
    EP7 | Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing - Continued - Tax Benefits

    enMay 02, 2020

    About this Episode

    Show Outline

    • Tax Benefits of investing in Buy and Hold Real Estate
      • When are you taxed?
      • Deductions of Expenses
      • Depreciation
      • 20% Pass-through Deduction
      • FICA?
      • Long-term Capital Gains
      • 1031 Exchange
      • Using Retirement Funds to invest in Real Estate

    Engage with me at https://nileerealty.com/engage

    Recent Episodes from The It’s Attainable Real Estate Investing Show

    EP29 | From 0 to 112 Units, 1200 Miles away with Yosef Lee

    EP29 | From 0 to 112 Units, 1200 Miles away with Yosef Lee

    Show Outline

    • How did an Attorney gain interest in Real Estate investing? 
    • What type of education for Real Estate? 
    • Quality of time vs Quantity of time with Family
    • Why invest in Apartments buildings? 
    • Why Long distance investing?
      • About investing in Kansas
    • Partnering to buy Millions of Dollars in Real Estate
      • Joint Venture vs Syndication
      • The roles of partners
    • Falling in Love with the investing process
    • Tips on finding Multi-family apartment deals
    • Investing in the middle of a Pandemic
      • The 44-unit Apartment building investment
      • The 68-unit Apartment building investment
    • How are Yosef and his partners increasing the value of their investments? 
    • Being a spectator of Real Estate investing

    How to reach Yosef? 

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    EP28 | How can I grow wealth, utilizing the equity from Real Estate

    EP28 | How can I grow wealth, utilizing the equity from Real Estate

    Show Outline

    • Establishing multiple investment streams of income
    • Wealth building with the uniqueness of Real Estate
      • Using equity and leverage from investment #1, to buy investment #2, but keeping the income stream from investment #1
      • Mortgage pay-down
      • Property value increase
      • Equals increased equity
      • Cash-out refinance

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    EP27 | From Unsuccess to Success-Education, Life, & Real Estate Investing-An in-depth conversation w/Nicole (Dunlap) Pendergrass

    EP27 | From Unsuccess to Success-Education, Life, & Real Estate Investing-An in-depth conversation w/Nicole (Dunlap) Pendergrass

    Show Outline

    • How the unsuccess story led to success
    • A lesson on various avenues of investing
      • Wholesaling
      • Non-Performing Notes
        • How does Business Credit fit in? 
      • House Hacking
      • Buy and Hold
    • What's a "Yea-sayer"
    • "It's About to Happen"
    • Her experience with partners
    • Where did Nicole's investing education come from? 
    • Nicole's investments
      • How did she find them? 
      • Where are they? 
        • Why did she look beyond her backyard? 
      • What does she have her eye on next, and how she can help you?

    About Nicole (Dunlap) Pendergrass

    Our guest today, is an investor who began her real estate investing career nearly ten years ago.  It was just after the last economic down turn, and here we are again somewhat in another.  She started by doing something so important, educating herself.  It wasn't just education though, she did all the other right things, made partnerships, made sacrifices, she really dove in. 

    Speaking of sacrifice, her first investment was a part of that, and though it was filled with many downs, which she will tell us about, as she called it an unsuccess story; There were some ups.  One UP, is though purchased years ago, it's still paying off today, the cash flow—we've talked above cashflow on this show many times— pays for the home she lives in today. 

    She has stuck with continuing to educate herself, surrounding herself with other like-minded individuals, and has recently closed on another investment.  I read some about it, and can't wait to hear more.  Let's welcome our guest for today, Nicole (Dunlap) Pendergrass. 

    How to reach Nicole? 

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    EP26 | Why am I Bullish on Real Estate?

    EP26 | Why am I Bullish on Real Estate?

    Show Outline

    • What is Real Property? 
    • Multiple Income Opportunities
      • The Real Estate business model
      • Cash Flow
      • Appreciation
      • Equity
    • What fills the need of people? 
    • You won't believe these historical trends of Real Estate
    • How do I get Tax Breaks with investing in Real Estate? 

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    EP25 | What's all this investing talk? What's in it for me? Isn't Saving enough?

    EP25 | What's all this investing talk?  What's in it for me?  Isn't Saving enough?

    Show Outline

    • Why would I invest in anything? What's the reason? What is my why?
      • What is my personal why?
      • Wealth
        • What would I do with Wealth, or more Wealth?
      • Survival mode vs Financial Stability
    • I save, isn't that enough?
      • The short answer is no, but listen to learn why
    • If saving isn't enough, what's better? 

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    EP24 | When is the Best time to invest in Real Estate? Did you already miss it?

    EP24 | When is the Best time to invest in Real Estate?  Did you already miss it?

    Show Outline

    • When is the time to invest?
      • Was it yesterday? 
    • When is the worst time to invest? 
      • Is it tomorrow? 
    • How would you know the best time? 
      • Is someone going to tell you? 
      • TV?
      • Newspaper? 
      • Real Estate News - Do these things matter? 
        • Mortgages rates
        • Mortgage applications
        • Housing Sales
        • Median Sales Price
      • Return on investment, and more...

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    EP23 | From a career as a Physical Therapist to Full-time Real Estate, with Dave Poeppelmeier

    EP23 | From a career as a Physical Therapist to Full-time Real Estate, with Dave Poeppelmeier

    Show Outline

    • Multi-level marketing didn't work for Dave, but it shed light on how money works, and led him to a quite popular book. 
      • Rich Dad Poor Dad...by Robert Kyosaki
    • Where did Dave get the money to get started? 
    • Students Rentals explained
    • How does the Husband & Wife duo work? 
    • Clearing up the misconceptions of Real Estate
    • Hiring for what you may not be good at
    • Why did both become Agents? 
    • How is Dave Finding Deals? 
    • How has Covid-19 affected Dave's business? 
      • What has he changed? 

    About Dave Poeppelmeier

    Our guest today, has been an investor in Real Estate since 2013.  He has specializes in Student Rentals near the University of Toledo, and describes himself as loving being a Real Estate investor.  He loved it so much, that in addition to investing, he has entered into the realm of a Real Estate agent, where he can now help spread his expertise in helping others locate, buy, and sell their real estate investments in the Toledo area that he serves. 

    So, why Real Estate, how did he get started, what are Student Rentals, how did Dave and his family make the recent shift from he being a Physical Therapist, to now full-time in Real Estate, and how somehow being a Physical Therapist, helped?  I'm looking forward to hearing about this, and so much more in today's show.  Welcome our guest today, Dave Poeppelmeier. 

    How to reach Dave? 

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    EP22 | What are Real Estate Investors working on right now...Finding Deals - Part 2

    EP22 | What are Real Estate Investors working on right now...Finding Deals - Part 2

    Show Outline

    • Techniques - Direct to Owner Relationships
      • Lists
        • Paid List sources
        • County Records
          • Free, depending on county
        • Other criteria besides location and property type
          • Absentee
          • Delinquent taxes
      • Driving for Dollars
        • Observation of red flags
          • Overgrown landscaping
          • Boarded up or broken windows
          • Deferred Maintenance
          • Mailbox running over
          • Code enforcement stickers on door or window
    • Format of mailers
      • Postcards
      • Letters
    • Other secret tips found only by listening in to Podcast

    Engage with me at https://nileerealty.com/engage

    EP20 | The Pathway to Financial Freedom and making Tenants a top priority, with Derek Deverna

    EP20 | The Pathway to Financial Freedom and making Tenants a top priority, with Derek Deverna

    Show Outline

    • Why Real Estate for Derek?
      • Financial Freedom
      • Tangible assets
    • What type of Real Estate is best? 
    • Property Management
    • Comparing investing in Southwest Ohio to investing in Northwest Ohio
      • Appreciation vs Cash Flow
    • Tips on what to look for in an investment
    • What must be a high priority of a Real Estate investor? 
    • What you should be doing during Covid-19, if you are an Investor? 

    About Derek Deverna

    Derek DeVerna is an investor and agent, yes he's both.  He is a University of Cincinnati graduate, and since graduating fairly recently, has gotten busy with Real Estate.  He has closed many deals over the years, either as a Wholesaler, Agent, or Investor.  This has led to a lot of experience, some of which he's going to share with us today.  Derek invests in Ohio currently.  Surprisingly,  I actually met him because he shared a picture of a finished project in our investor group, and I noticed our property in the background.  Two of our properties are right next to each other.  I’m glad to have a neighbor who takes pride in his investment, providing a good place for others to reside, which is one of our highest goals.  Derek just finished completing one huge accomplishment, which is awesome, and I can’t wait for him to tell us more about it in today’s show.  Welcome our guest today, Derek DeVerna.

    How to reach Derek? 

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