
    Episode 1 - The Fable

    enFebruary 21, 2022

    About this Episode

    For those who live for the truth, I ask that you suppose that perhaps not all of the narratives of the History of this country that we’ve inherited are compatible with its facts. I ask you to wonder if maybe not all of our victories were achieved by choosing the “just” path at critical inflection points in our past, and if the politically dystopian world more and more of us witness materializing before our eyes presently is the once predictable consequence of those choices. I ask that you open your mind to the consideration, that perhaps you’ve been indoctrinated by your government and institutions no less than Mao Zedong, or Stalin, or the Japanese empire indoctrinated their own people for their own selfish ends. I ask that you consider, that the story we’ve been told about some of our treasured historical heroes are fables, and that the messianic story of President Abraham Lincoln is one such fable.

    Watch the show with visual graphics here: https://youtu.be/AA8PVb1CdPU

    Recent Episodes from CANCEL LINCOLN

    Ep.17: Jefferson Davis Was Vindicated!

    Ep.17: Jefferson Davis Was Vindicated!
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    Not long after General Robert E Lee’s surrender at Appomattox in April 1865, the president of the Confederate States, Jefferson Davis, was captured and taken into the Union’s custody. Davis was set to be put on trial and publicly made an example of in court in an epic way, as a consequence for the accusation of treason levied against him by the Federal Government. Additionally the North was counting on a verdict of guilty to put a seal of constitutional approval on its invasion of the South. But things wouldn't turn out as expected.

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    Ep.16: Southern Secession Was Equivalent To The American Revolution

    Ep.16: Southern Secession Was Equivalent To The American Revolution
    Just like the South’s secession from the Union preceded the Civil War, the secession from the British Empire of the thirteen colonies that would become the United States in 1776, preceded the American Revolution. The only difference between these two secessions is that the Confederacy was prevented from acheiving its independence. But the principles behind each were the same: resistance to tyranny, Liberty, and self governance.

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    Ep.15: Yankee Soldiers REJECTED Emancipation

    Ep.15: Yankee Soldiers REJECTED Emancipation
    The court historian written public school textbooks tend to not mention that when Union soldiers learned that their new proclaimed mission in the Civil War was ending slavery , a preponderance of them were incensed with Lincoln, and a sentiment of betrayal was widespread within the ranks. One of Lincoln’s commanders of the army, “Fighting Joe Hooker,” in reaction to the Emancipation Proclamation wrote, "a large element of the army had taken sides against it, declaring that they would never have embarked in the war had they anticipated this action of the government."

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    Ep.14: The REAL Reasons For The Emancipation Proclamation

    Ep.14: The REAL Reasons For The Emancipation Proclamation
    Ultimately it was the propagation of good political optics for Lincoln which was the intention behind issuing the Emancipation Proclamation, and not benevolence towards slaves. The Proclamation would serve three main purposes. The first, as discussed previously, was to inspire slave uprisings in the Confederacy, which would divert resources and manpower from its fighting force if successful. The second, as mentioned, was rebranding the North’s cause in the war into a moral crusade palatable to the Yankee intelligentsia , rather than the real political one, which would mitigate resistance to it. The third, and far less known yet perhaps most significant reason, was a diplomatic one.

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    Ep.13- Lincoln Was The O.G Neocon

    Ep.13- Lincoln Was The O.G Neocon
    The Union as established by the Founding Fathers was a voluntary one, made up of thirteen sovereign states, and the Southern States no longer wanted to remain in it. However this didn’t stop Lincoln from invading and forcing them to stay using violence, much like an abusive husband might brutalize his wife to prevent her from leaving him, and then rape her as punishment.

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    Ep.12 - Lincoln Didn't Give a F*CK About Blacks

    Ep.12 - Lincoln Didn't Give a F*CK About Blacks
    After the war, most former slaves had no other way of making a living other than sharecropping or tenant farming, basically a system in which land owners would lend land to poor farmers in return for either regular rent payments, or half of their crop yield every season. As author and New York Times contributor Phillip Leigh writes, “Sharecropping was not a choice freely made by Southerners after the Civil War.…It was compelled by a regional capital shortage when the only alternative was starvation.” He also writes "If not chattel [legal] slavery, it was a peonage system that enslaved the cropper to a cycle of annual debts and perpetual backbreaking labor. Children as young as four regularly worked in the fields. Poor health was a consequence.”

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    Ep. 11 - The Myth of The Tolerant Yankee

    Ep. 11 - The Myth of The Tolerant Yankee
    By the early 1800s, most of the Northern U.S. States either abolished slavery by statute or enacted laws to gradually end it, but mostly not out of concern for the well being of blacks, or a belief in racial equality. New Englanders widely believed that blacks were inferior beings, not worthy of sharing a society with, even as slaves; and that any intermingling with them would lead to contamination of their ideal white Christian society. Abraham Lincoln also believed this.

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    Ep. 10 - Slavery Started & Continued in the North

    Ep. 10 - Slavery Started & Continued in the North
    Massachusetts was the first British colony in America to legalize slavery in 1638. For more than 200 years African slavery existed in Boston, along with Newport, Rhode Island, where by the mid 18th century, 1/3 of its population were slaves. In 1750 there were three times as many slaves in Connecticut as there were in Georgia, and four times as many in Massachusetts. Nearly all New England aristocrats used slaves for farm and household labor. In 1703 more than 42% of New York City households owned slaves.

    Ep.9 - The Emancipation Proc-LIE-mation

    Ep.9 - The Emancipation Proc-LIE-mation
    The Emancipation Proclamation is not what the general public is led to believe it is. This is because it did not actually free any slaves upon its issuance, stating, “all persons held as slaves within any State or designated part of a State, the people whereof shall then be in rebellion against the United States, shall be then, thenceforward, and forever free.” The dictate issued by President Lincoln during the Civil War freed slaves only in territories held by the Confederacy, which, as implied, the Union did not have even the slightest control over. Not only that, but it did not free the over 450,000 slaves in Union States which Lincoln did control, including those owned by his Generals Ulysses Grant snd Sherman.

    Ep.8 - The North Wanted to Make SLAVERY PERMANENT

    Ep.8 -  The North Wanted to Make SLAVERY PERMANENT
    Following the South initially seceding from the Union, there were two hundred resolutions, and fifty seven amendments proposed in Congress to permanently enshrine slavery into the highest document of the land. On February 28, 1861, with the support of Abraham Lincoln, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Corwin Amendent, a bill that would make slavery permanent in the United States Constitution.

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