
    Episode 078 - Infertility

    enSeptember 26, 2019
    What role do dreams play in personal growth according to Jung?
    How does Dream School assist individuals with their dreams?
    What emotional complexities are associated with infertility?
    How is the concept of shadow relevant to therapy?
    What is the significance of reconciling contradictory aspects of identity?

    • Understanding dreams and infertility from a psychological perspectiveExploring dreams and infertility through Jungian analysis can lead to personal growth, healing, and new insights.

      Dreams are a window to the soul, as Jung believed, and understanding them can lead to personal growth and healing. Dream School, an online program, offers support, knowledge, and guidance to help individuals decipher their personal dream code and harness it to optimize their lives. Infertility, an issue that affects many people, is not only about biological function but also has historical and archetypal significance. The modern era brings advanced medical technology to address infertility, but it also comes with its own emotional complexities. The topic of infertility, with its universal and archetypal aspects, is fraught with emotion and history, and understanding it from a psychological perspective can provide new insights. Join Dream School or attend the public programs offered by the Interregional Society of Jungian Analysts to explore these ideas further.

    • The emotional burden of reproductive decisionsIndividuals making reproductive choices face overwhelming decisions with deep psychic implications, often involving coping mechanisms and emotional investment, which can lead to a cycle of hope, disappointment, and acceptance.

      The increasing role of conscious decision-making in reproductive technologies can be overwhelming for individuals, particularly women, as the choices and potential consequences are vast and life-altering. These decisions often carry deep psychic implications that may be minimized or denied in the pursuit of medical solutions. Some individuals may seek to relinquish control and let nature or the divine determine their fate as a coping mechanism. The emotional investment in the hope of pregnancy can make any interference or failure even more painful. The ego's involvement in the process can lead to a cycle of hope, disappointment, and even despair, which may eventually result in a return to a more resigned acceptance of fate or the divine's will.

    • The Intense Suffering of Infertility and the Archetype of MotherhoodInfertility's emotional toll intensifies due to the powerful archetype of motherhood, leading to feelings of isolation and deep desire. Modern treatments offer hope but can also heighten anguish. Exploring alternatives can provide solace.

      Infertility brings an unique and intense form of suffering for women, often leading to a deep sense of isolation and constant reminders of their unfulfilled desire to have a child. This experience can activate the powerful archetype of motherhood, making it even more difficult to cope with the physical reality not meeting the psyche's expectations. Modern medical technology, while offering hope, can also intensify the anguish when things don't go as planned. Ambivalence about having a child, which is common for most people, becomes harder to ignore when actively seeking fertility treatments. Confronting these feelings and exploring alternative ways to have a child or express motherhood can provide solace and meaning during this challenging journey.

    • The tension between human reproductive decline and our primal drive to reproduceThe decline in fertility rates and sperm counts challenges us to consider the moral, ethical, and psychological implications of our actions and use our powers wisely, balancing mastery of the material world with respect for the natural order.

      The decline in fertility rates and sperm counts presents a significant challenge to human consciousness, as it goes against our primal drive to reproduce. This tension raises questions about where this repressed energy will go and what cultural and psychological symptoms may emerge. The historical context of women's roles and reproductive abilities adds to the complexity of this issue. Humanity's desire to master the environment and unlock new technologies, such as CRISPR, may lead to Promethean choices with unintended consequences, like the decline in fertility. It's crucial for us to consider the moral, ethical, and psychological implications of our actions and use our powers wisely. In essence, we must find a balance between mastering the material world and respecting the natural order.

    • The struggle with infertility is a life-altering question akin to a matter of life and death.Infertility can lead to a crisis of longing and desire, offering opportunities for self-reflection, individuation, and psycho-spiritual growth.

      The decision to start a family or deal with infertility is a significant life-altering question, akin to a matter of life and death. This was brought to mind during a discussion of a woman's deep desire to become a mother and her subsequent struggle with infertility. This situation was compared to the ancient myth of Tantalus, who was punished by being unable to reach the fruit above him or quench his thirst from the water below. This state of longing and desire, which is also a common experience for those dealing with infertility, can lead to a crisis that ultimately offers opportunities for self-reflection, individuation, and psycho-spiritual growth. While the medical community may promise solutions through fertility treatments, the experience of infertility can be a powerful catalyst for introspection and personal development.

    • Engaging with the shadow leads to growth in fairy talesAccording to Carl Jung, accepting our inner shadows can lead to personal growth, as shown in fairy tales where characters learn to reconcile with their darker selves, leading to fertility and renewal.

      According to Carl Jung's perspective, the frustration and longing for desires, such as having a child, can bear fruit in the inner world if we learn to tolerate and engage with the shadow aspects of ourselves. Fairy tales like Sleeping Beauty, Prince Lindworm, and Tatterhood illustrate this concept. In these stories, the characters' inability to accept their shadows results in imperfect or unwanted offspring. However, when they come to terms with their shadows, there is a reconciliation and growth. From a Jungian perspective, all characters in a fairy tale represent different aspects of our psyche. Therefore, infertility, if not remedied through medical interventions, might be a call to integrate other aspects of ourselves. The frog, snake, and devil in these tales symbolize the importance of being open to our shadows to become fertilizable and generative.

    • The Power of the Unconscious MindThe conscious mind can create a barren emotional landscape, but engaging with our shadows and allowing the unconscious to guide us can lead to new growth, transformation, and personal blossoming.

      The conscious, determined mind, much like a relentless sun, can create a desert-like environment in our emotional lives and even impact physical processes like pregnancy. By letting go and engaging with our shadows, we open ourselves up to the trust and mystery of the unconscious, allowing for new growth and transformation. This process may involve grieving the loss of longed-for outcomes, but ultimately leads us towards discovering new desires or divine forces that can inseminate our lives with change and connectedness. The world is filled with countless ideas and experiences vying for our attention, and by allowing ourselves to be open and receptive, we can be fertilized by the seeds of deeper desires and emotions, leading to personal growth and blossoming.

    • Inner conflict between primal masculinity and psychotherapist aspirationsReconcile opposing aspects of masculinity to move forward in desired career path, understand reasons behind actions, and take responsibility for growth.

      The dream of a man visiting his militaristic father and engaging in violent activities may represent his inner conflict between his primal masculine archetype and his aspirations to become a psychotherapist. This dream reveals that the man's unconscious mind holds an image of himself as a warrior, which conflicts with his conscious desire to be a healer. The dream's message is that he needs to reconcile these opposing aspects of his masculinity to move forward in his chosen career path. The dream also highlights the importance of understanding the reasons behind our actions and the potential consequences of our choices. Additionally, the dreamer's context of wanting to help a troubled young man and his fear of being grandiose underscores the theme of taking responsibility for one's actions and growth.

    • Navigating Contradictions in Personal GrowthAccepting and reconciling seemingly contradictory aspects of identity during self-actualization can be challenging, but consciousness and self-awareness are crucial in the process.

      The process of self-actualization can involve reconciling seemingly contradictory aspects of one's identity. The emergence of a new self, such as becoming a psychotherapist, may not align with previous inner images of masculinity, leading to feelings of inadequacy and potential arrogance. This can be compared to the mythological parallel of Gilgamesh and Enkidu, where the civilized hero must learn to accept and marry his inner wild man. The dream may reflect this internal struggle, with the dreamer receiving advice from his shadow self while also experiencing the consequences of giving in to it. Ultimately, the dream highlights the importance of consciousness and self-awareness in navigating the complexities of personal growth.

    • Acknowledging and confronting hidden aspects for personal growthRecognize and embrace hidden masculine energies for therapeutic growth, despite initial contradictions to empathic traits. Confronting these aspects with consciousness paves way for a more integrated self.

      The shadow, the hidden aspects of ourselves that we reject, can contain both negative and positive qualities. In the context of becoming a therapist, these hidden masculine energies can include both the aggressive and assertive traits, which may initially seem contradictory to the empathic and kind traits required in therapy. However, these seemingly opposing energies can be harnessed and resolved to launch a heroic journey of personal growth. The therapeutic process involves acknowledging and confronting these hidden aspects with consciousness, allowing them to break down the old sense of self and pave the way for a new, more integrated sense of self. This process can be challenging and even painful, but it is essential for growth and healing. It's important to remember that the therapeutic engagement involves both affirming and deconstructing aspects of the ego, and that the seemingly negative aspects of ourselves can ultimately contribute to our personal and professional development.

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    HERE’S A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE: https://thisjungianlife.com/stuck_in_the_comfort_zone/ 



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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enSeptember 19, 2024

    PARENTAL COMPLEXES: How They Shape Your Child’s Future

    PARENTAL COMPLEXES: How They Shape Your Child’s Future

    Our parent's complexes influence their behavior toward us, causing unintended consequences. It's as if we were raised by their unresolved emotional issues.

    Parental complexes shape our emotional and psychological development, influencing how we relate to others and perceive ourselves, often in ways we aren’t fully aware of. These feeling-toned webs of unresolved emotional struggles unconsciously shape our parent’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors. To some degree, we are raised by our parent’s complexes rooted in generational trauma, cultural pressures, and societal expectations. As children, we absorb not only their spoken words but also their unspoken fears and desires, which affect our emotional responses and relationships throughout life. Healing begins with conscious awareness, self-reflection, and differentiating our natural personality from the parental patterns that colonized our psyche. By confronting these inherited patterns, we can break free from their grip, fostering healthier relationships and paving the way for emotional growth and transformation.

    Prepare to discover what parental complexes are and how they shape your emotional and psychological development, how unconscious emotional patterns inherited from your parents influence your identity, relationships, and decision-making, which generational traumas and societal factors contribute to the formation of these complexes and their impact on your life, whether it is possible to break free from inherited emotional burdens and how to begin the healing process, why becoming conscious of these complexes is crucial for personal growth, emotional balance, and healthier relationships.

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/parental-complexes

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta


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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enSeptember 12, 2024

    SHADOWLAND: Relentless Pain - the story of Jean Campbell

    SHADOWLAND: Relentless Pain  - the story of Jean Campbell

    JEAN CAMPBELL  is a supermodel who from the outside looks to be living a fairy tale life. Stunningly beautiful, she has modeled on the international stage for brands including Alexander McQueen, Ralph Lauren, Louis Vuitton and Burberry. Of course, nothing is ever so simple (especially in fairy tales).

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    Shadowland is our This Jungian Life forum for exploring the lives of people who exist in the hidden places of our culture. Life with chronic pain is one of those hidden places: for many it is characterized by loneliness and fear. At home and at work, people with chronic pain conditions are often asked to mask the reality of what they’re experiencing. 

    In this episode, Lisa and Deb explore the gulf Jean experienced between persona and shadow. In private, Jean searched for ways to cope with physical pain and suffering, whilst in public she built a successful career based on her exceptional physical beauty. 

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     “Only in silence the word, only in dark the light, only in dying life: bright the hawk's flight on the empty sky” (A Wizard of Earthsea).

    Listen to Jean Campbell’s podcast, https://www.if-podcast.com/ 

    Follow Jean Campbell: https://www.instagram.com/jean_campbell/

    You might also be interested in our This Jungian Life episode on  https://thisjungianlife.com/episode-68-chronic-illness/


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    Demure Social Media Trend: Elegant or Oppressive?

    Demure Social Media Trend: Elegant or Oppressive?

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    Prepare to discover what the Demure social media trend reveals about the intersection of cultural values, modesty, and self-expression, how the trend influences personal identity, emotional regulation, and the balance between public persona and private self, which aspects of the trend empower individuals and which may reinforce traditional or restrictive norms, whether embracing the Demure trend aligns with authentic self-expression or succumbs to societal pressures, why the Demure trend resonates deeply in a world increasingly dominated by extroverted ideals and superficiality…and so much more.

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/demure/ 

    TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 29, 2024

    Loyalty to Self and the Death of Illusion

    Loyalty to Self and the Death of Illusion

    Loyalty is deeply tied to our identity and evolves unconsciously, shaping our relationships and expectations.

    This evolution is influenced by attachment styles and can be manipulated in political contexts, distorting our sense of fairness. Disillusionment occurs when our loyalty to people, institutions, or ideas meets harsh reality, leading to the painful but necessary process of individuation. Mourning the loss of illusions requires taking responsibility for our lives and listening to the wisdom of the unconscious. Choosing Self over the system—whether through personal decisions like coming out, whistleblowing, or defying societal norms—demands courage and authenticity. This choice often comes at a great cost but is essential for true personal growth. Embracing our uniqueness and living authentically leads to true freedom and belonging. Loyalty to Self is about identifying and following the wise voice within, despite external pressures. It involves facing the consequences of stepping away from collective norms and rejecting external expectations. Ultimately, it is through this loyalty to Self that we align with our true purpose in life.

    Prepare to discover what drives the unconscious forces of loyalty and the impact of disillusionment on personal growth, how to navigate the complexities of choosing self over societal expectations and align with your true nature, which patterns of attachment influence your relationships and decisions, leading to either authentic or misguided loyalties, whether embracing individuality and rejecting illusions can lead to true freedom and belonging, why it is essential to confront and integrate the unconscious for personal authenticity and fulfillment…and so much more.

    FIND THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/loyalty/ 



    Unlock The Power of Your Dreams. Transform Your Sleep into the Greatest Adventure of Your Life with Dream School! Discover how to interpret your dreams through our engaging webinars, thought-provoking audio sessions, and nurturing community. Crafted by Jungian Analysts Lisa, Deb, and Joe, "Our program is designed to companion and inspire you every step of the way. Unleash your hidden power tonight. Join our revolution of consciousness." — Learn More!

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 22, 2024

    The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul

    The Secret Life of a Woman's Soul

    What is unique about the evolution of consciousness in the female psyche?

    Hilary Morgan, filmmaker and granddaughter of Christiana Morgan, created the documentary "Tower of Dreams" to lift up her grandmother's significant contributions to analytical psychology and her exploration of the feminine psyche. Christiana's visionary art and collaboration with Carl Jung, particularly her influence on the Vision Seminars, were pivotal in clarifying how archetypal forces emerge in the psyche and eventually adopt human forms. Her tower embodied her individuation process and created sacred space to experiment with expanding Jung's work through intimate relationship. Despite societal repression and personal struggles, Morgan's legacy endures through Hilary's efforts to restore and celebrate her grandmother's work, ensuring her contributions continue to inspire future generations.

    Prepare to discover what distinguishes Christiana Morgan's contributions to Analytical Psychology; how she contributed to significant psychological tools like the Thematic Apperception Test; which aspects of her life and work exemplify female individuation; whether the insights derived from her life can provide meaningful perspectives on contemporary issues of female psychological development; why Christiana's legacy is essential for understanding the power of creativity and visionary experiences in shaping both individual lives and psychological practices…and so much more.

    LEARN more about The Tower & HELP Publish Christiana's Journals: https://www.towerofdreamsdoc.com/support

    TAKE ACTION to Save the Tower on the Marsh: https://www.thegovernorsacademy.org/academics/morgan-tower-project

    FUNDRAISE: To Join the experienced fundraising team with Hilary Morgan, reach out to her: hilarymorgandp@gmail.com

    READ: Translate This Darkness: The Life of Christiana Morgan by Claire Douglas,  https://a.co/d/5FPFEz7



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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 15, 2024



    Author, teacher, and Jungian analyst Murray Stein helps us unlock the power of symbols. 

    Symbols, as the keys to unlocking psychological forces, have the transformative potential to heal our suffering and restore our relationship to the center of our being. These images connect our waking minds to the unconscious reservoirs of creativity and emerging potential. From historical religious practices to modern everyday life, symbols evoke powerful emotional and psychological responses that can guide or manipulate us. Whether through dreams, visions, or cultural contexts, symbols bridge the material and spiritual worlds, restoring our instinctive sense that we live our lives from the inside out.

    Prepare to learn what symbols are and their significance in Jungian psychology, how to engage these images through techniques like active imagination, journaling, and creative expression, which symbols carry significant psychological and emotional weight, whether symbolic experiences can lead to transformative psychological insights, why symbols are essential in bridging the material and spiritual worlds and so much more…

    FIND A COPY OF THE DREAM WE ANALYZE HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/unlock-the-power-of-symbols/

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar

    LUXURY BELIEFS: Has social class shaped your mind?

    LUXURY BELIEFS: Has social class shaped your mind?

    What unconscious beliefs alienate us from those who are less privileged and what can we do about it?

    Rob Henderson, author of the best-selling book "Troubled: A Memoir of Foster Care, Family, and Social Class," explores the concept of "Luxury Beliefs." Raised in poverty by a drug-addicted mother and navigating a series of painful foster care homes, Henderson found outward success through the military, Yale, and Cambridge but never resolved his inner suffering. His self-reflection led him to identify "Luxury Beliefs," attitudes prevalent among his affluent peers that serve as social status indicators rather than practical principles. These beliefs, such as dismissing traditional marriage, advocating laissez-faire parenting, and drug decriminalization, are manageable for the wealthy but destabilize poorer communities. By understanding luxury beliefs, society can foster empathetic conversations across socioeconomic lines, ultimately recognizing that the upbringing and environment we provide for children shape our future culture.

    Prepare to discover what hidden socioeconomic doctrines influence our beliefs, how affluent philosophical tenets shape societal norms and affect different social classes, which beliefs serve more as status symbols than practical principles, whether luxury beliefs genuinely injure the impoverished, why understanding these concepts can foster empathy, bridge cultural divides, and inspire positive policy changes…and so much more.

    Learn more about Rob here: https://www.robkhenderson.com/about

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    This Jungian Life Podcast
    enAugust 01, 2024

    Is it Love or Abuse of Power? Shadow and Archetype in TELL THEM YOU LOVE ME

    Is it Love or Abuse of Power? Shadow and Archetype in TELL THEM YOU LOVE ME

    Can we protect ourselves and others from powerful projections that confuse reality and make us vulnerable in ways we cannot imagine?

    In honest and open discussion, we meet with director Nick August-Perna, whose controversial documentary, "Tell Them You Love Me," has set off a firestorm. Rutgers professor Anna Stubblefield claimed to unlock Derrick Johnson through facilitated communication. When their relationship turned sexual, whether Johnson, a nonverbal Black man with cerebral palsy, could give consent ignited debates questioning if this was true love or an abuse of power. Race, power, informed consent, the personal autonomy of people with intellectual disabilities, and overwhelming archetypal dynamics must be grasped to understand the complex forces at work in their relationship and the reactions others felt when it was discovered.

    Prepare to discover what disrupts the balance between love and power; how personal biases and psychological projections shape our interactions and ethical decisions; which societal attitudes towards race, disability, and consent need critical examination and reform; whether facilitated communication can authentically reflect the thoughts of nonverbal individuals or merely the facilitator’s fantasies; why we need multiple voices, divergent feelings, and cultural tensions to surface without simple resolutions to expand consciousness.

    LOOK & GROW!

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar 

    ARE YOU TRACKING TWISTERS? The reckless charm of creating tornados in our lives.

    ARE YOU TRACKING TWISTERS? The reckless charm of creating tornados in our lives.

    How can understanding the symbolic power of twisters help us navigate and transform the chaotic forces in our lives with resilience and wisdom?

    Twisters symbolize the spontaneous upheaval in the ordinary affairs of life that can be annihilating or transformative. These swirling vortexes are manifestations of the sacred, expressions of celestial and generative power that were communicated to the terrestrial realm. From Kiowa legends to Jungian analysis, tornados personify an aspect of the unconscious capable of volatility and violent acts of destruction,  yet the same forces provided life-giving rain. These wild archetypal storms signify inner turmoil, grief, and erotic passion. They symbolically evoke psychic tension gradually building to the bursting point or more sudden in-breakings of highly charged transpersonal energies. If we can face the power of these vortices of force, inner and outer, we will come to know the source of our own life.

    Prepare to discover what deep psychological insights can be drawn from the symbolic power of tornadoes in our lives, how diverse cultural interpretations of storms can enrich your understanding of personal and collective challenges, which archetypal elements resonate with your own experiences of chaos and transformation, whether the metaphor of twisters can be a guide for navigating life's emotional and spiritual upheavals, why the storm, as a potent symbol, captivates the human psyche and represents the balance between destruction and renewal…and so much more.

    READ ALONG WITH OUR DREAM INTERPRETATION HERE: https://thisjungianlife.com/twisters/


    *TRY OUT THE TEMENOS DREAM INTERPRETATION APP FOR FREE: https://inf.temenosdream.com/eiNh/tjlmeta

    *Unlock The Power of Your Dreams: https://thisjungianlife.com/join-dream-school/

    *Support Dreams and Depth: Join Our Patreon Community Today: https://www.patreon.com/ThisJungianLife

    *Don't Miss Out - Submit Your Dream Now for a Chance to Be Featured on Our Podcast! https://thisjungianlife.com/share-your-dream/

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    *YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe8QSBLNlv765pT097FDeLA

    *Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thisjungianlifepodcast

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    *Discover the Power of Jung's Insights: Enhance Your Clinical Skills with Our Advanced Seminar. https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphia

    *Engage Your Inner Wisdom: Join the Philadelphia Jung General Seminar: https://bit.ly/cgjungphiladelphiaseminar


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    Megan's website: https://www.megansmalley.com

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    I Love Someone Facing Infertility: https://www.theinfertilitysisterhood.com/i-love-someone-facing-infertility

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    Ep39 Secondary Infertility Series Pt2

    Ep39 Secondary Infertility Series Pt2

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    Today's podcast is "The Secondary Infertility Series Part 2", a two-part series exploring secondary infertility. Secondary infertility relates to having a successful first pregnancy but struggling to conceive a second time. Today's episode will look at some potential symptoms related to infertility, from the thyroid to hormonal imbalances.


    00:00: Introduction to the cold studio

    02:10: Where and when do you listen to my podcast?

    03:18: Its nearly a whole year since my podcasting journey began

    05:56: Secondary infertility is those that have had a baby and struggles to conceive a second-time recap of part 1

    09:37: Secondary infertility is as unique as you

    10:40: What's stopping you from eating healthily in the first place?

    12:49: Episode 9 – 7 Questions I ask my Fertility Clients

    13:17: Reproductive Health Checklist free resource & nudge me if you sent it to me, and I did not respond

    14:53: Symptoms mentioned in my podcasts can be associated with many conditions, so they are just said to educate and guide you and are not to self-diagnose without the input of a health care professional

    16:19: Book a 30-minute Discovery Call at my current price

    17:18: Thyroid Imbalance symptoms

    18:58: Blood Sugar Imbalance symptoms

    20:16: Five-Day Sugar Reset Challenge coming January 2022

    21:10 Thyroid and Blood Sugar Imbalances can link together with high blood pressure or high cholesterol

    21:37: Hormone Imbalance

    22:13: Episode 37 – Why am I getting Spotting before my Period

    23:30 Oestrogen Imbalance – Episode 28 - Here's the thing about Low Oestrogen

    23:48: Episode 34 – Why checking Hormones is not the First thing I do for Fertility Clients

    24:47: Once we get a sense of what's happening, we can begin testing

    26:36: What nutrients are the most important for you?

    28:47: The transition your body had been through since your last pregnancy is huge

    29:45: More often than not, there is not a singular cause of infertility

    32:00: Please leave a rating and review. It would mean so much.


    Links mentioned in the podcast:

    Episode 9 - 7 Questions I ask my Fertility Clients

    Reproductive Health Checklist free resource

    30-minute Discovery Call link

    Episode 37 – Why am I getting Spotting before my Period

    Episode 28 - Here's the thing about Low Oestrogen

    Episode 34 – Why checking Hormones is not the First thing I do for Fertility Clients



    Fertility and the First 1,000 Days Membership:
    Fertility and the First 1,000 Days Membership

    Fundamentals for Fertility online course:
    12-Week Fundamentals for Fertility Course with Katy Bradbury (evergreen)

    Book a discovery call to talk through your needs for working together 1:1:
    Practice Better

    More info can be found about Katy on her website:
    Katy Bradbury | From fertility to the first 1000 days



    Love the show? Don't forget to leave a star rating and a review to share the love and help it reach others who need to hear this!

    011. Infertility, IVF, and God’s Faithfulness with Ben and Kaitlyn Broyles

    011. Infertility, IVF, and God’s Faithfulness with Ben and Kaitlyn Broyles

    Infertility is unfortunately so common in our society. Stephie's brother, Ben and sister in law, Kaitlyn, experienced this journey first hand and open up about their experiences with infertility, IVF, and a long awaited pregnancy. Their story is such a testament to God's faithfulness.

    As always, keep the faith, and see the joy.

    Special thanks to our music creators: @mbb_music and @7obu

    Instagram: @joyunseenpodcast @jaimemcguire_ @stephieclement
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