
    Episode #022 ... Blast off to the Renaissance!

    enMay 13, 2014

    Podcast Summary

    • The Death Preceding a Renaissance is Not Always NegativeA renaissance doesn't always mean the death of something negative, it could be a new beginning, like starting a healthy diet or ending corruption.

      The concept of a renaissance, or rebirth, often brings to mind positive progress and the death of something old and negative. However, the death that precedes a renaissance is not always a bad thing. For instance, starting a new diet could be seen as a renaissance, with the "death" being an old unhealthy lifestyle. Similarly, ending corruption in local government can lead to a renaissance, despite the death of the corrupt officials. The term "Renaissance" has a positive connotation, but it's essential not to oversimplify history and view it in black and white. The Middle Ages, often called the "Dark Ages," were not uniformly terrible, and progress is not always defined by scientific advancement, job availability, or happiness. It's a complex question that philosophers have pondered for centuries, and we should ask ourselves how we define human progress. Despite living in extraordinary times with advancements in healthcare, technology, and representation, we still face challenges like mental health issues and societal issues. Therefore, it's crucial to consider various factors when evaluating progress.

    • Progress in civilization is multifacetedThe 'dark ages' were a time of prosperity and unity for many, with advancements in agriculture, architecture, and the spread of Christianity.

      Progress in human civilization should not be measured solely based on intellectual advancements. While the period known as the "dark ages" marked an intellectual regression in Western Europe, it was also a time of prosperity and unity for the majority of the population. This period, known as the high middle ages, saw advancements in agriculture, architecture, and a sense of unity through the spread of Christianity. Therefore, it's important to remember that progress is multifaceted and not all areas of human life follow the same trajectory. The end of a period of prosperity and unity, such as the high middle ages, can lead to widespread political unrest and intellectual progress. So, while the "dark ages" may be remembered negatively in terms of intellectual history, they were not a time of universal regression.

    • The Black Death: A Deadly Pandemic in European HistoryThe Black Death, caused by the bubonic plague, killed an estimated 400 million people in the 14th century, leading to significant social, economic, and religious changes in Europe.

      The Black Death, a pandemic caused by the bubonic plague and its variants, was a turning point in human history. Starting in Asia and spreading through trade routes, the disease reached Europe in the 14th century, killing an estimated 400 million people, or 30-60% of the population. People experienced symptoms such as swellings and black spots, and once these signs appeared, death was imminent. The lack of understanding of the cause and treatment of the disease led to widespread fear and despair. The Black Death drastically altered the course of European history, leading to social, economic, and religious changes. It's a reminder of the devastating impact of pandemics on human populations and the importance of understanding and addressing health crises.

    • Comparing mass burials to making lasagnaThe Black Death pandemic caused societal breakdown through fear and individualistic thinking, leading to a lack of productivity and community cohesion

      During the Black Death pandemic, people were burying the dead in mass graves due to a lack of burial places. They compared this process to making lasagna with layers of bodies. The fear of the disease led people to adopt a cruel policy of avoiding the sick and everything belonging to them, causing a societal breakdown. People stopped going to work, leading to a lack of productivity and stability for the rest of society. This individualistic thinking, while understandable in the face of such a horrific disease, ultimately harmed the community as a whole. The Black Death pandemic was a time of immense suffering and fear, leading people to prioritize their own survival over the needs of the community.

    • Interdependence in the Middle AgesDuring the Middle Ages, labor scarcity led to economic instability and political unrest, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the value of each individual's contribution to society.

      Interdependence is a fundamental aspect of society. Every aspect of our daily lives relies on the contributions of others, from the food we eat to the goods we use. During the fall of the Middle Aages, this interdependence became particularly evident in the agricultural industry, where a population crisis led to a scarcity of labor and rising wages. This economic instability, in turn, led to political unrest. This historical event highlights the importance of recognizing the value of each individual's contribution to society and the consequences of neglecting this responsibility. The interconnectedness of our lives and the interdependence of industries and labor forces serve as a reminder that we all have a role to play in the functioning of society.

    • Europe's search for guidance during crises leads to humanismDuring the late middle ages, humanism emerged as a response to crises, emphasizing classical texts and human values, marking a shift from scholasticism and religious dogmatism.

      During the late middle ages, as Europe faced multiple crises, people looked to the past for guidance and inspiration to build a better future. This period saw the spread of humanism, a broad intellectual movement that emphasized the study of classical Greek and Roman texts and the focus on human values. Erasmus, a prominent humanist philosopher, exemplified this intellectual plague that swept across Europe, marking a shift away from the scholastic approach and religious dogmatism that had dominated for centuries. Humanism during this time was less defined and more open-ended than it would later become, but it marked a significant turning point in European intellectual history. This historical context is crucial to understanding the philosophical shifts that would later unfold during the Protestant Reformation. It's important to remember that religion and faith were not synonymous during this time, and understanding the cultural and historical context of the era is essential to grasping the significance of Erasmus and the humanist movement.

    • Erasmus and the Challenge to Merging Philosophy and ReligionDuring the Reformation, Erasmus advocated for a simpler approach to faith, emphasizing love and individual relationships with God, and criticized the church's obsession with complex rituals and intellectualized theology, encouraging a more personal connection with the divine.

      During the time of the reformation, Erasmus challenged the traditional merging of philosophy and religion, which had been a central aspect of theology for centuries. He believed that this fusion was causing corruption and a misfocus within the church. Erasmus, a humanist, advocated for a simpler approach to faith – one that emphasized love and individual relationships with God, rather than complex rituals and intellectualized theology. He criticized the church's obsession with trivial disputes and the sale of indulgences, and encouraged a more personal connection with the divine. In essence, Erasmus believed that the true message of Christianity was to love one another, and that this message had been lost amidst the complexities of scholasticism.

    • Erasmus' view on true spiritualityErasmus believed true spirituality is a personal connection with God, not about rules or sacrifices. He criticized the church for excessive interdicts and prioritized Bible teachings over knowledge.

      According to Erasmus, true spirituality is a personal connection between an individual and God, and not about arbitrary sacrifices or following the rules set by the church or philosophy. Erasmus criticized the church leadership for their excessive use of interdicts, suspensions, and excommunications, and he believed that philosophers who prioritize knowledge over living in ignorance were misguided. Erasmus argued that ignorance is a natural part of human life and that seeking knowledge only complicates things and does not lead to happiness. Instead, he believed that the key to happiness lies in the teachings of the Bible. Erasmus' individualistic approach to spirituality was a precursor to the Protestant Reformation, which would further challenge the authority of the church.

    • Be true to yourself for true happinessSelf-acceptance and authenticity are key to achieving happiness. Embrace your strengths and weaknesses, and learn to love yourself just as you are.

      That true happiness can be achieved when we embrace our authentic selves. The quote, "The summit of happiness is reached when a person is ready to be what he is," emphasizes the importance of self-acceptance in attaining happiness. Often, we spend our lives trying to fit into societal norms, seeking validation from others, or striving for external achievements. But the truth is, we can only be truly content when we are true to ourselves. This doesn't mean giving up on personal growth or striving for excellence, but rather recognizing that our worth is not defined by external factors. Self-acceptance is a continuous process that requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and a willingness to let go of self-judgment. It's about embracing our strengths and weaknesses, our quirks and imperfections, and learning to love ourselves just as we are. When we are authentic, we radiate confidence and happiness. We no longer feel the need to put on a mask or play a role. We become more resilient to criticism and rejection, and we attract positive relationships and experiences. So, the next time you find yourself feeling inadequate or striving for someone else's approval, take a deep breath and remind yourself that the summit of happiness is within reach, and it starts with being true to yourself.

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    About the Guest

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    Learn more about Ken.

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    600 Fraud Refunds, Money Meditations, Low Tax Warrior Grover Norquist and the Keys to Riches© Financial Philosophy

    600 Fraud Refunds, Money Meditations, Low Tax Warrior Grover Norquist and the Keys to Riches© Financial Philosophy
    Unlock Your Wealth Today and Heather Wagenhals' gives you the tools and resources to increase your Wealth, Health, Wisdom, and Pleasurable pursuits.

    Congratulations to the 600 Fraud Refunds for New Yorkers who fell victim to fraudulent debt collection schemes.

    Also on today's episode, Money Meditations to give you the edge when addressing your finances,  the Keys To Riches© Financial Philosophy as well as Heather's interview with Grover Norquist from Americans For Tax Reform during FreedomFest in Las Vegas, Nevada.


    600 Fraud Refunds
    Money Meditations
    Low Tax Warrior Grover Norquist
    the Keys to Riches© Financial Philosophy

    Who's On:

    Grover Norquist (Twitter: @GroverNorquist) is president of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR), a taxpayer advocacy group he founded in 1985 at President Reagan’s request. ATR works to limit the size and cost of government and opposes higher taxes at the federal, state, and local levels and supports tax reform that moves towards taxing consumed income one time at one rate.

    What's Shared:

    ATR organizes the Taxpayer Protection Pledge, which asks all candidates for federal and state office to commit themselves in writing to the American people to oppose all net tax increases. In the 115th Congress, 212 House members and 45 Senators have taken the pledge.
    Here's the link to the Jim Woods article Heather references about Paving for Pizza in her conversation with Grover. 

    Learn More with Resource Links:

    Americans for Tax Reform website and resource links from Grover Norquist atr.org
    MoneyCreditAndYou.com for the latest news about identity theft, frauds, and scams.
    UnlockYourWealth.com for access to Heather's workshops, live events, books and resources.
    SevenSellingSecrets.com learn how you can apply the only biology-based approach to persuasive selling strategies from Heather Wagenhals.
    JimWoodsInvesting.com to access his weekly column the Deep Woods, and resources to receive his investing newsletters.

    This Week's Key:

    Knowledge is Power, Not Knowing is Powerful
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    Personal finance, ID theft, wealth, health, wisdom, luxury lifestyle, millionaires, keys to riches, money, credit, heather wagenhals, tax reform, Grover Norquist, Jim Woods, investing, Renaissance man