
    Episode #013 ... The Hellenistic Age Pt. 4 - Skepticism

    enJanuary 05, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • Four philosophical schools in Hellenistic ageEpicureans focused on personal pleasure and detachment, Cynics rejected societal norms and embraced simplicity, Stoics accepted fate and focused on reason and virtue, Skeptics questioned knowledge and suspended judgment, offering unique paths to inner peace in Hellenistic age

      During the Hellenistic age, there were four main schools of philosophy: Epicureans, Stoics, Skeptics, and Cynics. Each school offered a unique approach to achieving a tranquil state of mind, or freedom from disturbance. Epicureans believed in focusing on personal pleasure and detachment from material possessions and societal expectations. Cynics rejected societal norms and embraced simplicity and self-sufficiency. Stoics accepted the inevitability of fate and focused on reason and virtue. Skeptics questioned knowledge and sought to suspend judgment. These philosophical schools provided different paths for individuals to cope with the challenges of the Hellenistic age and find inner peace.

    • Competition Among Philosophical Schools: Epicureans, Stoics, and SkepticsThe Hellenistic philosophical schools, including Epicureans, Stoics, and Skeptics, engaged in intense competition, influencing each other and refining their ideas through counterarguments, ultimately leading to philosophical progress.

      During the Hellenistic age, various philosophical schools, including the Epicureans, Stoics, and Skeptics, engaged in intense competition and influenced each other significantly. The Epicureans believed true knowledge could be attained but were too casual about it. Stoics also believed in true knowledge but had a complex system of qualifications. Skeptics, however, thought knowledge was unattainable. Zeno, a Stoic philosopher, emphasized the importance of impressions from our senses as the foundation for knowledge, even though the Stoics couldn't be strictly labeled as empiricists. An example of an impression is when we hear a car alarm in our sleep. We can't see or touch the car alarm, but our ears provide us with an impression of the sound. However, we cannot be absolutely certain of what we're perceiving, as it could be something else, like an air raid siren. This competition among schools pushed them to refine their ideas and offer counterarguments, ultimately leading to philosophical progress.

    • Determining the truth of impressions through reasonStoics believed in using reason to discern truth from false or misleading impressions, but complete knowledge requires understanding relationships between all cognitive impressions.

      According to Stoic philosophy, the process of gaining knowledge involves more than just receiving impressions from our senses. While some impressions may be true, others may be false or misleading. The Stoics believed that it's important to use reason to determine the truth of impressions before forming beliefs or ascending to them. This process of forming beliefs based on reliable impressions and reason is called ascent. However, even with ascent, we still don't have complete knowledge. True knowledge comes from understanding the relationships between all cognitive impressions. The Stoics believed that we should suspend judgment until we are absolutely certain of something, but the skeptics argued that such certainty is unattainable. Thus, the Stoics and skeptics had different views on the role of doubt and uncertainty in the pursuit of knowledge.

    • Ancient Greek Philosopher Pyrrho's Skepticism and UncertaintyPyrrho, the first skeptic, questioned the validity of sensory perceptions and opinions as sources of truth, leading to a state of tranquility through doubt and uncertainty.

      According to ancient Greek philosopher Pyrrho, who is considered the first skeptic, we cannot know anything for certain due to the inherent uncertainty and doubt that exists in all experiences. Pyrrho's extreme skepticism led him to reject both sensory perceptions and opinions as sources of truth. He believed that things are fundamentally indifferent and unknowable, leading to a state of tranquility through speechlessness and freedom from disturbance. The skeptics challenged other philosophical schools by questioning the validity of negative judgments and the assumption that these judgments reflect absolute truths. Despite the uncertainty and doubt, Pyrrho lived to an old age, illustrating the potential freedom that can come from skepticism. The stories about him, though likely fictional, highlight the extreme version of his skeptical thinking.

    • Pyrrho's Paradox: Suspending Judgment and the Paradox of Knowing UnknowingPyrrho's extreme skepticism challenges us to question our beliefs and seek inner peace, rather than chasing after uncertain material possessions.

      Pyrrho of Elis, an ancient Greek philosopher, advocated for extreme skepticism, suspending judgment on everything until absolute certainty is achieved. However, this stance raises a paradox – how can one know that it's impossible to know the truth if one knows nothing? Pyrrho's radical skepticism sets him apart from other skeptics who applied the philosophy to achieve tranquility in life. An example of this practical application is Jack Whittaker, a successful businessman who won the largest lottery jackpot in history. Despite the initial joy, Whittaker faced numerous challenges and personal struggles due to his newfound wealth. This illustrates the wisdom in skepticism, encouraging us to question our beliefs and focus on achieving inner peace rather than chasing fleeting material possessions.

    • The Downsides of Winning the LotteryWinning the lottery can bring unexpected challenges, negativity, and even regret, despite the wealth and attention it brings.

      Winning the lottery, while seemingly a dream come true, can bring unforeseen challenges and negativity. Jack Whittaker's story illustrates this, as he went from being a humble man to a public figure inundated with requests and eventually becoming a target for crime and addiction. Despite the wealth, his personal life suffered, and he expressed regret for his win. This highlights the potential downsides of having unlimited access to resources and the attention of many. It's a reminder that true happiness and fulfillment may not be found in material possessions alone.

    • The struggle brings greater satisfactionStruggling to achieve our goals brings a greater sense of satisfaction and achievement in the long run. Avoid making assertions to achieve peace of mind, as our perceptions do not determine truth.

      While it may seem appealing to have all our desires instantly fulfilled, the struggle and effort we put into achieving our goals bring us a greater sense of satisfaction and achievement in the long run. Pyro, a character from a comic, wisely noted that things are never one way or another, and our perceptions or beliefs do not determine truth or falsehood. Instead, we should remain skeptical and avoid making assertions to achieve ataraxia or peace of mind. Personal experiences, such as desiring a job and being rejected despite a seemingly perfect interview, illustrate the importance of this wisdom. While it may be disappointing in the moment, the effort put into pursuing our goals ultimately leads to greater fulfillment and growth.

    • Finding positivity in adversitySkepticism can lead to growth and improvement, even from seemingly negative situations. Look for weaknesses in beliefs to promote continuous learning and growth.

      Adversity and perceived setbacks in life may not be as negative as they seem. The story of the speaker's experience with job interviews and meeting his future wife illustrates this concept. Skepticism, as a philosophical approach, encourages suspending judgment on things and looking for weaknesses in beliefs. This approach can lead to growth and improvement, even from seemingly bad situations. Additionally, the competition between different philosophical schools, like the skeptics and stoics, kept each other honest and improved the overall philosophical landscape. This concept can be applied to various aspects of life, including business and personal relationships, encouraging a mindset of continuous growth and learning from challenges.

    • Challenging and refining philosophical ideas during the Hellenistic age through skepticismSkeptics, who believed that certain knowledge was unattainable, spent their time refuting other philosophers' teachings, particularly the stoics. Arkesilaus, a skeptic who led Plato's academy, suspended judgment on knowing anything for certain but recognized and lived in accordance with things that seem to be the case.

      Skepticism played a crucial role in challenging and refining the philosophical ideas of other schools during the Hellenistic age. The skeptics, who believed that certain knowledge was unattainable, spent most of their time refuting the teachings of other philosophers, particularly the stoics. Arkesilaus, a skeptic who became the headmaster of Plato's academy, spent his life refuting stoic epistemology and attacking the idea of self-evident impressions. The skeptical academy marked a period of intense philosophical debate and refinement, ultimately contributing to the evolution of philosophical thought. Arkesilaus' response to the apparent contradiction in Pyrrhonian skepticism, which holds that nothing can be known for certain while also suspending judgment, was that an ideal skeptic would suspend judgment on knowing anything for certain but recognize and live in accordance with things that seem to be the case. For instance, if you see a tiger attacking you in the woods, you should act accordingly to save yourself, even if you cannot be certain of the reality of the tiger.

    • Hellenistic Skepticism: Living with UncertaintyThe Hellenistic skeptics believed truth was uncertain and advocated suspending judgment, leading to a spectrum of skepticism from rejecting all knowledge to seeking harmony and understanding.

      Learning from the discussion on Hellenistic skepticism is that the skeptics, such as Arkesilaus and Carneades, believed that truth was impossible to attain and that knowledge was uncertain. They advocated for suspending judgment and living in accordance with the way things seem. This approach created a spectrum of skepticism, with some believing that knowledge wasn't possible at all and rejecting everything, and others suspending judgment and living in accordance with appearances. Carneades, a master of this approach, was known for his ability to argue both sides of an issue equally well, making him the most skeptical of skeptics. From an outsider's perspective, this may seem arbitrary, but for the skeptics, it was a sign of great intellect. This approach divided the skeptics, with some following the more extreme views of Pyro and rejecting everything, and others following the more moderate views of Philo and seeking harmony and understanding. These skeptics can be thought of as characters in the Smurfs, with Carneades representing the most skeptical and Smurfette representing the opposite, who seeks harmony and understanding.

    • Challenging the Established: Philo of Larissa's Unique PerspectiveSuspending judgment allows us to fully understand situations and appreciate potential benefits

      Philo of Larissa, a ancient Greek philosopher, challenged the established views of both stoicism and skepticism with his unique perspective. He argued that the stoics had a different understanding of knowledge than what had previously been debated, making decades of arguments obsolete. Philo, known as the peacemaker among the three philosophers, saw himself as a bridge builder between stoicism and skepticism. However, his ideas were met with skepticism and confusion, leaving some wondering if there was even a difference between stoicism and skepticism as Philo defined it. This discussion brings up an important concept for us today: the value of suspending judgment. In our own lives, we may encounter situations that initially seem negative, but later turn out to have positive outcomes. By practicing skepticism and withholding judgment, we allow ourselves the opportunity to fully understand the situation and appreciate the potential benefits. So, take a moment to reflect on a time when something seemingly bad turned out to be a good thing in your life. Share your story with me at steve@stephenwestshow.com. Keep questioning, keep growing.

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