
    About this Episode

    On this episode Vincenzo discusses why the fight to change things should happen within the system, what the obstacles to change are and how we could understand resistance by people in the system. To what extent do professionals see or not see that there are significant problems? and why...

    Recent Episodes from A Place of Safety?

    Episode 44 - Michael's story. A service user perspective on Scottish mental health services

    Episode 44 - Michael's story. A service user perspective on Scottish mental health services
    Michael joins Vincenzo to talk about his experience of mental health services in Scotland, over time. We discuss how services, by understanding suffering as a risk, end up caring mostly about dangerousness. This means that those in crisis are often met with a repressive approach, and those who are not considered dangerous are often met with a neglectful approach.

    Episode 43, Sara London and the Performance Therapist

    Episode 43, Sara London and the Performance Therapist
    Sara London joins Vincenzo to disucuss her upcoming book: "The Performance Therapist and Authentic Therapeutic Identity: Coming Into Being".
    We discuss why it's important in the current context, with psychotherapists having to measure themselves with a role that involves much more than just technical knowledge. We also discuss how the concepts of art and science are intertwined.
    Read the book! And feel free to subscribe at the link below:


    The Italian #mentalhealth reform, a Psychiatrist's perspective

    The Italian #mentalhealth reform, a Psychiatrist's perspective
    Dr Micol Ascoli and I meet again to discuss the principles and history behind "law 180" and the Italian mental health reform, as well as its content and how it works. We discuss how it's different from UK legislation and what other systems could learn from it. Vincenzo has already introduced this topic in episode 10, so that episode is a good introduction to this one. On this occasion, Micol offers an important perspective on this, as a Psychiatrist who has knowledge of both the British and Italian mental health systems.

    Episode 41 - The functions of bureaucracy in British #mentalhealth institutions

    Episode 41 - The functions of bureaucracy in British #mentalhealth institutions
    British and Italian Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist Micol Ascoli joins Vincenzo to talk about her experience of working in Uk mental health services, and about how we both experienced moving from a Basaglian background and system in Italy to the UK context. This conversation happens in the context of a range of mental health care scandals which have been recently in the news in the Uk. Bureaucracy is an interesting lens through which the crisis, and the system's response to it, can be understood.

    Episode 40 - Franco Basaglia, Multi-Stakeholding and Political Economy

    Episode 40 - Franco Basaglia, Multi-Stakeholding and Political Economy
    Jerome joins Vincenzo to talk about his interest in ways of organising the economy that are based on cooperation. During his studies, Jerome became unsatisfied with traditional economic structures and interested in alternatives. Italian social co-operatives were a very interesting example to Jerome and this brought him to learn about Basaglia's interest in using them to build alternative system to the asylum in the community.

    Take a look at Jerome's website:


    For further information, see the page below:


    Training in psychiatry; is there room for change? With Robert Freudenthal

    Training in psychiatry; is there room for change? With Robert Freudenthal
    #mentalhealth #psychiatry #NHS #UK

    On this episode I speak to Robert, who is on his last year of training as a Psychiatrist. It's the first time that someone with a Psychiatry background comes on the podcast, so don't miss it! We discuss a number of topics including science, the gap between theory and practice, Open Dialogue and Insulin Coma Therapy.

    Episode 37 - Is there a way to offer free therapy to those who need it? A conversation with Ben Tuttle

    Episode 37 - Is there a way to offer free therapy to those who need it? A conversation with Ben Tuttle
    Ben Tuttle is the CEO of hopeguardians.com , a new organisation that offers free therapy in the UK and South Africa. In this conversation we explore the opportunities and challenges of this ambitious project.
    You can find more information, and also the promotional video we talk about during the episode (highly recommended!), at the link below:


    If you have any question or suggestion, don't hesitate to get in touch!

    Episode 36 - The history of Asylum Magazine, twitter debates and more!

    Episode 36 - The history of Asylum Magazine, twitter debates and more!
    Professor Helen Spandler and Dr Sonia Soans join me to talk about the history of Asylum magazine, our thoughts on the twitter mental health debate, activism in the UK and India, Democratic Psychiatry and more...

    Please subscribe to the magazine, it promotes an important platform for a constructive dialogue between different ideas that finds little space elsewhere:
