
    EP3.3 Helping your team thrive through crisis: Kanina Blanchard, Professor at Ivey Business School

    enMay 05, 2020

    About this Episode

    In this episode, Kanina Blanchard discusses:

    • Her one big message for leaders during Covid-19 (01:31)
    • Why it’s important to create a game plan for surviving a crisis (02:56)
    • Why you should think about how your actions will be judged in the long term (03:22)
    • The three C’s to keep in mind in a crisis (04:16)
    • What great crisis planning looks like (05:38)
    • What professional athletes teach us about preparing for a crisis (06:16)
    • The importance of including diverse perspectives in crisis planning (07:12)
    • Why it’s never too late to address a crisis (09:07)
    • What leaders can be doing right now to deal with he impact of Covid-19 (09:53)
    • The one aspect of culture she’d like to see leaders focus on right now (15:05)
    • How to build collaboration and connection virtually (16:33)
    • Why you shouldn’t try to be a superhero (18:50)
    • Positive lessons from Covid-19 (21:04)
    • What she does to recharge (23:51)

    Kanina’s advice for leaders:

    • Align your game plan with your values (03:06)
    • Listen and show empathy (03:44)
    • Prepare for worst-case scenario (06:55)
    • Let yourself be uncomfortable (08:26)
    • Think about who you (and your company) want to be when the crisis is over (09:30)
    • Communicate in a way that creates trust (11:27)
    • Make sure your actions and words match – and are consistent with your values (12:15)
    • Don’t expect to have all the answers (13:05)
    • Keep your employees’ needs in mind (17:57)
    • Practice self-care (19:38)


    More about Kanina Blanchard:

     Kanina Blanchard has led teams through crisis on four different continents, and is recognized for her ability to adapt, lead teams and projects, and navigate complexities across various sectors. She has extensive experience working in international business, the public service, non-profit and consulting in areas that include organizational and communication challenges as well as issues, crisis and change management.

    Blanchard has coached thousands of CEOs, C-Suite executives and emerging leaders seeking to grow and develop their character, competencies and commitment over the last 30 years.  She is committed to providing targeted and customized strategic solutions to challenges that impact organizational and leadership brand, reputation and bottom line. 

    She is a lecturer in management communications and general management at the Ivey Business School, the recipient of the Margaret Haughey Master’s Award for Best Master’s Thesis, and is currently working toward her PhD.

    More about TILTCO:

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat who has over 20 years of leadership consulting experience with McKinsey & Company, Accenture and now TILTCO Inc.

     More about The Ivey Academy:

    The Ivey Academy at Ivey Business School is the home for executive Learning and Development (L&D) in Canada. It is Canada’s only full-service L&D house, blending Financial Times top-ranked university-based executive education with talent assessment, instructional design and strategy, and behaviour change sustainment

    Links to additional resources:




    Memorable quote:

    “Especially in a time of crisis, leaders need to ensure that what’s being done is the right thing and that it’s being done the right way.”

    Full Transcript:

    TINEKE KEESMAAT: LeaderLab is focused on having inspiring leaders share their stories and practical leadership tips to help others be more effective. Today is April 19, 2020 and leaders across the globe are in the uncharted world of dealing with the global health pandemic of coronavirus. There's no perfect playbook for leaders as they tackle the enormous social, emotional, and economic challenges brought on by COVID-19. Our next few episodes will be focused on how leaders are managing through these times. And our hope is that by sharing these leadership stories, we can find ways to help each other navigate through the uncertainty of COVID-19.
    ANNOUNCER: Welcome to LeaderLab, where we talk to experts about how leaders can excel in a modern world. Helping leaders for over 20 years, your host, Tineke Keesmaat.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: Today I'm excited to chat with Kanina Blanchard. Kanina is a recognized public affairs and policy leader who has led teams internationally through crisis, challenge, and change. From bomb threats to environmental and human health disasters, she has helped teams and leaders in both the private and public sector navigate their toughest scenarios. Kanina is a lecturer at the Ivey Business School, where she focuses her research in the areas of women in leadership and responsible leadership.
    Kanina wants to help leaders navigate successfully through COVID-19 by being purposeful, empowering, and passionate so they cannot just survive, but find a way to thrive into the future. Kanina, thank you so much for joining me on today's LeaderLab. I'd like to start by asking you, what's the one big message you want leaders to take away from our conversation today?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: I think what we all need to do is start by stopping. And what I mean is to stop. Stop and take a step back from the firefight we find ourselves in. Because in times of crisis, whatever that crisis may be-- if it's a family issue or an illness, or some of my lived experience includes bomb threats and fires and explosions-- that we need to take a step back because we fall into this loop. And this loop is one where we have a sense of fear. We have a sense of powerlessness, a loss of control.
    And there is this deep need to do something. And that itself creates a problem, because we just do. And we keep doing. And we're driven by this sort of primal instinct, because actually doing something in the middle of a crisis feels good.
    But that's not good enough, not for a leader. And especially in a time of crisis, leaders need to ensure that what's being done is the right thing and that it's being done the right way.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: I love that. So really, although we want to just act, act, act, what I'm hearing you say is pause and make sure that you are being purposeful. From a practical lens, what do you think leaders need to be thinking about as they're creating their crisis game plan?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Our game plan for surviving the crisis, but hopefully thriving when this is over, is an important place to start. And not just on what you need to get done, but the why you're doing it-- align those to your values and think about who you want to be remembered as when this is over. So not just you-- your team, your organization.
    And sometimes when we think about these items, we may make some different decisions. Perhaps we still have to do what we have to do. For example, we're having to let people go. But how do we let people go, that matters. That matters for the kind of relationship you will have, the reputation you will have on the back end.
    So listen more. Demonstrate through your words and actions that you care about we, not just me. So don't sit back and make decisions in a crisis and articulate them. Involve others. Help other people be purposeful. Find a reason yourself to be passionate, and remember that your attitude as a leader is truly contagious. And this may be a bad play on words, but truly think about, what do you want to be spreading right now as a leader?
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: I know you talk about the 3 C's-- so crisis management, communication, and culture. And you've encouraged leaders in other talks to think about those three areas as they navigate through. So I'd love to spend a bit of time unpacking those and sharing your thoughts and tips. So if we can start with crisis management, can you talk to me about what that means?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: In a crisis, we need to lead and we need to manage. But it's not business as usual. So when we talk about leadership in times of crisis, there needs to be a plan. We need to prepare to manage and lead through crisis. And we need to, hopefully, have practiced and been prepared to deal with the absolutely-not-business-as-usual challenges that come up.
    I think about how many clients and people I speak to right now who say, you know, we've been trying to get a work from home policy in place for years and the company said no way. And now there are so many monitors being delivered to people's homes. So how do we manage? How do we adapt? How do we take on a mindset that we can manage through crisis?
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: Can you talk to me a bit about planning? What does great planning look like in this context?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: If we're going to actually lead through crisis, we have to accept that a crisis is different and that there are different emotions and different challenges. And it's uncomfortable to do this. So in a lot of large organizations and in my own professional career, we've done a lot of crisis management planning where we get down into the deep, the dirty, and sometimes the ugly and uncomfortable stories about what keeps us up at night.
    What is it that we're afraid of, the worst-case scenarios? And we live in a bit of a culture where we don't want to talk about those things. And this is where we can take guidance from professional athletes and professionals in fields like astronauts, who a huge part of their life is to plan for the unexpected and to plan for the worst-case scenario.
    I love this story that Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, the very well-known Canadian figure skating champions, talk about-- that when they were practicing for the Olympics, they basically had a protocol where their coach would do the completely unexpected-- where the music would die, where the lights would go off-- and they could continue their performance regardless. So they planned for that. So plan for continuation of your operations and those scenarios that you are most concerned about.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: And preparing, what does that look like?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Preparing looks like bringing the right people to the table to do the work. And this seems kind of obvious, but one of the things that happens is we bring people around the table who are like us, who think like us, who focus on the things we focus on. But in a crisis, what we need to do is think about our audiences, our stakeholders from a very broad perspective and bring to the table those people who truly represent the voice of our communities, of our suppliers, of government, of other stakeholders.
    And so to prepare in a way that is mindful of not only kind of our worst-case scenarios or situations that we would normally not want to deal with, but to do it with people and get the insights of the people that matter the most, which is our audience in these situations.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: Fantastic. And finally, practicing-- what do leaders need to think about there?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Absolutely. So you know, it's funny. When I work with a lot of my clients, when I work with students, we do things like role plays or situations or scenarios. And some people love that, and some people are absolutely petrified.
    And I tell you, if you're petrified and I'm working with you, I am putting you on point, because we need to get past that. We literally need to practice stepping into the roles, making decisions, taking risk, and learning that there will be failure. There will be failure.
    And this sort of leads to this idea of communications and culture, and why it's so important to be able to manage through a crisis.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: So Kanina, this sounds amazing. But I'm sure there's some people listening to you saying, gosh, I wish I had heard Kanina a year ago, because I would have done the plan, prepare, and practice. But now they're living through COVID. Is it too late for them? How do you talk to leaders about what they can do in the moment if they haven't had the opportunity to do your three P's before?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: It's not too late. It's never too late. In fact, we know in life there are some crises and issues that we can prepare for and some things that just hit us out of the blue. So we can absolutely bring our best self forward when things start to unravel. And for a lot of us, things are unraveling right now. So what do we do?
    Let's think about, have we thought through who do we want to be when this crisis is over? Have we planned for who we want to be at the end of this? Have we brought the right people together to talk about and prepare for not only doing what we're doing today better, but preparing for this crisis is not over. And if we're just living in the moment and focusing on the short-term, we're missing both other risks as well as other opportunities. So use this time to prepare.
    Then the last thing is we can still practice. We can practice, because when we realize that the most important thing we can be doing as leaders right now is not only stepping up into managing and leading through the crisis, but being the best communicators we can be and ensuring that our culture is one that's going to support us through this initiative and this challenge. We can be focused on what's coming. And that's going to help us, hopefully, thrive.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: You bring us to the last two parts of your three C's. Communications was one that you mentioned up top. Can you talk to me a bit about what leaders should be doing or how they should be communicating during these uncertain times?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Everything that you've been taught from a communications perspective, from a leadership communications perspective in normal business operations, applies today. But it is magnified and it is amplified. So do you communicate with your audiences? Are you authentic in your communications? Are you transparent? Are you consistent?
    Now, when I say things like "transparent" and "authentic," let's be clear, this isn't about saying whatever is on your mind. This is about putting your audience first. It's about purpose. As a leader, when you communicate you are purposeful in trying to motivate, inspire, compel, and influence others. When you communicate in a crisis, that's even more important. But it needs to be done in a way that people believe and they trust.
    I've had clients, as well as people that I've been talking with, who've said, look, my company is saying all the right things, but no one believes it. They're not making us feel like they're doing the right things. And that's key about communicating as a leader.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: I know some of the people that I've been talking to have raised this point around consistency of message during these times. Their leaders are saying one thing but then doing something else. Can you talk to me about that, how that comes to play and why it matters?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: So when we talk about our values and all of these issues, what we say has to reflect who we are as an organization, who we are as people. And then we need to be very mindful to be consistent with that. So if we say to our employees in today's world that your health and welfare matters the most but then we back it up with actions and tell people to just go do things and take a risk, there isn't that consistency between what's being said and then what's being asked.
    So that is really important, because that is your legacy through this crisis. Will people, including your own employees as well as your customers in the community, be able to trust you based on what you did? Don't expect that you are going to have all the answers, that things are going to work at the same pace, that things are going to happen exactly the way that everybody would have expected them in normal times.
    But as a leader, set expectations. But work with people to bring their best selves forward. And you do that by connecting with people at the emotional level. And we could say, well, you know, how do you do that when everyone is leading at a distance?
    So there's lots of literature on this topic. But at a very simple tricks and tips level that I would love to see people truly take in, if you're talking to somebody, you're trying to build connection, stop looking at your screen and look at where your camera is. Because the reality is that most of us are speaking on cameras most of the day while we're looking down at someone on the screen. Or we might be looking at ourselves on the screen.
    What other people are seeing is you looking down at them. Lift your head, and know that that little aperture of your camera is your audience. And care enough to look at them and talk to them clearly, authentically, with purpose. Be values-based, and connect with them as human beings right now. That's what's going to motivate them to bring their best selves forward.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: The last of your C's was around culture. I'm curious, Kanina, what do you think are the most important elements of culture that leaders need to get right during COVID-19?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Well, there's so much about culture, right? It's hard to change a culture in the middle of a crisis in some ways, because we bring everything that we have been to that moment. However, crises create an incredible opportunity and a raison d'etre, or creates a bias for action. And so if there was one part of culture that I would love to see leaders focus on right now is collaboration.
    If we lose touch and if we lose connection with people at this time, the good parts of our culture will start to erode. And in the vacuum of collaboration and connection, we will drive movement toward people feeling more isolated, less purposeful, perhaps not knowing where their place is-- which will create more fear. I know this adds a burden to a lot of leaders. It's spending more time trying to connect. But creating opportunities for people to bring their best selves forward to collaborate on aspects of your business continuity plan and your future plan right now can do more to keep your employees, your customers engaged and motivated than anything.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: Any practical tips or insights about how to build collaboration when everyone is working at home and has slightly variant schedules and potentially is distracted by their own personal issues or complexities? Any suggestions for folks on how to build virtual connection?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Absolutely. There are so many, and we only have so much time. But just a few ideas. One, be patient. Everyone is in a different place. And what we know about communications as a field is that different people resonate with different kinds of communication.
    So some people read. Some people are auditory. Some people are visual. So keep in mind that if your goal through your communication is to ensure understanding or build awareness or to create collaboration, you need to think about that all your employees or your stakeholders are also different. And so just doing things one way blanket in one email doesn't mean you've communicated. All that means is you've sent out information.
    So think about the different ways you can communicate. You can write it. You can record a video. You could have open town halls. You could create social spaces like coffee or cooler discussions, where people who need that social interaction can self-select to come in.
    Offer to do it at different times. If you're working in a global environment-- it's one of the things I've found working internationally, is that my colleagues in Asia were always the ones-- and when I worked in Asia, I learned this myself-- are always the ones starting the earliest and ending the latest. So if you're going to have a session with your employees or you want to meet one-on-one, think about what time zone they're in and do it at a time, it might be inconvenient to you. But boy, that's going to send a signal of collaboration and care to someone sitting in Hong Kong 12 hours away that very few other things can do.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: That's fantastic. And again, what I'm hearing from you, again, as a leader is really just thinking about your employees, stakeholders-- where they're at, and kind of bridging the gap by meeting them at that starting point versus just what's convenient for you. So again, some care and compassion in these times.
    KANINA BLANCHARD: You know, someone might be out there listening going, how much more can I possibly do? It just seems like we load more and more on managers and leaders. And considering these times of opportunity to be the best you can be is really important. But I would say, don't go down the superhero path.
    We've seen through the last many decades that superheroes tend to not only burn out and harm themselves and their families and their organizations, but that's not a way to win. We are in a marathon. COVID-19 is a marathon. It is not a sprint. So these are all best practices. And I hope the leaders listening are motivated by the difference they can make. But it also starts with self-care.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: And what does that mean, self-care? That's a hot term right now. But from your perspective, how can leaders practice that, or what do they need to be mindful of?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: I think everybody is different, and so there is no one checkbox or list that's going to help. But I think that one thing I've seen developing over the last 30, 35 years that I've been in business is this idea of the importance of reflection, this importance of taking time-- whether it's even 10 minutes-- to stop and to think, and sometimes simply clear our minds. So there are people who are practicing meditation or mindfulness. It could be taking a walk. It's the small things that we do to take care of ourselves and take care of others.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: And it's interesting, as you've talked-- and a thread that I'm taking away from this call-- is a bit of this authenticity, right? We're all in it together. Saying I'm tired, my neck is hurting, and just putting that out there allows people to connect at a very human level-- which I think is really important during these times, because people are in that place of fear and uncertainty. So I love this message that I've been hearing anyway around just being you and being authentic, and sharing that with others.
    So Kanina, you have seen the before and after of many crises through your career. I'm curious, from your vantage point as you think about COVID-19, do you foresee any positive impacts or lessons or practices resulting from this scenario?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Absolutely. I think about the things that I'm seeing in the news today-- we have young people who are starting businesses that aren't there to make money. But they're volunteering their skills to develop-- for example, in Portugal I heard about a young student who started a web app where people who cannot rent their homes right now are being matched with health care providers who can't go home in the fear of spreading disease. I've heard about people who have developed apps around COVID where they've been offered money for their apps and instead they've said, no, this is a public service.
    We're seeing governments do things that are truly unprecedented. We have governments that are stepping up early and fast and trying. And of course, there's always going to be criticism and critique, and there's always going to be things that we can do better. But look at the packages that are being put together to help ensure that people, even in these hard times, we can have food on our table. We're trying to help marginalized people make sure that they have food on their tables. We're trying to help students.
    There is an effort under way today that we will learn from. And in reality, when the next crisis comes-- and it will-- I think we will have learned so much, a lot of good and some bad. And if we embrace the failures and improve on the successes, we will together succeed moving forward and grow.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: I love that, a feeling of hope and a recognition that even in these tough times, people are generally good and everyone is trying their best to kind of navigate through. Kanina, this has been fantastic. And I know I've taken a number of notes and lessons that I will use in my own world and share with friends and colleagues. So I really do appreciate your insights and your enthusiasm that you shared with us today.
    ANNOUNCER: And now, let's get to know our guest a little better with some rapid-fire questions.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: As we wrap up, one of the practices that we would like to do on LeaderLab is to help our listeners get to know you even more as a person with some rapid-fire questions. So if you don't mind, I have five questions for you here around the themes of the time that we're spending at home. So don't think too hard, but your first response. Your go-to comfort food?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Gluten-free pasta.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: Do you like to go for a workout or curl up with a book to regenerate yourself?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Oh gosh, neither. I'm working on my PhD, so I read when I have to. I love my audiobooks, and I love walking with my family and my ridiculous basset hound who howls and sings and always brings a smile to our face.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: Nice. One item you could never live without.
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Well, I think my answer needs to be my husband right now. And I don't think I should call him an "item." But I think one of the things that we're learning-- we have eight people living under our roof right now. And what helps us survive, I think, is each other and that sense that you're not going through it alone.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: That's wonderful. Your favorite cartoon character?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: I think it sort of maybe depends on the day. For some reason, just what popped into my mind right now is the Tasmanian Devil. I have no idea why. Maybe that reflects the way the world is feeling right now. That's what I've got for you.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: And your work from home attire-- PJs, fully dressed, or a little bit of both?
    KANINA BLANCHARD: Absolutely a little bit of both. You'll never catch me in pantyhose. But at least from the waist up, I feel that I am more productive and I am engaging with the people who I'm speaking with in a respectful and honest and a professional manner when I've gone the business casual route, for sure.
    TINEKE KEESMAAT: I love it. I love it. Amazing. Kanina, thank you again for the time today.
    ANNOUNCER: Thank you for joining us today on LeaderLab. LeaderLab is powered by Tiltco, helping exceptional leaders achieve extraordinary results, and the Ivey Academy at Ivey Business School, Canada's home for learning and development. You can learn more about Tiltco and LeaderLab at tiltco.ca. And to find out more about The Ivey Academy, go to iveyacademy.com

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    Meet Ryan Burwell

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    About TILTCO

    Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. As our LeaderLab host, Tineke brings her more than 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company, Accenture, and TILTCO to support today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.

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    “The vision, the plan, the context of what is changing really does need to come from the top of the house, but the people leaders need to translating that for the employees. Oftentimes that’s missed. So, it’s providing people leaders with the information and time to consumer and digest it, as well as providing them the skills to be able to communicate it in a way that will resonate with their team.

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    Connect with Lisa on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ldurante/. Learn how Lisa can help you communicate internally and externally https://jackcommunications.ca/

    Meet Lisa Durante

    Lisa Durante is a storyteller obsessed with telling authentically human stories that help businesses and leaders build authentic connections with their people. Her 20+ year career started in journalism and has evolved with the ever-changing field of marketing and communications, spanning executive and internal communications, content marketing, thought leadership and social media marketing. She has successfully supported organizations from start-ups to F500 global companies, including KPMG, CPP Investments, Siemens and MetLife, better connect with their audiences and more successfully achieve their business objectives. Visit https://jackcommunications.ca/ for more information.

    About TILTCO

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her more than 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.

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    “When you see a leader actually listening to someone, it changes the whole mood on the team, the whole atmosphere. The other thing is leading with questions, genuine questions, and then listen to the answer so you can engage in a conversation about ideas.”

          Leverage the human-ness of your teams to innovate ideas
    “Humans are messy and we can’t eliminate the mess. So how do we work with it? How can we take the things that make us human, our emotions, our perceptions, our intuition, and instead of being scared and trying to minimize them, how can we actually turn them into tools and data that help us work better?”

    Connect with Robyn on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robynmbolton/. Learn how Robyn can help you and your team innovate at https://www.milezero.io/.

    Meet Robyn M. Bolton

    Robyn M. Bolton is the Founder and Chief Navigator of MileZero, a consultancy that works with leaders of medium to large enterprises to use innovation to consistently and confidently grow their revenue. Her clients include Nike, Medtronic, Warner Bros Discovery, Curriculum Associates, and Motif Food Works. Previously, she was a Partner at Innosight, the consulting firm founded by Clayton Christensen, and also worked at the Boston Consulting Group and as a Brand Manager at P&G where she helped launch Swiffer and Swiffer WetJet. Visit https://www.milezero.io/ for more information.

    About TILTCO

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her more than 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.

    The People Leader Imperative: Re-thinking what it means to lead

    The People Leader Imperative: Re-thinking what it means to lead

    Companies tell us they want people to bring their whole selves to work, but leaders aren’t quite set up to accept, support and lead the whole human beings on their team. To add, leaders aren’t assessed, let alone rewarded, to do so. 

    Yet, the data continues to show that happier, more engaged people perform better, are more productive, are less absent and less likely to leave their company. 

    In this episode, Dan Pontefract, renowned leadership strategist, author and keynote speaker, calls on leaders to create a better mix of work and life factors to support their teams through the different seasons of their work and personal lives. This way, leaders and teams can thrive and bloom. 

    In our conversation, Dan shares the following insights: 

    • Leadership is increasingly impacted by the societal and personal pressures affecting people today.
      “There’s a palpable increase in stress, anxiety, burnout, loneliness and isolation. I don’t believe that we as leaders are actually paying enough attention to these societal factors.” 

    • We can’t disconnect our work self and our life self, and leaders need to be sure they’re considering both when leading teams.
      “Work and life are inseparable puzzle pieces. People can’t completely check all that’s going on in their life at the door when they’re at work. So if you’re a leader you should be thinking about your people as holistic human beings and look at their well-being, their connections, their skills, their sense of meaning, do they feel respected, are the organizational norms here normal, etc. And, ask yourself what you need to do to help people see that you’re there to care about them as a whole human beings.”

    • Human centered leadership requires understanding where people are in their life and supporting them through it, rather than penalizing them for it.
      “People’s lives are cyclical and they can fit into one of four quadrants: blooming, budding, renewal and stunted. We know that people aren’t at their best at times because of these cycles and seasons. So this model and this way of thinking can be a way for leaders to appreciate when people are on the downs and be able to offer them some tools to support them through the stage.” 

    • Unlocking human potential and caring for your employees can be learned.  
      “You can always teach people to be better human beings, ergo leaders can learn and develop the muscle of what it means to be a more holistic, wholesome, empathic type of leader. There are certain large chasms to cross for certain individuals. There are others that are just genuinely awesome human beings, and typically, this type of leadership comes naturally to them. But this is learned, and you can get better even if these skills are or are not innate to you.” 

    • Leaders have the tools to support their teams through the seasons of work and life, it’s a matter of knowing when to push and when to stand on the sidelines.
      “When you lead a team, presumably, you’ve been there before and you’ve got some experiences that can help your team from a work side. For the life side, there’s a point in which we want leaders to know they don’t want to go too far. You can stay on the periphery of it and just say, alright, let me know how I can help. But that doesn’t mean you wait a year to ask again, you’re sort of checking in regularly to make sure the balance isn’t off.” 

    Check out Dan’s latest book: https://www.danpontefract.com/work-life-bloom-preorder/

    Learn more about Dan and his work at https://www.danpontefract.com/


    Meet Dan Pontefract

    Dan Pontefract is a renowned leadership strategist, author, and keynote speaker with over two decades of experience in senior executive roles at companies such as SAP, TELUS, and Business Objects. Since then, he has worked with organizations worldwide, including Salesforce, Amgen, the State of Tennessee, Nestlé, Canada Post, Autodesk, BMO, the Government of Canada, Manulife, Nutrien, and the City of Toronto, among others.

    As an award-winning and best-selling author, Dan has written five books: WORK-LIFE BLOOM, LEAD. CARE. WIN., OPEN TO THINK, THE PURPOSE EFFECT, and FLAT ARMY. Dan also writes for Forbes, Harvard Business Review, and other outlets.

    Dan is a renowned keynote speaker who has presented at four TED events and has delivered over 600 keynotes . He is an adjunct professor at the University of Victoria’s Gustavson School of Business and has received over 25 industry, individual, and book awards.

    Dan’s career is interwoven with corporate and academic experience, coupled with an MBA, B.Ed, and multiple industry certifications and awards. Notably, Dan is listed on the Thinkers50 Radar, HR Weekly’s 100 Most Influential People in HR, PeopleHum’s Top 200 Thought Leaders to Follow, and Inc. Magazine’s Top 100 Leadership Speakers.

    Learn more about Dan at his website: https://www.danpontefract.com/ 

    About TILTCO

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her more than 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.


    The People Leader Imperative: Enabling people leaders with AI

    The People Leader Imperative: Enabling people leaders with AI

    AI is powerfully evolving jobs, organizations and industries. Will it redefine what it means to be a leader, too? 

    In this episode of LeaderLab, we are joined by Levi Goertz, Head of Client Solutions at Valence, who helps us unravel how AI may automate and augment leadership with workforce trends and insights to speed up decision-making. But AI is only a tool and the value of human connection, empathy and intentionality will likely remain irreplaceable.

    In our conversation, Levi shares the following insights:

    Effective leadership has always been a combination of intuition and data.
    “Psychological safety, trust, strong communication that hasn’t changed and I don’t think it will change. How you achieve it changes.” 

    AI can be a valuable partner to people leaders, offering them the data and insights to make a greater impact on their teams.
    “Rather than starting from a blank cursor or page, you can get a first draft ready based on a series of inputs… and so instead of spending time gathering all the data and prepping everything, you can spend a good 45 minutes thinking about how you’ll share the feedback and that will have a much higher impact on your team.”

    Intentional reflection done consistently is a key practice behind the best people leaders. 
    “Invest a bit of time in the reflection of your people, how you think your team is responding to you, maybe get some feedback from them on how you are doing, and also, most importantly, consider the impact you’re having on the people you’re leading.”

    Learn how Levi and the team at Valence are using AI to build more successful and empathetic leaders and teams: https://www.valence.co/

    Meet Levi Goertz

    Levi leads Client Solutions at Valence and lives for you to make an impact with our tools. He joined Valence in the early days and has worked with 100% of our clients who use the tools. He wants to bring that knowledge to you.

    Levi previously co-founded a software startup that grew organically to over 100 staff with operations in 22 countries across Africa and Asia.

    He learned how to tuck in his shirt and support client success at McKinsey & Company where he advised on organizational transformations and IT projects.

    Despite being a hippie in his youth Levi now has an MBA from UC Berkeley and a B. Eng from the University of Saskatchewan. He spends Saturdays riding a giant cargo bike taking his 2 children to hockey.

    About TILTCO

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.


    The People Leader Imperative: Re-inventing people leader programs that win

    The People Leader Imperative: Re-inventing people leader programs that win

    Teams work together differently today. Team members also face different challenges and opportunities. This demands a new approach for people leadership and the people and systems that support them. 

    In this episode, Stefani Okamoto, Director of Manager Excellence at ServiceNow, shares her deep passion for people leadership and offers insights on how companies can build a pipeline of amazing people leaders. 

    In our conversation, Stefani shares the following insights:  

    ·      Care needs to be the heart of people leadership today, especially as we work differently than before and face rapidly changing dynamics.

    “Having a leader that is more caring, that is more supportive and in tune to who you are as a human being, collectively – both professionally and personally – is more important than ever before. Before Covid, teams were together all the time, which made connecting as a team easier. Now, in our dispersed way of working, leaders really have to intentionally find ways to connect with each person.”

    ·      The role of people leader is more difficult than ever and they need a company and senior leadership that sets them up for success.

    “The data show that people managers are burning out at a rate faster than employees. So, companies need to set managers up for success by clarifying their role at the company and really valuing it. This can come in a few different ways: flipping around the performance conversation and rewarding managers who are really showing up for their teams. Senior leaders also have a role to play, acknowledging people leaders for taking on this difficult role of caring for our employees.”

    ·      Clarifying roles with each employee is the most important thing you can do for your team.

    “Whether it’s a new team or an existing team, it’s critical to clarify roles, first and foremost. Then, together with each person, define the goals within the description or definition of the role. Also, identify individual career goals, so you can make sure you’re getting the business objectives done collectively with your team, and helping each person find meaning in their work that can open them to future career growth and opportunities.”

    Connect with Stefani on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stefani-okamoto-1376039/

    Meet Stefani Okamoto
    Management Excellence is my passion - Being an incredible manager is my purpose. I consider myself exceptionally fortunate to live my purpose and passion in the work I do every day.

    In my 23 years at Microsoft, I reinvented myself many times. I grew from being a software tester to the leader of Management Excellence in Global Learning and Development. I was instrumental in redefining the Role of the Manager and landing the Manager Expectations: Model, Coach, Care. I worked to increase the skills and capabilities of Microsoft’s 30,000 managers every single day - while ensuring every manager prioritized authentically caring for each team member as human beings, especially during some of the most difficult times the world had seen. This work significantly impacted the culture at Microsoft.

    In my current role, I am privileged to contribute to the success of ServiceNow, in owning Manager Excellence. I've crafted a manager excellence strategy that is designed to equip every manager with role clarity, explicit expectations, a segmented manager portfolio, and a system for recognition and accountability. My mission is to enhance manager skills and competencies, while ensuring that every manager places genuine care for each team member at the heart of their leadership. Simultaneously, I’m working diligently to ensure that each employee has a consistent, positive experience with their manager - in an environment where they can perform at their absolute best. I am dedicated to shaping the future of management at ServiceNow, ensuring that managers are well-equipped to lead effectively, and employees thrive under their guidance.

    I’m proud that I not only own and drive this work, but I authentically and genuinely live and model it every day as a manager. It is my passion. It is my purpose.

    About TILTCO
    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her more than 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.

    The People Leader Imperative: Defining people leadership for a modern world

    The People Leader Imperative: Defining people leadership for a modern world

    People leaders have always been a powerful force in organizations. With hybrid workplaces, a new generation in the workforce (Gen Z), rise of AI and digitization, quickly changing geopolitical concerns, and more is people leadership more important than ever? 

    TILTCO Inc. gathered business leaders, consultants and academics for Season 6 of the LeaderLab to capture insights on the role for people leaders, what great looks like and what companies and people leaders need to do to be the people leaders employees need today. 

    In our first episode of this season, we speak to a roundtable of participants who offered the following insights: 

    • Trust and psychological safety are elusive; yet critical for greater success on teams.
      Todd shared: “People who build trust well within an organization by reliably doing what they said they would do. They get to know you as a person and they care and are more in it for the team than they are for themselves can build trust and psychological safety for their team.” 

    • Giving feedback, like many parts of leadership takes intentional practice and a commitment to self-awareness.
      Diana shared: “Giving real time feedback, sometimes in very tough settings, you need to really have good EQ skills so that you can listen, you can deliver a message that’s appropriate to the person. It can be scary to give feedback, so it requires practice, because then it becomes easier over time.”

    • Leadership has always been important, but in today’s context, leadership matters more than before.
      Jennifer shared: “Leaders will help steward how organizations will evolve their ways of working, helping to adapt to the ever-changing environment. In addition, the workforce is challenging a lot of organizations and companies to really change the way that they work, the way they listen to their employees.”

    • The role of the people leader has changed, demanding a new set of capabilities and responsibilities.
      Eric shared: “I think a lot of times we look up to the leader to have all the answers and right now that’s probably the biggest miss of leadership. We need leaders to understand that you’re not going to have all the answers. Your team has to find some agency and that means, you as a leader, have to create the space for your team to be able to do that and be comfortable that you’re not all knowing.”

    • With people leaders expected to fulfill different roles in a company, the people systems that support them must also evolve.
      Todd said: “Operating systems matter more than they’ve ever mattered. You need to build the operating systems of the company in a way that it is able to adapt faster to complex situations, build great culture and skill development, and handle these external factors as they come up.”

    Thank you to our panelists:

    About TILTCO

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her more than 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.

    enNovember 15, 2023

    EP5.1: Skills leaders need to thrive in ongoing uncertainty

    EP5.1: Skills leaders need to thrive in ongoing uncertainty

    Today’s teams are faced with ongoing, unprecedented disruption. Leaders, then, are challenged to guide their teams through these new and uncertain times. Are leaders prepared?  

    In this episode of LeaderLab, we are joined by Kristine Steinberg, CEO and founder of Kismet, to explore what it will take for leaders to be successful in today’s environment, and perhaps more importantly, what skills they’ll need as we move forward in this new dynamic.  

    Kristine shared the following key insights with us:  

    • Self-awareness is critical as we navigate through an extended period of chaos:  
      “Leaders are the people we’re looking to right now to help us through this time. So, you have to really consider why would someone follow me right now? Am I setting a good example of how to take care of myself as I navigate through uncertainty? Am I taking care of myself physically? Where am I feeling vulnerable or challenged and how can I get help to work through those things.”  
    • The power of micro-experiences to create a sense of survival when you’re feeling burnt out:  
      “Leaders are burnt out and they can’t leave the wheel of their ship. They can't actually leave and go do something that would give them the break they need. So, they have to shift to micro-experiences to create a sense of survival – talk to a friend, go for a run, or any other form of self-care that won't take up a lot of time, but will ultimately take your level of energy up even ever so slightly.” 

    • Leadership is about coaching, not command and control: 
      “There’s a time and place to be directive and there’s a time and place to teach and advise. As a leader, you have to learn to bring people along and mobilize people and help them get inspired around their own strengths.” 

    • Let go of expectations to know all the answer and get comfortable designing the way forward with your team: 
      “Leaders need to take the pressure off of trying to know every politically correct thing to do in the wake of a race war, equality around gender, race, culture, religion, everything. Instead, move into a new mode of listening and hearing about people’s experience, understanding what they need and responding; instead of trying to come up with the perfect equity formally.  

    Meet Kristine Steinberg 

    Kristine Steinberg is the CEO at Kismet, a consultancy dedicated to helping leaders become their highest selves. Kristine is a master leadership coach and guides her clients to strengthen their emotional IQ. This includes nurturing mindfulness and discipline, dissolving emotional rigidity, learning to communicate clearly and powerfully, balancing ambition with humility, how to empower colleagues and teams to grasp their true value and to navigate conflict with agility. Kristine has worked with dogged leaders from some of the vanguards of tech, business, fashion and lifestyle, including Bain & Company, Chanel, TED, LinkedIn, IBM, Adidas, Microsoft and others. Learn more about Kristine and her work at www.thisiskismet.com. 

    About TILTCO 

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.

    EP4.10: How to REALLY hear what’s on your team’s mind

    EP4.10: How to REALLY hear what’s on your team’s mind

    Conversation is a powerful way for leaders to inspire and motivate their teams. It's also an opportunity to learn and make more effective decisions. Yet, engaging in conversations across an organization isn't always easy.

    In this episode of LeaderLab, we are joined by Dave MacLeod, CEO and co-founder of ThoughtExchange, to explore the importance of conversations in organizations.

    Based on his research and insights shared in his new book, Scaling conversations: How leaders access the full potential of people, he offers strategies leaders can use to engage in more meaningful, inclusive and productive conversations across teams.

    Dave shares the following insights:

    • There's never been a more important time to include as many voices in the conversation: “There are a lot of problems to solve [in our organizations] and a lot of pressure to do it. There's a lot of change to our life and a lot of recognition of systemic racism and the recognition of power to drive our business, and there’s never been a more important time to hear from everybody who's impacted by these things.
    • We’re at an exciting moment where leaders feel they can admit they have bias and enter the right conversations that will move things in the right direction. “That’s maybe a really exciting moment right now... that people can say, ‘Yeah, I agree. I admit I have bias. So now what?’”
    • When dealing with polarizing topics, search for the common ground. “There’s ways to solve problems for two people who think very differently about how to make their business run faster and the same mechanism actually works when you have people who disagree strong – you have to find the common ground between them.”
    • Use technology and tools to eliminate our bias from conversations. “The idea of getting people to share ideas and listen to each other without knowing exactly who said them will get us to really think deeply about and empathize with each other’s points of view.”

    Pick up Dave’s book to learn more strategies to scale conversations in your organization. Order Scaling conversations: How leaders access the full potential of people here: https://www.thoughtexchange.com/scaling-conversations/

    Meet Dave MacLeod

    Dave MacLeod is the CEO and a co-founder of ThoughtExchange, the essential Enterprise Discussion Management platform for scaling conversations. Dave’s expertise helped create the game-changing platform that’s used by millions at some of the world’s largest organizations like GE Healthcare and McDonald’s. From corporations to schools, ThoughtExchange invites participants to share insights anonymously—removing bias and getting the most important ideas in front of the leaders who make them happen. Dave is also the author of Scaling Conversations: How Leaders Access the Full Potential of People. Prior to ThoughtExchange, he was a successful entrepreneur who designed businesses and events focused on analog group communication innovation. Outside of work, Dave keeps busy as a dad of three who loves the outdoors.

    About TILTCO

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.

    Hybrid Workplace Series: How to build great culture in a hybrid workplace

    Hybrid Workplace Series: How to build great culture in a hybrid workplace

    Company culture matters. Strong culture is linked to stronger financial performance. During the pandemic, a third of organizations reported challenges in maintaining their company culture. With flexible work models here to stay, leaders are wondering how they can build a great culture in a hybrid work environment.  

    TILTCO Inc. gathered business leaders, consultants and academics for a series of Roundtable discussions to capture insights and practical ideas that leaders can use as they re-image their organizations over the next 18 to 24 months.  

    In this special LeaderLab series, our Roundtable participants offered leaders the following tips 

    • Don’t virtualize your in-office culture and how you work today. Get creative and design with intention from a blank sheet of paper. As Janeen shared: “Let’s not replace the old thing with a new version of the thing. Let’s actually zoom out now that we’re in a new paradigm. Before we were solving XYZ needs and now the problems are a different set.” 
    • Hybrid will create two or more distinct employee experiences. Your job: make each of them awesome. Stephen offered this: If you create a two-class system of any sort at work, that’s bad. So, however, you do hybrid and however you’re modeling it, you need everybody playing by the same rules and principles.  
    • Office space will serve a new purpose in hybrid, so consider how you can intentionally design it to bring your culture to life. Jay asked this question: “What is an office? I’ve got this dream that it’s a much more collaborative space, and if you’re going into the office, it’s to collaborate in person. It's not this, you know, historically walled-off office where everybody is in their own spot. 
    • Hybrid is complex and it will amplify culture challenges that exist in your organization today. Overcoming them will require leaders to step up in new ways. Here are Janeen’s thoughts on the topic: “There’s so much of this trust conversation going in one direction, which is ‘Hey, employee. Show me I should trust you.” The reality is do they trust you as their leader in this new environment? You need to create a whole different kind of conversation now for them to actually feel trust on their side of the equation.” 
    • Leaders will need to intentionally build connection among and between their teams, and they’ll have to find new ways to do it. Fiona said this would be the biggest job for leaders: “Hybrid offers a different set of challenges, especially when you get into different time zones. You can't just have the big lunch or the Friday drinks or all these things that are already in our toolkit. You really have to be very thoughtful and deliberate to figure out how to bring your people together.” 

    Meet our Panelists

    A special thank you to Will Bachman, managing partner of Umbrex, for his help in bringing these roundtables together. Learn more about the work that Umbrex does connecting independent consultants with one another at www.umbrex.com 

    Thank you to our panelists:  


    About TILTCO 

    TILTCO is a boutique consulting company that helps leaders define and execute their strategies in order to achieve extraordinary business and personal results. Founded by Tineke Keesmaat, she brings her 20 years of leadership consulting experience rooted at McKinsey & Company and Accenture to supports today’s leaders achieve exceptional results.