
    Episode #093 ... Nietzsche pt. 4 - Love

    enNovember 06, 2016

    Podcast Summary

    • Challenging preconceived notions about loveNietzsche urges us to look beyond the simplicity of love being a panacea for the world's problems and challenges us to delve deeper into understanding the complexities of the world.

      Key takeaway from this discussion on Nietzsche's philosophy is that it's not for everyone or for those who think they already know it all. Instead, it's for those who are willing to delve deeper into understanding the world. Nietzsche is often seen as speaking to a select few, urging them to challenge their preconceived notions and look beyond the surface. The concept of love is one such subject where people believe they have arrived, but Nietzsche might challenge us to look beyond the simplicity of it being a panacea for the world's problems. The call to love each other is a powerful one, but it might not be the only solution to the complexities of the world.

    • Historical Complexities of LoveLove's meaning and expression have changed throughout history, and even if everyone loved each other, challenges would remain.

      Love is a complex and dynamic emotion that has evolved throughout history and varies greatly depending on cultural context. People have treated those they love in vastly different ways throughout history, and even if everyone loved each other, there would still be challenges and conflicts. The term "love" is used to describe a range of emotional states, from deep affection to simple pleasure. While the idea of everyone loving each other as a solution to the world's problems is a noble one, it is not a simple or straightforward solution. Philosophers throughout history, such as Plato, have written extensively about love and its many complexities. Understanding how different philosophers have viewed love can provide valuable context for interpreting Nietzsche's perspective on the emotion.

    • Love's Progression According to PlatoLove is a series of experiences, starting with infatuation based on physical attributes, leading to a deeper understanding of the loved one's mind and soul.

      Key takeaway from Plato's "Symposium" is that love is a progression of experiences, each building upon the last and leading us to a deeper understanding of what love truly is. The philosopher Diatema, who may or may not have existed, described this progression as a ladder with several rungs. The first rung is bodily love, an infatuation with another person's physical attributes. However, upon closer examination, one realizes that these desirable qualities are not exclusive to the loved one and can be found in many other people. The next stage is recognizing that the person is more than just their body; they are a complex individual with thoughts, feelings, and ideas worth exploring. This realization deepens our connection with them and moves us up the ladder of love.

    • Exploring Deeper Forms of LoveMoving beyond physical attraction and personality traits, love can be understood as an exploration of deeper concepts like laws, institutions, knowledge, and the Platonic form of beauty or the good itself.

      Love is more than just physical attraction or personality traits. According to Diteema, there are deeper forms of love to explore. Most people spend their lives in the first two stages of love, which are bodily love and love of personality. However, once we realize that the characteristics we love about someone are not exclusive to them, we can move on to the third rung of the ladder, which is the love of laws, institutions, knowledge, and ultimately, the Platonic form of beauty or the good itself. Getting stuck in any stage doesn't make us bad people, but expanding our understanding of love can lead to a richer and more fulfilling life experience. Love is not just an interpersonal exchange between two people, but rather an exploration of concepts and ideas that shape who we love.

    • Ancient Greek view vs. Romanticism's impact on loveThe ancient Greeks saw love as a hierarchical progression, while romanticism emphasized emotional connection and lasting feelings, shaping our modern understanding of love

      The concept of love has evolved throughout history, with various stages of love being considered more desirable than others at different times. The ancient Greek text "The Symposium" introduced a hierarchical conception of love, starting with love of the body and progressing to love of God. This perception dominated for centuries, but around the mid-18th century, romanticism emerged as a cultural movement that emphasized emotional connection and intense feelings in relationships. This shift led to the expectation that romantic feelings should persist indefinitely in a marriage, contrasting with earlier practical reasons for forming relationships. So, in essence, the way we understand and value love has transformed over time, with romanticism playing a significant role in shaping our modern conceptions of love.

    • Feelings and deep connections are key indicators of a soulmateTrue love goes beyond practical considerations and is deeply rooted in feelings and strong connections. Avoid signs of boredom or seeking novelty, focus on tolerance and acceptance, and prioritize your intuitive feeling of love.

      The definition of a soulmate and a successful long-term relationship goes beyond practical considerations and is deeply rooted in feelings and strong connections. The initial feelings and the deep connection you have with someone are crucial indicators of a soulmate. These feelings grow stronger with time, and any signs of boredom, longing for someone else, or seeking novelty should be avoided as they may indicate issues within the relationship. True love requires tolerance and acceptance of your partner's shortcomings, but it's essential to draw the line when it comes to certain deal-breakers. The focus should be on the intuitive feeling of love, rather than reasoning and practicality. Ultimately, the most important factor is how you feel about the person, not societal expectations or societal norms.

    • Understanding Love's ComplexityCultural expectations can lead to unrealistic and vague emotional experiences in relationships. Find balance and compatibility, and recognize love's multifaceted nature.

      Our cultural expectations of love, shaped by media and societal norms, can lead us to have unrealistic and vague emotional experiences in our relationships. These expectations can result in disappointment and a constant search for the "one and only" soulmate. Arthur Schopenhauer's porcupine analogy highlights the importance of finding balance and compatibility in relationships, while Friedrich Nietzsche encourages us to question the selflessness of our love and see it as a manifestation of opposing forces. Ultimately, it's important to recognize that love is complex and multifaceted, and that it's essential to be open-minded and intentional in our romantic pursuits.

    • Love and Greed are Two Sides of the Same CoinNietzsche viewed love as an instinct driven by the desire to possess and change, which can manifest as love or greed depending on our level of satisfaction.

      According to Nietzsche, love and greed are two sides of the same coin. While we often view love as a selfless act of caring for another person, Nietzsche argues that it is an instinct driven by the desire to possess and change something new into ourselves. This desire can manifest as love or greed depending on our level of satisfaction with what we already have. Using the example of desiring an Italian sports car, Nietzsche suggests that both the person who loves the car and the person who is greedy for it are driven by the same instinct. Nietzsche's perspective on love does not judge it as a negative emotion, but rather sees it as a natural expression of the will to power. In essence, when two people are in love, they are both greedily desiring to change something new into themselves. Love and friendship, despite their potential connection to greed, are still valued by Nietzsche as some of the most wonderful things in life.

    • Examining our deepest motivationsNietzsche challenged our assumptions about love, revealing a more nuanced perspective, and encouraging us to examine our beliefs deeply

      It's essential to question our motivations and not hide behind superficial justifications. Nietzsche's perspective on love, which he saw as a form of greed, is an example of how our deepest assumptions can be challenged. At first, this idea might seem harsh or negative, but upon closer examination, it reveals a more nuanced and thought-provoking perspective. Unfortunately, Nietzsche's work has often been misunderstood and distorted due to people taking statements out of context and making sweeping generalizations. Nietzsche himself predicted this outcome, expressing his belief that his ideas would be associated with something tremendous and controversial. His autobiographical statement, "I am no man. I am dynamite," foreshadows the significant impact his work would have on history. Overall, Nietzsche's philosophy encourages us to examine our beliefs and motivations deeply and not be afraid of the potentially transformative consequences.

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