
    About this Episode

    "I guess first thing’s first: What are we doing here? They will give anyone a podcast these days, including this trash panda right here. "

    • The Quick and Dirty
    • About the Podcast
    • Deep and dump questions from the trash can
    • Waste Management (aka self-care)

    Dr. Teal's Elderberry Foaming Bath
    Well-Oiled Shop Dormont PA
    Light Seer's Tarot

    Disclaimer: We are not therapists.  This podcast is based on our own opinions and experiences. Take it or leave it, we will still love you. 

    Recent Episodes from Garbage 2 Goddess

    Episode 2: Take the Trash Out!

    Episode 2: Take the Trash Out!

    “Take the Trash Out!”

    You have consciously decided to make some big or small changes in your life.  Great!  We are here for it and support you!  However, real change is never easy.  I know, I know.  I am a buzz kill sometimes.

    It’s true, though. The decision to create real change is one thing. The process of being active in real change… that’s something different entirely. And there is no easy way to do it. And it’s not a YOU problem. Our brains are wired based on the need to keep ourselves safe. It’s a hell of a process to get your brain to comprehend that changes aren’t dangerous. They only seem dangerous because they require conscious effort and motive-driven thought. And that takes away from the safety of the normal, and how that enables us to function on autopilot.

    • Accepting vs. embracing the uncomfortable shit
    • Shadow Work
    • Waste Management

    Brown Noise
    Apophyllite Stone
    How to Do the Work: Recognize Your Patterns, Heal from Your Past, and Create Your Self

    Disclaimer: We are not therapists.  This podcast is based on our own opinions and experiences. Take it or leave it, we will still love you. 

    Episode 1: Everyone has their shit.

    Episode 1:  Everyone has their shit.

    "I guess first thing’s first: What are we doing here? They will give anyone a podcast these days, including this trash panda right here. "

    • The Quick and Dirty
    • About the Podcast
    • Deep and dump questions from the trash can
    • Waste Management (aka self-care)

    Dr. Teal's Elderberry Foaming Bath
    Well-Oiled Shop Dormont PA
    Light Seer's Tarot

    Disclaimer: We are not therapists.  This podcast is based on our own opinions and experiences. Take it or leave it, we will still love you.