
    Episode #077 ... Marx and Kierkegaard on Religion pt. 1

    enJanuary 17, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • The impact of visual representations on our perception of philosophersSeeing a philosopher through a visual representation can change how we view them, making them more relatable and humanized.

      The way we perceive and connect with philosophers and their ideas can be significantly influenced by the availability and accessibility of visual representations of them. For instance, as a child, the author idolized Mark Twain based on his written works, but when he saw a video of Twain for the first time, his perception of him shifted from a god of wit to a real person. This shift occurred around the mid to late 1800s when the invention of the camera began to make it commonplace for notable figures to be photographed. As a result, philosophers became more relatable and humanized, rather than enigmatic figures. This discovery has made the author reflect on the importance of visual representations in shaping our understanding and appreciation of philosophers and their ideas.

    • Exploring the lives and ideas of historical figures like Socrates and MarxDespite the lack of definitive proof, the lives and ideas of historical figures like Socrates and Marx continue to inspire and offer valuable context to understanding complex historical events and human experiences.

      The lives and ideas of historical figures like Socrates and Karl Marx, who may not have definitive proof of existence, can evoke a sense of magic and relatability that is different from those with well-documented images. Socrates, known for his unwavering commitment to his beliefs, has left an indelible mark on history. Conversely, examining the lives and motivations of figures like Marx, whose views on religion and the plight of the average person during the Industrial Revolution are complex, provides valuable context to understanding their nuanced ideas. These historical figures' impact transcends the limitations of objective proof, offering a unique connection to the human experience.

    • Marx's Economic Theories and the Rise of Mass ProductionMarx believed that understanding history through the lens of class struggles between the ruling and working classes reveals the fundamental truth of societal imbalance caused by economic power concentration in the hands of a few manufacturers.

      Key takeaway from Marx's economic theories is that in an increasingly interconnected global economy, artisans and craftsmen cannot keep up with the demand for their goods and services, leading to the rise of mass production by manufacturers. This concentration of economic power in the hands of a few manufacturers results in a significant imbalance of control over people's lives. Marx saw this trend as a repeating pattern throughout history, known as the dialectic, where conflicting interests lead to change, only for the new order to become the status quo once again. Marx believed that understanding the economic history of the world through this lens revealed a fundamental truth: the history of all societies is marked by class struggles between the ruling class and the working class.

    • Marx's Continuous Cycle of Economic ExploitationMarx believed that the ruling class exploits the exploited class, leading to revolutions, only for the cycle to repeat. This dynamic exists in capitalism, where workers are exploited by capitalists.

      According to Marx's perspective, there exists a continuous cycle of economic exploitation between the ruling class and the exploited class. This dynamic, which Marx describes using Hegel's dialectic, involves the ruling class (thesis) exploiting the exploited class (antithesis), leading to a revolution (synthesis), only for the exploited class to eventually become the new ruling class and the cycle to repeat. Marx gives numerous historical examples, such as the revolution in colonial America against slavery and the peasant revolts during the feudal system. In Marx's time, the exploited class consisted of the proletariat, who were beholden to the bourgeoisie, the ruling class of manufacturers and capitalists. Marx believed that modern workers, including those who may not feel exploited, are still part of the exploited class in the capitalist society. However, it's important to note that Marx's ideas are not the only perspective, and the definition of the ruling and exploited classes can be debated.

    • Marx's Perspective on ExploitationMarx believed individuals could be exploited even with content jobs and compensation, and this historical imbalance of wealth can lead to revolutions. He questioned if a system without exploited classes was possible, and warned of attempts to keep the exploited class satisfied or distracted.

      According to Marx's perspective, even if individuals feel content with their jobs and compensation, they may still be unwittingly being exploited for their labor. The company benefits more from their work than what they're paid, and this dynamic of one party gaining wealth at the expense of another has historically led to revolutions. Marx raises the question of whether it's possible to create a system where there is no exploited class, and suggests that the ruling class may try to prolong their power by keeping the exploited class satisfied or distracted.

    • Religion as a tool for the ruling class to control the massesMarx saw religion as a means for the ruling class to maintain power by providing an escapism and acceptance of current circumstances as part of God's plan.

      According to Marx, the ruling class throughout history has employed various tactics to distract and control the masses, with religion being the most effective method. Marx saw religion as an "opiate of the masses" because it provides a form of escapism, allowing people to focus on otherworldly things rather than the political and economic realities of their current situation. By promoting acceptance of their circumstances as part of God's plan, religion helps to keep people content and complacent, making it an effective tool for the ruling class to maintain power. Today, we may not have gladiatorial games or physical distractions like Christmas lights and morphine, but we do have an endless supply of entertainment and distractions that serve a similar purpose. Ultimately, Marx believed that understanding this dynamic was crucial for those seeking to challenge the status quo and bring about meaningful change.

    • Religion as a tool for economic control by ruling classMarx believed religious beliefs were intentionally used to maintain power by the ruling class, aligning with economic structures of the time

      According to Marx, religious beliefs have been used as a tool for economic control by the ruling class throughout history. The structure of popular religions during specific time periods mirrors and justifies the economic systems in place, making it easier for the ruling class to maintain power. For instance, during the feudal system, the hierarchical structure of the Catholic Church reflected the economic structure of the time, with a small percentage of the population holding power and the rest as peasants. Marx argued that this relationship was not coincidental, but rather an intentional use of religion as an "opiate" to keep the masses in subjugation. As economic systems changed, such as the transition from feudalism to capitalism, the structure of religion also shifted to align with the new economic order.

    • Marx saw religion as a tool to keep people passive under capitalismMarx believed religion in capitalism encourages meekness and acceptance, masking economic exploitation

      According to Marx, religion in capitalism serves as a tool to keep people passive and accepting of their exploited status. He believed that religion adapted to the capitalist system by promoting the idea of individual liberty in interpreting religious texts and abandoning hierarchical structures, all while encouraging meekness and acceptance of one's circumstances. Marx saw this as a calculated tactic to justify his theory of economic exploitation and keep the working class from rebelling against their oppressors. This idea is exemplified in the Bible verse "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God," which can be seen as a way to discourage envy and resentment towards the wealthy. Marx compared this to the relief felt when receiving pain medication, arguing that religion offers temporary comfort but does not address the root cause of suffering. However, it's important to note that not all thinkers during Marx's time shared his cynical view of religion. Søren Kierkegaard, for example, held a very different perspective, which we will explore in the next episode of Philosophize This.

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    Telegram Community: https://t.me/killbigger

    Join the discussion at https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/threads/kaks-kill-bigger-radio-show.95326/

    DISCLAIMER! I am NOT your financial advisor or business consultant. Do YOUR OWN research. I advocate heavily that you should make intelligent and informed decisions based on YOUR OWN understanding or hire someone that does this for you. Don’t take me out of context and make dumb decisions. Always consider YOUR OWN SITUATION before implementing strategies shared on KKRS. When in doubt, remember Kyle is conservative and will always choose to live another day over imprudent “YOLO” decisions.


    The Kyle Keegan Radio Show and iTalk Media Network™️ are © Atlas Southwest LLC.

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