
    Episode 157: Manifestation Energy - Are you customer or product centric?

    enMarch 31, 2021

    About this Episode

    If you have a business you want to put the ones you serve first, this attitude serves you well in business and in your private life. 

    Recent Episodes from TELL The Everyday Life Lesson

    Season 3 Eps 1 - Interview with Author, Speaker, Coach Elian Haan

    Season 3 Eps 1 - Interview with Author, Speaker, Coach Elian Haan

    Elian Haan is an author, TV show host of “Elian’s Joy” and international motivational speaker and presenter. Born in the Netherlands, she moved in her thirties to the USA, trained in dance, theater, and fitness. She has spent most of her professional life in the fitness and wellness industry and is a certified life coach with a yoga studio and private practice in Texas.

    We'll talk about life coaching and empowering people. 

    Elian's new book is available on Amazon.com

    60 Miles Away From Neiman's

    Her website www.elianhaan.com



    Eps 225: You Want Personal Growth, Then Call BS On Big Breakthroughs First!

    Eps 225: You Want Personal Growth, Then Call BS On Big Breakthroughs First!

    Manifestation, Mental Energy 

    You want personal growth, Then call BS on big breakthroughs first!

    People expect that things will change quickly, dramatically and in a big amazing way. They however seldomly do.

    The idea of 'big breakthroughs' is wonderful, however, long-lasting personal growth requires small steps being taken every day that lead to measurable results.

    This misconception of how things really change often prevent people from really trying hard to become better. Gurus take advantage of the fact that people wanting to get results quickly and easily, by offering them courses, books, programs that promise them big breakthroughs.

    In this episode of TELL: Big Breakthrough BS


    TELL The Everyday Life Lesson
    enSeptember 16, 2022

    Eps 224: What does it cost us when we avoid doing what needs to be done?

    Eps 224: What does it cost us when we avoid doing what needs to be done?

    Eps 224 - Manifestation and Mental Energy

    What does it cost us when we avoid doing what needs to be done?

    It is not that we are unaware of what needs to be done; we are quite conscious of what really needs to be done, then how come that we often don't do it anyhow?

    If it comes to doing things that are uncomfortable, difficult or challenging then it is actually quite natural that we try to avoid doing these. The point is how far are we willing to go to avoid doing what needs to be done?Often these are things that are confrontational, eg. confronting our lack of stamina when we need to exercises, confronting our partner when we want to express our true feelings or even confronting ourselves to deal with things from the past.

    In this Episode of TELL: What does it cost us when we avoid doing what needs to be done?


    TELL The Everyday Life Lesson
    enSeptember 16, 2022

    Eps. 223: Divine Energy - We all want to know it...Do I have a Purpose in life?

    Eps. 223: Divine Energy - We all want to know it...Do I have a Purpose in life?

    We all want to know it...Do I have a Purpose in life?

    We all want to find meaning in our lives and feel that we have a purpose. Humans are born with the need for a purpose, we long for it and we could say purpose is a fundamental component of having a happy and healthy life. Now we can say that is great, but how do we know that what we are doing is aligned with our purpose and if we have a purpose, why is it then so difficult to know what our purpose is?

    In this Episode of TELL: We all want to know it...Do I have a Purpose in life?


    Eps. 222: Manifestation Energy - Maybe SMART Goals Are Not All That SMART?

    Eps. 222: Manifestation Energy - Maybe SMART Goals Are Not All That SMART?

    Maybe SMART Goals Are Not All That SMART?

    Most people are very interested in setting goals and how to reach them. Just type 'goal setting 'in a search engine such as Amazon or Google, and thousands of books and articles will appear. As a life coach, I like to set goals. My clients and I work together to develop strategies and tactics that help them to achieve their goals in life. Makes you wonder, If setting goals is so good, how could it possibly be bad? As with all things in life … it is not all bad, but it is certainly not all good either and it might be worse than you think...  

    In this episode of TELL : Maybe SMART Goals Are Not All That SMART?





    Eps. 221: Creative Energy - Are We Losing The Art Of Riding The Waves Of Life?

    Eps. 221: Creative Energy - Are We Losing The Art Of Riding The Waves Of Life?

    Are We Losing The Art Of Riding The Waves Of Life?

    For this week's episode I was inspired by something what one of my business coaches said. He said: "People always try to flatten out the waves of life" … I immediately thought that is so true … it fits what I always try to say too: you can't dictate how the waves go, but you can learn how to ride them. In other words you cannot always dictate the circumstances but you can choose how to react to them. Why is it that people, in vain, try to 'flatten the waves of life' instead of riding them?

    In this episode of TELL: Are we Losing The Art Of Riding The Waves Of Life?


    Eps. 220: Mental & Divine Energy - Is there a formula how to live life to the fullest?

    Eps. 220: Mental & Divine Energy - Is there a formula how to live life to the fullest?

    Is there a formula how to live life to the fullest?

    Life can be difficult enough, but we may manage it better if we, beside activities that challenge us, also include activities that make us feel comfortable and relaxed. Although happiness is not everything, an overall feeling of happiness is OK; in the long run, it will make us healthier.

    "To enjoy life is the best way to honor it." - unknown

    While happiness seems to be a very personal feeling and different for each individual, there might also be a general formula that can be applied by all of us to live life more to the fullest.

    In this episode of TELL: Is there a formula how to live life to the fullest?



    Eps. 219: Mental Energy - Calling Bull***t on Your Beliefs

    Eps. 219: Mental Energy - Calling Bull***t on Your Beliefs

    Calling Bull***t on Your Beliefs

    We never directly experience reality, therefore our thoughts, feelings, actions, and reactions are always in response to the world as we see it

    Anais Nin said it perfectly "We do not see things as they are; we see them as we are". With this she described exactly the role our beliefs play in shaping how we perceive the world. You might wonder why is this importante to me? Well, we limit our personal growth and create unneeded suffering for ourselves when we are convinced that our perspective is the only possible one.

    In this episode of TELL: Calling Bull***t on Your Beliefs.


    Eps 218: Creative Energy - The Hidden Pain Of The Lack of Imagination!

    Eps 218: Creative Energy - The Hidden Pain Of The Lack of Imagination!

    The Hidden Pain Of The Lack of Imagination!

    Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.” Through imagination, people can explore ideas of things that are not physically present...

    But it goes further than that, more people than not are suffering from the lack of imagination. Many people feel that they have no or very limited creative ability, but very seldom do they know that the lack of creativity creates suffering in their life and the life of the people around them.

    In Episode 218 of TELL:  The Hidden Pain Of The Lack Of Imagination!



    Eps. 217: Special Interview With Dr. Meena McCullough.

    Eps. 217: Special Interview With Dr. Meena McCullough.

    Meena McCullough is a Doctor of Physical therapy, practicing for over 10 years, Guest lecturer and Lab instructor at the University of North Texas Health Science Center, Orthopedic Outpatient PT, Founder of 'Body Spring' , Ballroom Dancer- and Lifelong Investigator of human movement, performance and pain.

