
    About this Episode

    Have you ever started something and never finished it? That item sitting on your desk or to-do list. We’ve all been there before - but if this is a pattern, then this podcast is for you. Today's episode is all about performance, following through, and executing. It might seem challenging, but seeing things through to completion - in life and in our careers - is essential for success. Sharks always follow through. Today we're joined by Jeff Todd, who manages marketing and communications for the WCPD Foundation, motivating the largest donors in Canada to give back philanthropically. He has worked as a journalist, writer, and storyteller, and is always looking for ways to execute his ideas and passions in a way that connects others - whether in the board room, swimming with pigs in paradise, or bringing guests to tag sharks for the first time. 

    Recent Episodes from Shark Brain

    Shark Week 2021: Paul de Gelder

    Shark Week 2021: Paul de Gelder

    Welcome back (or welcome to) Shark Brain—our podcast designed to help you live your life at the top of the food chain. Today we’re joined by Paul de Gelder, an incredible conservationist, adventurer, shark advocate, and life-long learner. De Gelder has made sharks his career, overcoming fears and obstacles to develop a love and passion for protecting these animals. You’ve seen him on Shark Week for years—tune in to hear his story and get inspired today. 

    Shark Brain
    enJuly 16, 2021

    Shark Week 2021: Kinga Philipps

    Shark Week 2021: Kinga Philipps

    Kinga Philipps—journalist, explorer, shark enthusiast and shark advocate—joined our team in the Turks and Caicos to truly go beneath the waves for shark science in the name of discovery. Helping us with some scientific firsts for our team in the region, Philipps is no stranger to taking risks and new adventures when it comes to conservation. On today’s episode, we learn about her passions, inspirations, and what motivates her to continue seeking new depths. 

    Shark Brain
    enJuly 15, 2021

    Shark Week 2021: Forrest Galante

    Shark Week 2021: Forrest Galante

    It’s Shark Week. One of the biggest weeks of the year, we’re thrilled to get back into the Shark Brain mindset and bring some exciting new shark conversations your way. Today’s guest is Forrest Galante, wildlife biologist, conservationist, and outdoor adventurer. Host of Animal Planet’s “Extinct or Alive,” Galante has traveled around the world to come face-to-face with animals on the brink of extinction—and unfortunately, sharks make the top of that list. Dive in to hear how his many encounters with sharks have inspired him to bring science and conservation to the global audience.

    Shark Brain
    enJuly 14, 2021

    Bonus: Mentorship Part 2 with Dr. Austin Gallagher

    Bonus: Mentorship Part 2 with Dr. Austin Gallagher

    This second part of our Mentorship series from Dr. Austin Gallagher is all about how to influence others—and win. This idea might sound strange, but ultimately, this concept is all about likability and relationship-building—and the importance of using these professional skills in daily life. From adding a smile or using someone's first name in conversation to going above and beyond to deliver for your team, this talk is full of advice for the boardroom and the lab. 

    Bonus: Mentorship with Dr. Austin Gallagher

    Bonus: Mentorship with Dr. Austin Gallagher

    Earlier this year, we started The Crew: an online social network and mentorship program for ocean lovers, aspiring scientists, and those already in the field. Each week, our team connects with this group to talk both big-picture ocean conservation issues, and more personally, advice and guidance on how to get involved and make an impact. This bonus episode is Part 1 of 2 mentorship sessions from Dr. Gallagher this fall — all about finding your path, in your career and in life.

    Episode 20: Daniel Hettwer

    Episode 20: Daniel Hettwer

    Innovation is everything. Sharks are the ultimate innovators, proven through their millions of years of evolutionary success, adapting, surviving, and thriving through the decades. There are always opportunities to innovate —no matter the industry—and when innovation is successful, the opportunities can be endless. Today we're joined by Daniel Hettwer, CEO of Hidden Worlds Entertainment, a new company integrating nature with entertainment and experience. Tune into this talk about innovation, exploration, and the importance of evolving: in business and in life. 

    Episode 19: Andi Cross

    Episode 19: Andi Cross

    Today, we’re talking about the concept of knowing your brand. Sharks are the ultimate brand — immediately associated with power, grace, performance, strength, not unlike a few of the most well-known brands out there. In this episode, Andi Cross — digital strategist, marketing expert, transformative growth guru — joins us to talk about the power of branding, from the venture capital world all the way to ocean conservation. 

    Episode 17: Candice Allgood

    Episode 17: Candice Allgood

    Today, we're talking about going all in and taking a bite out of life - just like a shark - with Candice Allgood, a producer for Discovery Channel's Shark Week. Whether it's working with talent, developing pitches, or helping to decipher scientific discoveries around the world and sharing them with a global audience - Candice's journey has been anything but linear. Pursuing her passions for wildlife, sharks, hard work and adventure, Candice's experience and advice are helpful for all of us looking to achieve our goals.

    Episode 16: Jeff Todd

    Episode 16: Jeff Todd

    Have you ever started something and never finished it? That item sitting on your desk or to-do list. We’ve all been there before - but if this is a pattern, then this podcast is for you. Today's episode is all about performance, following through, and executing. It might seem challenging, but seeing things through to completion - in life and in our careers - is essential for success. Sharks always follow through. Today we're joined by Jeff Todd, who manages marketing and communications for the WCPD Foundation, motivating the largest donors in Canada to give back philanthropically. He has worked as a journalist, writer, and storyteller, and is always looking for ways to execute his ideas and passions in a way that connects others - whether in the board room, swimming with pigs in paradise, or bringing guests to tag sharks for the first time.