
    Episode #010 ... The Hellenistic Age Pt. 1 - Epicurus

    enNovember 24, 2013

    Podcast Summary

    • Diogenes' Philanthropic Act: Sharing Epicurus' TeachingsDiogenes, inspired by Epicurus' philosophy, built a wall to share it with his community, emphasizing the power of spreading ideas and their potential impact.

      The ancient Greeks had a structure called a stoa, which served as a community hub where people gathered, traded, and held gatherings. One wealthy man named Diogenes, in the 2nd century AD, built a massive wall adjacent to a stoa in his town, Oinawada, and covered it with the teachings of the philosopher Epicurus. Diogenes, who was deeply moved by Epicurus' philosophy, wanted to share it with as many people as possible, believing it could bring them happiness and tranquility. This act of generosity and dedication to spreading philosophical knowledge is a reminder of the power of sharing ideas and the potential impact they can have on individuals and communities. Diogenes' gesture also highlights the enduring nature of philosophical thought and the importance of preserving and passing it down through generations.

    • Philosophy's shift from abstract to ethical focus during Hellenistic ageAncient Greek philosophers explored reality and knowledge, but Socrates introduced the idea of using philosophy for personal improvement. Later, during Hellenistic age, philosophy shifted towards ethics due to uncertain and chaotic times.

      The ancient Greek philosophers, including Heraclitus, Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, all explored fundamental questions about reality and knowledge, despite their different approaches. However, it was Socrates who introduced the idea of using philosophy to improve one's way of life. Later, during the Hellenistic age, following the death of Alexander the Great, philosophy shifted towards a focus on ethics as people's lives became uncertain and chaotic. This period marked a departure from the abstract metaphysical and epistemological explorations of earlier philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. Essentially, the philosophical landscape changed to reflect the changing social and political climate.

    • The Hellenistic age shaped philosophy through political climate with four major schools: stoicism, epicureanism, skepticism, and cynicism.Epicurus, born after Plato, promoted tranquility through reduction of pain and suffering, despite common misconceptions of indulgence.

      During the Hellenistic age, the philosophical landscape was shaped significantly by the political climate, with four major schools of thought - stoicism, epicureanism, skepticism, and later cynicism - constantly vying for dominance. Epicurus, a philosopher born after the death of Plato, is often misunderstood for promoting a life of indulgence, but his true goal was to increase ataraxia, or tranquility, through the reduction of pain and suffering. Epicurus' humble upbringing on a small island influenced his philosophy, as he studied under philosophers who were direct students of Plato and Democritus. Despite their agreement on the existence of atoms and void, Epicurus and Democritus had notable differences in their metaphysical beliefs. Understanding these philosophical schools and their connections to the political climate of the time is crucial for grasping the development of Western thought over the next 1500 years.

    • Ancient Greek philosophers Epicurus and Democritus differed on atomic motionEpicurus introduced the concept of atoms swerving slightly to create new motion, challenging Democritus' deterministic view and introducing free will

      Epicurus and Democritus, two ancient Greek philosophers, had different perspectives on the nature of atoms and their role in the universe. Democritus believed that all atomic motion was the result of previous collisions, but couldn't explain how they began moving in the first place. Epicurus responded by proposing that atoms have weight and naturally move downward, but also introduced the concept of the swerve – random, minor deviations in atomic paths that allow for new collisions and the creation of motion. This idea challenged Democritus' deterministic view of the universe and introduced the concept of free will. Epicurus aimed to understand the natural world without relying on gods or supernatural forces, even if some of his specific theories were later found to be incorrect.

    • Epicurus' philosophy relied on rational explanation without gods and gathering info through sensesEpicurus believed our senses are the best tool for understanding the world despite their limitations, and used preconceptions and feelings to improve accuracy

      Epicurus, an ancient Greek philosopher, believed that a rational explanation of the world without gods was necessary for the effectiveness of his philosophy. He was an empiricist who emphasized the importance of gathering information through the senses to arrive at truth. However, he also recognized that our senses are not perfect and that our minds can deceive us. Therefore, he introduced the concepts of preconceptions and feelings to help us navigate the information we receive from our senses. In essence, Epicurus argued that while our senses may not be infallible, they are the best and most reliable tool we have for understanding the world. By recognizing their limitations and working to correct for any potential biases, we can arrive at a more accurate understanding of reality.

    • Epicurus' Philosophy of Happiness: Beyond HedonismEpicurus taught that true happiness comes from the mind's interpretation of situations, not the situations themselves. Strive for the static pleasure of tranquility and peace of mind.

      Epicurus, contrary to popular belief, was not an advocate of constant indulgence in vice or hedonism. Instead, he taught that true happiness comes from the mind's interpretation of situations, not the situations themselves. He established a commune, or garden, where people could live a simple, communal life free from politics and ambitions. Epicurus identified two types of pleasure: kinetic pleasure, which is the pleasure experienced during the act of satisfying a desire, and static pleasure, which is the state of tranquility and satisfaction that follows. He believed that static pleasure, or the absence of pain, was the ultimate goal and the best kind of pleasure. Despite this, many misunderstood Epicureanism as hedonism due to the secretive and communal nature of the garden and the association of pleasure with material possessions during Roman times. Epicurus warned that while kinetic pleasures may provide temporary relief from pain, they often come with greater disturbances and do not increase long-term happiness. Instead, we should strive for the static pleasure of tranquility and peace of mind.

    • Epicurus: Seeking Mental Tranquility Through the Absence of PainEpicurus believed that true pleasure comes from the absence of pain, and that mental tranquility is the ultimate goal. He argued that people unnecessarily fear things like death and the gods, and that these fears prevent us from achieving peace.

      , according to Epicurus, true pleasure comes from the absence of pain, rather than seeking out additional pleasurable experiences. He believed that physical pleasures and pains are secondary, and the ultimate goal is achieving mental tranquility. Epicurus also argued that people unnecessarily fear things like death and the gods, and that these fears prevent us from achieving mental peace. He believed that death is nothing to us because when we die, our atoms disperse and we have no sense organs to experience anything. Understanding Epicurus' metaphysics and epistemology is crucial to fully grasping his ethical philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of living a life free from fear and anxiety.

    • Understanding the Nature of Things for True PleasureEpicurus teaches us to live in the present, enjoy life's pleasures, and endure hardships with equanimity by recognizing our insignificance in the universe and eliminating fears of death, pain, and celestial phenomena.

      Learning from Epicurus' philosophy is that true pleasure, or ataraxia, can be achieved by understanding the nature of things and letting go of fears and anxieties. According to Epicurus, the universe is made up of atoms and void, and humans are not exceptional in the grand scheme of things. By recognizing this, we can eliminate fears of celestial or atmospheric phenomena, death, and pain. Epicurus saw philosophy as a form of medicine for the soul, a fourfold remedy to help us live a happy life. The four key concepts of his philosophy are: god holds no fears, death holds no worries, good can easily be attained, and evil can be endured. By embracing these ideas, we can focus on achieving a few bites of high-quality life, rather than endlessly worrying about immortality or other uncontrollable aspects of existence. Epicurus believed that true pleasure comes from the absence of pain and the satisfaction of our basic desires. Ultimately, his philosophy encourages us to live in the present, enjoy the good things in life, and endure the bad with equanimity.

    • Focusing on friendship and removing pain with EpicurusEpicurus believed that basic needs are easily obtainable and friendship brings emotional security, leading to a simpler, more fulfilling life. Excessive wealth or social status bring little additional pleasure, and focusing on these fundamentals increases tranquility.

      Focusing on the removal of pain and the cultivation of friendship, as advocated by the ancient Greek philosopher Epicurus, can lead to a simpler and more fulfilling life. According to Epicurus, the wealth required for basic needs is limited and easily obtainable, while the pursuit of excessive wealth or social status brings little additional pleasure. Instead, he emphasized the importance of friendship in providing emotional security and helping to reason through life's challenges. By focusing on these fundamental aspects, one can increase their ataraxia, or tranquility, and find joy in life despite the inevitable pain. This philosophy is supported by modern studies showing that once basic needs are met, additional wealth brings little increase in happiness. So, in the words of Epicurus, "before you eat or drink anything, carefully consider with whom you eat or drink," as the presence of friends can greatly enhance the simple pleasures of life.

    • True friendship essential for pleasant life according to EpicurusEpicurus believed deep, trusting friendships provide objective feedback, prevent self-delusions, and increase overall pleasure, though the role of sacrifice and altruism in his philosophy is debated

      According to Epicurus, true friendship is essential for living a pleasant life. He believed that friends act as a neutral third party, providing objective feedback and preventing self-delusions. However, this type of friendship required deep trust and living together, not just occasional texts or sporadic meetings. Epicurus' philosophy was not clear-cut on the issue of altruism and sacrifice. Some argue that he believed in egoistic hedonism, where making sacrifices for others would cause pain and thus be against the pursuit of pleasure. Others suggest that Epicurus saw the long-term benefits of friendship as outweighing any short-term sacrifices, making it a self-serving venture that increases overall pleasure. Ultimately, Epicurus saw all virtues as forms of prudence, or expertly choosing what is best for oneself. In the end, the importance of friendship for Epicurus highlights the interconnectedness of pleasure, wisdom, and virtue in his philosophy.

    • Challenging the notion of soulmates and fate in relationshipsSuccessful relationships require hard work and commitment, not reliance on fate or soulmates.

      The belief in a predetermined soulmate or fate in relationships can be a convenient way to avoid personal responsibility. In the movie, a therapist challenges this notion, suggesting that it's a human construct used to shift blame external to ourselves. Instead, successful relationships require hard work and commitment. Moving on to philosophy, stoicism, a major rival of epicureanism, also emphasizes the concept of fate. This raises the question: do you believe in fate, or do you believe in taking control of your own destiny? Ultimately, the answer may depend on your personal beliefs and values.

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