
    Podcast Summary

    • Mother's request for no swearing on podcastSpeakers discussed the importance of considering others' feelings and the power of language to evoke memories and emotions.

      The speaker's mother asked her to stop swearing during a podcast episode, and the speaker struggled with self-restraint but ultimately decided to comply. The conversation also touched on their experiences growing up and their preferences for certain places. During a family gathering, the speaker's mother asked her to avoid using certain swear words on their podcast episode. The speaker found it difficult to adhere to this request but ultimately decided to respect her mother's wishes. They discussed the importance of considering others and the impact of language on audiences. The conversation also meandered to reminiscing about their childhoods and favorite places. The speaker mentioned her dislike for Hammersmith, while her companion fondly recalled their experiences at Edwards, a pub chain they grew up with. They joked about the poshness of their friend Adam and his extensive knowledge of niche brands like Brindisa. The episode showcased the speakers' close relationship, their struggles with self-control, and their shared nostalgia for their past experiences. The conversation served as a reminder of the importance of considering others' feelings and the power of language to evoke memories and emotions.

    • How past experiences shape present preferencesPast experiences can influence current thoughts and actions in unexpected ways, highlighting the importance of being open-minded and appreciating the unexpected twists and turns in life.

      Sometimes, our past experiences shape our present preferences and behaviors, even if they seem unrelated. The speaker in this conversation shared an anecdote about not being able to go through a drive-through due to her lack of experience with it, but now as an older person, she appreciates the concept of taking breaks and pit stops. Similarly, she was intrigued by a heckling woman's stunning hair despite her unpleasant personality. These experiences highlight how our past can influence our current thoughts and actions in unexpected ways. Additionally, the speaker's tarot card reading indicated the need to pause, observe, and be open to new ideas, which ties in with the theme of taking breaks and gaining new perspectives. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the importance of being open-minded and appreciating the unexpected twists and turns in life.

    • Danny's dilemma: Stay with Lorena or go fishing?Despite potential dangers, Danny explores a hidden room, highlighting the importance of taking risks and embracing new experiences.

      The documentary "Unsolved Meats" presents an intriguing and complex relationship between Danny, Lorena, and Joseph. While Danny and Lorena's connection deepens, Joseph grows restless and insists on going fishing in the crocodile-infested swamp. Danny is torn between staying with Lorena and returning to safety, but ultimately decides to stay and enjoy the moment. During this time, Danny discovers a hidden room in Lorena's home, filled with Spanish books, which sparks his curiosity. Despite the potential dangers and unknowns, Danny chooses to explore the room and is met with excitement and discovery. This moment highlights the theme of taking risks and embracing new experiences, even in uncertain situations. Additionally, the conversation between Danny and Lorena reveals their unique backgrounds and shared experiences, showcasing the power of connection and understanding.

    • An unexpected discovery in Lorena's houseDuring their exploration, Danny and his friends encountered a dangerous crocodile and discovered their minds had been switched, leading to a bizarre and unsettling experience.

      The exploration of Lorena's house led Danny to an unexpected and dangerous discovery. The large, ancient temple-like room defied explanation and contained an idol with a crocodile head. Danny was compelled to handle a tarantula and was bitten, leading him to come face to face with a real crocodile. This encounter caused him to run back to Lorena and Joseph, who were still in the house. It became clear that their minds had been switched during their exploration, but the situation took a bizarre turn when Danny realized that Joseph was enjoying the creepy atmosphere and even mimicking the crocodile's growls. The situation had shifted from an adventure to a dangerous and unsettling experience.

    • Exploring Cultural DifferencesBe open-minded and respectful towards cultural habits, even if they seem strange at first. Communication and understanding are crucial in relationships.

      Cultural norms and habits can vary greatly from person to person and from place to place. The conversation between the group reveals some unusual habits, like cleaning the nose with a wet tissue every morning, which some find odd or even psychotic. However, these habits might be common in certain cultures or communities. It's essential to be open-minded and respectful of these differences, even if they seem strange at first. Another theme that emerged is the importance of communication and understanding in relationships. The group discussed their dislike for certain characters, such as Carrie from Sex and the City, and how revisiting old media can lead to new insights and perspectives. Overall, the conversation highlights the importance of being aware of cultural differences and being open to learning and growing from new experiences.

    • Unexpected consequences of trust and deceitHonesty is crucial to avoid dangerous and uncertain situations. Deceit can lead to unforeseen risks and consequences.

      Trust and deceit can lead to unexpected and dangerous consequences. In the discussion, Joseph's erratic behavior and lies resulted in a violent confrontation, leaving Hannah feeling betrayed and in danger. The setting, a remote swamp, amplified the sense of isolation and vulnerability. Despite the initial intention to leave, Hannah was forced to face the consequences of Joseph's actions and ultimately, her own. The unexpected twists and turns in their relationship, including the revelation of a will and the appearance of a crocodile, added to the sense of uncertainty and danger. Ultimately, the experience served as a reminder of the importance of honesty and the potential risks of deceit.

    • Sisters welcome Dan into their coven despite his reptilian child and uneaseSisters view Dan's reptilian child as a blessing, force him to accept his new role, and assure him alcohol consumption is still allowed, albeit non-alcoholic options.

      Lorena and her sisters are members of a coven in the swamp, and Lorena is pregnant with a reptilian child. Despite the shocking turn of events, the sisters view this as a blessing and welcome Dan into their community. Dan, however, expresses unease about the situation and desires to leave. The sisters, who have previously inflicted self-harm as part of their rituals, mark Dan with their own blood to symbolize his connection to the swamp and the coven. Dan is hesitant and tries to escape, but is stopped by Lorena and forced to embrace his new role. The older sister also reveals that Dan's shirt, which bears the words "swamp" and "swamp water," was a sign that he was destined to join the coven. Despite Dan's initial reluctance, the sisters assure him that he can still consume alcohol, albeit non-alcoholic options like Aperol. Dan continues to resist and the older sister picks up a crocodile skull as a reminder of the new reality he must accept.

    • Summoning the Crocodile Goddess MadreTwo sisters, Dani and Lorena, lead a mysterious ritual to summon a large crocodile-like goddess named Madre, who desires to consume an outsider, Joseph, while Dani remains determined and independent.

      The text describes a mysterious and intense ritual led by two sisters, Dani and Lorena. They place skulls on each other's heads and summon a large, crocodile-like goddess named Madre. Joseph, who is present, is condemned by the sisters for unknown reasons. The goddess, Madre, appears and expresses a desire to consume Joseph. The scene is filled with twists and turns, including the presence of crocodiles and references to past academic achievements. The overall atmosphere is one of darkness, mystery, and impending danger. The sisters seem to be supporting Dani in this ritual, and Dani appears to be independent and determined. The text also includes some light-hearted moments, such as Susie Preece's discussion of her academic achievements and her love for the movie "Twister." However, the overall tone is ominous and suspenseful.

    • The Power of Urban Legends: The Limping Woman StoryUrban legends, like the 'limping woman' story, have the power to captivate and frighten communities, reminding us of the enduring nature of fear and the unknown.

      Stories, particularly local urban legends, have the power to captivate and frighten communities. The "limping woman" story, set in an elementary school decades ago, is a chilling tale of a beautiful teacher who was brutally murdered while walking home from school. Despite doubts about its truth, the legend persists, leaving some believing that the ghost of the limping woman still roams the area, seeking justice for her killer. The story serves as a reminder of the power of fear and the enduring nature of urban legends. Despite skepticism, the allure of the unknown keeps the story alive, and for some, the belief in the supernatural provides comfort and a sense of connection to the past.

    • A late-night bike ride to investigate a hauntingFriendship and curiosity drove Steffy to explore the unknown, but power dynamics were evident in their adventure

      Steffy's determination to investigate the supposed haunting of a limping woman led her to convince her friend to join her on a late-night bike ride to the farm where the woman was said to be active. Despite her friend's initial reluctance, Steffy's persistence wore him down, and they embarked on the journey. The experience left Steffy feeling exhilarated, but her friend was filled with fear and uncertainty. The event served as a reminder of their youthful curiosity and the lengths they would go to experience the unknown. However, it also highlighted the power dynamics in their friendship, with Steffy taking the lead and her friend following despite his reservations.

    • Encountering a Terrifying SituationFear can be paralyzing and the unknown can be terrifying, making it difficult to think or act.

      Fear can be paralyzing and the unknown can be terrifying. In this situation, Steffy and the narrator encountered a limping woman on a deserted road, and the woman's pleas for help and the sounds of her distress caused both women to become terrified. The fear was so intense that they could barely move or speak, and they were unable to help the woman. The legend they had heard about the woman and the uneven sound of her footsteps only added to their terror. The smell of rot and blood made the situation even more unbearable. Steffy tried to reassure the narrator that the woman's pleas were just a distraction and that saying the words would make her leave, but the narrator was too terrified to speak. In the end, they managed to escape, but the experience left a lasting impression on both women. It shows how fear can take over and make it difficult to think or act, and how the unknown can be a source of great terror.

    • Mysterious Encounter and Media InfluenceMedia can shape our perception of reality, leading us to believe in unexplained occurrences. Even mundane events can take on new meaning based on our experiences and the influence of popular culture.

      The discussion revolved around a mysterious encounter involving the belief in a limping woman and the influence of media, specifically a movie, on one's perception. The speaker and Steffy had contrasting views regarding an event that occurred at a house, with Steffy maintaining that nothing unusual happened and the speaker insisting that they both encountered the limping woman. The conversation also touched upon the influence of "Scary Movie" on their thoughts and the unexpected changes in their house after earthquakes in New Zealand. The speaker shared an experience of mistakenly assuming their partner was in the bathroom based on a shadow cast on the wall, only to find out they were not there. Despite the seemingly strange occurrences, the speaker found humor in the situation and their shared love for the movie.

    • Unexplained occurrences escalated after earthquakesThe family experienced unexplained phenomena in their house, which continued even after earthquakes and seemed to intensify. Despite sharing their experiences, they didn't live there long, suggesting a link to earthquakes and a shift in atmosphere.

      The unexplained occurrences in the house, which included shadowy figures and strange noises, continued even after the earthquakes and seemed to escalate in frequency and intensity. The wife and husband both experienced these phenomena, although they initially kept it to themselves due to skepticism and fear of being ridiculed. Eventually, they shared their experiences and discovered they were not alone in encountering the strange occurrences in the house. Despite the unexplained events, the family did not live in the house for much longer, suggesting that the paranormal activity was linked to the earthquakes and the shift in atmosphere that followed. The experiences left a lasting impact on the family, and years later, the wife's young daughter reported seeing a shadowy figure on the stairs, adding to the family's belief that the house was haunted.

    • Strange occurrences in the speaker's home leave her feeling uneasyUnexplained events in our lives can leave us feeling uneasy and on edge, reminding us of life's unexpected nature.

      The speaker and her husband experienced strange occurrences in their home late one night, which they couldn't explain. They heard distinct footsteps on the stairs, and upon investigation, found no intruders. Since then, the speaker has felt uneasy and seen things out of the corner of her eye. These experiences have left her feeling spooked and on edge, especially when she is alone in the house. Despite the unsettling events, the speaker continues to live there with her family. The incident serves as a reminder of the unexpected and unexplainable nature of life.

    • Encountering Fortune at the CarnivalAt the carnival, the group discovers excitement and uncertainty as they explore the midway and encounter a fortune teller who predicts a ominous future for the speaker.

      The group, consisting of Patty, Brad, and the speaker, find themselves at a carnival with exclusive access, thanks to the manager, Big Al. Big Al's sudden disappearance leaves them with the freedom to explore the carnival's two main areas: the midway with games and the freak show, and the rides. The group decides to check out the midway first, and during their exploration, they encounter Madame Zeno, a fortune teller. She reveals a foreboding future for the speaker, leaving them with a sense of impending danger. Overall, the group's unexpected adventure at the carnival presents them with a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

    • Exploring the Unique Game 'Sara Sareta' from 'Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark'The game 'Sara Sareta' from Lucia Peters' book involves using a coin or object to enter, with Sister Sister providing answers to yes or no questions, and the design of the book adds to its eerie atmosphere.

      The discussed book, "Dangerous Games to Play in the Dark" by Lucia Peters, is a unique and intriguing read with a distinct design. The pages have red tips when closed, giving the illusion that they have been read. The game "Sara Sareta" mentioned in the book requires players to flip a coin or use an object to determine if they can enter the game, with heads meaning yes and tails meaning no. During their conversation, the speakers discovered they had both lied during a previous attempt, but they eventually succeeded in entering the game. The book also includes a spirit named Sister Sister, who answers yes or no questions. The speakers used Vaseline instead of a coin for the game and asked if they would be haunted when staying alone in Edinburgh, with the answer being yes. The book's design and gameplay add to its overall eerie and mysterious atmosphere.

    • Finding excitement in unexpected situationsEven when experiments don't go as planned, there's still potential for excitement and adventure. Keep a positive attitude and collaborate with others to navigate unexpected situations.

      Even when things don't go as planned or seem unsuccessful, there's still the potential for excitement and adventure. In the discussion, the speakers expressed their disappointment when an experiment didn't work out as intended, but they quickly shifted their perspective and saw the potential for "haunted chaos" and excitement. This mindset can be applied to various aspects of life, encouraging us to find the positivity in unexpected situations and keep exploring. Additionally, the importance of communication and collaboration was emphasized throughout the conversation, as the speakers relied on each other to process their experiences and move forward. Overall, the conversation highlights the value of maintaining a positive attitude and working together to navigate the ups and downs of life.

    Recent Episodes from Ghost Huns

    EP83: Malaria and Strep

    EP83: Malaria and Strep

    This week Big Suze has strep and Hannah discusses her health kick. Book recs include The Hunting Party & The Stalker and we find out what happened when hannah met Kerry Catona!

    Stories this week:

    Hannah has a tale about clicking fingers outside a window

    Big S tells us about a college crush that has ... come back 

    Creep of the week is from Paris - thank you hun - we always knew hannah was a ghost...


    WE ARE COMING TO EDINBURGH FRINGE - TIX BELOW! https://linktr.ee/ghosthunspod 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 24, 2024

    EP82: Leash my son up, Jebbifer

    EP82: Leash my son up, Jebbifer

    It's a BONANZA THIS WEEK cos we're feeling so generous. Creeps APLENTY for you huns. Big S and Hannah got pissed in Richmond yesterday and are in good spirits today - on the menu we have:

    - Brenda and a spirit who won't let go...

    - Grizzly tale from Big S about a sister who isn't all she seems....

    - Hannah takes us to meet Samantha Amber and Jenny in a cabin in the WOODS (stunning)

    - Something in the woods calls back from H

    - Big S tells us about the mad bastards Atticus and  imaginary Jeb 

    - Hannah finishes with a story with a cautionary message - DON'T OPEN THE DOOR 

    Creep of the Week is from Tegan! Ty HUN - we won't think about MJ the same!! 

    We of course end with an urban legend from Japan.




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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 17, 2024

    EP81: The Orange Man

    EP81: The Orange Man

    This week Big Suze is off to the tarot mountain and Hannah kicks us off with a Halloween story about a man in a mask... 

    We then get a KidsAreCreepyAF story about a psychic child, a tall man in Tweed is following you backwards, an unsettling tale from Sulham Hill in BERKSHIRE, Hannah tells us about a spooky figure in a field and of course... our creep of the week is...

    from Susannah! All we'll say is.. footprints in the snow... ty hun!

    We finish with some cartomancy (suzie reads hannah's future with a deck of playing cards. v legit).





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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 10, 2024

    EP80: Burglarising

    EP80: Burglarising

    This week we hear about Hannah's saucy inappropriate dream, our gorgey Oxford show and a ghostly reccomendation (haunted castle anyone?), the huns went on holiday and we let you hear a sneak peak into our time at SHREWSBURY PRISON (it got proper scary). 

    Stories to get your heart nice and icy include - a wife shivering outside, Isabella and Chloe on a big night out to the club and a train journey that is deeply disconcerting...

    Creep of the Week is from GRACE! Ty hun! We'll call this one... "let me out"...

    ENJOY HUNS xoxo




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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbJune 03, 2024

    EP79: Thrashing Around

    EP79: Thrashing Around

    We hear about the outcome of the wax, whether men should wear leggings and Big Suze nearly dies when falling off her chair. Almost. 

    Dive in this week for a story about a haunted flat in Kensington... Hannah tells us a story about Marina and her thrashing and BIG S regales us with a creepy story about people who go missing in the rain. Drip drip drip. 

    Creep of the Week is from E - it's a spooky short story!

    Finally - more spirit writing... let's all get haunted. 

    ENJOY huns xoxo



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    Or £6 for AD-FREE EPS and weekly AGONY HUNS! We'll solve your problems huns! 

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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 27, 2024

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    EP78: Baby for Dinner

    The huns went on a Big Night Out and we find out about how many wines were drunken. Expect hungover chaos energy on this one. No change there then. 

    Big S kicks us off with a story about a couple taking the back roads... and Hannah takes us to South Korea for a terrifying school story... 1..2...1..2... 

    Creep of the week is from Debbie in Australia (soz for accents in advance Deb) and her experience of a road trip to the Picton Tunnels. 

    We cover all sorts this eppy - getting a wax on your period, a review of the horror film BagHead and does anyone know of the Creepers books?? 

    Hannah rounds it off with a story about Scarecrow (it's giving Goosebumps).

    Finally - We Get Haunted So You Don't Have To (WGHSYDHT) (really rolls off the tongue) - we attempt to contact a dead celeb. 

    ENJOY huns xx



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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 20, 2024

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    EP77: Get Into Bed

    This week Suzie is ratty and Hannah is worried about putin and her KeysPersePhone. The huns are shattered and knackered so expect weird hyper vibes in the studio.

    We kick off with a very strange story about sneaking into high school reunions.... (we apol in advance for the horrific accents scattered throughout this eppy), a tale about a hearse drive-by and a gorge Creep of the Week by Maggie from Argentina!!

    Finally BS predicts how Hannah's weekend is gonna go through the use of ONE TAROT card... it gets creepy as fuck guys.

    Stay safe and spookeh


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    Ghost Huns
    en-gbMay 13, 2024

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    EP76: Stranger Danger

    It's EPPY 76 huns (we get it wrong in the intro - our brains have melted... soz.) We get a nice update about BigS and her boobs, Hannah is being dead sexeh and generally things are Very Funny. Hilarious. We hear about a breakfast mugging and whilst we are here, please don't stop making brownies Terri.

    Stories this week - a text exchange between Dad and son, a whatsapp ghost story from Emma, a riddle about how a cheating husband story ends, Big Suze tells us a short spooky story concerning suicide(TW) which Hannah debunks and our Creep of the Week is from Lileth (names have been changed) about a TRUE CRIME case-ongoing story. Ty for sending it in!

    We end with an electronic ouija board... what do we find?

    Oh, and the huns end-end with some war-mongering.

    ENJOY!!!! xoxo

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




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    EP75: Lynn's Origin Story

    EP75: Lynn's Origin Story

    This week there' a lot of tit and toilet talk. It's outrageous. But amongst the filthy chaos, we ALSO bring you the spooks.

    First up is Part 2 of the crow story (will Madison ever be found?), Hannah tells a story about a haunted toilet, stranger danger in a car park, another haunted toilet, an ACTUAL TRUE CRIME TOILET HORROR and a gorgey Creep of the Week from Kate! Ty hun - expect shadowy bedroom horror.... no thank yew Elliot.

    We round off with more telepathy and we hope you enjoy HITW xxx

    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




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    EP74: "Burn her"

    EP74: "Burn her"

    The huns discuss scams, Baby Reindeer and dogging. The episode also gets very witchy (history, accusations and hexes).

    Grab a mug of something strong and settle in for some creepy tales of a spooky murder house (lyca? don't even know her), a history lesson from Hannah about witches and Helen Duncan who was imprisoned for being a witch in the 1940s, Part 1 of a story about the gifts of CROWS and finally we round off with a chilling one about the nice neighbours next door....

    Enjoy huns!


    P.s. We have LIMITED EDITION MERCH! And we are going to Edinburgh Fringe - check out more on the link below:




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    In today's podcast, Drew Canole shares 11 profound ways to form rock solid habits and transform your life into anything you want it to be.

    1.  Start small: When forming new habits, it's important to start with small, manageable steps. For example, if you're trying to improve your physical health, starting with just a few steps or walking a short distance each day can be a great way to build momentum and stay motivated. The same can be applied to other areas of life, such as drinking more water or practicing gratitude. By starting with small steps, you can build up to bigger changes over time.

    2.  Track your progress: Keeping track of your progress can be a great way to stay motivated and see the progress you're making. Whether it's tracking the number of steps you take each day or the number of pages you read in a book, tracking your progress can give you a sense of accomplishment and encourage you to keep going.

    3.  Make your habit harder to break: Setting reminders and removing temptations can make it easier to stick to new habits. For example, setting out your gym clothes the night before or removing junk food from your home can help you stay on track. Additionally, reminding yourself of your "why" - the reason you started the habit in the first place - can help you stay motivated when things get tough.

    4.  Celebrate small successes: Celebrating small successes can help keep you motivated and make the habit more enjoyable. Whether it's treating yourself to a spa day or simply taking a moment to acknowledge your progress, celebrating small successes can help you stay on track and build momentum.

    5.  Establish rituals and routines: Establishing rituals and routines can help you build habits more easily. For example, journaling in the morning, getting outside for some sun, or playing an instrument at the same time each day can help you build habits that become a natural part of your routine.

    6.  Visualize it: Visualizing your success can help you stay motivated and focused on your goals. Creating a mental picture of what success looks like can help you stay motivated and keep moving forward, even when things get tough.

    7.  Be consistent and patient: Building habits takes time, so it's important to be patient and consistent. Remember that it's a marathon, not a sprint, and that it's okay to take things slow and steady.

    8.  Seek support from others: Surrounding yourself with supportive people can make it easier to build new habits. Whether it's finding a coach or mentor or simply sharing your goals with a friend or loved one, having support and encouragement can make a big difference in staying on track.

    9.  Take breaks when needed: It's important to take breaks and avoid burnout when building new habits. Pushing yourself too hard can lead to exhaustion and make it harder to stick to your goals over time. Remember to take care of yourself and find balance in your life.

    10.  Unplug from tech once a week: Taking a break from technology can be a great way to recharge and focus on yourself. Whether it's taking a day off from social media or unplugging from email for a day, finding time to disconnect can be an important part of building healthy habits.

    11.  Have a weekly check-in: Having a regular check-in with a partner, friend, or mentor can help keep you accountable and on track. Whether it's a business or health check-in, having someone to hold you accountable and offer support can make it easier to stay motivated and achieve your goals.

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