
    Episode 025 - Liquor and Liberty - In Defense of the Whisky Rebellion

    enFebruary 18, 2018

    About this Episode

    Holy Cow! The Dynamically Drunken Duo have stumbled into their 25th episode. Who knew that they had enough brain cells left to do so? They sure didn't think they did.

    In honor of their 25th episode, Brett and Rob celebrate by drinking a whole bunch of whisky and discuss an episode in American history that is wrongly taught today: The Whisky Rebellion of 1794. They discuss how the rebellion was actually a wide-spread success for the nullification of unconstitutional laws, and how once the general government unconstitutionally steals power from the hands of the people, it sets a precedent in which it never wants to give up that power. The guys also discuss how important (and legal) it is to nullify laws today and ways it can be accomplished by YOU.

    Sit back, relax, have a drink if you can, and listen to Brett and Rob extol the power of the people.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

    This Episode's Drinks of Choice:

    Recent Episodes from Half-Hour Liberty Hour

    Bretts Bemusing 01- Importance of Culture

    Bretts Bemusing 01- Importance of Culture

    As firsts go, this is a new one for Half-Hour Liberty Hour, a solo episode from Brett. In this new mini-series, titled “Brett's Bemusings”, Brett will discuss various topics that are either in the news, concerning his beloved Portland, diving into the culture war, or just whatever is on his mind at the moment.

    In this first part of a two part episode, Brett discusses culture and the culture war, laying out definitions and the importance of culture. Brett discussed how politics is downstream from culture, what culture is, and what shapes our culture.  Brett finishes this episode discussing our current cultural deterioration.

    Rob's Rant Vol. 003 - The Last Great Middle Finger

    Rob's Rant Vol. 003 - The Last Great Middle Finger

    In this rant, Rob explains why he has been unable to record for the past couple of months. Hopefully, that issue will be resolved in the next few weeks. He rants about why the election does not matter, as the State still persists. He also delivers the Christmas speech that he would love to hear Donald Trump deliver. It's sure to anger everyone except for liberty lovers. If it were to happen, sit back and watch the world burn.

    Series 02 Episode 02 - Portland, Seriously?!?

    Series 02 Episode 02 - Portland, Seriously?!?

    In this episode, Brett and Rob discuss the recent election in Oregon, including the mayoral race in Portland, a specific Metro Council commissioner race, and a bond issue. They also discuss the now world-famous ballot measures to legalize psilocybin mushrooms and decriminalize street drugs. There is also an Easter Egg in the episode, so please listen for it.

    This Episode's Drink of Choice: Beer

    New rants are to come, but recording has been delayed to issues outside Rob's control. He'll speak more of it when they are recorded and released.

    Rob's Rant Vol. 002 - Breonna Taylor and Reforming the Police

    Rob's Rant Vol. 002 - Breonna Taylor and Reforming the Police

    In this rant, which has been building for months, Rob talks about the issues with the Breonna Taylor case and the need to reform the police. Specifically:

    • Reactions to the grand jury findings
    • Issues Rob has with the case
    • The real problem (and it's not racism)
    • 7 steps to reforming the police and 1 step to reforming ourselves

    Rob hopes you have a drink in your hand, because you'll probably need one by the end.

    Rob's Rant Vol. 001 - Fighting Over the Body of RBG

    Rob's Rant Vol. 001 - Fighting Over the Body of RBG

    This is a first for Half-Hour Liberty Hour, a solo episode. In this new mini-series, titled "Rob's Rant", Rob will be trying to upload a weekly rant of his over a topic that is either in the news, concerning his beloved Portland, or just whatever is on his mind at the moment.

    In this rant, Rob delves into the fighting over RBG's body, how she will probably be canonized in the American Civic Religion, how both the Left and the Right want to take away your inalienable rights, how the Left are greedy, how the Right are gullible, and who the new Supreme Court justice will be doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things.

    Rob hopes you have a drink in your hand, because you'll probably need one by the end.

    Series 02 Episode 01 - George Floyd, Riots, and the Lies of the Corporate Media

    Series 02 Episode 01 - George Floyd, Riots, and the Lies of the Corporate Media

    WE'RE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK! And snarkier than ever.

    After a prolonged absence, the Dynamically Drunken Duo have returned. Were they hibernating? Did Brett run off to join the circus? Was Rob committed to an insane asylum?

    In this episode, Brett and Rob discuss the following:

    • Where the heck they've been
    • The murder of George Floyd and the riotous response
    • The murder of Breonna Taylor
    • How the Corporate Media has been lying about the protest and riots
    • What is really happening in Portland

    Sit back, relax, have a drink if you are able to, and listen to the guys for the first time in a while.

    This episode's drink of choice: Water?!?

    Yes, the episode was recorded in the late morning Pacific time, so there is unfortunately no drinking in this one.

    Episode 035 - Oregon, You Never Fail To Disappoint Me.

    Episode 035 - Oregon, You Never Fail To Disappoint Me.

    Rob actually managed to get a day off from work, so he set about clearing out the archives. This episode was originally recorded in late November 2018.

    In this episode of Half-Hour Liberty Hour, Brett and Rob discuss the results of the recent statewide election in Oregon and the local election in Portland (SPOILER ALERT: It went badly for liberty lovers). The guys discuss:

    • The reelection of "Corrupt Kate" Brown as governor
    • The Super-Majority now held by Democrats in the state government
    • OR Measure 102 Bonds for affordable housing
    • OR Measure 103: Ban on grocery and soda taxes
    • OR Measure 104: Change tax raising threshold from 3/5 to 2/3
    • OR Measure 105: Repeal of Oregon's Sanctuary State status
    • OR Measure 106: Banning public funds for abortion
    • Portland Measure 26-201: Gross revenues tax
    • The state of Oregon suing the President of the United States

    It was almost as if the Dynamically Drunken Duo were looking into a crystal ball in this episode. Since the turn of 2019, the Oregon Democrat Super-Majority has completely gone off the rails. From new taxes, to massive unfunded mandates, to weak PERS reform, to the nation's first statewide rent control law, there is nothing to stop this out-of-control government. Oregon has set its path, possibly irreversibly, toward bankruptcy and economic collapse.

    Resources Mentioned In This Episode:
    Nullification by Tom Woods

    This Episode's Drink of Choice: Elijah Craig Small Batch Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey

    Refuting Stupidity 006

    Refuting Stupidity 006

    Recorded in February 2019 while Rob was home for jury duty (no worries...when he explained what an Anarcho-Capitalist is, he was removed from the jury pool).

    In this episode of refuting stupidity, Brett and Rob lay into the stupidity of the Green New Deal, proposed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. They originally recorded 90 minutes of material, and Rob had to chop it down into around 30 minutes. They guys point out the stupidity of the GND and the solutions to solving all of the issues that the GND attempts to solve. The guys hope you are sitting down and having a drink with us on this one.

    Brett's microphone had trouble during this recording. Rob has done his best to make repairs, but Brett still sounds like he's speaking over a telephone. Our apologies.

    Bonus Episodelet 017 - The Downsides To Capitalism

    Bonus Episodelet 017 - The Downsides To Capitalism

    This bonus episodelet was promised to you in the liner notes from Episode 029 - Why Capitalism? This is a segment that was cut for time. In this clip, the Dynamically Drunken Duo honestly assess the few weaknesses they find in capitalism:

    • There is no social safety net
    • You can lose everything
    • Derivatives exist
    • Government involvement

    Brett and Rob concede that capitalism is not a perfect economic system, but it surely is the best one that has ever been discovered. Even though they identify four weaknesses, they will defend the true free market (one that has no outside interference from the State) until their last breaths.