
    About this Episode

    Do you struggle with writing your emails from scratch?


    There is a formula for writing effective emails that flat works everytime. Why? Because it taps into psychological triggers that are hard-wired into the human brain.

    So assuming the human brain does not suddenly transform anytime soon...

    Today's episode is going to be a damn good investment of your time...

    You'll discover:

    • 6 elements to include in every email you send (which means you will never get stuck again)
    • One little known way to increase your open rates...and why it’s CRITICAL to getting your emails opened on mobile devices
    • How to capture the attention of each reader in 3 seconds or less. The secret to avoiding the delete button

    Recent Episodes from Email Marketing Insiders- Discover Expert Email Strategies

    EP 25: 7 Eye Catching Words You Should Include In Your Next Email

    EP 25:  7 Eye Catching Words You Should Include In Your Next Email

    Here's the cold hard truth.

    The average person has the attention span of a toddler when they are rummaging through their email.

    Capturing and keeping attention is hard.

    No attention = no conversions = no bueno

    Today, you will learn 7 attention grabbing, persuasive words you can use to increase your email engagement and conversions today.

    Listen Now

    EP 24: Wake Up Cold Email Subscribers With This Re-Engagement Email Sequence

    EP 24:  Wake Up Cold Email Subscribers With This Re-Engagement Email Sequence

    Just like any other relationship, the one between you and your subscribers can get stale after a while.

    Your subject lines don't stand out like they used to, your email copy isn't as interesting as it used to be, that once "red hot" spark...

    ...has faded. But, if you're not quite ready to let go, there is something you can do about it. 

    In today's episode, you will discover a 3 part Re-engagement email sequence you can send when you feel your subscribers slipping away. 

    We discuss:

    • Why keeping cold subscribers on your list is hazardous(and how to decide who to let go)


    • The "Hail Mary" email sequence that will win your subscribers back right before you lose them for good.


    • Exactly what you should say to tug the heart strings, warm them up again & rekindle your lost chemistry.

    EP: 23 The Top Email Marketing Services For Beginners Showdown

    EP: 23  The Top Email Marketing Services For Beginners Showdown

    Choosing the best email service provider for you is rarely never an easy decision. Especially if you are just getting started.

    Why? Because you have to deal with questions like:

    • “Does it have the features I want? “
    • “How is the support?”
    • “Does it integrate with fill in the blank]”? 

    …plus a million other things to consider…all at once.

    That's why in today's episode we will be breaking down the Top 3 "beginner friendly" email services...

    It's gonna be  features and benefits battle royale. Who will earn the right to your business? 

    • Mailchimp?
    • Aweber?
    • Drip?

    Listen Now.

    EP 22: The Ultimate Clickfunnels Landing Page Builder Review

    EP 22: The Ultimate Clickfunnels Landing Page Builder Review

    Is this the ultimate shortcut?

    Your lead generation and sales pages are the most important pages on your website. Period. If you get them right, then add email automation, you can transform your business overnight.

    The problem is building them, especially if you can't afford a web or graphic designer.

    Clickfunnels is the hottest sales funnel builder on the web right now.

    But is it really all it's hyped up to be? Today, we will provide an in-depth review of the Clickfunnels platform (so you can decide for yourself if it's worth the investment or not). 

    We will review: 

    • Top features & how they stack up against the competition


    • The #1 biggest pitfall you should prepare yourself before you even think about opening an account


    • The easiest way to launch a high converting funnel (so you can cover your costs faster)

    EP 21: Your Most Frequently Asked Email Marketing Questions, Answered

    EP 21: Your Most Frequently Asked Email Marketing Questions, Answered

    Effective email marketing should be the #1 priority for both beginners AND veteran marketers alike.

    Why? Because IF you can get it right, email is the only marketing channel that can deliver 4300% ROI.

    That's why in today's episode, Mike is in the hot set answering the top email marketing questions from around the web.

    You will get answers to questions like:

    • How Often Should I Email The List?
    • How Do I Stop people From Unsubscribing?
    • How Do I Make Sure My Email Doesn't End UP In Spam?

     ...And more! A must watch for beginners. Listen now.

    EP 20: 5 "Sneaky" Tricks To Double Your Email Conversions

    EP 20: 5 "Sneaky" Tricks To Double Your Email Conversions

    Want to write more persuasive emails?

    Understanding how human psychology and persuasion influence people's thinking is an unfair advantage when it comes to getting them to do what you want. 

    Today, you will learn how to use the same persuasive techniques politicians, expert copywriters and lawyers use to change peoples' minds quickly... So you can write magnetic emails your prospects can't ignore.

    You're about to learn:

    • One hypnotic way to virtually force your reader to take whatever action you want them too (be careful with this)


    • How to paint an unacceptable picture of what your readers will miss out on by not taking action NOW (without being creepy)


    • The dirty little secret to making your CTAs seem like harmless questions (one of my favorites)

    Why not listen to the episode now while you're here?

    EP 19: How To Get BIG Results from a Small Email List Using High Ticket Offers

    EP 19: How To Get BIG Results from a Small Email List Using High Ticket Offers


    You don't have to be an expert, guru or have a massive email list to make life changing income online.


    When I 1st went full time with my online business, I had an email list of just under 300. Even with that small size, I was STILL able to generate over $7k in just my second 2nd month. How?

    High ticket offers. You can use them in every business to make boat loads of money with just a few subscribers.

    BUT, successful high ticket selling requires you to have real conversations with live people. Something many online entrepreneurs are not comfortable with.

    That's why we had consultative sales expert Loren Fogelman, founder of Business Success Solution, hop on and share how to have winning high ticket sales conversations without being pushy or salesy...

    Listen now. 

    EP 18: Email List Tagging & Segmentation Secrets That Boost Engagement

    EP 18: Email List Tagging & Segmentation Secrets That Boost Engagement

    Effective email marketing is all building relationships and driving action.

    Because of that, you can’t just talk to every subscriber the exact same way and expect results.

    You have to send the Right Message to the Right person at the Right time...otherwise your opens, clicks and overall list engagement will suffer big time. 

    That's why in today's episode, we are breaking down expert list segmentation strategies that will get you big results...even if your list is small.

    You will discover:

    • 4 critical list segments (or tags) every email list should include


    • The most profitable segment of every email list and why you MUST roll out the red carpet for them. 


    • 4 expert segmentation strategies that will pump up your email engagement and ROI

    Get Show notes & Resources At:


    EP 17: How To Avoid The Dreaded SPAM Folder

    EP 17: How To Avoid The Dreaded SPAM Folder

    Here's the cold hard truth.

    It doesn't matter how good your subject lines, copy or offers are. You will never make a dime from email marketing unless you discover how to beat inbox providers like google and actually reach your subscribers primary inboxes. 

    Most online entrepreneurs trying to grow their businesses with email have no clue how to avoid the SPAM folder that swallows good emails whole.

    Luckily, in today's episode, we will cover expert secrets to help you avoid that black hole and WIN.

    You will discover:

    • The BIGGEST reason your emails are not delivered


    • 2 ways you can filter out the "bad hombre" emails that hurt your stats & make you an easy target for the SPAM folder


    • How "dead beat" subscribers hurt your email marketing results (and what you must do with them)

    EP: 16 “The Email Gravity Formula” How To Write Emails That Sell Without Being Sleazy

    EP: 16 “The Email Gravity Formula” How To Write Emails That Sell Without Being Sleazy

    You just a new email subscriber! Sweet!

    Now what?

    Most entrepreneurs aren't natural copywriters. They have no idea how to write email follow ups that transform new subscribers into customers.

    So today, we are sharing "The Email Gravity Formula",  a step by step way to write emails that sell...without being sleazy.

    You're about to discover:

    • The PI  B + CTA X U Formula that will help you get BIG results even if you have a small list


    • The #1 most effective way increase your clicks (be careful with this)


    • The easiest way to keep your subscribers coming back & skyrocket your open rates