
    About this Episode

    “Ephesus: Come Back My Love.” Steps to returning to your first love. Revelation 2:1-7; The Loveless Church 1. Remember that God is the one holding you, not the other way around (v. 1). 2. Never forget that God doesn’t forget all that you’ve done for Him (v. 2-3). 3. Come back to your first love (v. 4). 4. Practice the 3 R’s: Remember, Repent, and Return (v. 5-6). Insight: Repentance is a change of mind that results in a change of behavior. If your life has not changed over time, you have not experienced true repentance. 5. Keep your eyes on Jesus and look forward to your future rewards (v. 7). Application: How does God speak to us today? 6 ways God still speaks. Primary Means: 1) The Bible 2) Prayer-inner promptings from the Holy Spirit Secondary Means: 3) Other Believers (The Church) 4) Circumstances Occasionally: 5) Dreams 6) Open and closed doors Review: “Ephesus: Come Back My Love.” Steps to returning to your first love. 1. Remember that God is the one holding you, not the other way around (v. 1). 2. Never forget that God doesn’t forget all that you’ve done for Him. 3. Come back to your first love. 4. Practice the 3 R’s: Remember, Repent, and Return. 5. Keep your eyes on Jesus and look forward to your future rewards. The Big Idea: Come back to your first Love and let everything you do flow out of that passion and purpose. Actions Steps (How can I apply this to my life today?) ⎫ Come back to your first Love by repeating what you did at the very beginning. A relationship with Jesus is dynamic: You are either drawing closer to Him in love or moving away from your first love. ⎫ Let everything you do flow out of a passionate love for God. You can be right in the head, but wrong in the heart. Doctrine and duty without delight leads to drudgery. ⎫ Look forward to your rewards. Don’t get distracted by the cheap thrills of today’s pleasures. Instead go after Jesus every day of your life.

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