
    About this Episode

    Franchise owner journey: In search of better opportunities, Ash and her family migrated from NZ in 2014 without a business chosen. They had a lengthy 6 month wait after arrival to finally get the business they wanted.

    With Ash at home with the kids, and husband running a wine cellar / liquor store business, back in NZ, trips to Australia looking at around 30 businesses was the process before narrowing to a Kwik Kopy franchise.

    Now, several years later, Ash runs Kwik Kopy Camberwell, while her husband runs 2 retail based franchises of another brand - strong supporters of the franchise business model in making running a business easier!

    :37 Migrated from NZ in 2014

    1:26 Why Ash didn't enjoy running a cafe business prior for about 10 months.

    3:06 Thinking of the move to Australia

    3:48 Career as an accountant prior to having kids

    4:15 Flexibility of your own business

    5:42 Why Australia?

    6:26 Researching a business to buy in another country from NZ

    7:27 Took 6 months after arriving to find a business

    8:04 Finding Kwik Kopy and missing out on one but buying one off-market.

    9:25 What was so attractive about Kwik Kopy?

    10:38 Husband running a different retail brand franchise.

    10:59 The franchising advantages - especially through COVID

    11:33 Training and learning the Kwik Kopy system.

    12:18 Ash' role in the business and a normal day.

    13:53 Most satisfying solutions for clients.

    15:46 The main jobs done by Kwik Kopy Camberwell.

    17:02 Investing in and training on new equipment to offer wider services.

    17:35  Decision making on investing in ROI on equipment.

    18:37 Love most about owning the business.

    19:40 What the future looks like in the business.

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au

    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify:  http://tinyurl.com/3kpkxxtz

    Apple Podcasts: http://tinyurl.com/2kuu2tun

    Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/dab8ukr5

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/oI5HdVzTznk

    Recent Episodes from Franchise Everything

    Ep37 Rating a franchise brand with Darryn McAuliffe

    Ep37 Rating a franchise brand with Darryn McAuliffe

    The ability to assess the value and risk of a franchise brand is crucial to the thousands of franchise prospects out there looking to into a business of their own.

    However, the sheer number of opportunities, and the amount of information can make it difficult to measure one brand opportunity against the other.

    Darryn McAuliffe, CEO of FRANdata Australia explains what their independent 3rd party 'Franchise Ratings Scale' is all about.

    He explains the fact that a clear way to measure performance is lacking across the sector. Also discussed is how rigorous the process is, what the criteria is and the weighting of the 'stars' and more.

    :58 Ratings of franchise brands, what is the Franchise Ratings Scale?

    2:01 Why a 'star rating' measure

    2:20 Why the ratings of franchise brands is needed in the Australian franchise market

    3:19 How franchise brands leverage the fact that they have been independently rated

    4:42 What creates a high rating in a franchise brand

    5:28 How the rating process works

    7:16 The reception of the ratings by franchise brands

    8:43 The practical use of franchise ratings, in particular by people looking to invest in a franchise, but also feedback to brands

    10:21 Brands often pleasantly surprised with what comes out of the rating process and result

    11:03 The future with ratings and their place in the market

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au


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    Spotify:  https://tinyurl.com/4sph9t7s

    Apple Podcasts: https://tinyurl.com/2ej62f6d

    Amazon Music:  https://tinyurl.com/mr4fjjxr

    YouTube:  https://youtu.be/MmWXJwvztCc

    Ep36 Marcus Gehling, Kwik Kopy Dandenong - franchise owner journey

    Ep36 Marcus Gehling, Kwik Kopy Dandenong - franchise owner journey

    Franchise owner journey: After taking a redundancy from a commercial banking career after 18 years, Marcus finally wanted something for himself. Equipped with a Commerce Degree, Marcus took on a 20 year career in corporate banking in business banking and later in varying leadership roles.

    He had a desire for his own business yet a franchise was not necessarily on the cards for him as he had a perception of a lack of control.

    A criteria in his search for a business centred around location, turnover, profit and price primarily. After finding an existing Kwik Kopy franchise in an online listing, it just so happened that the business fitted all that criteria.

    And thankfully, the fears of a lack of control in a franchise were unfounded according to Marcus!

    :36 One career in Marcus' life prior to Kwik Kopy

    :51 What it was like getting into the business in the back end of covid March 2022

    1:45 Business banking roles straight out of University then into leadership roles following at Macquarie and NAB

    2:35 Marcus' initial view of his career while in commercial banking and his take on small business at the time through his roles

    4:00 How his business banking experience impacts his approach to his business now including writing his own business plans and cashflow forecasts

    5:44 The catalyst for change and getting frustrated in his banking career

    6:46 What the redundancy conversation was like and how to approach it

    8:37 Jump to another bank for around 18 months and why a conservative response during covid

    9:46 Start the search for a business with the desire always there to have his own thing

    10:41 The criteria for a business, location, turnover, profit and price - an existing business, not neccessarily a franchise

    11:51 Perceptions of franchising when thinking a franchise wasn't for him - thought not enough control

    12:35 Other factors in a business search for Marcus

    13:21 How Marcus found Kwik Kopy

    14:33 Due diligence - How Marcus used his business banking skills for due diligence to assess the franchise

    16:31 Speaking with exisiting franchise owners and the feedback Marcus got

    17:31 Bought off an owner who had the business for 20 years, with experienced staff all keen to stay

    18:20 What the initial and ongoing interactions with Kwik Kopy were like

    19:51 What Marcus enjoys most about what he does

    20:37 Marcus role he plays on a daily basis in his business

    21:45 The performance of the business since taking over the business

    22:18 The future for the business

    23:11 Secrets of success in a Kwik Kopy

    24:14 Wrap up

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au

    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify:  http://tinyurl.com/ydh9dyr2

    Apple Podcasts:  http://tinyurl.com/35u932fu

    Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/v7hcf89v

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/H72hV26kotw

    Ep35 How to succeed at franchise expos, with Tim Collett

    Ep35 How to succeed at franchise expos, with Tim Collett

    How do you get the best result from your investment in exhibiting at a franchise expo to pitch your franchise?

    Tim Collett, Managing Director of Specialised Events, which owns the Franchising & Business Opportunities Expo, has seen the best and the worst of it as far as brands putting their best foot and forward at the events over many years.

    In this valuable discussion for any franchisor looking to expand their network, Tim highlights that having a planned process of operating at a show, and the follow up process afterwards, is more important to the result than the actual booth space design that many would be focused on.

    A 'must-listen' if you are involving expos in any aspects of the your expansion plans!

    :26 How to exhibit and get the most out of a franchise expo as an exhibitor

    1:26 Get organised early by committing and booking early for a better outcome

    3:20 Planning processes in the months leading up to a show

    4:11 What does success look like for you at a franchise expo?

    6:33 Set up of your exhibition stand for success - be obvious

    8:00 Letting prospects know you will be exhibiting at the event to come and meet face to face

    10:10 Involving franchise owners on stands at franchise expos and promotions

    11:30 Admin details well in advance of the show to avoid the scramble of pre-expo week

    12:50 Team training a couple of weeks before the show about the objectives and plans

    14:34 Putting the right people on an expo stand

    16:50 Stand design doesn't necessarily need to be very expensive - but be professional

    20:30 Be positive at the show as it affects the outcome significantly with your body language and attitude to all

    22:45 The conversations based on benefits to the prospects and understanding more about each other

    24:15 Don't say too much at an initial meet and disengage to focus on other prospects rather than spending too long with one person

    25:05 Don't pack up early - you've invested in the show, but so have attendees. Don't plan it to leave early as it looks unprofessional

    28:58 Following up after the show and having a process and plan organised before the show, not after

    32:40 Complementary marketing for the events to help the success

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au

    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify: http://tinyurl.com/y22apsce

    Apple Podcasts:  http://tinyurl.com/yvfrzecw

    Amazon Music:  http://tinyurl.com/mka34a25

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/7ThoJmmZaVE

    Ep34 The Beare Flooring Franchise Business Model, with William Beare

    Ep34 The Beare Flooring Franchise Business Model, with William Beare

    The Beare Flooring Franchise Business Model with William Beare.

    Originally from New Zealand, William was in the flooring industry over there and on moving to Australia several years ago, noticed that their was no equivalent mobile flooring offer with lower entry costs available in the industry.

    While the business is open to enquiries outside the flooring industry, in particular a focus on industry professionals tired of working for a boss and sitting in a showroom waiting for customers to walk in, are at a distinct advantage.

    Our discussion centred on some key aspects to the business;

    :33 A background in flooring in NZ and noticed the gap in the Australian market and entered with a mobile showroom through a full-fitted van of samples - the key point of difference

    :55 The mobile showroom point of difference as a showroom on wheels with customers seeing all samples at their house.

    4:14 A family owned business with sister Aleisha also involved with the marketing and business management, and how that plays out in the culture of the franchise

    6:50 Entry costs and how the business has built its offer around a low entry cost

    7:53 The spread of vans and servicing on the road and the type of person best-suited to the franchise such as middle management sales people in existing flooring retailers

    9:18 The key factor that customer enquiries result in higher conversion on the spot as getting an appointment in to a home is clearly a more qualified prospect of purchasing

    10:53 Beare Central the company's sophisticated yet simple management system for the business.

    13:56 The learning curve for people using the technology

    14:54 The full-service nature in support of franchise partners with marketing done for you, accounts done for you and more.

    17:03 Campaigns and activities when franchise partners and staff start into particular regions and how this is executed.

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au

    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify:  http://tinyurl.com/5579mac8

    Apple Podcasts:  http://tinyurl.com/3wha6jbv

    Amazon Music:  http://tinyurl.com/3bru942z

    YouTube:  https://youtu.be/M0PlKAYb__E

    Ep33 Steve Bowe, Hire A Hubby, Nowra - Franchise Owner Journey

    Ep33 Steve Bowe, Hire A Hubby, Nowra - Franchise Owner Journey

    Franchise owner journey: From mechanic to IT, mortgage broker and senior business analyst and trainer, Steve Bowe says he was far from being a handyman when he bought his Hire A Hubby franchise in Nowra, NSW.

    And in even more of a twist - he was certain he didn't want a franchise after being made redundant from his last corporate role!

    he went to an information night in Sydney after seeing an advertisement for the business keep popping up in front of him. He went there that night to make sure he can 'rule out' the business from his search for something where he can be his own boss and control his life more.

    10+years later, and as an Enterprise level sized business within the network, Steve is a great story of trying many different careers until he later settled so well into a business of his own...

    :36 - What an Enterprise level franchise owner is in Hire A Hubby

    1:16 - Running a husband and wife business and how it all works

    1:45 - Not a handyman history at all, Steve's background as a fully qualified motor mechanics and then into IT and computing

    3:22 - Out of IT and into mortgage broking then traveling around Australia

    4:41 - Moved to Nowra with a family then into IT training with Corporates ending with a retrenchment in 2012

    5:43 - Wanted to stay in Nowra so started looking for a business - anything where Steve is running his own business

    6:54 - Why Steve was definitely NOT wanting a franchise at first 

    8:16 - Process of finding Hire A Hubby and the action he took attending an information night to 'rule out' the business

    10:06 - How one franchise partners approach and lifestyle very much resonated with Steve

    10:53 - What training was like for a 'non-handyman' and the initial growth and marketing of the business

    12:26 - How the business is split into 4 streams to future-proof the business

    14:10 - Steve's role on a day to day basis as he is now 'off the tools'

    15:47 - Acquiring another business for growth and purchasing it for a value that was less than the contract work the business had in place

    18:04 - How Steve is building his client base in becoming an 'Enterprise' level franchise in the system

    19:16 - The difference between being a regional compared to metropolitan franchise partner

    20:31 - Plans for the future


    Podcast Produced by: www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):


    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify: http://tinyurl.com/yk9tfwjt

    Apple Podcasts: http://tinyurl.com/3chjmhme

    Amazon Music:  http://tinyurl.com/nhcuhvp7

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/_8kaZA_vlOQ

    Ep32 5 Things that have made CouriersPlease what it is today with James Hucker

    Ep32 5 Things that have made CouriersPlease what it is today with James Hucker

    In this episode with James, we asked him to focus on a discussion on 5 key inflection points in the business that have been key in making the brand what we see today.

    47secs - Changing the business model from Sub-Contractor to Franchise Partner in 2012 with the change of ownership to Singapore Post at the time.

    2min 26 secs - CEO Richard Thame's arrival to the brand with a key focus on the franchising aspect of business. A long history of success with a number of other key franchise brands.

    5min 59 secs - The massive surge in growth that particularly was triggered from the covid period, but that this growth has continued with 30million+ parcels a year now.

    8min 29 secs - The role and changes with technology in the business and industry such as the Courier App, facilities being green, and automation machinery within freighting facilities.

    10min 54 secs - Customer choices at the end user level and those options that customers now have, such notifications and deliveries to alternate hub locations like newsagencies, pharmacies and similar.

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au

    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify: http://tinyurl.com/bhn594am

    Apple Podcasts: http://tinyurl.com/yeyt53p8

    Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/2yw7cyjd

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/OU29wMwL-qY

    Ep31 Ash Reddy, Kwik Kopy, Camberwell - franchise owner journey

    Ep31 Ash Reddy, Kwik Kopy, Camberwell - franchise owner journey

    Franchise owner journey: In search of better opportunities, Ash and her family migrated from NZ in 2014 without a business chosen. They had a lengthy 6 month wait after arrival to finally get the business they wanted.

    With Ash at home with the kids, and husband running a wine cellar / liquor store business, back in NZ, trips to Australia looking at around 30 businesses was the process before narrowing to a Kwik Kopy franchise.

    Now, several years later, Ash runs Kwik Kopy Camberwell, while her husband runs 2 retail based franchises of another brand - strong supporters of the franchise business model in making running a business easier!

    :37 Migrated from NZ in 2014

    1:26 Why Ash didn't enjoy running a cafe business prior for about 10 months.

    3:06 Thinking of the move to Australia

    3:48 Career as an accountant prior to having kids

    4:15 Flexibility of your own business

    5:42 Why Australia?

    6:26 Researching a business to buy in another country from NZ

    7:27 Took 6 months after arriving to find a business

    8:04 Finding Kwik Kopy and missing out on one but buying one off-market.

    9:25 What was so attractive about Kwik Kopy?

    10:38 Husband running a different retail brand franchise.

    10:59 The franchising advantages - especially through COVID

    11:33 Training and learning the Kwik Kopy system.

    12:18 Ash' role in the business and a normal day.

    13:53 Most satisfying solutions for clients.

    15:46 The main jobs done by Kwik Kopy Camberwell.

    17:02 Investing in and training on new equipment to offer wider services.

    17:35  Decision making on investing in ROI on equipment.

    18:37 Love most about owning the business.

    19:40 What the future looks like in the business.

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au

    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify:  http://tinyurl.com/3kpkxxtz

    Apple Podcasts: http://tinyurl.com/2kuu2tun

    Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/dab8ukr5

    YouTube: https://youtu.be/oI5HdVzTznk

    Ep30 Neil Gibbins, Hire A Hubby, Gladesville - franchise owner journey

    Ep30 Neil Gibbins, Hire A Hubby, Gladesville - franchise owner journey

    Franchise owner journey: After 15 years as a VP in Citibank Corporate, Neil was tired of the stress, no control of his life, and certainly didn't want to miss another school sports day!

    A shift into a 'handyman' franchise made a lot more sense than it may have otherwise appeared on the surface to others.

    Now a 20+year veteran in a business that sits in the size above 'man in a van' (called 'multi-person') for the brand, where he has staff and manages multiple trades in undertaking his work which is around 50% domestic and 50% stratas, corporates and schools.

    :27 Explaining levels of the franchise

    1:00 Structure of the business

    1:50 Sharing resources with other Hire A Hubby's - not in competition

    2:33 Types of work

    3:59 Recent jobs worked on

    5:28 Engaging specialist trades work (plumber, electrician etc)

    6:06 Hire A Hubby role in works like 'prep for sale' and referrals for those

    8:14 Reno like 'The Block' every week! Building relationships with real estate agents

    9:59 Importance of staying local for profitability, yet with an ability to serve wider

    11:57 Network helping with suppliers of materials

    12:55 Neil's day to day work

    15:04 Background, a career in banking, and a family

    16:15 The volunteer handyman at son's pre-school - a passion realised

    17:50 Quitting banking and finding Hire A Hubby

    19:14 'Interviewing' the CEO about the franchise

    20:07 Buying Gladesville then Ryde territories and too much work

    21:22 Call centre generated leads

    22:05 What makes the business work from a Multi-Award winner?

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au

    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify:  http://tinyurl.com/yc6kfvdf

    Apple Podcasts:  http://tinyurl.com/2hdbkz8z

    Amazon Music:  http://tinyurl.com/2549zmc6

    YouTube:  https://youtu.be/NGqENMDKxoU

    Ep29 Dominic Alleaume, CouriersPlease, Cranbourne West - franchise owner journey

    Ep29 Dominic Alleaume, CouriersPlease, Cranbourne West - franchise owner journey

    Franchise owner journey: After 17 years in warehousing and logistics that included a redundancy triggered by automation, Dominic decided that he needed a change and to give him and his family the opportunity to earn more than was on the table.

    Seeing the delivery drivers come and go, chatting to them and his uncle who owned a delivery run, he spent a week on the road to test if it was going to be right for him.

    21 years later and he is a CouriersPlease veteran!

    Running one territory, selling it and moving to a new one with higher growth potential for his plans, Dominic is still on a mission.

    :44 A strong logistics, freight and warehousing background with Woolworths and Safeway supermarkets

    2:09 After 15 years in warehousing made redundant from Woolworths and what happened with decision making around it.

    4:03 Starting a family and wanting a change of life in a different career.

    5:04 Thought process in shift to owning his own business with CouriersPlease.

    6:34 Going on a trial delivery run for a week with his uncle who owned a CouriersPlease run and going over the pros and cons of the franchise.

    8:06 What appealed to Dominic the most about the business - personal relationships with customers.

    8:24 With CouriersPlease 21 years and starting as a contractor now to a franchise partner structure since 2012.

    10:01 Sold Dandenong territory and bought new run in a different location with more potential, and the process of growing and splitting the territory.

    10:50 What Dominic sees as a growth territory in a CouriersPlease business.

    12:39 What a CouriersPlease franchise partners day and the future looks like.

    14:46 Doing pick ups from customers while doing parcel drops as well.

    15:14 The changes coming up with automation in the business to very likely make operating the business a lot easier with less manual handling.

    16:28 How Dominic is approaching growing his territory now and previously with employing contractors, splitting runs and selling them.

    17:59 Biggest changes seen in 21 years in the business.

    19:47 The future for Dominic and what sees for his business.

    Podcast Produced by:  www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):  www.franchisebuyer.com.au

    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify: http://tinyurl.com/2u9z4p7b

    Apple Podcasts: http://tinyurl.com/2rfw99ej

    Amazon Music: http://tinyurl.com/2y8awcea

    YouTube:  https://youtu.be/riUaykIlkVo

    Ep28 Ken Challis, Coochie Hydrogreen, Albury-Wodonga - franchise owner journey

    Ep28 Ken Challis, Coochie Hydrogreen, Albury-Wodonga - franchise owner journey

    Franchise owner journey - After spending 25+ years in food distribution and supermarket logistics, Ken channeled his passion for horticulture and the desire for a career change into a business of his own.

    But, owning his own business wasn't necessarily in the plan.

    The plan was to transition from supermarket logistics with a Certificate in Horticulture, and into the council parks and gardens division.

    Disconsolate about the fact he couldn't secure a job with the qualification after 4 years of study, was thinking his age at 59 was becoming a problem.

    A chance conversation with his brother who had just purchased a Coochie Hydrogreen franchise after being a customer, and everything seemed to just align very quickly for Ken from that moment onwards.

    Now with 400 or so clients in his region, and a target for 500 in the near future, Ken is looking forward to more growth.

    0:26 What Coochie Hydrogreen does

    1:13 Career prior in food service for an extended period distributing to restaurants, hotels and the like.

    2:27 Into a large Woolworths logistics distribution facility with night shifts.

    3:44 How they supplied 50+ supermarkets across the region and what amazed Ken about the actual cost of delivery per carton and the size of the operation.

    5:28 A passion for horticulture and after 13 years looking for something else that he had a passion for.

    6:35 Was told that he needed a qualification in Horticulture to get a job with the Council, enrolling in a Certificate 3 in Horticulture with a goal to get onto parks and gardens with the Council while still working for Woolworths.

    8:08 Why the passion for horticulture - it came from mum.

    8:59 Couldn't get a job with council after getting the qualification, and felt at 59 his age was possibly a problem.

    9:36 Chance conversation and found Coochie as an option from his brother who had just bought a franchise.

    11:14 Launching Coochie in his region and feedback from current owners.

    12:17 The help from Coochie and growing the business.

    13:34 Progress of growth in the region starting from zero clients.

    15:06 Ken's initial doubts and continued drive to grow the business from the start with simple local area marketing strategies.

    16:39 How he grows the business with face-to-face marketing and a focus initially on the bowls club for clients.

    18:16 Other local marketing activities in the are with kids rugby league, beer coasters in pubs and more.

    19:08 The Coochie advantage of comparing the lawn next door after the lawn care program is implemented.

    19:49 What he loves about the business now 5 years down the track and goal for the future. 

    21:30 Bringing another staff member on and how the business operates.

    Podcast Produced by: www.magneticbusinessmedia.com.au

    Franchise Stories and Knowledge Base (our other website):


    Listen or Watch on;

    Spotify: https://tinyurl.com/jmcc8t9p

    Apple Podcasts:

    Amazon Music: https://tinyurl.com/2nhmj67r

    YouTube:  https://youtu.be/1PKmNz36mvg