
    Episode 14-Celebrating Raksha Bandhan- By Dr. Afshan Hashmi

    en-usAugust 19, 2014

    About this Episode

    Raksha Bandhan 2014 was on Sunday Aug 10, 2014 and every year I love to celebrate this festival. It is a Hindu festival from lndia but it is celebrated by many other religions in India as well as well by Indians living abroad. When sisters tie rakhi they get a promise from their brothers that they will always protect them and love them. Here I made a video on Raksha Bandhan and loaded it on You Tube Enjoy friends!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obSx06rCOrE These days Rakhi comes in variety of designs. There are expensive rakhis found in gold and diamonds as well as simple rakhis in threads. It depends what sisters like to tie on their brothers. Every year I tie rakhi to my real brothers as well as some brothers I have made through this beautiful festival. I celebrate through throwing party and this year’s cuisine was ‘Muglai Cuisine’ as I am fascinated by Mughal Dynasty and it is one of my favorite subjects which I have studied with great passion and Love!!!! Happy Raksha Bandhan to all the readers of my post!!! One of the songs of Raksha Bandhan I like a lot is from the Bollywood movie Hare Rama Hare Krishna and it depicts the flavor of this festival in a very beautiful way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJpqkNX_V-4

    Recent Episodes from Dr. Afshan Hashmi's Podcast

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    Episode 33-My philanthropy efforts that  catalyzed a revolution in India: video only with audio and no background music
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