
    About this Episode

    I decided to try a cleanse to help me understand my triggers and improve my overall health. It could not hurt to try. With that in mind, I jumped on to the #Veganuary challenge.

    This episode is all about my experience during the 21-day cleanse. I discuss my experience, the effects and overall opinion of the challenge.

    Important things to note about my experience:
    I started mid-January, and I added guidelines to steer me toward my desired outcome.
    Before the challenge, I set out a list of issues that I wanted to take note of, to measure the effectiveness of the cleanse.

    It is important to remember that we are unique, and our bodies may react differently. The final decision still lies with us, and we need to do whatever it takes to take back control over our lives and health.

    Side note, the food was amazing.

    Recent Episodes from Duvet Mamma Podcast - Homemaking, motherhood and chronic illness

    Episode 23: Introspection -The Dirty Work on the Self-Love Journey

    Episode 23: Introspection -The Dirty Work on the Self-Love Journey
    Facing your ugly self is the hardest part of the self-love and growth journey. The shame and embarrassment that comes with the memories of your former self can be detrimental to any progress you make. I want to encourage you to push through because the best parts and growth are on the other side of that pain.

    I found it is easier to focus on healing when I can speak to someone, forgive someone or do other things. When I need to forgive myself or work through my problems, it is harder to move on and embrace the growth.

    Your progress is evident in your thoughts and actions. Once you find grace and forgiveness for yourself, the way you show up for others and what you expect from yourself is astounding.

    I love taking you all on this journey with me, and I hope you are learning something as we move along.

    Mentioned episodes:
    Finding Grace from myself - https://bit.ly/3LLdTgm
    Small changes I have made on my body positivity journey - https://bit.ly/3lDEq4x
    The Struggle to Self Love - https://bit.ly/3GcFZQp

    Other channels to check out:
    Ease of mind - instagram.com/ease_ofmind/

    Connect with me:

    Episode 22 - Finding Grace on my Self-Love Journey

    Episode 22 - Finding Grace on my Self-Love Journey
    My latest milestone on my self-love journey has been the realization of grace. As I figure everything out, I am making room to fit everything in and get a balance.

    The one thing that I do not have time for is the drama of others. I have realized that since I do not have my ducks in a row, I neither have the time nor the right to judge others for what they are doing.

    Episodes Mentioned:
    Small Changes I have made on my Self-Love journey - https://www.spreaker.com/episode/49783549

    The Struggle to Self Love-

    Sliding Scale of Priority-

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/duvet_mamma/
    email: duvetmamma@jmeinstitute.co.za

    Episode 21: 3 Small Changes I Made On My Body Positivity Journey.

    Episode 21: 3 Small Changes I Made On My Body Positivity Journey.
    As I walk my journey toward a positive body image, I am making slight changes to how I treat and see myself.

    My latest changes are small, but I feel amazing. I have seen a domino effect in other areas of my life, and it is awesome!

    Our children base their view of the world on how we interact with it. I am realizing this more and more the older Emma gets. She copies some of the silliest things that I do. If I teach her a positive and respectful view of herself and the world and nothing else, that is okay. great
    Episodes mentions:

    Connect with me:
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/duvet_mamma/
    Email: duvetmamma@jmeinstitute.co.za

    Episode 20: Am I Ready To Be A Mom Again? Questions To Ask Yourself

    Episode 20: Am I Ready To Be A Mom Again? Questions To Ask Yourself
    The decision to have another child is a big one. It is life-changing and permanent. You are making a decision not just for yourself but for your child too. Am I ready for all that comes with being a mom again?

    Youtube Channel mentioned: youtube.com/c/EMBERSASH.

    Let's connect:
    Instagram -instagram.com/duvet_mamma/
    Email - duvetmamma@jmeinstitute.co.za

    Episode 19: Are we raising a generation of victims?

    Episode 19: Are we raising a generation of victims?
    In the last few weeks, I noticed a scary reality - we are raising a nation of victims.

    I know this may be harsh, but I feel we are no longer taking responsibility for our actions. We forget that the next generation is watching us and that if we want them to apologise, we need to show them how to.

    What makes things worse are the memes and video clips that we use as stories to gain attention from those who do not know the truth. We seek affirmation from strangers and not those in our lives.

    When was the last time that you apologised first?
    Are we comfortable with our children acting as we are now?

    As mothers and parents, we need to remember that our children copy our actions.

    Connect with me -www.instagram.com/duvet_mamma/

    Episode 18: Why we should support woman who do not want children

    Episode 18: Why we should support woman who do not want children
    I strongly support women who know what they want. It's fantastic when women can make decisions quickly, even if it doesn't always match what society expects from us. I

    I'm tired of the idea that women who can't or don't want to have children are somehow less valuable. Women have a much bigger purpose than just having kids. Please remember this - your purpose and the ability to have children are not connected. You are just as valuable whether or not you have kids.

    #motherhood #women #podcasting #momlife

    Let's connect
    Instagram - www.instagram.com/duvet_mamma/

    Episode 17: The Struggle to self love

    Episode 17: The Struggle to self love
    The mindset work is the hardest part of lasting change. In the past three weeks, I have been battling negative self-talk despite the journey of self-love I am on. What does this stem from? How did I allow it to get out of hand like this?

    I address these issues as well as the work that I have done. As a Christian, I realise that I do not have the right to break myself down while believing that I am whole in Christ. I need to make a stand, and this is where I draw the battle lines.

    Related Episodes:
    Living Prepared: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/48712945
    Protectigng you peace: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/48896278

    Connect with me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/duvet_mamma/

    Email me:

    Episode 16: Real Talk - when did everything get this expensive?

    Episode 16: Real Talk - when did everything get this expensive?
    The question that I keep asking myself is - when did the prices get this high? No matter how I try to rationalise, I remain confused and frustrated.

    As a mother, wife and homemaker, I am working to ensure that my family's needs are met despite the increased cost of living. But it is proving to be a challenge.

    I intended this episode to highlight the costs of living with a chronic illness, but I have realised we are all fighting to stay alive. Everything is has increased in price to create a domino effect for further increases.

    I try to have a free conversation about the issue at hand, and finance is no different - I hope you enjoy it.

    Below are my contact details if you wish to connect with me:

    Instagram: instagram.com/duvet_mamma/
    Email: duvetmamma@jmeinstitute.co.za

    Episode 15: Addressing False Beliefs

    Episode 15: Addressing False Beliefs
    The harder I work on myself, the more false beliefs reveal themselves. This week I talk about some of the embedded views I work through on my journey to self-improvement.

    I talk about how I am fighting against comments I received as a child. It is hard work to break through the self-image and learned behaviour.

    When living with a chronic illness, your new limits feed into your beliefs. As a mother and wife, I decided to model the mindset and the work for my home. To establish a culture of positive self-image for my family and to question the beliefs that we hold.

    I would love to hear from you:
    Instagram: https://bit.ly/3q9MgWt
    Email: mariska@jmeinstitute.co.za

    Episode 14: Real Talk - This week was hard

    Episode 14: Real Talk - This week was hard
    It has been a challenging week, and in this episode, I want to talk about the real-life of a mother with chronic illness.

    I had a stomach bug, and that led me to a flare. I was in bed for longer than I WANTED to be. As much as I believe in being prepared, this past week has made me realise that you cannot prepare yourself for the emotional side of your 'downtime'.

    This episode is unscripted. I talk about the reality of being a mother with chronic illness.

    I am taking the Duvet Mamma podcast in a new direction, and this episode is the first on this new journey. I want to talk more about the challenges that I face and move away from the survival guide style content that, in my opinion, the podcast has been up to this point.

    Episodes Mentioned:
    The flow of energy - https://www.spreaker.com/episode/47894048
    Sliding Scale of priority - https://www.spreaker.com/episode/48504614