter with an enlarging figureA woman describes a bizarre experience of seeing a figure grow larger as they drive away, leaving room for interpretation on its accuracy.

      The text describes a woman's eerie experience of seeing a strange figure outside a house, which she believes grew to the size of a building as they drove away. However, the ending leaves room for interpretation, as it's unclear whether the woman's perception was accurate or if it was just her imagination. The conversation between the speakers also touches on topics like police procedures, heroism, and the power of storytelling. Overall, the text creates a suspenseful atmosphere and highlights the importance of communication and understanding in resolving uncertainty.

    • Demi Lovato explores the paranormal with friends in TV show 'Unidentified'Demi Lovato's TV show 'Unidentified' investigates paranormal phenomena, including hauntings and alien sightings, with friends and experts.

      Demi Lovato, known for her singing career, has a deep interest in the paranormal and aliens. She started a TV show called "Unidentified" where she investigates such phenomena with her friends. They visited a supposedly haunted mining town, Vulture City, where the owners claimed to have seen aliens and ghosts. The owners may have invited Demi for publicity, as they claimed to have seen paranormal activity countless times. Demi's sister, Dallas, who is also part of the show, is intrigued by the paranormal and wears a black choker as a sign of her interest. They brought in ghost hunters and medicine men to help investigate. The site was once a brothel, and two of the former prostitutes were still alive, while one, named Carmen, had passed away. The group asked if it was Carmen's spirit they were sensing. The investigation involved using various equipment, and there were reports of strange occurrences. Demi's passion for the paranormal and aliens is evident throughout the show.

    • An unexpected bond forms between Demi Lovato and a ghost named CarmenUnexpected connections and communications can be formed, even with the supernatural world, through empathy and understanding of unresolved traumas.

      In the Hey You podcast episode featuring Demi Lovato and ghost hunting, an unexpected connection was made between Demi and a ghost named Carmen. The ghost was initially perceived as unfriendly towards men, leading the men to leave the room, leaving Demi alone with the ghost. In this moment, Demi sang a song, "Skyscraper," and the ghost reacted positively, revealing that the ghost had unresolved trauma. Meanwhile, Demi's sister, Dallas, heard her singing in another room and thought a different ghost was singing. The episode showcased an unexpected bond between Demi and the ghost, demonstrating that even in the most unusual circumstances, communication and connection can be formed. Additionally, Demi's unique singing voice added an unexpected element to the ghost hunting experience. Overall, the episode highlighted the potential for unexpected connections and communications with the supernatural world.

    • A game designed to help focus leads to a ghost encounterA game meant to improve focus resulted in an intense, scary experience that left the participant believing he encountered a ghost.

      The game described in the conversation, which involved a series of bizarre and violent actions, was intended to help the participant focus and concentrate. However, the experience was so intense that it left the participant feeling authentic and scared, leading him to believe he had encountered a ghost in a church where he worked. The ghost story involved a worker who fell through the roof and died on a churchgoer, and the pastor's encounter with a man in the basement who vanished without explanation. The pastor, who initially didn't believe in ghosts, was left baffled and convinced otherwise. The game and the ghost story both emphasized the importance of focus and concentration, but also highlighted the mysterious and unexplainable nature of certain experiences.

    • Mysterious encounters at a churchA woman felt haunted by unexplained supernatural experiences at a church, including seeing a disappearing man, hearing whispers, and seeing a little girl and man in the window. She was left feeling scared and uncertain, considering her past for answers.

      The woman in the discussion experienced unexplained supernatural encounters at a church, which left her feeling terrified and haunted. She saw a man who disappeared and reappeared, heard whispers of "you're mine," and saw a little girl and man in the window. She also heard mumbled phrases that sounded like "elephant juice" or "whore me," but the meaning remained unclear. The woman decided to stop going to the church at night and even considered looking into her past to understand if there was a connection to her death. The overall experience left her feeling scared and unsure of what was happening to her. It's important to note that the interpretation of the phrases is unclear and open to speculation.

    Recent Episodes from Ghost Huns

    EP83: Malaria and Strep

    EP83: Malaria and Strep

    This week Big Suze has strep and Hannah discusses her health kick. Book recs include The Hunting Party & The Stalker and we find out what happened when hannah met Kerry Catona!

    Stories this week:

    Hannah has a tale about clicking fingers outside a window

    Big S tells us about a college crush that has ... come back 

    Creep of the week is from Paris - thank you hun - we always knew hannah was a ghost...


    WE ARE COMING TO EDINBURGH FRINGE - TIX BELOW! https://linktr.ee/ghosthunspod 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 24, 2024

    EP82: Leash my son up, Jebbifer

    EP82: Leash my son up, Jebbifer

    It's a BONANZA THIS WEEK cos we're feeling so generous. Creeps APLENTY for you huns. Big S and Hannah got pissed in Richmond yesterday and are in good spirits today - on the menu we have:

    - Brenda and a spirit who won't let go...

    - Grizzly tale from Big S about a sister who isn't all she seems....

    - Hannah takes us to meet Samantha Amber and Jenny in a cabin in the WOODS (stunning)

    - Something in the woods calls back from H

    - Big S tells us about the mad bastards Atticus and  imaginary Jeb 

    - Hannah finishes with a story with a cautionary message - DON'T OPEN THE DOOR 

    Creep of the Week is from Tegan! Ty HUN - we won't think about MJ the same!! 

    We of course end with an urban legend from Japan.




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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 17, 2024

    EP81: The Orange Man

    EP81: The Orange Man

    This week Big Suze is off to the tarot mountain and Hannah kicks us off with a Halloween story about a man in a mask... 

    We then get a KidsAreCreepyAF story about a psychic child, a tall man in Tweed is following you backwards, an unsettling tale from Sulham Hill in BERKSHIRE, Hannah tells us about a spooky figure in a field and of course... our creep of the week is...

    from Susannah! All we'll say is.. footprints in the snow... ty hun!

    We finish with some cartomancy (suzie reads hannah's future with a deck of playing cards. v legit).





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    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! Sign up here:


    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 10, 2024

    EP80: Burglarising

    EP80: Burglarising

    This week we hear about Hannah's saucy inappropriate dream, our gorgey Oxford show and a ghostly reccomendation (haunted castle anyone?), the huns went on holiday and we let you hear a sneak peak into our time at SHREWSBURY PRISON (it got proper scary). 

    Stories to get your heart nice and icy include - a wife shivering outside, Isabella and Chloe on a big night out to the club and a train journey that is deeply disconcerting...

    Creep of the Week is from GRACE! Ty hun! We'll call this one... "let me out"...

    ENJOY HUNS xoxo




    EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 03, 2024

    EP79: Thrashing Around

    EP79: Thrashing Around

    We hear about the outcome of the wax, whether men should wear leggings and Big Suze nearly dies when falling off her chair. Almost. 

    Dive in this week for a story about a haunted flat in Kensington... Hannah tells us a story about Marina and her thrashing and BIG S regales us with a creepy story about people who go missing in the rain. Drip drip drip. 

    Creep of the Week is from E - it's a spooky short story!

    Finally - more spirit writing... let's all get haunted. 

    ENJOY huns xoxo



    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! 

    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 27, 2024

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    The huns went on a Big Night Out and we find out about how many wines were drunken. Expect hungover chaos energy on this one. No change there then. 

    Big S kicks us off with a story about a couple taking the back roads... and Hannah takes us to South Korea for a terrifying school story... 1..2...1..2... 

    Creep of the week is from Debbie in Australia (soz for accents in advance Deb) and her experience of a road trip to the Picton Tunnels. 

    We cover all sorts this eppy - getting a wax on your period, a review of the horror film BagHead and does anyone know of the Creepers books?? 

    Hannah rounds it off with a story about Scarecrow (it's giving Goosebumps).

    Finally - We Get Haunted So You Don't Have To (WGHSYDHT) (really rolls off the tongue) - we attempt to contact a dead celeb. 

    ENJOY huns xx



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    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 20, 2024

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    This week Suzie is ratty and Hannah is worried about putin and her KeysPersePhone. The huns are shattered and knackered so expect weird hyper vibes in the studio.

    We kick off with a very strange story about sneaking into high school reunions.... (we apol in advance for the horrific accents scattered throughout this eppy), a tale about a hearse drive-by and a gorge Creep of the Week by Maggie from Argentina!!

    Finally BS predicts how Hannah's weekend is gonna go through the use of ONE TAROT card... it gets creepy as fuck guys.

    Stay safe and spookeh


    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 13, 2024

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    It's EPPY 76 huns (we get it wrong in the intro - our brains have melted... soz.) We get a nice update about BigS and her boobs, Hannah is being dead sexeh and generally things are Very Funny. Hilarious. We hear about a breakfast mugging and whilst we are here, please don't stop making brownies Terri.

    Stories this week - a text exchange between Dad and son, a whatsapp ghost story from Emma, a riddle about how a cheating husband story ends, Big Suze tells us a short spooky story concerning suicide(TW) which Hannah debunks and our Creep of the Week is from Lileth (names have been changed) about a TRUE CRIME case-ongoing story. Ty for sending it in!

    We end with an electronic ouija board... what do we find?

    Oh, and the huns end-end with some war-mongering.

    ENJOY!!!! xoxo

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    EP75: Lynn's Origin Story

    EP75: Lynn's Origin Story

    This week there' a lot of tit and toilet talk. It's outrageous. But amongst the filthy chaos, we ALSO bring you the spooks.

    First up is Part 2 of the crow story (will Madison ever be found?), Hannah tells a story about a haunted toilet, stranger danger in a car park, another haunted toilet, an ACTUAL TRUE CRIME TOILET HORROR and a gorgey Creep of the Week from Kate! Ty hun - expect shadowy bedroom horror.... no thank yew Elliot.

    We round off with more telepathy and we hope you enjoy HITW xxx

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




    JOIN OUR PATREON! EXTRA bonus episodes AND a monthly ghost hunt for just £4.50! Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    EP74: "Burn her"

    EP74: "Burn her"

    The huns discuss scams, Baby Reindeer and dogging. The episode also gets very witchy (history, accusations and hexes).

    Grab a mug of something strong and settle in for some creepy tales of a spooky murder house (lyca? don't even know her), a history lesson from Hannah about witches and Helen Duncan who was imprisoned for being a witch in the 1940s, Part 1 of a story about the gifts of CROWS and finally we round off with a chilling one about the nice neighbours next door....

    Enjoy huns!


    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




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    Get $100 off your first month with Talkspace by using code ENCOUNTERS at https://www.talkspace.com/ If you hear a familiar voice in the deep dark woods, you'd better be COMPLETELY sure it's who you think it is - Otherwise, it'll be the last thing you ever hear. Follow and Rate Tales from the Break Room please!  SPOTIFY: https://open.spotify.com/show/4BGHdnQuX6frU5SfKXCi0T APPLE: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/tales-from-the-break-room/id1621075170 OTHER: https://pod.link/1621075170 Join EERIECAST PLUS to unlock ad-free episodes and support this show! https://www.eeriecast.com/plus TIMESTAMPS (May not be accurate due to automatic ad-placement) 0:00 INTRO 0:45 Superstition or Reality from Returner0173 16:00 9 Months of Torment from Anonymous 29:52 Demonic Lady from rosiegonerosie 36:51 Skinwalker in the Upper Peninsula from Gameshark 42:45 It Followed Me Home from D. Allen 45:50 Liutenant Dan's Enemy from SatansBae 52:04 What's Stalking My House from Luna1026 55:38 The Fire Alarm from gryffindor92 1:01:46 A Walk Home from Anonymous CREDITS: Music by me aka Dark Music! LINKS:  Join my DISCORD: https://discord.gg/5Wj9RqTR3w Follow us on Spotify! https://open.spotify.com/show/3mNZyXkaJPLwUwcjkz6Pv2 Follow and Review us on iTunes! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/darkness-prevails-podcast-true-horror-stories/id1152248491   Submit Your Story Here: https://www.darkstories.org/ Get Darkness Prevails Podcast Merchandise! https://teespring.com/stores/darknessprevails Subscribe on YouTube for More Stories! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh_VbMnoL4nuxX_3HYanJbA?sub_confirmation=1 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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    Et si vous aviez déjà tout à l'intérieur de vous ? Et si l'important était de vous en rappeler et de le vivre concrètement ?

    Je suis heureuse de vous partager les premières pages de mon livre "5 Portes de l'intuition", best seller chez Hachette dans la collection "Lotus et l'éléphant". 

    Je vous partage mes premiers pas étant enfant et comment ma relation à l'intuition a évolué..

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    Vous avez aimé ce passage ? Procurez-vous le livre chez vous et développez encore plus votre intuition. Achetez-le chez votre libraire préféré ou commandez-le en ligne.


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    Abonnez-vous et ajoutez une note positive !

    Si vous avez une question sur l'intuition, ajoutez-la en commentaire. Je serai heureuse de vous lire et de pouvoir vous répondre.

    Si vous avez envie de découvrir mon univers Happy Turtle (la tortue joyeuse), rendez-vous sur mon blog !

    Recevez gratuitement les 3 clés pour écouter son âme en cliquant ici.

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