
    About this Episode

    The multitude tried to silence the blind man's cries for mercy as they passed by in pursuit of Jesus. Their desire to follow Jesus got in the way of their ability to see the needs of the one. Cynthia and Susan discuss lessons they're learning about the importance of stopping, really seeing people, and asking what they need.

    Recent Episodes from At Last She Said It

    Episode 173: An Open Letter to the Church | The Imagination Episode

    Episode 173: An Open Letter to the Church | The Imagination Episode
    Some topics come up in these podcast conversations again and again, and that gets our attention. They frustrate us but also feel like obvious opportunities: areas where the church we love could take a step forward, and even small changes might make a big difference. In Episode 173, Cynthia and Susan call out a few of their frustrations and imagine possible responses that would feel like real progress.

    Episode 172: The Grace Peddlers are Back

    Episode 172: The Grace Peddlers are Back
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    Episode 171: What About Guilt and Shame? | A Conversation with C.A. Larson, Part 2

    Episode 171: What About Guilt and Shame? | A Conversation with C.A. Larson, Part 2
    In Episode 171, Susan and Cynthia continue their discussion with therapist C.A. Larson about guilt and shame. Where are they coming from? What are some specific ways these emotions might affect Latter-day Saint women, and how can we recognize and work through them in healthy ways?

    Episode 170: What About Guilt and Shame? | A Conversation with C.A. Larson, Part 1

    Episode 170: What About Guilt and Shame? | A Conversation with C.A. Larson, Part 1
    “The most liberating process is to realize that no one’s expectations for my life matter but my own,” says therapist C.A. Larson. In Episode 170, she joins Cynthia and Susan for the first part of a discussion about guilt and shame. What’s the difference between these two emotions? How do they help or hinder our growth and progress? And what tools can we use to manage them in healthy ways, and move toward greater self-acceptance?

    Episode 169: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Lisa Torcasso Downing

    Episode 169: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Lisa Torcasso Downing
    “My religious life is beyond the confines of my ward or stake,” says Lisa Torcasso Downing, a Latter-day Saint woman for whom using her voice is an integral part of her faith life. She describes her long-running blog, Life Outside the Book of Mormon Belt: "That's where I’ve been saying it!” In Episode 169, she joins Susan and Cynthia for a rich conversation about everything from her unique conversion story to some of the foundational ideas that shaped her Mormonism to the ups and downs of learning to advocate.

    Episode 168: Revisiting What Women Don't Get in our Church

    Episode 168: Revisiting What Women Don't Get in our Church
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    Episode 167: Behind the Scenes

    Episode 167: Behind the Scenes
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    Episode 166: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Lyric Montgomery Kinard

    Episode 166: Embracing Your Journey | A Conversation with Lyric Montgomery Kinard
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    Episode 164: What About Patriarchal Blessings?

    Episode 164: What About Patriarchal Blessings?
    When it comes to Patriarchal Blessings, there are as many experiences as there are members who give and receive them. In Episode 164, Cynthia and Susan are joined by Blakelee Ellis for a discussion about some of the many ways these highly anticipated blessings can be complicated for Latter-day Saint women. From the experience itself to the advice given or promises made, there can be plenty to unpack at the time the words are spoken, but also as we continue to revisit the transcript throughout our lives.