
    Episode #103 ... Sartre and Camus pt. 4 - The Quest For Certainty

    enMay 24, 2017

    Podcast Summary

    • The influence of historical philosophical contexts on our perspectivesOur beliefs and understanding of the world are shaped by the philosophical ideas of the past, providing a deeper appreciation for the role of philosophy in shaping our thoughts and beliefs.

      Our perspectives on the world are shaped by the complex patchwork of philosophical insights we've gained throughout our lives, which are influenced by the historical context and main philosophical conversations of the time. We may believe that our ways of looking at the world are unique and solely our own, but in reality, they are a result of this philosophical facticity. Understanding the origins of these philosophical lines of thinking can provide a sense of humility and clarity, allowing us to see the ripple effects of past ideas on current events. By recognizing this, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the role of philosophy in shaping our beliefs and understanding of the world.

    • The roots of Sartre's phenomenology in Husserl's workSartre's philosophical questions were shaped by his desire for certainty in philosophy, rooted in Descartes' method, but he found answers in Husserl's phenomenology, focusing on individual consciousness and experience.

      The philosophical ideas of Jean-Paul Sartre and his concept of radical freedom and responsibility can be better understood by exploring the philosophical roots of his phenomenology, which can be traced back to the works of Husserl. This understanding is crucial to contextualize Sartre's philosophical questions during his time. The story of philosophy begins with René Descartes, the father of modern philosophy, who aimed to bring mathematical certainty to thinking. However, Descartes was disappointed by the lack of agreement and solid foundations in the existing philosophical works. He believed that the method used by philosophers was the root cause of the chaos in philosophy. Descartes' goal was to apply mathematical certainty to thinking, chaining clear and distinct ideas together to arrive at a level of certainty comparable to mathematical equations. This desire for certainty in philosophy is a common human desire in our personal lives as well. However, just as in philosophy, we can fall into the trap of assuming we know everything about a topic without fully exploring it. This is the context we need to understand the questions Sartre found worth answering during his time.

    • Emphasizing Clarity and Distinction for CertaintyDescartes emphasized clarity and distinction in philosophy to avoid errors and build a system based on certainty from the ground up.

      Key takeaway from Descartes' philosophical approach is the emphasis on clarity and distinction in the pursuit of certainty. Descartes believed that philosophy should be treated as a rigorous discipline, and he challenged philosophers to only make claims that are clear and distinct, free from any obscurity or confusion. He argued that any proposition that is not clear and distinct could lead to a chain reaction of errors in thinking. Descartes himself doubted even the most basic assumptions, such as the existence of the external world, and held that we can only have direct awareness of phenomena, not the things-in-themselves. This radical doubt and focus on clear and distinct ideas were Descartes' attempts to build a philosophical system based on certainty from the ground up.

    • Descartes: Only certain about our own existence and phenomenaDescartes sought to establish philosophy's rigor by setting a high standard for certainty, but acknowledged we can only know our existence and described phenomena, not external objects themselves.

      According to Descartes, we can only have certainty about our own existence and the descriptions of phenomena around us, not the external objects themselves. This idea is known as solipsism, though Descartes didn't endorse it fully. He aimed to establish philosophy as a rigorous discipline by setting a high standard for certainty. However, Kant later argued that our senses don't fully grasp the true nature of reality and that our minds contribute significantly to the phenomena we perceive. Thus, we can only know the world of human experience, not the world as it truly is in itself. This idea raises questions about the existence of other things beyond our perception.

    • Kant's Transcendental Idealism: Doubting the Existence of the Material WorldKant questioned the validity of seeking absolute truths about the world through reason, suggesting instead that we focus on understanding human experience and the limitations of reason.

      According to Kant, we can't know for certain whether the material world exists independently of our minds or not. This idea, known as transcendental idealism, challenges the assumption that we can use reason to discover absolute truths about the world. While the quest for certainty is admirable, some philosophers starting in the 19th century began to question the validity of this approach and instead focused on understanding the human experience and the limitations of reason. Ultimately, the discussion raises the question of how useful it is to spend significant time and energy searching for absolute certainty when we have practical concerns in our daily lives.

    • Challenging Traditional Ways of Thinking about Human ConsciousnessPhilosophers Sartre and Husserl sought to revolutionize philosophy by focusing on consciousness and certainty, leading to a more rigorous and scientific discipline.

      Philosophers like Sartre and Husserl challenged the traditional ways of thinking about human beings and consciousness in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They believed that philosophy had strayed from its path and sought to make radical changes. Husserl, in particular, wanted to study the structure of consciousness and arrive at a certainty that includes the external physical world. This led to a shift in the discipline of philosophy, making it more rigorous and scientific. Husserl distinguished between two ways of orienting oneself to the world: the philosophical attitude, which seeks certainty, and the natural attitude, which accepts presuppositions and allows for scientific inquiry. Scientists and philosophers approach the world differently, with scientists focusing on gaining useful insights rather than complete certainty. Husserl's work marked a significant departure from the idealism of the past and paved the way for more modern philosophical and scientific thought.

    • Balancing the phenomenological and natural attitudesHusserl advises scientists and philosophers to recognize the importance of questioning reality and the role of the mind, but not to let doubt hinder progress or action. A balanced approach is encouraged.

      According to Husserl, while it's important to question the nature of reality and the role of the mind in perceiving it, it's impractical to do so constantly during scientific experiments or daily life. The phenomenological and natural attitudes are mutually exclusive, and going too far in either direction can be detrimental. Scientists and philosophers alike should be aware of the assumptions underlying their perspectives, but not let doubt impede progress or action. Ultimately, Husserl's philosophy encourages a balanced approach to understanding the world, recognizing both the subjective and objective aspects of reality.

    • Exploring the Interconnectedness of Consciousness and the WorldPhenomenology challenged the boundaries between consciousness and the world, leading to a shift towards recognizing their interconnectedness and questioning traditional philosophical frameworks.

      The development of philosophy, particularly in the realm of phenomenology, can be seen as a response to the human desire for objective truth and certainty. This desire has been met by various institutions and methods throughout history, such as religion and science. However, as Husserl's work on phenomenology evolved, it became clear that the boundaries between these approaches were not as clear-cut as once believed. For instance, Husserl's student Martin Heidegger challenged the very concept of consciousness, arguing that being and the world are fundamentally interconnected. Another student, Jean-Paul Sartre, agreed with Heidegger on the interconnectedness of consciousness and the world but still saw a role for consciousness in understanding it. Ultimately, the philosophical landscape of the time was marked by a shift towards recognizing the interconnectedness of all things and questioning the assumptions of traditional philosophical frameworks.

    • Emphasizing individual experiences and limitations of categorizationSartre's perspective encourages recognizing individual experiences and the limitations of categorization in understanding complex personalities and phenomena

      Consciousness is not an empty container or factory, but rather an active and referential process. Jean-Paul Sartre, different from Husserl, emphasizes the importance of individual experiences and the incompleteness of understanding an individual solely based on universal essences. Sartre critiques the reductionist approach, comparing it to the process of a chemist reducing compound bodies to simple components. However, in understanding complex personalities or phenomena, there are always gaps and unanswered questions. Sartre's perspective encourages a more holistic approach to understanding the world and our consciousness, recognizing the importance of individual experiences and the limitations of categorization.

    • Exploring the interconnectedness of consciousness and the worldSartre's philosophy invites us to question the separation between consciousness and the world, suggesting that we may be consciousness itself, and emphasizes the radical freedom and responsibility that comes with this awareness.

      The traditional philosophical approach of seeking to understand the universal essences of things may not be sufficient for fully grasping their nature. Sartre's philosophy suggests that consciousness and the world are fundamentally interconnected and inseparable, with consciousness serving as a revealing agent, much like a flashlight illuminating a dark room. But what if consciousness itself is not a separate entity, but rather the very light rays that reveal the world? This idea challenges the assumption that there is a barrier between us and the world and invites us to consider that we may be consciousness itself. Moreover, Sartre's phenomenology emphasizes the radical freedom and responsibility that comes with this awareness, which has significant implications for how we view ourselves, our lives, and the things we care about. This perspective challenges us to rethink our relationship with the world and our role in it.

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